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List of Computer Abbreviations for SSC CGL: A Comprehensive List [2024]

Computer abbreviations are a must-know for anyone taking a competitive exam. From banking exams to government exams, computer knowledge is becoming increasingly important. One of the best ways to prepare for these exams is to learn all the important computer abbreviations.

This comprehensive list of computer abbreviations will help you do just that. It covers all the most important computer terms, from basic concepts like CPU and RAM to more advanced topics like AI and ML. Each abbreviation is accompanied by a clear and concise explanation, so you can quickly and easily learn what it means and how it’s used.

Whether you’re taking a banking exam, a government exam, or any other competitive exam, this list of computer abbreviations is an essential resource. It will help you stay ahead of the curve and ace your exam.

List of Important Computer Abbreviations for SSC Exams

AbbreviationFull FormDescription
3DThree-DimensionalA representation of a physical object in three dimensions.
AAAAuthentication, Authorization, and AccountingA security framework that provides authentication, authorization, and accounting services for network users.
AARPAppleTalk Address Resolution ProtocolA protocol that is used to resolve AppleTalk addresses to Ethernet addresses.
ABACAttribute-Based Access ControlAn access control model that uses attributes to determine whether a user is authorized to access a resource.
ABIApplication Binary InterfaceA specification that defines how a software application interacts with the operating system and other software applications.
ACLAccess Control ListA list of rules that define who is allowed to access a resource and what they are allowed to do with it.
ACPIAdvanced Configuration and Power InterfaceA standard that defines how operating systems and hardware devices interact with each other to manage power consumption.
ADActive DirectoryA directory service that is used to manage users, computers, and other resources on a Windows network.
ADCAnalog-to-Digital ConverterA device that converts analog signals into digital signals.
ADSLAsymmetric Digital Subscriber LineA broadband technology that uses telephone lines to provide high-speed Internet access.
AESAdvanced Encryption StandardA symmetric encryption algorithm that is used to protect data from unauthorized access.
AGPAccelerated Graphics PortA bus interface that is used to connect graphics cards to motherboards.
AIArtificial IntelligenceA field of computer science that deals with the creation of intelligent agents, which are systems that can reason, learn, and act autonomously.
AJAXAsynchronous JavaScript and XMLA web development technique that uses asynchronous JavaScript and XML to create dynamic and interactive web pages.
ALUArithmetic Logic UnitThe part of the CPU that performs arithmetic and logical operations.
APIApplication Program InterfaceA set of rules that define how two software applications can communicate with each other.
APUAccelerated Processing UnitA hybrid processor that combines a CPU and a GPU on a single chip.
ARPAddress Resolution ProtocolA protocol that is used to resolve IP addresses to MAC addresses.
ARPANETAdvanced Research Projects Agency NetworkThe predecessor to the Internet.
ASICApplication-Specific Integrated CircuitA chip that is designed to perform a specific task.
ATMAsynchronous Transfer ModeA switching technique used in telecommunications networks.
ATXAdvanced Technology ExtendedA form factor for motherboards that was developed by Intel.
AUAudio UnitA type of audio plugin that is used in digital audio workstations.
AutoHotkeyA free, open-source scripting language that can be used to automate tasks on Windows computers.
AutomatorA macOS automation tool that allows users to create scripts to automate tasks.
BIOSBasic Input/Output SystemA program that provides a low-level interface between the hardware and the operating system.
BMPBitmap Image FileA file format that is used to store images.
BNCBayonet Neill-ConcelmanA type of connector that is used to connect coaxial cables.
BootloaderA program that is responsible for loading the operating system into memory.
BPOBusiness Process OutsourcingThe practice of contracting out business processes to a third-party provider.
BpsBits per SecondA unit of data transfer rate.
BRIBasic Rate InterfaceA type of ISDN service that provides two bearer channels and one signaling channel.
BSSBase Station SubsystemThe part of a cellular network that is responsible for communicating with mobile devices.
BTUBritish Thermal UnitA unit of heat energy.
CacheA high-speed memory that is used to store frequently accessed data.
CADComputer-Aided DesignA software application that is used to create and modify engineering and architectural drawings.
CAMComputer-Aided ManufacturingA software application that is used to generate instructions for computer-controlled manufacturing machines.
CAPEXCapital ExpenditureThe money that a company spends on long-term assets, such as property and equipment.
CASContent-Addressable MemoryA type of memory that allows data to be retrieved by its content, rather than its address.
CASEComputer-Aided Software EngineeringA software development methodology that uses software tools to automate tasks and improve the quality of the development process.
CATComputerized Axial TomographyA medical imaging technique that uses X-rays to create cross-sectional images of the body.
CBFMCode-Based Fault ModelingA technique for testing software by generating test cases based on the code.
CCCyclic CodeA type of error-correcting code that is used to detect and correct errors in data transmission.
CCDCharge-Coupled DeviceA type of image sensor that is used in digital cameras and other electronic devices.
CCleanerA free, open-source system utility that can be used to clean and optimize Windows computers.
CDNContent Delivery NetworkA network of servers that are distributed around the world to deliver content to users with high performance and availability.
CD-ROMCompact Disc-Read Only MemoryA storage medium that can be used to store and distribute data, such as software applications, music, and video.
CGICommon Gateway InterfaceA standard for interfacing web servers with external applications.
GHzGigahertzA unit of frequency equal to one billion hertz.
GPUGraphics Processing UnitA specialized processor that is designed to accelerate graphics processing.
GUIGraphical User InterfaceA user interface that uses graphical elements such as icons, windows, and menus.
HCIHuman-Computer InteractionA field of computer science that deals with the design and implementation of interactive computer systems.
HDMIHigh-Definition Multimedia InterfaceA standard for connecting digital audio and video devices.
HDDHard Disk DriveA storage device that uses magnetic storage media to store data.
HTMLHyperText Markup LanguageA markup language that is used to create web pages.
HTTPHyperText Transfer ProtocolA protocol that is used to transfer web pages between a server and a client.
HTTPSHyperText Transfer Protocol SecureA secure version of the HTTP protocol that uses SSL/TLS to encrypt data.
IDEIntegrated Drive ElectronicsA standard for connecting storage devices to computers.
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersA professional organization that develops standards for the electronics industry.
IISInternet Information ServicesA web server that is developed by Microsoft.
IMAPInternet Message Access ProtocolA protocol that is used to access email messages on a remote server.
IPInternet ProtocolA protocol that is used to identify and locate devices on the Internet.
ISPInternet Service ProviderA company that provides Internet access to individuals and businesses.
ITInformation TechnologyThe use of computers and other digital technologies to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data.
JVMJava Virtual MachineA software application that is responsible for executing Java bytecode.
KbpsKilobits per SecondA unit of data transfer rate equal to one thousand bits per second.
KVMKernel-based Virtual MachineA virtualization technology that allows multiple virtual machines to run on a single physical machine.
LANLocal Area NetworkA network that connects computers and other devices in a limited geographical area.
LEDLight-Emitting DiodeA type of display device that is used in televisions, computer monitors, and other electronic devices.
LinuxA free and open-source operating system that is based on the Unix kernel.
MACMedia Access ControlA protocol layer that is responsible for controlling access to a network medium.
MbpsMegabits per SecondA unit of data transfer rate equal to one million bits per second.
MBpsMegabytes per SecondA unit of data transfer rate equal to one million bytes per second.
MBRMaster Boot RecordA sector on a hard drive that contains information about the disk’s partitions and the bootloader.
MCPMeasurement Control PlanA document that describes the methods that will be used to measure the quality of a product or service.
MHzMegahertzA unit of frequency equal to one million hertz
MIDIMusical Instrument Digital InterfaceA standard for interfacing electronic musical instruments with computers.
MIMOMultiple-Input Multiple-OutputA wireless technology that uses multiple antennas to improve data transfer rates and reliability.
MIRMegatransfer RateA unit of data transfer rate equal to one million megabits per second.
MIPSMillions of Instructions per SecondA unit of performance for computer processors.
ModemModulator-DemodulatorA device that converts digital signals into analog signals and analog signals into digital signals.
MOSFETMetal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect TransistorA type of transistor that is used in many electronic devices, including computers.
MotherboardThe main circuit board in a computer. It contains the CPU, memory, and other important components.
MPEGMoving Picture Experts GroupA family of standards for compressing and transmitting video and audio data.
MS OfficeMicrosoft OfficeA suite of productivity software applications that includes Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.
MS-DOSMicrosoft Disk Operating SystemAn early operating system that was developed by Microsoft.
MTBFMean Time Between FailuresA measure of the reliability of a component or system.
MTUMaximum Transmission UnitThe largest amount of data that can be transmitted in a single packet.
MVCModel-View-ControllerA software design pattern that separates the user interface, the data model, and the application logic into three separate components.
MySQLAn open-source relational database management system.
NANDNot ANDA type of flash memory that is used in many electronic devices, including computers and smartphones.
NASNetwork Attached StorageA device that provides file storage over a network.
NATNetwork Address TranslationA technique that can be used to allow multiple devices on a local network to share a single public IP address.
NFCNear Field CommunicationA wireless technology that allows devices to communicate with each other over short distances.
NICNetwork Interface CardA device that allows a computer to connect to a network.
NIONon-blocking I/OA programming technique that allows applications to perform input and output operations without blocking.
NVRAMNon-Volatile RAMA type of memory that retains its data even when the power is turned off.
OCROptical Character RecognitionA technology that allows computers to recognize text in images.
OEMOriginal Equipment ManufacturerA company that manufactures products for other companies.
OLAPOnline Analytical ProcessingA technology that allows users to analyze large amounts of data quickly and easily.
OLEDOrganic Light-Emitting DiodeA type of display device that is used in televisions, computer monitors, and other electronic devices.
OSOperating SystemA software program that manages the computer’s hardware and resources.
OSIOpen Systems InterconnectionA model for networking that was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
OTPOne-Time PasswordA password that is only valid for a single use.
PAMPluggable Authentication ModuleA framework that allows authentication modules to be plugged into an application.
PCIPeripheral Component InterconnectA bus standard that is used to connect peripheral devices to computers.
PDFPortable Document FormatA file format that is used to create and share documents that retain their original formatting.
PKIPublic Key InfrastructureA system that uses cryptography to secure electronic communications and transactions.
PNGPortable Network GraphicsA file format that is used to store raster images.
PoEPower over EthernetA technology that allows power to be delivered to devices over Ethernet cables.
POSTPower-On Self-TestA series of tests that are performed by a computer when it is turned on.
PPMPay Per ImpressionA type of online advertising where advertisers pay each time their ad is displayed.
PPPPoint-to-Point ProtocolA protocol that is used to establish a point-to-point connection between two devices.
RAIDRedundant Array of Independent DisksA technology that combines multiple hard drives into a single logical unit to improve performance and reliability.
RAMRandom Access MemoryThe part of the computer’s memory that can be read and written to.
ROMRead-Only MemoryThe part of the computer’s memory that can only be read from.
SaaSSoftware as a ServiceA software delivery model in which software is hosted in the cloud and accessed by users over the Internet.
SAMLSecurity Assertion Markup LanguageAn XML-based standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between applications.
SATASerial ATAA standard for connecting storage devices to computers.
SCADASupervisory Control and Data AcquisitionA system for monitoring and controlling industrial processes.
SCSISmall Computer System InterfaceA standard for connecting peripheral devices to computers.
SD CardSecure Digital CardA removable storage card that is used in digital cameras, smartphones, and other electronic devices.
SDRAMSynchronous Dynamic Random Access MemoryA type of DRAM that is synchronized with the system clock.
SEOSearch Engine OptimizationThe process of optimizing a website to improve its ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).
ServerA computer that provides services to other computers on a network.
SLAService Level AgreementA contract between a customer and a service provider that specifies the level of service that will be provided.
SMTPSimple Mail Transfer ProtocolA protocol that is used to send email messages.
SNMPSimple Network Management ProtocolA protocol that is used to monitor and manage network devices.
SSHSecure ShellA protocol that provides secure remote access to a computer.
SSDSolid State DriveA storage device that uses flash memory to store data.
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet ProtocolA suite of protocols that are used to communicate over the Internet.
TLSTransport Layer SecurityA protocol that provides secure communication over a network.
TPMTrusted Platform ModuleA hardware security module that can be used to protect data and systems from unauthorized access.
UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver/TransmitterA chip that is used to transmit and receive serial data.
UDPUser Datagram ProtocolA protocol that is used to send datagrams over a network.
USBUniversal Serial BusA port that is used to connect devices such as printers, scanners, and external hard drives to computers.
UXUser ExperienceThe overall experience that a user has when interacting with a product or service.
VPNVirtual Private NetworkA network that creates a secure connection between two devices over a public network.
VLANVirtual Local Area NetworkA network that segments a LAN into multiple logical networks.
VoIPVoice over IPA technology that allows voice calls to be made over the Internet.
VRAMVideo RAMA type of RAM that is used to store graphics data.
WANWide Area NetworkA network that connects computers and other devices over a large geographical area.
Web ServerA computer that hosts websites.
XMLExtensible Markup LanguageA markup language that is used to store and exchange data.
YAMLYAML Ain’t Markup LanguageA human-readable data serialization language.
ZFSZettabyte File SystemA file system that was originally developed by Sun Microsystems and is now open-source.
Manish Aggarwal
Manish Aggarwal
Content Writer/Content Creator, Educator, BCA Graduate | Music | Reading


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