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Success Story of IAS Kanishak Kataria- AIR-1 UPSC CSE 2018

IAS Kanishak Kataria – AIR-1 UPSC CSE 2018

Stay optimistic throughout your journey and believe in yourself. My pillars of success are ‘optimism, hard work, and self-confidence’.

His Journey

  • Most of my schooling was done in Kota, Rajasthan, a city well known for its IIT and NEET (then PMT) coaching’s. Being good in Mathematics and having an aptitude for Science, I naturally got attracted to engineering (and IITs) for graduation.
  • I appeared for the IIT-JEE examination in 2010 and secured AIR 44. I opted for IIT Bombay for its all-round career options and Computer Science as my branch because of my interest in the subject plus the opportunities which were present in the sector.
  • My father had recommended UPSC as a career option to me right since my childhood. After my graduation in 2014, he again asked me to appear in the UPSC examination. However, I always wanted to explore multiple options before making such a pivotal decision in my life. I had secured a job offer from Samsung Electronics, South Korea. It was an amazing opportunity for me to get exposure outside India and also explore the private sector – an offer which I accepted.
  • I moved back to India in 2016 and started working in a private firm in Bengaluru. Although UPSC was an option always lingering in the back of my mind, I never gave a serious thought into it during this period (September 2014 – April 2016).
  • It was only after I had spent 7-8 months in Bengaluru that I started contemplating more seriously about my career. Comparing my life outside India and then in India, I felt there is much work that needs to be done in India and as an individual, I can also contribute towards it.
  • Having seen my father work, I was aware that if I join administration, I could create a more meaningful impact. Civil Services provides one with an opportunity to work in a diverse set of fields and be more satisfied with the work that one does.
  • I discussed with a few officers with similar background about their experiences in administration and asked them if it would be a better career choice for me. I also got an opportunity to work in the US for a couple of months and later got a Masters admit from a US university (in April 2017). But my experiences abroad made it clear to me that I want to stay and work in India. Instead of preparing half-hearted heartedly, I preferred to first make it clear in my mind as to why I wanted to prepare for UPSC and after nearly 5-6 months of deliberation, I finally decided to prepare for UPSC.
  • I had heard about the uncertainty and difficulty of UPSC. Moreover being away from studies, especially humanities subjects, I was aware of the challenge I was throwing myself into. However, I had clarity as to why I want to appear in UPSC and this challenge didn’t feel that big. In fact, I was excited to learn more about subjects like History and Polity. Also, I decided to give only 2 attempts. If it was meant to be, I would clear the exam in 2 attempts and if not, I would move on from it.
  • In May 2017, I quit my job to fully focus on UPSC examination attempt. I moved to Jaipur and started researching what and how I needed to prepare. I read a few blogs of toppers to see what needs to be done and then fixed the target for appearing in Prelims 2018.
  • One of the 1st tasks I did was to finalise my optional as many toppers had focused a lot on its importance. I went with my strength, chose Mathematics as my optional and decided to make it my main-pillar (or X-Factor) in my preparation. After researching a little, I set a target of scoring above 350 in Mathematics. I knew if I score 350+ in optional, I would easily get into the IAS.
  • In the meantime, I got in touch with a couple of my batch-mates from IITB (Bombay), who were also starting their preparation for UPSC. At the start, I was apprehensive about moving to New Delhi for preparation (as I liked to study alone in the comfort of my home). But in the company of my friends, I decided to move to New Delhi and join coaching so that my preparation could be streamlined. Given I had only 2 attempts in mind, I tried to find ways to maximise my returns in the 1st attempt itself.
  • In June 2017, I shifted to New Delhi and joined Vajiram and Ravi for year long GS coaching for Prelims-cum-Mains and IMS for Mathematics coaching.
  • In the initial 4 months, my full focus was on finishing the optional syllabus and have a basic minimum coverage of GS along with daily current affairs from newspapers. By October 2017, I finished 90% of my optional and then shifted fully on GS preparation.
  • My GS preparation was always Mains oriented. I read the syllabus, saw previous years’ UPSC questions and prepared for each subject accordingly, using a minimal resource list comprising of NCERTs, a single standard book, and coaching notes. For 2.5 months, my full focus was on GS and current affairs.
  • In January and February 2018, I decided to revise my optional one last time before focusing fully on Prelims preparation, which I started in March 2018.
  • In April 2018, I shifted back to Jaipur after the classes got over and started self studies. During March-May 2018, I prepared solely for Prelims (to be held on 3 June, 2018).
  • After the prelims, I took a week’s rest and then started my main preparation. For 1 month until the result of prelims was out, I focused on revising my optional and refining my answer-writing skills. I knew whether I clear the prelims or not, this phase was very important for overall preparation and focused on maximising my efforts.
  • After the prelims result were out, I started revising my GS subjects and appeared in a test series (8 full-length tests). I focused more on revision instead of picking up new sources to read.
  • The Mains finished on 7 October, 2018 and I decided to take a month’s rest. I stayed in touch with the current affairs through daily newspaper reading. Post my GS papers, I wasn’t confident about my performance and result. But I knew the optional was my X-factor and I was a little upbeat after a good optional paper in Mains. So my overall feeling was quite positive about the Mains’ result.
  • After the results for Mains were out (on 20 December, 2018), I started my Personality Test preparation. I appeared in a few mocks and prepared my DAF thoroughly.
  • The Personality Test was scheduled for 6th March, 2019. After the PT, even though I tried to focus on Prelims 2019, I couldn’t do so because of anxiety and curiosity about the result. There were mixed feelings – I had a hunch that if everything works as per my plan, I would clear the examination but at the same time, I wasn’t sure about my GS marks. Having appeared in Mains for the 1st time, there wasn’t any surety of the marks given, the paper is subjective.
  • It was 5th April, 2019 when the final results came out and I was shocked and a little relieved to have cleared the examination in my 1st attempt and get into IAS. AIR (All India Ranking) 1 was just a cherry on top of the cake for me. To be honest, I still haven’t processed or realised the magnitude of that achievement yet. I am just happy to see the positive returns of my 1.5 years of hard work and having realised my dream in the very first attempt.
  • The final result showed me that if the desire is real, motivation strong, accompanied by consistent hard-work, then everything falls into place. The examination might be considered one of the toughest to crack, especially in the 1st attempt but impossible is nothing. And it’s just not me, there are multiple first attempters to have cleared this examination.
  • Hopefully, in years to come more and more people would be able to realise their dream of clearing this examination with the minimal number of attempts.
  • The last few months have been quite relaxing – I fulfilled the promise I made to myself at the start of my preparation and went on a month’s travel. After that, I have been just relaxing at home and awaiting the start of training at LBSNAA (Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration). To be honest I haven’t seen many pics of the academy or training process which many previous toppers have shared. I wanted to keep my LBSNAA experience completely new and that’s what excites me a lot about it!
  • In the future lies the start of something new and challenging. I hope to undergo a wonderful training process and then get on with the work. Hopefully, I will pass the test and meet the expectations of everyone – me, my parents, my family and the people of this country – as an administrator.

Mains Marks and Personality Test

Essay (Paper I):133
General Studies- I (Paper II):98
General Studies- II (Paper III)117
General Studies- III (Paper IV):117
General Studies- IV (Paper V):116
Optional – I (Mathematics) (Paper VI):170
Optional – II (Mathematics) (Paper VII):191
Written Total:942
Personality Test:179
Final Total:1121

Connect with IAS Kanishak Kataria:



AZADI KA AMRUT MAHOTSAV 2021-23 | 75 years of India’s Independence

Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav- 75 Years of Indian Independence

Azadi ka amrut mahotsav

To celebrate 75 years of Independence, Union government has launched a website– where students can upload their ‘individual rendering’ of the National Anthem. On July 25, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had urged citizens to sing the national anthem on August 15, to create a ‘rashtra gaan’ record. He had said that it’s an effort on part of the Union ministry of culture to get the “maximum number of Indians” to sing the national anthem together.

All the videos shared by students will be compiled into a single video and will be played live on Independence Day. Selected participants may also get a chance to feature in a new song by one of India’s leading lyricists and composers. The Top 100 videos will be selected for the song to be launched on TV, Radio, YouTube, and Social Media platforms.

The official YouTube page of MyGov India shared a video titled ‘Let Us Sing The National Anthem’, giving a step-by-step guide on to participate.

To commemorate the monumental occasion, all departments and Ministries will host a set of activities for a resurgent, Aatmanirbhar Bharat.
How do you envision the India of tomorrow, the India which will merge the best of tradition with the most modern, global outlook in the following themes:





Progress & Policy

This Mahotsav is dedicated to the people of India who have not only been instrumental in bringing India thus far in it’s an evolutionary journey but also hold within them the power and potential to enable Prime Minister Modi’s vision of activating India 2.0, fuelled by the spirit of Atmanirbhar Bharat.

Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav is an embodiment of all that is progressive about India’s socio-cultural, political, and economic identity. The official journey of “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav” commences on 12th March 2021 which starts a 75-week countdown to our 75th anniversary of Independence and will end post a year on 15th August 2023.

Hon’ble PM’s Note

About Us

Check Out Other Govt Schemes:

    NIDHI Scheme(National Initiative for Development and Harnessing Innovations)

    NIDHI Scheme: NIDHI is an initiative towards Aatmanirbhar Bharat to use technology to empower our businesses. NIDHI is not just a Database. It aspires to become a gateway to opportunities for the Hospitality Industry.

    Aim to provide a register of hospitality accommodation across the comprehensive country was essential for the future development 0f tourism of India. 

    Nidhi scheme

    The scheme was launched by the ministry of tourism 

     Program Initiated by the Science & Technology Department (DST) of the Indian government.

     This program is for cultivating knowledge-based innovations and ideas driven by technology into fruitful start-ups. NIDHI supports start-ups from the ideation stage to the marketing stage for cultivating knowledge-based innovations and ideas driven by technology into fruitful start-ups. NIDHI supports start-ups from the ideation stage to the marketing stage.

    • Registration with NIDHI will ensure electronic delivery of various services and benefits to the hospitality unit.
    • It will also serve as a platform for the Hospitality organisations to ideate, share best practices and connect with the Government for ease of doing business.
    Along with NIDHI, Govt. of India launched an application SAATHI (system for assessment, awareness, and training for the hospitality industry) it is a system for assessment, awareness, and training for the hospitality industry. It’s a certificate progrmme of the ministry of tourism with the quality council of India. 

    It aims to assist the hospitality industry to continue to operate safely and thereby instill confidence among the staff, employees, and guests about the safety of the hotel\unit.

    The certification will have three components 

    • Self certification 
    • Capacity building 
    • Third party assessment 

    Key points of schemes 

    1. As part of the Startup India initiative launched by the Prime Minister, DST proposes to provide momentum and scale to radically change the startup ecosystem in India. It has pledged 500 crores to carry out these fresh projects in the coming years.
    2. NIDHI is focused on creating a smooth and innovation-led entrepreneurial ecosystem specifically by directing the youth towards it and consequently ushering in its positive effect on the country’s development in the social and economic spheres.
    3. Apart from providing technological solutions to society’s needs, the program also wants to generate new possibilities for job and wealth creation.
    4. The main stakeholders of this initiative include the different ministries departments of the central government, governments of the states, R&D and academic institutions, mentors, angel investors, financial institutions, industry experts and veterans, venture capitalists and the private sector.
    5. NIDHI greatly responds to the new nationwide ambitions by immensely expanding DST’s 3 decades of experience in endorsing pioneering startups.
    6. NIDHI has 8 components that support each stage of a nascent startup from its idea stage to the market stage.
    7. The first component PRAYAS was inaugurated on September 2nd 2016 and its goal is to back innovators to create prototypes of their start-up ideas. It does this by giving a grant of up to Rs.10 lakhs and an admission to Fabrication Laboratory (Fab Lab). PRAYAS stands for Promoting and Accelerating Young and Aspiring Innovators & Startups.
    8. The Seed Support System is the closing component of the program. It offers up to Rs.1,00,00,000 for each start-up and is carried out via the Technology Business Incubators.
    9. This financial year, the government has announced an increase of a whopping 450% in its allocation of Rs.180 crores in the DST budget. This was done with the objective of driving innovation and the new start-up centric initiative into a wider scale and outreach all over the country.

    Components of NIDHI

    There are eight components of the National Initiative for Development and Harnessing Innovations (NIDHI). These include:

    1. NIDHI GCC – Grand Challenges and Competitions for scouting innovations
    2. NIDHI – PRomoting and accelerating Young and Aspiring Innovators and Startups (NIDHI-PRAYAS) – Support from Idea to Prototype
    3. NIDHI-Entrepreneur In Residence (NIDHI-EIR)-Support system to reduce risk
    4. Startup-NIDHI
    5. NIDHI-Technology Business Incubator(TBI)-Converting Innovations to start-ups
    6. NIDHI-Accelerator-Fast tracking a start-up through focused intervention
    7. NIDHI-Seed Support System (NIDHI-SSS)-Providing early-stage investment
    8. NIDHI Centres of Excellence (NIDHI-CoE)-A World-class facility to help startups go global

    Check Out Other Important Govt Schemes:

      FAQ’s for NIDHI Scheme

      Q.1 What is NIDHI? 

      NIDHI is an acronym of National Integrated Database of Hospitality Industry.

      It is a digital platform which is accessible from where all accommodation units can register themselves to become part of the hospitality industry. Registration with NIDHI will ensure electronic delivery of various services and benefits to the hospitality units.

      Q.2 Are NIDHI and HOTELCLOUD same? 

       Yes, both are same. Hotelcloud ( has been rechristened as NIDHI ( Even, if you browse , you will be redirected to

       Q.3 What is the Process of Registration on NIDHI?

      You can register any accommodation unit on by clicking on REGISTER Now link and supplying the required information online and finally submit. Subsequently, it will be verified by Nodal Officer of the respective state. After verification, process of registration is complete and the accommodation unit is verified one. 

      Q.4 Does registration on NIDHI require some documents to be uploaded?

      No, It does not require any document to be uploaded or submitted. 

      Q.5 What are pre-requisites of SAATHI self-certification for Accommodation Units?

      Accommodation units have to be registered on NIDHI and verified by respective nodal officer before taking self-certification on SAATHI platform ( .

      Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University VBSPU Teaching Post Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor Registration Form 2021

      Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University (VBSPU Jaunpur) has released its new advertisement for teaching recruitment to various posts. As per the official notification, candidates are required to apply online from 26 September 2021 to 18 October 2021.

      Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University VBSPU Teaching Post Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor Registration Form 2021

      VBSPU Teaching Post Professor, Associate Professor & Assistant Professor Registration Form 2021: IMPORTANT DATES

      Candidates are to adhere to follow the official dates of VBSPU Teaching Post Professor, Associate Professor & Assistant Professor Registration Form 2021

      Registration starts on26 September 2021
      Last date to apply18 October 2021
      Pay exam fee18 October 2021
      Hard Copy of Receipt form27 October 2021

      VBSPU Teaching Post Professor, Associate Professor & Assistant Professor Registration Form 2021: ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA


      Post NameTotal PostEligibility
      Professor13Ph.D. Degree in Relevant Subject.
      Associate Professor19Master Degree with 55% MarksPHd Degree8 Year Experience.
      Assistant Professor08BE / B.Tech / M.Tech / ME / MBA Degree / Master Degree with 55% Marks and NET / SLET Exam Passed.


      • General / OBC : 1000/-
      • SC / ST : 500/-

      VBSPU Teaching Post Professor, Associate Professor & Assistant Professor Registration Form 2021: VACANCY DETAILS

      Department / Institute NameProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant Professor
      M.B.A.0SC: 01UR : 01, OBC : 01
      M.H.R.D.SC: 01EWS: 01, SC: 01UR: 01
      Computer Science EngineeringSC: 01OBC: 01UR: 01
      Electrical EngineeringUR: 01OBC: 010
      EC0UR: 010
      Mechanical EngineeringUR: 01UR: 010
      MCAUR: 01UR: 010
      Humanities0EWS: 010
      M.B.EUR: 01OBC: 01UR: 01
      M.F.C.SC: 01OBC: 010
      M.C.J.EWS: 01OBC: 010
      M.A.P.UR: 01UR: 01UR: 01
      Bio-TechnologyOBC: 010UR: 01
      ChemistryOBC: 01UR: 010
      MathematicsUR: 01EWS : 01, OBC : 01OBC: 01
      Earth & Planetary ScienceSC: 01UR: 01, SC: 010
      Renewable Energy00EWS: 01

      How to apply online for VBSPU Teaching Post Professor, Associate Professor & Assistant Professor Registration Form 2021

      • Visit Official Website:
      • Candidate Can Apply Between 26 September 2021 to 18 October 2021.
      • Kindly Collect All documents – Eligibility, ID Proof, Address Details, Basic Details.
      • Kindly Ready Scan Document Related to Recruitment Form – Photo, Sign, ID Proof, Etc.
      • Check Your full Details Preview Before Submit Application Form.
      • Candidates are required to pay the fees if asked.
      • Take a Printout of the online application form.

      Some Useful Links:

      Apply OnlineClick Here
      Download NotificationClick Here
      Download Post-Wise EligibilityClick Here
      Download InstructionClick Here
      Official WebsiteClick Here

      Other Useful Articles:

        Allahabad University Non-Teaching Group C Various Post Online Registration Form 2021

        Allahabad University Recruitment 2021: Central University Prayagraj (Allahabad University) has released its new advertisement number for recruitment to various posts of Group C. As per the official notification, Candidates who are interested can apply online from 24 September 2021 to 23 October 2021.

        Allahabad University Non-Teaching Group C Various Post Online Registration Form 2021

        Allahabad University Non-Teaching Group C Various Post Online Registration Form 2021: IMPORTANT DATES

        Candidates are to adhere to follow the official dates of Allahabad University Non-Teaching Group C Various Post Online Registration Form 2021.

        Registration starts on24 September 2021
        Last date to apply23 October 2021
        Last date to pay fees24 October 2021

        Allahabad University Non-Teaching Group C Various Post Online Registration Form 2021: ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA


        Post NameTotal PostAge Limit (Maximum)Eligibility
        Animal Attendant0535 Years10+2 Intermediate with Science and Two Years Experience
        Assistant Draftsman0335 YearsDiploma in Drafting / Architecture with 55% from Recognized Institution.
        Boatman / Groundsman / Waterman0930 YearsAppointment to this Level will be Either High School Passed or Equivalent in the relevant subject
        Data Entry Operator DEO2330 YearsBachelor Degree with PGDCA OR B.Sc in Computer / CS / Engineering / IT OR BBA in IT OR BCA with MS Office Knowledge and also O Level Certificate from DOEACC after GraduationComputer Typing in English @ 40 wp knowledge of English & Hindi SoftwareKnowledge of Hindi & English (Read Write Speak)
        Draftsman0235 YearsDiploma in Architecture OR ITI Diploma in Draftsman Civil with 55% Marks3 Years Experience also Required
        Driver0235 YearsClass 10 High School Passed and Valid Driving License for Light / Medium / Heavy Motor Vehicle3 Years Experience also Required
        Hindi Typing0130 Years10+2 Intermediate Passed from Any Recognized BoardComputer Typing in English @ 35 wpm and Hindi @ 30 wpm
        Junior Office Assistant4930 YearsBachelor Degree in Any Stream with 50% MarksComputer Typing in English @ 30 wpm OR Hindi @ 25 wpm
        Laboratory Assistant3030 YearsBachelor Degree in Physics / Chemistry / Zoology / Botany / Psychology / Computer Science / Computer Application / Defense Studies / Statistics / Home ScienceComputer Typing in English @ 30 wpm
        Laboratory Attendant4730 Years10+2 Intermediate Passed with Science and 2 Years Experience
        Library Attendant6430 Years10+2 Intermediate Passed and Diploma / Certificate in Library Science
        Multi Tasking Staff MTS9030 YearsClass 10 High School Passed from Any Recognized Board OR ITI Passed
        Pharmacist0335 YearsBachelor Degree in Pharmacy OR Intermediate Passed and 2 Year Diploma in PharmacyRegistered in State Pharmacy Council
        Semi-Professional Assistant0735 YearsB.Lib.Sc. / B.L.I.Sc. with 50% Marks
        Sick Attendant0230 YearsClass 10 High School Passed and 2 Years Experience in Dresser / Ward Boy / Ward Girl
        Stenographer1330 YearsBachelor Degree in Any StreamEnglish Typewriting @ 40 wpm & English Stenography @ 40 wpm Recognized by State Board of Technical Education2 Years Experience
        Technical Assistant0835 YearsBachelor Degree in Electrical / Electronic Engineering / MSc (Networking) B.Sc with First Division in Related Subject3 Years Experience
        Wireman0230 YearsITI Certificate in Electrical / Wireman / Electrical Inspector
        X-Ray Technician0135 YearsDiploma in X-Ray Technology with 50% Marks


        • General / OBC / EWS : 1050/-
        • SC / ST : 450/-
        • All Category Female & PH : 50/-

        Allahabad University Non-Teaching Group C Various Post Online Registration Form 2021: VACANCY DETAILS

        Post NameGeneralOBCEWSSCSTTotal
        Animal Attendant040100005
        Assistant Draftsman03000003
        Data Entry Operator (DEO)110602030123
        Hindi Typist01000001
        Junior Office Assistant211304070449
        Laboratory Assistant120803050230
        Laboratory Attendant201304070347
        Library Attendant281706090464
        Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS)362409140790
        Semi-Professional Assistant0501001007
        Sick Attendant02000002
        Technical Assistant0502001008
        X-Ray Technician01000001

        How to apply online for Allahabad University Non-Teaching Group C Various Post Online Registration Form 2021

        • Visit Official Website:
        • Candidate Can Apply Between 24 September 2021 to 23 October 2021.
        • Kindly Collect All documents – Eligibility, ID Proof, Address Details, Basic Details.
        • Kindly Ready Scan Document Related to Recruitment Form – Photo, Sign, ID Proof, Etc.
        • Check Your full Details Preview Before Submit Application Form.
        • Candidates are required to pay the fees if asked.
        • Take a Printout of the online application form.

        Some Useful Links:

        Apply OnlineRegistration | Login
        Download NotificationClick Here
        Official WebsiteClick Here

        Other Useful Articles:

          SSC JE 2022 Exam Notification, Exam date, Pattern, Syllabus


          About SSC JE 2022 Exam

          SSC JE 2022 Exam: SSC will be conducting an open competitive exam to select the candidates as Junior Engineers in different departments. Shortlisted candidates will be eligible for appointment to different posts depending on their choice and vacancy available. The candidates will be able to apply for the exam in online mode. It is expected that the application form will be released in the month of October 2022 and the exam will be conducted in January 2023.

          In this article, we have discussed SSC JE 2022 Exam in great detail. Interested candidates are suggested to have a nice look at it. 

          SSC JE 2022 exam

          SSC JE 2022 Exam Basic Info

          The table below lists the basic details of SSC JE 2022 Exam.

          Exam NameSSC JE 2022 Exam
          Full FormStaff Selection Commission Junior Engineer 
          Conducting BodySSC
          Number of papers2
          Exam ModePaper 1: Computer-based test (Online),
          Paper 2: Pen and paper-based mode (Offline)
          Question Paper TypePaper 1: Multiple Choice Questions,
          Paper 2: Descriptive Paper
          Total marksPaper 1: 200 marks Paper 2: 300 marks
          Exam duration2 hours for each paper (2 hours and 40 minutes for those aspirants, who need scribe)
          Exam languageEnglish and Hindi
          Negative Marking0.25 marks in Paper 1 only

          SSC JE 2022 Important Dates

          Candidates who are willing to take part in SSC JE 2022 can check the table below for all the important dates. Dates provided below are tentative and subject to change.

          Tentative Exam Schedule

          EventsExpected Dates
          Availability of online application form4th week of October 2022
          Last date for submission of online application3rd week of November 2022
          Issue of admit card3rd week of December 2022
          Date of examination1st week of January 2023
          Declaration of resultFebruary 2023

          SSC JE 2022 Exam Eligibility Criteria


           A candidate must be either:

          1. a citizen of India, or 
          2. a subject of Nepal, or 
          3. a subject of Bhutan, or 
          4. a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or 
          5. a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently setting in India. 5.2 Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India. 5.3 A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to the examination but the offer of appointment will be given only after the necessary eligibility certificate has been issued to him/ her by the Government of India.

          Age Limit

          The criteria for the age limit depend on the respective post. Candidates who are interested to take the SSC Junior Engineer exam should be of at least 18 years of age and not more than 32 years.

          Aspirants need to properly go through the following table as listed below to understand the age limit criteria for all the posts.

          Sl. No.Name of PostOrganization/DepartmentAge Limit
          1Junior Engineer (Quantity Surveying and Contracts)Military Engineer Services (MES)Up to 27 years
          2Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical and Mechanical)Military Engineer Services (MES)Up to 30 years
          3Junior Engineer (Civil)Department of PostsUp to 27 years
          4Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical)Farakka Barrage ProjectUp to 30 years
          5Junior Engineer (Civil)Border Road OrganizationUp to 30 years
          6Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical)Central Water and Power Research StationUp to 30 years
          7Junior Engineer (Mechanical, Electrical)Directorate of Quality Assurance (Naval)Up to 30 years
          8Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical)National Technical Research Organization (NTRO)Up to 30 years
          9Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical)Central Water CommissionUp to 32 years
          10Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical)Central Public Works Department (CPWD)Up to 32 years

          SSC JE Age Relaxation

          Given below is the permissible age relaxation for reserved categories under the rules prescribed by Govt. of India. Check the table below for more details:

          CategorySSC JE Age Limit – Relaxation in Upper Limit
          Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe (SC/ ST)5 years
          Other Backward Caste (OBC)3 years
          Persons with Disabilities (PwD)/ Physically Handicapped (OH/ HH)10 years
          Persons with Disabilities (PwD)/ PH (OA/ HH) + OBC13 years
          Persons with Disabilities (PwD)/ PH (OA/ HH) + SC/ ST15 years
          Ex-Servicemen (General)3 years after deduction of military service rendered in Armed forces from the actual age
          Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof3 years
          Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof (SC/ ST)8 years
          Persons who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.19895 years

          Educational Qualification

          Eligible candidates should hold the minimum SSC JE qualification (educational) pertaining to the relevant post. As a matter of fact, every candidate should have at least passed the Matriculation/ Secondary Examination Certificate or an equivalent degree from a recognised Board.

          Given below are the essential academic qualification and experience that are required to be eligible for the respective posts:

          Sl. No.Name of PostOrganization/DepartmentSSC JE Educational Qualification
          1Junior Engineer (Civil)Central Water CommissionDiploma or Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institution
          2Junior Engineer (Civil)Central Public Works Department (CPWD)Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institution
          3Junior Engineer (Civil)Department of Posts3 years Diploma or equivalent in Civil Engineering from an institute recognized by the Central/ State Government
          4Junior Engineer (Civil)Military Engineer Services (MES)Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University Or(a) 3 years Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized Institute or University; and(b) 2 years of work experience in Planning/ Execution/ Maintenance of Civil Engineering works
          5Junior Engineer (Civil)Farakka Barrage ProjectDiploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute/ Board
          6Junior Engineer (Civil)Border Roads Organization, Ministry of DefenceDegree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute or(a) 3 years Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute/ Board; and(b) 2 years of work experience in Planning/ Execution/ Maintenance of Civil Engineering works
          7Junior Engineer (Civil)Central Water Power Research StationDiploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute/ Board
          8Junior Engineer (Civil)National Technical Research OrganizationDiploma in Civil Engineering from recognized University/ Board/ Institution
          9Junior Engineer (Electrical & Mechanical)Military Engineer Services (MES)Degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/Board; Or(a) 3 years diploma in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from a recognized Institute/ University/ Board; and(b) 2 years of experience in Planning/ Execution/ Maintenance of Electrical or Mechanical Engineering work
          10Junior Engineer (Electrical)Central Public Works Department (CPWD)Diploma in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/ Board/ Institute
          11Junior Engineer (Electrical)Farakka Barrage ProjectDiploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University/ Board/ Institute
          12Junior Engineer (Electrical)Central Water Power Research StationDiploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University/Board
          13Junior Engineer (Electrical)Directorate of Quality Assurance, NavalDegree in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University/ Board; or(a) 3 years Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University/ Institution; and(b) 2 years of experience in the relevant field
          14Junior Engineer (Electrical)National Technical Research OrganizationDiploma in Electrical Engineering from recognized University/ Institution
          15Junior Engineer (Mechanical)Central Water CommissionDegree/ Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute
          16Junior Engineer (Mechanical)Farakka Barrage ProjectDiploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/ Board/ Institute
          17Junior Engineer (Mechanical)Central Water Power Research StationDiploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/ Board
          18Junior Engineer (Mechanical)Directorate of Quality Assurance, NavalDegree in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/ Board; or(a) 3 years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/ Institution; and (b) 2 years of work experience in the respective field
          19Junior Engineer (Mechanical)National Technical Research OrganizationDiploma in Mechanical Engineering from recognized University/ Board/ Institution
          20Junior Engineer (Quantity Surveying & Contracts)Military Engineer Services (MES)3 years Diploma in Civil engineering from a recognized University/ Institute/ Board or equivalent; or(a) Passed Intermediate examination in Buildings and Quantity Surveying Sub-Division-II of the Institute of Surveyors (India)

          SSC JE 2022 Exam Pattern 

          SSC JE 2022 will be conducted in two papers i.e. paper 1 and paper 2. Paper 1 is an objective paper while Paper 2 is a descriptive paper. Given below is the detailed exam pattern for paper 1 and paper 2:

          SSC JE Paper 1 Exam Pattern

          • Paper 1 is a computer-based test having multiple-choice questions.
          • It consists of 3 sections namely General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness and General Engineering (Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical).
          PapersSubjectsNumber of QuestionsMaximum marksExam duration
          Paper 1 – Objective typeGeneral Intelligence & Reasoning50 MCQs50 marksCumulative duration of 2 hours(2 hours and 40 minutes for those aspirants, who need a scribe)
          General Awareness50 MCQs50 marks
          General Engineering –Part A – Civil & Structural)/Part B (Electrical)/Part C (Mechanical)100 MCQs100 marks
          Total3 Subjects200 MCQs200 Marks120 minutes(160 minutes for those aspirants, who need a scribe)
          • Sections 1 and 2 are the same for each candidate. In section 3, candidates have to choose their respective subjects from Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering.
          • Section 1 and 2 consists of 50 questions each. These sections test the candidate’s ability and knowledge of general reasoning and awareness. Section 3 consists of 100 questions and examines the candidate’s knowledge for the subject chosen from Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical    Engineering.
          • In Paper-1 and Paper-2 for General Engineering, the candidate will be required to attempt only the part as per the option given in the application form filled by the candidate.
          • In other words, the candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil or Quantity Surveying & Contracts) are required to attempt Part-A (Civil & Structural Engineering)
          • Candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Electrical) are required to attempt Part-B (Electrical Engineering)
          • Candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Mechanical) are required to attempt Part-C (Mechanical Engineering)
          • There is a negative marking of 0.25 marks per wrong answer.

          SSC JE Paper 2 Exam Pattern

          • Paper 2 is a descriptive paper conducted in pen and paper mode.
          • Candidates have to attempt a question paper of 300 marks in 2 hours.
          • Paper 2 is a conventional type exam, candidates have to choose the subject from Part A- Civil & Structural Engineering, Part B- Electrical Engineering or Part C- Mechanical Engineering.
          • Candidates are allowed to bring their own Slide–Rule, Calculator, Logarithm Table and Steam Table for Paper-2.
          • There is no negative marking applicable in Paper-2.
          PaperSubjectsMaximum marksExam duration & time
          Paper 2 – Descriptive TypePart A – General Engineering (Civil and Structural) OR
          Part B – General Engineering (Electrical) OR
          Part C – General Engineering (Mechanical)
          300 marks2 hours

          SSC JE 2022 Exam Pattern and Syllabus

          SSC JE 2022 Exam Syllabus

          SSC JE Paper 1 Syllabus

          The SSC JE Paper 1 includes three sections such as General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness and General Engineering. Here is the detailed syllabus of each section.

          General Intelligence and Reasoning Syllabus

          This section in Paper 1 of SSC JE comprises 50 questions. The major topics are:

          Arithmetical computationsDecision making
          DiscriminationRelationship concepts
          Arithmetical reasoningVerbal and figure classification
          Arithmetical number seriesVisual memory
          Space visualizationAnalysis
          ObservationAbstract ideas, symbols, and their relationships
          Analytical functionsJudgment

          General Awareness Syllabus

          This section also includes 50 MCQs. The questions test candidate’s knowledge of current events relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity, and Scientific Research, etc.

          General Engineering Syllabus

          This section in Paper 1 consists of 100 objections based on the stream opted by the candidate amongst Civil/ Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

          • Part A – Civil Engineering Syllabus: Building Materials, Estimating, Costing and Valuation, Surveying, Soil Mechanics, Hydraulics, Irrigation Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering.
          • Structural Engineering: Theory of Structures, Concrete Technology, RCC Design, Steel Design.
          • Part B – Electrical Engineering Syllabus: Basic concepts, Circuit law, Magnetic Circuit, AC Fundamentals, Measurement and Measuring instruments, Electrical Machines, Fractional Kilowatt Motors, and single-phase induction Motors, Synchronous Machines, Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Estimation and Costing, Utilization and Electrical Energy, Basic Electronics.
          • Part C Mechanical Engineering Syllabus: Theory of Machines and Machine Design, Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials, Properties of Pure Substances, 1st Law of Thermodynamics, 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, Air standard Cycles for IC Engines, IC Engine Performance, IC Engines Combustion, IC Engine Cooling & Lubrication, Rankine cycle of System, Boilers, Classification, Specification, Fitting & Accessories, Air Compressors & their cycles, Refrigeration cycles, Principle of Refrigeration Plant, Nozzles & Steam Turbines. Properties & Classification of Fluids, Fluid Statics, Measurement of Fluid Pressure, Fluid kinematics, Dynamics of Ideal fluids, Measurement of Flow rate, basic principles, Hydraulic Turbines, Centrifugal Pumps, Classification of steel.

          SSC JE Paper 2 Syllabus

          There are three parts in Paper 2 – Part A (Civil Engineering), Part B (Electrical Engineering) and Part C (Mechanical Engineering). Candidates have to indicate their choice of specialization in the application form.

          Mechanical Engineering Syllabus

          Candidates can check all the topics of Mechanical Engineering in the table given below:

          Theory of Machines and Machine DesignFitting & Accessories
          Engineering Mechanics and Strength of MaterialsAir Compressors & their cycles
          Properties of Pure SubstancesRefrigeration cycles
          1st Law of ThermodynamicsThe principle of the Refrigeration Plant
          2nd Law of ThermodynamicsNozzles & Steam Turbines
          IC Engines CombustionProperties & Classification of Fluids
          Air standard Cycles for IC EnginesFluid Statics, Measurement of Fluid Pressure
          IC Engine PerformanceFluid kinematics
          IC Engine Cooling & LubricationDynamics of Ideal fluids
          Rankine cycle of SystemMeasurement of Flow Rate
          BoilersBasic principles
          ClassificationHydraulic Turbines
          SpecificationCentrifugal Pumps
          Classification of steels

          Electrical Engineering Syllabus

          These are the topics that must be prepared for Electrical Engineering Paper:

          Basic conceptsSynchronous Machines
          Circuit lawGeneration
          Magnetic CircuitTransmission and Distribution
          AC FundamentalsEstimation and Costing
          Measurement and Measuring InstrumentsUtilization and Electrical Energy
          Electrical MachinesBasic Electronics
          Fractional Kilowatt MotorsSingle-phase Induction Motors

          Civil Engineering Syllabus

          All the questions of Civil and Structural Engineering will be asked from the topics mentioned in the table below:

          Building MaterialsHydraulics
          Estimating, Costing, and ValuationIrrigation Engineering
          SurveyingTransportation Engineering
          Soil MechanicsEnvironmental Engineering
          Theory of StructuresConcrete Technology
          RCC DesignSteel Des

          SSC JE 2022 Application Process

          SSC JE 2022 Application Process can be completed in three easy steps:

          1. Registration – Visit the official website – and register by filling up your personal and academic details.
          2. Upload Documents – Upload your recent Photograph and Signature in given specifications.
          3. Fee Payment – Pay the application fee of INR 100 in either online or offline mode.

          Prerequisites for Registration

          Before beginning with the registration process, candidates must have the following documents ready to fill the application form quickly and correctly:

          • A Valid and Active Email ID
          • Candidates scanned passport size photo and signature with dimensions as specified
          • Aadhaar Card or any other photo ID proof such as Voter ID card, PAN, Passport, Driving License, and School/ College / Employer ID.
          • Credit/ Debit Card/ Net Banking details in case of online fee payment
          • Educational qualification details such as percentage/grade/ CGPA etc.
          • Any past work experience details needed for the post candidate is applying for.

          SSC JE Application Process is divided into two parts:

          • Part 1 – One-Time Registration
          • Part 2 – Filling online SSC JE Application Form

          Part 1 Online Registration

          Step 1: Click on the link “Register Now” available at the right corner at home page.

          Step 2: Fill your aadhaar number/ Identity card number, name, father’s name, mother’s name and date of birth as per your matriculation certificate.

          Step 3: Fill your gender, highest educational qualification, mobile number, email ID, and present and permanent address.

          Step 4: Now, save these details and confirm your mobile number via OTP. Your registration number and password will be sent on your registered email ID and mobile number.

          Step 5: Login again using your login credentials and change your password.

          Step 6: Fill your category, nationality, visible identification mark, benchmark disability (if any).

          Step 7: Upload scanned copy of your recent passport size photo and signature as specified below:

          DocumentsDimensionsformatSize (Width X Height)
          Photograph20 – 50 KbsJPEG3.5 cm X 4.5 cm
          Signature10 – 20 KbsJPEG4 cm X 3 cm

          Step 8: Save the information provided so far, review the details and click on “Final Submit”.

          Step 9: Two different OTPs will be sent on your email ID and Mobile number, enter any one of them in the designated space.

          Step 10: click on “I Agree” below the declaration to finish the registration process and proceed to fill the online application form and fee payment.

          Part 2 – Online SSC JE Application Form

          Step 1: Login to part II of the application process with your Registration Number and Password.

          Step 2: Click on Apply for Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Quantity Surveying and Contracts).

          Step 3: Indicate 3 SSC JE exam centres  within the same region as per your preference

          Step 4: Give details if you are Ex-servicemen, EWS, PwD, willing to use the services of scribe or seeking age relaxation.

          Step 5: Select the post you wish to apply for, indicate your highest qualification and stream.

          Step 6: Click on I Agree, fill the captcha code, preview the form and submit the form to proceed to fee payment if you are not exempted from fee payment.

          Step 7: Make the fee payment and take a print out of the application form for your own records.

          SSC JE Application Fee

          The application fee for General, OBC and EWS category is INR 100 while ST, SC, PWD, Ex – Servicemen and women candidates are exempted from fee payment.

          SSC JE Registration Fees can be paid via both online and offline mode:

          Online Mode: Fees can be paid using BHIM UPI, Debit/ Credit Card and Net banking.

          Offline Mode: To pay the fees in cash, candidates have to download the e-challan and submit it along with fees at any SBI bank branch. Also, download SSC JE Sample Papers during your preparation time to understand the previous years’ question pattern.

          Steps to Re-generate the SSC JE Registration Password

          • Go to the official website of the commission
          • Click the Forgot password link
          • Choose the permanent state and provide your email id or mobile number
          • Click the submit option
          • Enter the OTP
          • Enter the captcha code
          • Click the Submit option’
          • Put the new password
          • Click the submit option


          This article discusses SSC JE 2022 Exam in details. Every candidate is suggested to go through the aforementioned information very carefully. It is hoped that the contents of this article result to be helpful to all the candidates.  

          Other Useful Articles:

            SSC JE 2022 Exam Pattern & Syllabus

            SSC JE 2022 Exam

            SSC JE 2022 Exam: SSC will be conducting an open competitive exam to select the candidates as Junior Engineers in different departments. Shortlisted candidates will be eligible for appointment to different posts depending on their choice and the vacancy available. Candidates will have to face two papers to get through this exam. All the candidates must have a clear idea of the exam pattern and syllabus.

            In this article, we have discussed SSC JE 2022 Exam Pattern and Syllabus. All the candidates are suggested to have a nice look at it.

            SSC JE 2022

            SSC JE 2022 Exam Pattern 

            SSC JE 2022 will be conducted in two papers i.e. paper 1 and paper 2. Paper 1 is an objective paper while Paper 2 is a descriptive paper. Given below is the detailed exam pattern for paper 1 and paper 2:

            SSC JE Paper 1 Exam Pattern

            • Paper 1 is a computer-based test having multiple-choice questions.
            • It consists of 3 sections namely General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness and General Engineering (Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical).
            PapersSubjectsNumber of QuestionsMaximum marksExam duration
            Paper 1 – Objective typeGeneral Intelligence & Reasoning50 MCQs50 marksCumulative duration of 2 hours(2 hours and 40 minutes for those aspirants, who need a scribe)
            General Awareness50 MCQs50 marks
            General Engineering –Part A – Civil & Structural)/Part B (Electrical)/Part C (Mechanical)100 MCQs100 marks
            Total3 Subjects200 MCQs200 Marks120 minutes(160 minutes for those aspirants, who need a scribe)
            • Sections 1 and 2 are the same for each candidate. In section 3, candidates have to choose their respective subjects from Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering.
            • Section 1 and 2 consists of 50 questions each. These sections test the candidate’s ability and knowledge of general reasoning and awareness. Section 3 consists of 100 questions and examines the candidate’s knowledge for the subject chosen from Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical    Engineering.
            • In Paper-1 and Paper-2 for General Engineering, the candidate will be required to attempt only the part as per the option given in the application form filled by the candidate.
            • In other words, the candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil or Quantity Surveying & Contracts) are required to attempt Part-A (Civil & Structural Engineering)
            • Candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Electrical) are required to attempt Part-B (Electrical Engineering)
            • Candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Mechanical) are required to attempt Part-C (Mechanical Engineering)
            • There is a negative marking of 0.25 marks per wrong answer.

            SSC JE Paper 2 Exam Pattern

            • Paper 2 is a descriptive paper conducted in pen and paper mode.
            • Candidates have to attempt a question paper of 300 marks in 2 hours.
            • Paper 2 is a conventional type exam, candidates have to choose the subject from Part A- Civil & Structural Engineering, Part B- Electrical Engineering or Part C- Mechanical Engineering.
            • Candidates are allowed to bring their own Slide–Rule, Calculator, Logarithm Table and Steam Table for Paper-2.
            • There is no negative marking applicable in Paper-2.
            PaperSubjectsMaximum marksExam duration & time
            Paper 2 – Descriptive TypePart A – General Engineering (Civil and Structural) OR
            Part B – General Engineering (Electrical) OR
            Part C – General Engineering (Mechanical)
            300 marks2 hours

            SSC JE 2022 Exam Syllabus

            SSC JE Paper 1 Syllabus

            The SSC JE Paper 1 includes three sections such as General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness and General Engineering. Here is the detailed syllabus of each section.

            General Intelligence and Reasoning Syllabus

            This section in Paper 1 of SSC JE comprises 50 questions. The major topics are:

            Arithmetical computationsDecision making
            DiscriminationRelationship concepts
            Arithmetical reasoningVerbal and figure classification
            Arithmetical number seriesVisual memory
            Space visualizationAnalysis
            ObservationAbstract ideas, symbols, and their relationships
            Analytical functionsJudgment

            General Awareness Syllabus

            This section also includes 50 MCQs. The questions test candidate’s knowledge of current events relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity, and Scientific Research, etc.

            General Engineering Syllabus

            This section in Paper 1 consists of 100 objections based on the stream opted by the candidate amongst Civil/ Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

            • Part A – Civil Engineering Syllabus: Building Materials, Estimating, Costing and Valuation, Surveying, Soil Mechanics, Hydraulics, Irrigation Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering.
            • Structural Engineering: Theory of Structures, Concrete Technology, RCC Design, Steel Design.
            • Part B – Electrical Engineering Syllabus: Basic concepts, Circuit law, Magnetic Circuit, AC Fundamentals, Measurement and Measuring instruments, Electrical Machines, Fractional Kilowatt Motors, and single-phase induction Motors, Synchronous Machines, Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Estimation and Costing, Utilization and Electrical Energy, Basic Electronics.
            • Part C Mechanical Engineering Syllabus: Theory of Machines and Machine Design, Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials, Properties of Pure Substances, 1st Law of Thermodynamics, 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, Air standard Cycles for IC Engines, IC Engine Performance, IC Engines Combustion, IC Engine Cooling & Lubrication, Rankine cycle of System, Boilers, Classification, Specification, Fitting & Accessories, Air Compressors & their cycles, Refrigeration cycles, Principle of Refrigeration Plant, Nozzles & Steam Turbines. Properties & Classification of Fluids, Fluid Statics, Measurement of Fluid Pressure, Fluid kinematics, Dynamics of Ideal fluids, Measurement of Flow rate, basic principles, Hydraulic Turbines, Centrifugal Pumps, Classification of steel.

            SSC JE Paper 2 Syllabus

            There are three parts in Paper 2 – Part A (Civil Engineering), Part B (Electrical Engineering) and Part C (Mechanical Engineering). Candidates have to indicate their choice of specialization in the application form.

            Mechanical Engineering Syllabus

            Candidates can check all the topics of Mechanical Engineering in the table given below:

            Theory of Machines and Machine DesignFitting & Accessories
            Engineering Mechanics and Strength of MaterialsAir Compressors & their cycles
            Properties of Pure SubstancesRefrigeration cycles
            1st Law of ThermodynamicsThe principle of the Refrigeration Plant
            2nd Law of ThermodynamicsNozzles & Steam Turbines
            IC Engines CombustionProperties & Classification of Fluids
            Air standard Cycles for IC EnginesFluid Statics, Measurement of Fluid Pressure
            IC Engine PerformanceFluid kinematics
            IC Engine Cooling & LubricationDynamics of Ideal fluids
            Rankine cycle of SystemMeasurement of Flow Rate
            BoilersBasic principles
            ClassificationHydraulic Turbines
            SpecificationCentrifugal Pumps
            Classification of steels

            Electrical Engineering Syllabus

            These are the topics that must be prepared for Electrical Engineering Paper:

            Basic conceptsSynchronous Machines
            Circuit lawGeneration
            Magnetic CircuitTransmission and Distribution
            AC FundamentalsEstimation and Costing
            Measurement and Measuring InstrumentsUtilization and Electrical Energy
            Electrical MachinesBasic Electronics
            Fractional Kilowatt MotorsSingle-phase Induction Motors

            Civil Engineering Syllabus

            All the questions of Civil and Structural Engineering will be asked from the topics mentioned in the table below:

            Building MaterialsHydraulics
            Estimating, Costing, and ValuationIrrigation Engineering
            SurveyingTransportation Engineering
            Soil MechanicsEnvironmental Engineering
            Theory of StructuresConcrete Technology
            RCC DesignSteel Des


            In the above article, we have discussed the complete SSC JE 2022 Exam Pattern and Syllabus in detail. Every candidate is suggested to go through the syllabus before starting their preparation. It is hoped that the contents of the above article end up being helpful to all the aspirants eyeing this test. 

            Other Useful Articles:

              SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Notification, Exam Details, Dates, Pattern, Posts


              SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Exam Details

              SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Notification 2021 Out: Staff Selection Commission, SSC conducts online examination for recruiting eligible 10th pass, 12th pass, and graduates for various Selection Posts. SSC Selection Post Phase IX will be conducted for Central Region, Eastern Region, Karnataka, Kerala Region, Madhya Pradesh Sub-Region, North Eastern Region, Northern Region, North Western Sub-Region, Southern Region & Western Region. For the year 2021, SSC has released notification for 3261 vacancies for SSC Selection Posts on its official website on 24th September 2021 

              The online registration for SSC Selection Post Phase 9/2021 has been started from 24th September 2021 and will remain active till 25th October 2021. All the candidates who are interested in the SSC Selection Posts must go through the details about Selection Post in the below article including educational qualification, age limit, application link, steps to apply, exam pattern, syllabus and other details related to SSC Selection Post 2021

              ssc selection post phase 9 notification

              Also Read:

              • SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Notification Out – Apply here
              • SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Syllabus & Exam Pattern – Check here

              SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Notification 2021

              The official notification for advertisement no. Phase-9/2021/Selection Posts has been issued on 24th September 2021 on its official website at for various 10th pass, 12th pass, and graduate-level posts and the direct link to download the advertisement has been provided below. The eligible candidates looking for job opportunities must not miss this golden opportunity to grab a government job. 

              SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Notification 2021 Basic Info

              The table below lists the basic details of SSC Selection Post Phase 9 2021 Basic Info.

              OrganisationStaff Selection Commission, SSC
              PostsSelection Post
              Application ModeOnline
              CategoryGovt Jobs
              Selection ProcessWritten Examination
              SalaryLevel 1 to 7

              SSC Selection Post Phase 9 2021 Important Dates

              The official notification for Phase-9 Selection Post 2021 has been published on 24th September 2021 on announcing that the online registration process is to be conducted from 24th September to 25th October 2021. Check the important dates for SSC Selection Post 2021 from the below table.

              SSC Selection Post Phase IX Notification24th September 2021
              Online Application Starts24th September 2021
              Last date to Apply Online25th October 2021 (11:30 pm)
              Last date to pay application fee28th October 2021 (11:30 pm)
              Last date to generate offline chalan28th October 2021 (11:30 pm)
              Last date for payment through Challan01st November 2021 (Banking hours)
              SSC Selection Post CBT Exam DateJanuary/February 2022

              SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Vacancy 2021

              A total of 3261 vacancies has been announced for around 271 posts for the 10th pass/12th pass/Graduate candidates for which the detailed vacancy has been notified in the detailed advertisement. Check the category-wise vacancy breakdown for SSC Selection Post Phase-9 from the below table.

              CategoryNo. of Vacancy
              Total Vacancies3261

              SSC Selection Post Phase 9 2021 Exam Eligibility Criteria

              The SSC Selection Post Phase 9 notification has been released for all level candidates, check the level-wise eligibility criteria from the below section. 

              Education Qualification 

              Job LevelEducation Qualification
              Matric Class 10th or High School pass from any recognised board in India
              Intermediate10+2 or passed Intermediate Exam from any recognised board in India
              Graduate-levelBachelor Degree in any field from any recognised University/Institution in India

              Age Limit (as on 01/01/2021)

              The minimum age to apply for SSC Selection Post Phase 9 exam is 18 years and the maximum age is 30 years. Check the post-wise age limit from the notification pdf for which the link has been provided above. 

              SSC Selection Post Recruitment Process 2021

              There will be three separate CBT of Objective Type Multiple Choice questions separately as per the education qualification of the post. The candidates have to qualify for the Computer Based Examination as the final merit list and selection is totally based on the marks scored by the candidates. Skill Tests like Typing/ Data Entry/ Computer Proficiency Test, etc., if required for the posts will be of a qualifying nature

              SSC Selection Post Phase 9 2021 Exam Pattern 

              1. There will be 100 MCQ for 2 marks each.
              2. The duration of the test will be 60 minutes (1 hour) and 80 minutes for the candidates belonging to scribes.
              3. There will be a penalty of 0.50 marks for each incorrect answer.
              4. The level of questions will be as per the educational qualification required for the post.
              5. There will be 4 parts in the examination for which the details have been mentioned below.
              PartsSubjectsNo. of QuestionsMarks
              Part-AGeneral Intelligence2550
              Part-BGeneral Awareness2550
              Part-CQuantitative Aptitude2550
              Part-DEnglish language2550

              SSC Selection Post Phase 9 2021 Syllabus 

              The candidates must be prepared for the SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Exam which is expected to be held in January/February 2022 as per the syllabus for each subject as mentioned in the below article. 

              General ReasoningGeneral KnowledgeQuantitative AptitudeEnglish Comprehension
              Verbal ReasoningCurrent AffairsPercentageReading Comprehension
              SyllogismAwards and HonoursNumber SeriesGrammar
              Circular Seating ArrangementBooks and AuthorsData InterpretationVocabulary
              Linear Seating ArrangementSportsMensuration and GeometryVerbal Ability
              Double LineupEntertainmentQuadratic EquationSynonyms-Antonyms
              SchedulingObituariesInterestActive and Passive Voice
              Input-OutputImportant DatesProblems of AgesPara Jumbles
              Blood RelationsScientific ResearchProfit and LossFill in the Blanks
              Directions and DistancesStatic General Knowledge
              (History, Geography, etc.)
              Ratio and Proportions &
              Mixture and Alligation
              Error Correction
              Ordering and RankingPortfoliosSpeed, Distance and TimeCloze Test
              Data SufficiencyPersons in NewsTime and Work
              Coding and DecodingImportant SchemesNumber System
              Code InequalitiesData Sufficiency

              SSC Selection Post Phase 9 2021 Application Process

              Staff Selection Commission has started accepting online applications for Staff Selection Posts Phase-9/2021 from 24th September 2021 onwards. The last date for submitting the application form is 25th October 2021. The interested and eligible candidates can click on the below link and directly apply for 3261 Selection posts much before the last date to avoid any last-minute technical issues. 

              Steps to Apply for SSC Selection Post 2021

              Follow the steps mentioned below to register and apply for SSC Selection Post Phase 9 2021 exam: 

              1. Visit the official website of Staff Selection Commission i.e.
              2. Click on “Register Now” appearing on the left side of the homepage to register yourself if you are applying for the first time by entering all the details asked like email id, contact number, name and other details.
              3. A Registration Number and password will be generated and will be sent to you in your registered mobile and email.
              4. Log in again using your Registration Number and Password by visiting the homepage.
              5. Click on the apply link in Phase-9/2021/selection posts examination.
              6. Fill in all the other details in the application form and click on submit button.
              7. Proceed to payment of SSC Selection Post 2021 application fee.
              8. Upload all the mentioned documents in the prescribed format and size.
              9. Attach disability Certificate Number, if you fall under benchmark disability.
              10. Take out the print of the application form and fee receipt for future use

              SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Application Fee

              For the candidate belonging to the General category and OBC category an application fee of Rs 100/- is to be paid through either online or offline mode. The female or SC/ST category candidates are exempted from the application fee. 

              Pre-requisite for SSC Selection Post Application Form

              1. The candidate should keep their document ready for proof about their Board, Roll Number and Year of Passing the Matriculation (10th) Exam
              2. Scanned colour passport size photograph in JPEG format of dimension between 20 KB to 50 KB
              3. Scanned signature in JPEG format with dimensions ranging between 10KB to 20 KB. For VH candidates, a thumb impression is allowed.

              SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Admit Card 2021

              Staff Selection Commission will issue SSC Selection Post Admit Card to the candidates who successfully register for SSC Selection Posts Phase 9/2021. As the online exam is expected to be held in January or February 2022 and the admit card for the same will be released tentatively a week before the exam date. Candidates have to mandatorily download the SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Admit Card 2021 through online mode only.  

              SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Answer Key 2021

              As the examination is conducted, SSC will publish a tentative answer key followed by the final answer key. The candidates can raise objections for the provisional SSC Selection Post Answer Key with Rs. 100/- for every objection. The answer key will help the candidates to assess their performance in the written examination before the announcement of result. 

              SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Result 2021

              SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Result will be announced officially after a month of conducting the written examination. The candidates whose names are mentioned in the merit list will qualify for the written test and will be called for the further selection process. SSC will not inform the candidates separately of the result as the SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Result will be released on the official website only.


              This article discusses SSC Selection Post Phase 9 2021 Exam in detail. Every candidate is suggested to go through the aforementioned information very carefully. It is hoped that the contents of this article result to be helpful to all the candidates.  

              Other Useful Articles:

                SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2021-22

                SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Notification 2021 Out: Staff Selection Commission, SSC conducts online examination for recruiting eligible 10th pass, 12th pass, and graduates for various Selection Posts. SSC Selection Post Phase IX will be conducted for Central Region, Eastern Region, Karnataka, Kerala Region, Madhya Pradesh Sub-Region, North Eastern Region, Northern Region, North Western Sub-Region, Southern Region & Western Region. For the year 2021, SSC has released notification for 3261 vacancies for SSC Selection Posts on its official website on 24th September 2021.

                In this article, we have discussed SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Exam Pattern and Syllabus. 

                Also Read-

                • SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Notification – Apply Now
                • SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Exam Details – Check here
                SSC Selection post phase 9

                SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Exam Pattern 2021

                There will be three separate Computer Based Examinations consisting of Objective Type Multiple Choice questions, for the posts with minimum Educational Qualification of Matriculation, Higher Secondary, and Graduation & above levels. The details of subjects, marks, and number of questions subject-wise will be as given below:

                SubjectNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksTotal Duration
                General Intelligence255060 Minutes (80 minutes for candidates eligible for scribes as per paras 8.1 and 8.2.
                General Awareness2550
                Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill)2550
                English Language (Basic Knowledge)2550
                • There will be negative marking of 0.50 marks for each wrong answer.
                • Marks scored by candidates in Computer Based Examination will be normalized by using the formula published by the Commission through Notice No: 1-1/2018-P&P-I dated 07-02-2019 and such normalized scores will be used to determine final merit and cut-off marks.
                • Skill Tests like Typing/ Data Entry/ Computer Proficiency Test, etc., where prescribed in the Essential Qualification, will be conducted, which will be of a qualifying nature.

                SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Syllabus 

                Matriculation level:

                General Intelligence: It would include questions of non-verbal type. The test will include questions on similarities and differences, space visualization, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discriminating observation, relationship concepts, figure classification, arithmetical number series, non-verbal series, etc. The test will also include questions designed to test the candidates’ abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationship, arithmetical computation, and other analytical functions.

                General Awareness: Questions are designed to test the general awareness of the environment and its application to society. Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to Sports, History, Culture, Geography, Economic scene, General Polity including Indian Constitution, and Scientific Research etc. These questions will be such that they do not require a special study of any discipline.

                Quantitative Aptitude: This paper will include questions on problems relating to Number Systems, Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals and Fractions and relationship between Numbers, Fundamental arithmetical operations, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, use of Tables and Graphs, Mensuration, Time and Distance, Ratio and Time, Time and Work, etc.

                English Language: Candidates understanding of the Basics of English Language, its vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms and its correct usage, etc. his/her writing ability would be tested.

                10+2 (Higher Secondary) level:

                General Intelligence: It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type. The test will include questions on Semantic Analogy, Symbolic operations, Symbolic/Number Analogy, Trends, Figural Analogy, Space Orientation ,Semantic Classification, Venn Diagrams, Symbolic/Number Classification, Drawing inferences, Figural Classification, Punched hole/pattern-folding & unfolding, Semantic Series, Figural Pattern – folding and completion, Number Series, Embedded figures, Figural Series, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Emotional Intelligence, Word Building, Social Intelligence, Coding and decoding, Other sub-topics, if any Numerical operations.

                General Awareness: Questions are designed to test the candidates general awareness of the environment and its application to the society. Questions are also designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of an educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General polity and scientific research.

                General Awareness: Questions are designed to test the candidate‟s general awareness of the environment and its application to the society. Questions are also designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of an educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General polity and scientific research.

                Quantitative Aptitude: Arithmetic, Number Systems, Computation of Whole Number, Decimal and Fractions, Relationship between numbers Fundamental arithmetical operations: Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest (Simple and Compound), Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Allegation, Time and distance, Time and work. Algebra: Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra and Elementary surds (simple problems) and Graphs of Linear Equations. Geometry: Familiarity with elementary geometric figures and facts: Triangle and its various kinds of centres, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles. Mensuration: Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons, Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square, Base Trigonometry: Trigonometry, Trigonometric ratios, Complementary angles, Height and distances (simple problems only) Standard Identities etc., Statistical Charts: Use of Tables and Graphs, Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar-diagram, Pie-chart.

                English Language: Spot the Error, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms/ Homonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/ Detecting Mis-spelt words, Idioms & Phrases, One word substitution, Improvement of Sentences, Active/ Passive Voice of Verbs, Conversion into Direct/ Indirect narration, Shuffling of Sentence parts, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, Cloze Passage, Comprehension Passage.

                Graduation & above level:

                General Intelligence: It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. This component may include questions on analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, spatial orientation, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning and figural classification, arithmetic number series, non-verbal series, coding and decoding, statement conclusion, syllogistic reasoning etc. The topics are, Semantic Analogy, Symbolic/Number Analogy, Figural Analogy, Semantic Classification, Symbolic/ Number Classification, Figural Classification, Semantic Series, Number Series, Figural Series, Problem Solving, Word Building, Coding & de-coding, Numerical Operations, symbolic Operations, Trends, Space Orientation, Space Visualization, Venn Diagrams, Drawing inferences, Punched hole/ pattern –folding & un-folding, Figural Pattern – folding and completion, Indexing, Address matching, Date & city matching, Classification of center codes/ roll numbers, Small & Capital letters/ numbers coding, decoding and classification, Embedded Figures, Critical thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, Other sub-topics, if any.

                General Awareness: Questions will be designed to test the general awareness of the environment and its application to society. Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of any educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity& Scientific Research.

                Quantitative Aptitude: The questions will be designed to test the ability of appropriate use of numbers and number sense of the candidate. The scope of the test will be computation of whole numbers, decimals, fractions and relationships between numbers, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Allegation, Time and distance, Time & Work, Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds, Graphs of Linear Equations, Triangle and its various kinds of centres, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles, Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons, Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base, Trigonometric ratio, Degree and Radian Measures, Standard Identities, Complementary angles, Heights and Distances, Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar diagram & Pie chart.

                English Language: Candidates’ ability to understand correct English, his basic comprehension and writing ability, etc. would be tested. The questions in Parts A, B, & D will be of a level commensurate with the essential qualification viz. Graduation and questions in Part C will be of the 10th standard level.


                In the above article we have discussed the complete SSC Selection Post Phase 9 Exam Pattern and Syllabus in detail. Every candidate is suggested to go through the syllabus before starting their preparation. It is hoped that the contents of the above article end up being helpful to all the aspirants eyeing this test. 

                Other Useful Articles:

                  IBPS PO 2022 Exam- Notification, Exam Date, Syllabus, Pattern


                  About IBPS PO 2022 Exam

                  IBPS PO 2022 Exam: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is a government-owned bank personnel recruitment agency under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India that was started with an aim to encourage the recruitment and placement of young undergraduates, postgraduates, and doctorates in government-owned banks in India. It also provides standardized systems for assessment and result processing services to organizations.

                  In this article, we have discussed IBPS PO 2022 Exam in great detail. Interested candidates are suggested to have a nice look at it. 

                  IBPS PO 2022 Exam

                  IBPS PO 2022 Exam Basic Info

                  The table below lists the basic details of the IBPS PO 2022 Exam.

                  Number of Stages3 (Prelims, Main and Interview Round)
                  Conducting AuthorityIBPS
                  Exam Duration for Preliminary Round1 hour (60 minutes)
                  Exam Duration for Main Round3 hours 30 minutes (210 minutes)
                  Type of QuestionsMCQs (Additional Descriptive paper in Main Paper)
                  Exam ModePrelims- Online,
                  Main Exam- Both Online and Offline
                  IBPS PO 2022 Interview Maximum Marks100
                  Minimum Qualifying Marks for the Interview40% (35% for Reserved Classes)

                  IBPS PO 2022 Important Dates

                  Candidates who are willing to know about IBPS PO 2022 Exam date can check the table below for all the important dates. Dates provided below are tentative and subject to change.

                  Tentative Exam Schedule

                  Online registration and rectification of errors in applicationsJuly-August 2022
                  Payment of application feeJuly-August 2022
                  Downloading hall tickets for pre-examination trainingSeptember 2022
                  Pre-examination training dateSeptember 2022
                  Downloading of hall ticketsSeptember 2022
                  Examination date of IBPS PO prelimsOctober 2022
                  Results declaration prelimsOctober 2022
                  Downloading of hall tickets of IBPS PO MainsOctober 2022
                  Examination date of IBPS PO MainsNovember 2022
                  Results declaration for IBPS PO MainsNovember 2022
                  Downloading of call letters for interviewDecember 2022
                  Date of interviewJanuary 2023
                  Provisional allotmentApril 2023

                  IBPS PO 2022 Exam Eligibility Criteria


                  A candidate must be either –

                  1. A Citizen of India or
                  2. A Subject of Nepal or
                  3. A Subject of Bhutan or
                  4. A Tibetan Refugee who came to India prior to January 1, 1962, with the intention of permanently settling in India or
                  5. A person of Indian origin who migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam to permanently settle in India.  

                  Note: Candidates belonging to categories (2), (3), (4), and (5) should possess and produce, whenever asked by IBPS, a certificate of eligibility issued by the Government of India.

                  Age Limits

                  The lower and upper age limit for IBPS PO Exams is 20 years and 30 years respectively.

                  However, relaxation is provided to candidates with reservations. A candidate must have been born on or later than August 02, 1992, and on or earlier than August 1, 2002.

                  Age Relaxations of Upper Age Limit

                  CategoryAge Relaxation
                  SC/ ST (Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe)5 years
                  OBC (Other Backward Classes – Non-Creamy Layer)3 years
                  PwD (Persons With Disabilities)10 years
                  Ex-Servicemen, Commissioned Officers which includes Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECOs)/ Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs). These candidates must have gained at least 5 years of military service and have been released on completion of the assignment (including those whose assignment is due within a year)5 years
                  Persons affected by 1984 riots5 years

                  Points to Remember

                  1. The relaxation in the upper age limit to SC/ ST/ OBC candidates is allowed on a cumulative basis with only one of the remaining categories for which age relaxation is permitted.
                  2. If the ST aspirants have a physical disability, then they will get a relaxation of a maximum of 15 years for the upper age limit. The exam conducting will not allow any other exemptions.
                  3. There is no upper age limit relaxation provided to General and Economically Weaker Section Category candidates.
                  4. Candidates seeking age relaxation will have to produce supporting documents in original and photocopies at any stage of the recruitment process as required by the IBPS/ Participating Organisation.
                  5. In case, an Ex-servicemen who once joined a government job on the civil side after availing the benefits given to him as an Ex-servicemen for his re-employment, his Ex-servicemen status for re-employment in Government recruitment ceases.
                  6. There is no reservation for Ex-servicemen in the Officers’ Cadre.

                  Educational Qualifications

                  A Graduation Degree in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized by the Central Government.

                  • The candidate must have passed the qualifying exam by or before August 2022.
                  • The date mentioned on the mark sheet/ scorecard will be considered as the date of passing the degree.
                  • The document proving the fulfilment of the educational qualification requirement has to be submitted at the time of the interview round.
                  • In case, candidate’s result is posted on University’s website and the web-based certificate is issued then a proper certificate in original issued and signed by the appropriate authority of the University indicating the date of passing properly mentioned thereon will be reckoned for verification and further process.
                  • Candidates have to specify the percentage obtained in Graduation calculated to the nearest two decimals in the online application.
                  • Candidates who are awarded CGPA / OGPA have to convert the same into percentage and mention it in the online application.
                  • Calculation of Percentage: The percentage marks shall be arrived at by dividing the total marks obtained by the candidate in all the subjects in all semesters/years by aggregate maximum marks in all the subjects multiplied by 100.  
                  • It will be applicable for those Universities as well where Class/ Grade is decided based on Honours marks only.
                  • The fraction of percentage arrived will be ignored i.e. 59.99% will be treated as less than 60% and 54.99% will be treated as less than 55%.

                  IBPS PO 2022 Exam Pattern 

                  IBPS PO 2022 Exam Pattern for Prelims

                  • Mode of Examination– Preliminary Exam of IBPS PO will be conducted in online mode.
                  • Number of Sections- There are 3 sections in IBPS PO Prelims viz. English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Logical Reasoning.
                  • Duration of Exam- The exam will be for 1 hour (60 minutes).
                  • Nature of Questions- Questions in the exam will be objective type (MCQs). Each question will have 5 options wherein only 1 option will be correct.
                  • Marking Scheme– Each question will carry 1 mark. Also, there is a provision of negative marking i.e. for every wrong answer, 0.25 marks would be deducted.
                  • Language of Exam- For the English section, the questions will be set in English Language only, the rest of the sections will be offered in English and Hindi languages.

                  Key Points for IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2022

                  • IBPS PO Prelims is a qualifying paper.
                  • Candidates qualifying for this paper will be eligible to appear for IBPS PO Main Exam.  
                  • The marks secured in this exam will not be considered while compiling the final result.
                  • There will be a sectional cut-off and overall cut-off to qualify for the IBPS PO Main exam.

                  Section-wise Weightage of Prelims Exam

                  Section NameTotal QuestionsTotal MarksDurationMedium of Exam
                  English Language30 questions30 marks20 minutesEnglish
                  Quantitative Aptitude35 questions35 marks20 minutesEnglish and Hindi
                  Reasoning Ability35 questions35 marks20 minutesEnglish and Hindi
                  Total100 Questions100 Marks60 minutes

                  IBPS PO 2022 Exam Pattern for Mains

                  • Mode of Examination– IBPS PO Main will be conducted in both online and offline mode.
                  • Number of Sections– There are 4 sections in the IBPS PO Main exam viz. English, Data Analysis & Interpretation, Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, and General Awareness. IBPS PO Main Exam will have a Descriptive Paper having 2 questions- Letter Writing and Essay writing.
                  • Duration of Exam: – The exam will be of 3 hours 30 minutes (3 hours for objective paper and 30 minutes for descriptive paper).
                  • Nature of Questions– There will be 155 multiple choice questions and 2 written questions. Each question will have 5 options wherein only 1 option will be correct.

                  IBPS PO Main 2022 Exam Key Points

                  • There will be sectional cut-off and overall cut-off.
                  • A specified sectional time limit will be allocated to attempt each section in the Main exam.
                  • An IBPS PO cut-off list will be prepared where candidates having higher scores/marks will have their names on top of the list.
                  • Candidates with a higher score will be given priority for the interview.

                  Section-Wise Weightage of IBPS PO Mains Exam

                  IBPS PO Mains Pattern PaperSection NameTotal QuestionsAllotted TimeTotal MarksMedium of Exam
                  Objective TestEnglish Language35 Questions40 minutes40English
                  Data Interpretation and Analysis35 Questions45 minutes60English & Hindi
                  Reasoning and Computer Aptitude45 Questions60 minutes60English & Hindi
                  General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness40 Questions35 minutes40English & Hindi
                  Descriptive TestEnglish (Essay and Letter Writing)2 Questions30 minutes25 MarksEnglish
                  Total157 Questions3 hours 30 minutes225 Marks

                  IBPS PO 2022 Exam Pattern 2022 for Interview

                  • Candidates who qualify for the Main exam are eligible for the interview round.
                  • The interview round will carry 100 marks.
                  • This is the final stage in the selection process of IBPS PO Selection Process.
                  • This round carries a 20% weightage in the final result.
                  • Through this round, a candidate’s communication skills and personality are examined.

                  Highlights of IBPS PO Interview

                  • The minimum mark to qualify for the Interview round is 40% for General Category candidates. Candidates belonging to the reserved category must score at least 35% marks.
                  • The final Merit List is prepared based on the score in the Main exam and Interview performance.
                  • IBPS PO combined score would be declared based on scores obtained by the candidates in the Main Examination and Interview in the ratio of 80:20
                  • After the interview round concludes, provisional allotment will be done as per the vacancies in different banks.

                  IBPS PO 2022 Syllabus 

                  The preliminary exam is a screening test while the main exam tests candidates’ suitability to be recruited as probationary officers in various banks. IBPS PO Syllabus for both prelims and main exam is given below.

                  IBPS PO Prelims Syllabus 2022

                  The syllabus for the preliminary exam includes three subjects- English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability.

                  English Language (30 marks)Quantitative Aptitude (35 marks)Reasoning (35 marks)
                  Reading ComprehensionSimplificationLogical Reasoning
                  Cloze TestProfit and LossAlphanumeric Series
                  Para JumblesMixtures and AllegationsRanking/Direction/Alphabet Test
                  MiscellaneousSimple Interest, Compound Interest, IndicesData Sufficiency
                  Fill in the blanksWork and TimeCoded Inequalities
                  Multiple Meaning/Error SpottingTime and DistanceSeating Arrangement
                  Paragraph CompletionMensuration- Cylinder, Cone, SpherePuzzle
                  Data InterpretationTabulation
                  Ratio & Proportion, PercentageSyllogism
                  Number SystemsBlood Relations
                  Sequence and SeriesInput-Output
                  Permutation, Combination, and ProbabilityCoding-Decoding
                  PercentagesStatement and Argument
                  Quadratic EquationsAnalogy

                  IBPS PO Main Exam Syllabus 2022

                  The syllabus for IBPS PO 2022 Main Exam includes 4 subjects- Reasoning and Computer Aptitude, English Language, Data Analysis and Interpretation, General Economy, and Banking Awareness. The table given below lists out the detailed IBPS PO syllabus for the Main examination.

                  Data Interpretation and Analysis (60 Marks)

                  PercentageRatio and Percentage
                  Data InterpretationMensuration and Geometry
                  Quadratic EquationInterest
                  Problems of AgesProfit and Loss
                  Number SeriesSpeed, Distance and Time
                  Speed, Distance and TimeTime and Work
                  Number SystemData Sufficiency
                  Linear EquationPermutation and Combination
                  ProbabilityMixture and Allegations

                  General Awareness (40 Marks)

                  • Financial Awareness
                  • Current
                  • General Knowledge

                  Reasoning and Computer Aptitude (60 Marks)

                  Verbal ReasoningInternet
                  Circular Seating ArrangementKeyboard Shortcuts
                  Linear Seating ArrangementComputer Abbreviation
                  Double LineupMicrosoft Office
                  SchedulingComputer Hardware
                  Input-OutputComputer Software
                  Blood RelationsOperating System
                  Directions and DistancesNetworking
                  Ordering and RankingComputer Fundamentals /Terminologies
                  Data Sufficiency
                  Coding and Decoding
                  Code Inequalities

                  English Language (40 Marks)

                  • Vocabulary
                  • Verbal Ability
                  • Reading Comprehension
                  • Grammar
                  • Fill in the Blanks

                  IBPS PO 2022 Application Process

                  Candidates must apply for the exam by registering on the official website- ibps. in. The details entered in the application form 2022 will be used to generate IBPS PO, Admit Card. Steps to apply for the exam are given below:

                  Step 1- Online IBPS PO Registration

                  • Visit and click on ‘CWE PO/MT’.
                  • Click on the option “Click Here to Apply Online for CWE Probationary Officers/ Management Trainee (CWE PO/ MT- IX)”.
                  • Click on the “Click Here for New Registration” tab and enter your Email ID, Mobile Number, and other details to register for the exam.
                  • Provisional Registration Number and Password will be generated and displayed on the screen. Also, an Email and an SMS indicating IBPS Registration login credentials will be sent to the candidates.

                  Step 2- Filling IBPS PO Application Form 2022

                  Fill in the asked Personal, Educational, and communication Information such as Name, Nationality, Mobile Number; Qualifications, and Experiences. Also, enter the choice of IBPS PO Exam Center with the correct state code for both the Preliminary and Main examination. After filling in the details, click on ‘I agree’ to declare that the information entered is authentic.

                  Step 3- Uploading Documents

                  Candidates must use their IBPS Registration login details to access their account and upload the following documents as per the specifications mentioned below.

                  1. Candidate’s Passport Size Photograph
                  2. Candidate’s Signature
                  3. Left Thumb Impression
                  4. Scanned copy of Handwritten Declaration

                  Step 4- Choosing Organization Preference

                  Select the preferred centers for Pre-Exam Training and the participating bank to be recruited in. Once the form is submitted, no further changes can be made to the preference list.

                  Step 5- Pay IBPS PO Application Fee

                  The application fee can be paid via Debit/Credit Card, Net Banking, IMPS, Cash Card, and Mobile Wallets. The IBPS PO Application Fee once paid, shall not be refunded under any circumstances.

                  1. Enter details and pay the application fee
                  2. An acknowledgment page will be generated. Take a print out for future use.

                  Documents Required for IBPS PO Registration

                  As per the latest notification, candidates must upload the following documents while filling the application form for IBPS PO 2022. The specifications for each document are mentioned below:

                  DocumentsDimensionsFile SizeFile Type
                  Photograph200 X 230 Pixels20 – 50 KBsJPG/ JPEG
                  Signature140 X 60 Pixels10 – 20 KBsJPG/ JPEG
                  Left Thumb Impression240 X 240 Pixels20 – 50 KBsJPG/ JPEG
                  Handwritten Declaration800 X 400 Pixels50 – 100 KBsJPG/ JPEG

                  Handwritten Declaration Text- “I, _______ (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true, and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.”

                  The IBPS PO Application Fee

                  General/ OBC/ EWSINR 600
                  SC/ ST/ PWDINR 100


                  This article discusses IBPS PO 2022 Exam in details. Every candidate is suggested to go through the aforementioned information very carefully. It is hoped that the contents of this article result to be helpful to all the candidates.  

                  Other Useful Articles: