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OSSC CGL Exam Date 2023, Download Admission Letter

OSSC CGL Exam Date 2023

OSSC CGL Exam 2023: OSSC CGL Exam is conducted by Odisha Staff Selection Commission(OSSC) to recruit candidates in various departments of Odisha government for multiple Group B and Group C posts. OSSC CGL stands for Combined Graduate level exam which is conducted by Odisha Staff Selection Commission. Odisha Staff Selection Commission has released a detailed notification for the recruitment of OSSC CGL 2023 for 943 vacancies for Group B & Group C posts in different offices under the Government of Odisha.

The online prelims exam date for OSSC CGL Exam 2023 is 14th May 2023(Sunday), which was announced with the release of notification by the OSSC. for further details of OSSC CGL Exam date, syllabus, exam pattern, result, admit card refer to the complete Page.

OSSC CGL 2023- Exam Overview

Exam Conducting BodyOdisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC)
PostsGroup B & Group C
OSSC CGL Vacancies943
CategoryGovt Jobs
Application ModeOnline
OSSC CGL Exam Date 202314th May 2023 (Sunday)
OSSC CGL Selection ProcessPrelims Exam, Mains Exam and Document Verification
OSSC CGL SalaryRs. 25,300 – 55,000/- p.m.

What is OSSC CGL Exam 2023?

OSSC CGL Exam 2023 is a state level Combined Graduate Level Exam which is conducted by Odisha Staff Selection Commission for the recruitment of candidates across various departments in the Government of Odisha. The Selection process of this exam includes Prelims exam, Mains exam and Document Verification. Every year the Government of Odisha releases notification for this recruitment and vacancies may vary every year as per the availability of vacancies in the departments.

OSSC CGL Recruitment 2023: Important Dates

Given below is the important dates for OSSC CGL Exam 2023, do not miss any important date of the exam:

OSSC CGL Recruitment 2023 EventsOSSC CGL Recruitment 2023 Dates
OSSC CGL Recruitment 2023 Official Notification ReleaseNovember 2, 2022
Online registration startsNovember 11, 2022
Last date for applyingDecember 10, 2022
OSSC CGL Recruitment 2023 PrelimsMay 14, 2023
OSSC CGL Recruitment 2023 MainsTo be notified
OSSC CGL Recruitment 2023 Prelims ResultTo be notified
OSSC CGL Recruitment 2023 Mains ResultTo be notified

OSSC CGL Notification 2023

OSSC CGL Notification 2023: The Official Notification for OSSC CGL 2023 exam was released by the Odisha Staff Selection Commission 2nd November 2022 for 943 vacancies in various departments of Odisha government. the OSSC CGL recruitment 2023 is conducted for 943 vacancies Group B and Group C posts in different ministries and departments of Odisha Government. The candidates who are eligible and interested in this recruitment can apply for this job notification before the last date, all the important dates can be checked in the important dates table given above.

OSSC CGL Notification pdf

OSSC CGL 2023 Notification PDF Download: Candidates are advised to read the official notification by the Odisha Staff Selection Commission before applying for OSSC CGL Recruitment 2023 exam. The Official OSSC CGL Notification is provided by the commission on its official website and candidates can go to the official website of OSSC to check the notification released by OSSC and read it carefully before applying. You may also download the pdf of OSSC CGL Notification from the download link given below.

OSSC CGL Exam Date 2023

OSSC CGL Exam Date 2023: the Odisha Staff Selection Commission recently released the OSSC CGL Exam Date 2023 is 14th May 2023(Sunday). All the candidates must gear up their preparation in the last few days and focus more on revision in order to excel in the examination. To declare the OSSC CGL Exam date, a notification was released by the OSSC on its official website, the screenshot of which is attached below.

OSSC CGL Exam Date 2023

OSSC CGL 2023 Application Fees

OSSC CGL Application Fees: The examination fees for OSSC CGL exam has been exempted for aal the categories. So there no fees required to apply for OSSC CGL Exam 2023 for any category.

CategoryOSSC CGL Application Fees
UR (unreserved )0/- (Nil)
SC/ST/PWD0/- (Nil)

OSSC CGL 2023 Post-wise Vacancy

A total of 943 vacancies were announced for the OSSC CGL recruitment 2023 for various Group b & Group C Posts. Given below is the post-wise vacancy distribution along with the name of department of Government of Odisha as declared in the Notification published by OSSC.

Post-wise Vacancy Name Department Total Vacancies
Assistant CT & GST OfficerCommissioner of CT & GST107
AuditorDirectorate of Local Fund Audit193
AuditorDirectorate of Treasury & Inspection14
AuditorDirectorate of Handicrafts03
AuditorDirectorate of Mines03
Gram Panchayat Extension officerPanchayati Raj Department87
Handicrafts Promotion OfficerDirectorate of Handicrafts48
Inspector of Cooperative SocietiesDirectorate of Handicrafts07
Inspector of Cooperative SocietiesDirectorate of Fisheries06
Inspector of Cooperative SocietiesRegistrar of Cooperative Societies59
Inspector of SuppliesFood Supplies & Consumer Welfare Department110
Junior Correctional OfficerDirectorate of Prisons and Correctional Services 20
Junior Employment OfficerDirectorate of Employment26
Small Savings & Financial Inclusion OfficerDirectorate of Small Savings 09
Junior AssistantOffice of Excise Commissioner(HOD)05
Junior AssistantDirectorate of Prisons and Correctional Services (HOD)10
Junior AssistantDirectorate of Industries(HOD)08
Junior AssistantDirectorate of Employment(HOD)04
Junior AssistantDirectorate of Employment, Skill Development & Technical Education Dept.(Field Officer)71
Junior AssistantDirectorate of Technical Education & Training (Field Officer)72
Junior AssistantDirectorate of Technical Education & Training (Headquarter)03
Junior AssistantEIC-Electricity-Cum-PCEI(O) (HOD)06
Junior AssistantOffice of Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (HOD)09
Junior AssistantMadhusudan Das Regional Academy of Financial Management (HOD)03
Junior AssistantDirectorate of Health Services (HOD)02
Junior ClerkDirectorate of Fisheries (Field Offices)07
Junior ClerkEIC-Electricity-Cum-PCEI(O)44
Total Vacancies 943

OSSC CGL 2023 Eligibility

To become a part of OSSC CGL Recruitment 2023, candidates must posses the required age and educational criteria while applying for the OSSC CGL exam 2023. Candidates are advised to read through the complete details about the age and educational eligibility before applying for OSSC CGL exam 2023.

The detailed age and qualification eligibility criteria for OSSC CGL exam 2023 is given below:

ParameterEligibility Criteria
Education QualificationThe candidates should have passed M.E. School Examination with Odia as a language subject.
The candidate must have passed HSC Examination or equivalent examination with Odia as the medium of examination in the non-language subject. Or
The candidate passes in Odia as a language subject in the final examination of Class- VII and above
Passed a test in Odia in M.E. school standard conducted by Education Department.

Minimum Qualification – Bachelor’s Degree in any Discipline from a recognized University.
Age Limit (as on 01/01/2022)21 years to 38 years

OSSC CGL Exam Pattern and Selection Process

Given Below is the details of OSSC CGL Exam Pattern and Selection process as given in the official notification released by OSSC. The Exam pattern of OSSC CGL is divided in to three stages which includes Preliminary examination(computer based exam), Main Written exam, certificate verification.

StagesExam Pattern
Stage – 1Preliminary Exam(CBRE Mode)
MCQ-150 Marks
Time– 150 Minutes
Stage – 2Main Written Examination

Paper-1 – Language (Odia and English)
Time– 2.5 Hours (150 minutes)
Marks- 100 Mark

Paper-2 – General Studies
Time– 2.5 Hours (150 minutes)
Marks- 100 Mark

Note: Mathematics test shall be held for the post of Auditor only.

Computer Skill Test for candidates opting for below posts-
Inspector of Supplies FS & CW Department
Junior Assistant/ Junior clerk
Stage – 3Certificate verification or Document Verification
Note: There will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.

OSSC CGL Exam Pattern and Selection Process

To do the complete preparation from the fresh, the candidates require to have a detailed OSSC CGL Syllabus, to be aware of the topics to covered and how much to cover for the OSSC CGL exam. Given below is the detail OSSC CGL Syllabus 2023 which is given by the OSSC in its official notification.

a) Detail Syllabus of Preliminary Written Examination

  • Arithmetic – 10th Standard
  • Data Interpretation(Chart, Graph, Table, Data Sufficiency etc.) – 10th Standard.
  • Logical reasoning and Analytical Ability, general Mental Ability.
  • Current Events of National and International Importance.
  • Computer / Internet Awareness.

b) Detail Syllabus of Main Written Examination:

Paper-I: Language(Odia and English)

  • Odia Language Comprehension – 10th Standard.
  • English Language Comprehension – 12th Standard.
  • Precis Writing(Odia as well as English).
  • Translation from English to Odia and vice-versa.

Paper – II: General Studies

  • (Indian Constitution, Indian Economy, Indian and world Geography, History of India, History of Odisha, General issues of Environment / climate change ) – 12th standard

c) Detail Syllabus of Computer Skill Test:

  • Computer Fundamentals
  • MS Windows
  • Office Software
  • Word Processing(MS Word)
  • Spread Sheet(MS Excel)
  • Presentation/ Slide ware(MS PowerPoint)
  • Database (MS Access)
  • Usage of the Internet, Services available on the Internet
  • Basic Networking Concepts, Communication technology

d) Detail Syllabus of Mathematics: (10th Level)

  • Arithmetic
  • Algebra
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Mensuration

OSSC CGL 2023 Job Profile

OSSC CGL Job profile: The jobs under OSSC CGL exam recruitment is considered as one of the best opportunities for the candidates who belong to the state of Odisha and who fulfill all the eligibility criteria mentioned for this recruitment. The OSSC CGL exam is conducted to recruit candidates for various Group B & Group C posts which are among the top pots after the State public service examinations. The departments may vary as the availability of the vacancies in the respective departments, but every time the there are vacancies in multiple departments every year for various posts. So candidates who wish to appear in this examination can gear up their preparation as the Prelims exam is approaching. The job profile of OSSC CGL depends on the post and most of the posts will demand either clerical work such as noting, drafting, etc. or accounting work for the auditor and accountant posts.

OSSC CGL 2023 Salary

OSSC CGL Salary 2023: According to the official notification released by the OSSC, the initial salary may start from Rs 25,300/- per month and will increase as per the pay level and group of post. As part of the OSSC CGL salary, it includes basic pay, HRA, DA, and other allowances based on the state of Odisha. Overall, it is a good opportunity to start your career with such a good salary and that too in the government job.

OSSC CGL 2023 Selection Process

The selection process of OSSC CGL exam includes a total of 3 stages which are Preliminary examination, mains written examination and candidates who qualify through both of these stages will go for certificate verification in their respective departments before final selection. The final list will be prepared after the document verification by OSSC and the candidates who possess relevant documents will be shortlisted based on their score in the previous two stages. It is mandatory to qualify in all the three stages to become eligible to get final selection or name in the final result list.

OSSC CGL 2023 Apply Online

OSSC CGL 2023 Apply Online: Candidates can apply online for OSSC CGL 2023 exam by following the steps given below. The OSSC CGL Application process is easy and can be done through a mobile phone or a Computer/laptop. Follow these OSSC CGL Apply online steps:

  1. Visit the official website of OSSC.
  2. Click On the “Apply Online” button on the Homepage/ (in case of the new user) Click on “New User”, a user id and password will be generated.
  3. Login with Registration ID & Password.
  4. Read all the instructions carefully before starting the Application process.
  5. Fill in all the details carefully that are required.
  6. Pay the application fee, if applicable.
  7. Submit the application.
  8. The OSSC CGL application fee can be paid online by a Credit/Debit card, Internet banking, or through a UPI-enabled Application.

OSSC CGL 2023 Admission Letter Download

OSSC CGL Admit Card or Admission Letter: The official notification regarding the preliminary written examination has been released by the commission and the announced exam date is 14th may 2023. The OSSC CGL Admit card will be released by the commission just one week before the examination which means that candidates can expect the release of admission letter in the first week on may 2023. Candidates can then download the OSSC CGL Admission letter pdf from the official website of OSSC.

The Admit Card of OSSC CGL exam will contain the name, roll number, registration number, Photo, signature, examination venue and timings of the OSSC CGL prelims Examination. The candidates can download the admission letter much before the exam to check the venue details so that they can plan to reach at the venue on the examination well in advance to avoid any last time hustle. The candidates will get a sheet of instructions regarding the examination for the candidates along with the admission letter or admit card. All the instructions must be read carefully, to miss out on any important instruction which may least to cancellation of the candidature.

How to Download OSSC CGL Admission Letter or Admit Card

  • The commission will upload the admission letter of the eligible candidates on its official website, “”.
  • Click on the Login Button and enter User Id and password upon which the candidate may see the status of the application will be displayed on the screen and then eligible candidates can download their Admission Letter from the portal.
  • The eligible applicants may click on the “Download Button” to download the admission letter and take a printout of the same.
  • The admitted candidates will have to produce the printout of the admission letter at the venue allotted to them for appearing in the test.
  • The admission letter contains the personal details of the candidate along with the signature and venue of the allotted examination Centre.

OSSC CGL Answer Key 2023

OSSC CGL Answer Key 2023: After the exam is conducted the OSSC CGL written exam answer key will be released by the OSSC on its official website after 10 -15 days of the exam. the candidates can check their correct and wrong answers and also calculate their raw marks manually. We will share OSSC CGL answer key script code to check marks directly by using our code and following just 3-4 steps to calculate marks directly without manually counting your marks.

OSSC CGL Result 2023

OSSC CGL Result 2023: OSSC Will announce OSSC CGL Result 2023 after completion of all the stages of recruitment process of OSSC CGL 2023 Exam. After all the written paper stages are completed, the candidates will have to go through the certificate verification process conducted by OSSC to check all the relevant documents of the candidates who are eligible for this stage. Candidates are advised to regularly check this page and be aware of the result announcement date of OSSC CGL Exam 2023. After the result is announced, candidates can check their marks by login on the OSSC portal or they can check their name in the Result pdf released by the OSSC. The OSSC CGL Result will be uploaded on the official website of OSSC and candidates can download their OSSC CGL scorecard from the website.

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Manish Aggarwal
Manish Aggarwal
Content Writer/Content Creator, Educator, BCA Graduate | Music | Reading


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