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HomeExamsUPPSC Exam 2022 Notification, Dates, Pattern, Syllabus, Result

UPPSC Exam 2022 Notification, Dates, Pattern, Syllabus, Result

About UPPSC Exam 2022

UPPSC Exam 2022: The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) is the state agency authorized to conduct the Civil Services Examination for entry-level appointments to the various Group A and Group B Civil Services of Uttar Pradesh. The agency’s charter is granted by the Constitution of India. Articles 315 to 323 of Part XIV of the constitution, titled Services Under the Union and the States, provide for a Public Service Commission for the Union and for each state.

In this article, we have discussed UPPSC 2022 Exam in great detail. Interested candidates are suggested to have a nice look at it. 

UPPSC Exam 2022

UPPSC Exam 2022 Exam Basic Info

The table below lists the basic details of UPPSC 2022 Exam.

Exam NameUttar Pradesh Combined/Upper Subordinate Exam UPPCS)
Conducting BodyUttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC)
Exam LevelState Level
Exam FrequencyOnce a year
Exam ModeOffline
LanguageEnglish and Hindi
Exam PurposeTo select the candidates for the state services
No. of Test CitiesAcross the state
Exam Helpdesk No.10:00 AM to 05:00 PM0532 – 2407547+91 – 8765973668+91 – 8765973766 (Lucknow)
Official Website

UPPSC Exam 2022 Dates

Candidates who are willing to take part in UPPSC 2022 can check the table below for all the important dates. UPPSC Exam 2022 Date provided below are tentative and subject to change.

Tentative Exam Schedule

Issue of Notification1st week of February 2022
Application form availability1st week of February 2022
Last date to submit the application fee2nd week of March 2022
Last date for Application Submission 2nd week of March 2022
Prelims Admit card1st week of June 2022
Preliminary Exam date2nd week of June 2022
Prelims Exam result1st week of September 2022
Main Exam Admit Card2nd week of September 2022
Main Exam Date1st week of October 2022
Declaration of the final resultTo be notified

UPPSC Exam 2022 Exam Eligibility Criteria

Age Limits

The common age limit for all the positions is:

Minimum Age limit- 21 years

Maximum Age Limit – 40 years on July 1

The candidates born before July 2, 1982 and after July 1, 2001 are not eligible to appear in the UPPSC 2022 exam.

The age relaxation provided for the reserved category candidates is:

Category   Age relaxation providedMaximum Age Limit
OBC5 years43 years
SC5 years45 years
ST5 years45 years
PwD15 years55 years

Important Note: Skilled players of U.P. of Classified Games, State Govt. Employees of U.P. including Teachers/Staff of the Basic Shiksha Parishad of U.P. and Teachers / Staff of the Government Aided Madhyamik Vidyalayas of U.P. i.e. they must have not been born before 2nd July 1977.

The lower and upper age limit for UPPSC Exams is 20 years and 30 years respectively.

However, relaxation is provided to candidates with reservations. A candidate must have been born on or later than August 02, 1993, and on or earlier than August 1, 2003.

Age Relaxations of Upper Age Limit

CategoryAge Relaxation
SC/ ST (Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe)5 years
OBC (Other Backward Classes – Non-Creamy Layer)3 years
PwD (Persons With Disabilities)10 years
Ex-Servicemen, Commissioned Officers which includes Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECOs)/ Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs). These candidates must have gained at least 5 years of military service and have been released on completion of the assignment (including those whose assignment is due within a year)5 years
Persons affected by 1984 riots5 years

Educational Qualifications

The candidate must be a graduate to appear in the UPPSC PCS exam 2022. The candidates who are appearing in their graduation degree exam can also appear in the exam but they need to submit their final year mark sheet at the time of UPPCS main exam Detailed Application Form (DAF) submission. 

The candidates having any percentage in the degree course can fill the UPPCS application and can appear in the PCS exam. Besides, there are some specific educational qualifications required for some posts. The details are given below.

PostEducational Qualification required
Sub Registrar, Assistant Prosecuting Officer (Transport), Law officer, Law Officer (Mandi Parishad)Graduation (Law)
District Basic Shiksha Adhikari/ Associate DIOS & Other equivalent administrative posts, District Administrative Officer PG Degree
District Cane OfficerGraduation (Agriculture)
District Audit OfficerGraduation (Commerce)
Assistant Controller Legal Measurement (Grade-I)/Assistant Controller Legal Measurement (Grade-II)Degree in Science with Physics or Mechanical Engineering as one subject.
Assistant Labour CommissionerDegree (Arts) with Sociology or Economics as a subject or Commerce/ Law
District Programme OfficerDegree (Sociology/ Social Science/ Home Science/ Social Work)
Senior Lecturer, DIETPG Degree with B.Ed.
District Probation OfficerPG Degree (Relevant Disciplines)
Designated Officer/ Food Safety OfficerPG (Chemistry)
Statistical officerPG (Mathematics/ Mathematical Statistics/ Statistics/ Agricultural Statistics)
Labour Enforcement Officer Bachelor’s Degree/ PG (Relevant Disciplines)
Distt. Horticulture officer Group-2 Grade-1B.Sc (Agriculture / B.Sc (Horticulture)
Extension Service Officer Group-2B.Sc or B.Sc. (Ag.) followed by a 15-month Post-graduate Diploma Course
Tax assessment officerBachelor’s degree (Commerce or Economics)
Marketing officer/ Secretary Group-II (Mandi Parishad)Graduation (Relevant Disciplines)
Account and Audit Officer (Mandi Parishad)Graduation (Commerce) with Accountancy
Senior Sugarcane Development InspectorPG (Agriculture Science) and CCC Certificate
Veterinary and Welfare officerB.V.Sc. and A.H or equivalent

Physical Measurements

The board also follows rigorous physical body measurements of the candidates applying for the exam.

The posts for which physical appearances are measured:

  • Assistant Conservator of Forest
  • Range Forest Officer
  • Dy. Superintendent of Police
  • Superintendent of Jail
  • District Commandant Home Guards
  • Excise Inspector

The extended time during the outbreak of COVID 19 is more than just enough for the preparation of UPPSC. Use it wisely and try cracking the exam to achieve greater heights—all the very best.

UPPSC PCS Selection Process

The UPPSC conducts the exam on the pattern of UPSC IAS Exam. The UPPCS exam has three stages selection process and the candidates must pass all three stages of the UPPCS exam to qualify the exam. The stages of the selection process are given below.

1. Prelims Exam

2. Main Exam (written)

3. Interview

The commission issues UPPSC PCS answer key for the Prelims exam. The candidates can check their answers and can raise objections on wrong answers in the provisional answer key.

UPPSC Exam 2022 Exam Pattern

1. UPPCS Prelims Exam
Prelims Exam is the first stage of the UPPCS selection process. UPPSC conducts the prelims exam across the state in offline mode and around eight lakh candidates appear in this exam. This year, the UPPSC UPPCS prelims question paper was not in consonance with the previous year papers.

2. UPPCS Main (written) Exam

UPPSC conducts the UPPCS main exam on the pattern of UPSC Main (written) exam. The UPPSC UPPCS main exam pattern can be summarised as follows:

Paper NameMarks
General Hindi150
General Studies – I200
General Studies – II200
General Studies – III200
General Studies – IV200
Optional Subject – Paper I200
Optional Subject – Paper II200

UPPSC Exam 2022 Syllabus 

UPPSC PCS Syllabus- Prelims Exam

General Studies Paper I Syllabus

The UPPSC notification defines the UPPSC prelims syllabus in detail. The list of the topics given in the official notification is given below.

  • Current events of national and international importance
  • History of India & Indian National Movement
  • India and World Geography – Physical, Social, Economic geography of India and the World.
  • Indian Polity and Governance 
  • Economic and Social Development
  • General Science

General Studies Paper-II Syllabus

It is the qualifying paper only and the candidates need to secure minimum passing marks to qualify this paper. The minimum qualifying marks is 66 marks out of 200. The list of topics is as follows.

  • Comprehension.
  • Interpersonal skills, including communication skills
  • Logical reasoning and analytical ability
  • Decision making and problem-solving.
  • General mental ability
  • Elementary Mathematics up to Class X level- Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry and Statistics.
  • General English up to Class X level.
  • General Hindi up to Class X level.

UPPSC PCS Syllabus- Main exam

The main exam is the main part of the UPPSC exam in real terms. The marks secured in the UPPSC PCS main exam are the deciding factor in the final selection. With the change in UPPCS exam pattern, new syllabus of the UPPSC main exam came into force.

There are two major changes in the main exam pattern. Firstly, UPPSC does away with the objective type papers and re-introduced the descriptive type papers as in the past but with the increase in the number of papers. Secondly, UPPSC introduced the ‘Ethics’ paper which was not there earlier.

The paper-wise official UPPSC syllabus is given below

Essay Paper Syllabus

The candidates need to write three essays (in about 700 word) in three hours. There will be three sections in the UPPSC Essay question paper and the candidates need to choose one topic from each section. The section-wise syllabus is as follows

Section A: (1) Literature and Culture. (2) Social sphere. (3) Political sphere.

Section B: (1) Science, Environment and Technology. (2) Economic Sphere (3) Agriculture, Industry and Trade.

Section C: (1) National and International Events. (2) Natural Calamities, Landslide, Earthquake, Deluge, Drought etc. (3) National Development programmes and projects.

General Studies Paper I Syllabus

The General Studies Paper I is the most static paper of the UPPSC PCS main exam. This paper has the least current orientation and the candidates should prepare it keeping in mind that its topics will be useful in other exams as well. The list of the topics is as follows

  • History of Indian Culture will cover the salient aspects of Art Forms, literature and Architecture from ancient to modern times.
  • Modern Indian history (from A.D.1757 to A.D. 1947): Significant events, personalities and issues, etc.
  • The Freedom Struggle- its various stages and important contributors/contributions from different parts of the country. 
  • Post-independence consolidation and reorganization within the country (till 1965A.D.). 
  • History of the world will include events from 18th century to the middle of the 20th century such
    as French revolution of 1789, the industrial revolution, World Wars, redraw of national boundaries, Socialism, Nazism, Fascism etc-their forms and effect on the society.
  • Salient features of Indian Society and culture.
  • Role of Women in society and women’s organization, population and associated issues, poverty and developmental issues, urbanization, their problems and their remedies.

General Studies II Syllabus

This paper demands the knowledge of the Indian Constitution, the important Acts passed by the Parliament and important historical judgements related to the basic structure of the constitution of India. The list of the topics are as follows

  • Indian Constitution- historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions and basic structure, Role of Supreme Court in the evolution of basic provisions of Constitution.
  • Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States: issues and challenges pertaining to the federal structure, devolution of powers and finances up to local levels and challenges therein.
  • Role of Finance Commission in Centre-State financial relations. 
  • Separation of powers, dispute redressal mechanisms and institutions. Emergence and use of alternative dispute redressal mechanisms.
  • Comparison of the Indian constitutional scheme with that of other major democratic countries.
  • Parliament and State legislatures- structure, functioning, the conduct of business, powers and privileges and concerned issues.
  • Structure, organization and functioning of the Executive and the Judiciary: Ministries and Departments of the Government, Pressure groups and formal/informal associations and their role in the Polity. Public Interest Litigation (PIL).

General Studies III Syllabus

This is the most dynamic paper of UPPSC PCS main exam. This paper’s topics run in consonance with the current events all the time. The candidates need to update the textbooks for the new data and figures released by the government from time to time. The list of the topics are as follows

  • Economic planning in India, objectives and achievements. Role of NITI Aayog, Pursuit of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).
  • Issues of Poverty, Unemployment, Social justice and inclusive growth.
  • Components of Government Budgets and Financial System.
  • Major Crops, Different types of irrigation and irrigation systems, storage, transport and marketing of agricultural produce, e-technology in the aid of farmers.
  • Issues related to direct and indirect farm subsidies and minimum support prices, Public Distribution System (PDS)- objectives, functioning, limitations, revamping, issues of buffer stocks and food security, Technology missions in agriculture.
  • Food processing and related industries in India- scope and significance, location, upstream and downstream requirements, supply chain management. 

General Studies IV- Ethics Syllabus

Ethics paper is introduced recently and the teachers are in the process to devise a strategy for the candidates. This paper was introduced to check the moral orientation of the candidates.

The list of the topics are as follows.

Ethics and Human Interface


Emotional Intelligence 

Contributions of moral thinkers 

Public/Civil Service Values and Ethics in Public Administration

Probity in Governance

UPPSC Optional Subject List

The UPPSC syllabus prescribes a list of 29 optional subjects and the candidates can choose their optional subject from this list. The lst includes four literature subjects as well. The list of optional subjects in the UPPSC PCS syllabus is given below.

1. Agriculture2. Zoology3. Chemistry
4. Physics5. Mathematics6. Geography
7. Economics8. Sociology9. Philosophy
10. Geology11. Psychology12. Botany
13. Law14. Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science15. Statistics
16. Management17. Political Science & International Relations 18. History
19. Anthropology20. Civil Engineering21. Mechanical Engineering
22. Electrical Engineering23. English Lit.24. Urdu Lit.
25. Hindi Lit.26. Sanskrit Lit.27. Commerce & Accountancy
28. Public Administration29. Medical Science          ———

UPPSC Exam 2022 Application Process

Candidates can apply for the UPPSC Exam 2022 by following the given steps:

Step 1. Go to the official website of UPPSC –

Step 2. Go to the ‘Latest Advertisement’ tab given at the left corner of the home page

Step 3. Click on the ‘Apply’ tab given at the right corner of the UPPSC 2022 Advertisement table

Step 4. The UPPSC 2022 Application is a three-stage process

  • Candidate Registration (First Stage)
  • Fee Deposit/Reconciliation (Second Stage)
  • Submit Application Form (Third Stage)

Step 5. Fill the required personal details and the exam centre

Step 6. Submit the prescribed fees as per the category

Step 7. Upload the scanned copy of photo and signature

Step 8. Submit the UPPSC PCS 2022 application

Step 9. Take a printout of the UPPSC 2022 application for future reference

Size and Dimension of the Photo and Signature

The candidates need to fix the photograph of the size Width = 3.5 cm and Height= 4.5 cm on the white blank paper. Also, just below the photograph, the candidate needs to sign on the paper. The height of the signature should not be over 1.5 cm. Now scan this photo with signature. The Size of this scanned image should not be over 50 Kb.
Scan the image in the JPG or JPEG format only to upload it with the application.

Size  Dimension  Type of File
50 Kb   width = 3.5   Height =6.00 cm        JPEG or JPG

Application Fee

Category Fee
General/ OBC / Economically weaker sectionsExam fee Rs. 100/- + On-line processing fee Rs. 25/-, Total = Rs. 125/-
SC/STExam fee Rs. 40/- + On-line processing fee Rs. 25/-, Total = Rs. 65/-
Differently Abled Person Exam fee NIL+ On-line processing fee Rs. 25/- Total = Rs. 25/-
Ex-ServicemanExam fee Rs. 40/- + On-line processing fee Rs. 25/- Total = Rs. 65/- 
Dependents of the Freedom Fighters/WomenAccording to their original category


This article discusses UPPSC 2022 Exam in details. Every candidate is suggested to go through the aforementioned information very carefully. It is hoped that the contents of this article result to be helpful to all the candidates.  

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    Manish Aggarwal
    Manish Aggarwal
    Content Writer/Content Creator, Educator, BCA Graduate | Music | Reading


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