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HomeSyllabus and Exam PatternSBI PO Syllabus 2021- Syllabus & Exam Pattern

SBI PO Syllabus 2021- Syllabus & Exam Pattern

SBI PO Syllabus 2021 

SBI PO Syllabus 2021: State Bank of India will conduct SBI PO 2021 for recruiting candidates for the position of probationary officer in different branches of SBI all over the country. Each candidate has to go through three stages which will examine their knowledge, mental ability, personality, and problem-solving.Check this Article for SBI PO Syllabus 2021 and Exam Pattern.

SBI PO exam is a very highly anticipated and competitive exam in the banking sector. Thus, every candidate must have a very clear idea about each and every detail of this exam. This article contains all the information regarding SBI PO 2021.

sbi po syllabus 2021

SBI PO 2021 Exam Pattern

The SBI PO 2021 Exam will be conducted in the following 3 stages: 

  1. SBI PO 2021 Preliminary Exam
  2. SBI PO 2021 Mains Exam 
  3. SBI PO 2021 Interview 

SBI PO Exam Pattern for Prelims

The SBI PO 2021 Prelims Exam will have 3 sections 

  • Reasoning,
  • Quantitative Aptitude &
  • English Language

The Time Duration for the Prelims Exam of SBI PO will be 1 hour.

SBI PO Exam Pattern 2021: Prelims
S.No.SectionNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime allotted
for each test
1English Language303020 minutes
2Quantitative Aptitude353520 minutes
3Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total1001001 hour

Highlights of SBI PO Prelims Exam

The following points are the highlights of the SBI PO Prelims Exam:

  1. There will be three sections.
  2. Category wise merit list will be drawn based on the aggregate marks scored in the Preliminary Exam.
  3. There will be no sectional cut-off. However, there will be an overall cut off.
  4. There will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for every incorrect answer.

SBI PO Syllabus 2021 for Prelims Exam

The preliminary examination of the SBI PO exam comprises of Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language. The complete detail of heading and sub-heading of the sections asked in the Preliminary Exam of SBI PO exam is discussed below:

ReasoningQuantitative AptitudeEnglish Language
Logical ReasoningSimplificationReading Comprehension
Alphanumeric SeriesProfit & LossCloze Test
Ranking/Direction/Alphabet TestMixtures & AllegationsPara jumbles
Data SufficiencySimple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & IndicesMiscellaneous
Coded InequalitiesWork & TimeFill in the blanks
Seating ArrangementTime & DistanceMultiple Meaning/Error Spotting
PuzzleMensuration – Cylinder, Cone, SphereParagraph Completion
TabulationData InterpretationVocabulary
SyllogismRatio & Proportion, PercentageSentence Improvement
Blood RelationsNumber Systems Word Association
Input-OutputSequence & SeriesError Spotting
Coding-DecodingPermutation, Combination &ProbabilityVerbal Ability

SBI PO Exam Pattern for Mains

Candidates meeting the required Cut off in SBI Prelims will be eligible to appear for the Mains Exam. The syllabus for SBI PO Mains is quite similar to the IBPS PO Exam. There is only a slight change in the Mains Section with two extra sections being added i.e. General and Banking Awareness and a Descriptive Test and the duration of the test will be 3 hours.

The Descriptive Test has a duration of 30 minutes with a score of 50 marks. This test is conducted to test the writing skills of candidates via Letter Writing & Essay Writing.

SBI PO Exam Pattern 2021: Mains
S.No.SectionNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime allotted
for each
1Reasoning & Computer Aptitude456060 minutes
2General Economy/ Banking Awareness404035 minutes
3English Language354040 minutes
4Data Analysis & Interpretation356045 minutes
5.English Language
(Letter Writing & Essay)
025030 minutes
6Total1552003 hours

Highlights of SBI PO Mains Exam

The following points are the highlights of the SBI PO Exam:

  1. All the questions will be objective in nature.
  2. This Mains paper will have four sections of a total of 200 marks.
  3. The duration of the SBI PO Mains Exam will be 3 hours.
  4. The objective test will have separate timing for every section.
  5. There will be no sectional cut off. There will be only an overall cut off.
  6. There will be a penalty of 0.25 marks for every incorrect Multiple Choice Question.
  7. The Descriptive Paper of 50 marks is compulsory to attempt.

Note: Descriptive paper of a candidate will be checked only if they qualify in the Objective test as per the qualifying marks decided by the Bank.

SBI PO Syllabus 2021 for Mains Exam

The Mains Examination of SBI PO exam comprises 4 sections:

  1. Data Analysis & Interpretation
  2. Reasoning & Computer Aptitude
  3. General/Economy/Banking Awareness
  4. English Language

The SBI PO Mains syllabus comprises a descriptive test as well. The descriptive test consists of two questions, one letter writing and one essay each of 25 marks making a total of 50 marks.

Candidates need to score passing marks in the descriptive test as well to qualify for the SBI PO mains exam.

The complete syllabus is discussed below:

Syllabus for Data Analysis

The following topics are covered under the Data Analysis section:

  • Tabular Graph,
  • Line Graph,
  • Pie Chart,
  • Bar Graph,
  • Radar Graph Case-let,
  • Missing Case DI,
  • Let it Case DI,
  • Data Sufficiency,
  • Probability,
  • Permutation and Combination

Syllabus of Reasoning

The following topics are covered under the Reasoning section:

  • Verbal Reasoning,
  • Syllogism,
  • Circular Seating Arrangement,
  • Linear Seating Arrangement,
  • Double Lineup,
  • Scheduling,
  • Input-Output,
  • Blood Relations,
  • Directions and Distances,
  • Ordering and Ranking,
  • Data Sufficiency,
  • Coding and Decoding,
  • Coded Inequalities,
  • The course of Action,
  • Critical Reasoning,
  • Analytical and Decision Making

Syllabus of English Language

The following topics are covered under the English Language section:

  • Reading Comprehension,
  • Grammar,
  • Vocabulary,
  • Verbal Ability,
  • Word Association,
  • Sentence Improvement,
  • Para Jumbles,
  • Cloze Test,
  • Error Spotting,
  • Fill in the blanks

Syllabus of General Awareness/ Economy/ Banking Awareness

The following topics are covered under the Economy section:

  • Financial Awareness,
  • Current Affairs,
  • General Knowledge,
  • Static Awareness,
  • Banking and Financial Awareness

Syllabus of Computer Aptitude

The following topics are covered under the Computer Aptitude section:

  • Internet,
  • Memory,
  • Keyboard Shortcuts,
  • Computer Abbreviation,
  • Microsoft Office,
  • Computer Hardware,
  • Computer Software,
  • Operating System,
  • Networking,
  • Computer Fundamentals/ Terminologies,

SBI PO Exam 2021 Group Exercise and Interview

This is the final stage of selection for successful candidates who qualify for the first two phases of the SBI PO 2021 exam. The Group Discussion accounts for 20 marks while the Interview is for 30 marks.

  1. The aggregate marks of all the candidates clearing both the Objective Tests and Descriptive Test will be arranged in descending order in each category.
  2. The decided number of candidates in each category, as governed by the Bank will be called for Group Exercises and Interview.
  3. The qualifying marks in Group Discussion & Interview will be as decided by the Bank.

SBI PO GD & PI Topics

The candidates who will be appearing for the SBI Group Discussion and Personal Interview will be given the burning topics. It will be quite useful if you prepare the Pros and Cons of the topic of the SBI PO GD & PI.  Some of the topics on which the SBI PO GD and PI will be based are as follows:

  • Impact of COVID-19 in the World
  • Reservation System in Government Jobs.
  • Water disputes
  • FDI in India
  • Gold Monetization Scheme
  • Women Empowerment
  • Impact of Brexit
  • Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal
  • Digital India
  • Should cryptocurrency be made legal?

If questions on Financial topics are asked then, it can be related to NPA such as what is NPA its genre, 

‘How can RBI and Banks take control over it’ 

‘Merging of nationalized banks’ 

‘How can we bring competency and profitability in Public Sector Banks’, and so on. 

If they go with Non-Financial important issues/topics. It can be related to our nation and issues of national interest.

SBI PO 2021 Final Selection

The final score for the SBI PO Exam is calculated keeping the below points in mind:

  • Marks secured in the Preliminary Exam (Phase-1) will not be considered for selection
  • Candidates must qualify for Phase-2 and Phase-3 separately to be eligible
  • Marks secured by the candidates in the SBI PO Mains Exam (out of 250 marks) are converted to out of 75 and marks secured in Group Exercises & Interview (out of 50 marks) are converted to out of 25. This makes the new total score (Mains + GD/PI) to be 100
  • The aggregate score out of 100 is used for the final merit list for each category. Candidates with top merit rank in each category are finally selected.


In the above article, we have discussed the complete SBI PO Syllabus 2021 and SBI PO Exam Pattern 2021 in detail. Every candidate is suggested to go through the syllabus before starting their preparation. It is hoped that the contents of the above article end up being helpful to all the aspirants eyeing this test. 

Other useful Articles:

    What is the marking scheme for SBI PO Syllabus?

     There will be three sections: Prelims, Mains, GD and PI. Prelims will be of 100 marks, Mains of 250 marks including the Descriptive Test while GD & PI will be of 20 and 30 marks respectively.

    What are the subjects in the SBI PO 2021 exam?

    There are three subjects in SBI PO 2021 Prelims Exam which are Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and English Language and 5 subjects in mains exam which are Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, English Language, Data Interpretation & Analysis and General/Economy/Banking Awareness.

    What will be the total number of questions in SBI PO Preliminary & Mains exams?

    The Prelims exam will have a total of 100 questions while there will be 155 questions in the SBI PO Mains exam excluding Descriptive Paper.

    Manish Aggarwal
    Manish Aggarwal
    Content Writer/Content Creator, Educator, BCA Graduate | Music | Reading


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