UP TGT Science Syllabus in English 2024
Table of Contents
In this post, you will find the UP TGT Science Syllabus in English & Hindi pdf in Detail. Read our complete post to know about the syllabus of UP TGT Science in English & Hindi. A Syllabus plays a very important role when it comes to competitive exams preparation. Since the Official syllabus was provided by the commission only in Hindi, so to help the students who are preparing for this exam in English medium we provided the UP TGT Science Syllabus in English language also.
Physics Syllabus UP TGT 2024
- Dimension & Measurement –
- Basic sources derived in the S.I. System
- conversion of one system of units to another.
- Application of dimensional analysis.
- Scalar and vector Quantity.
- Motion & Force –
- Relative Speed
- Newton’s theory of relative motion displacement
- Speed & velocity
- Linear Motion, Angular Motion, and their relation
- Simple Linear Motion and various Motions
- Awakening principle
- Force
- Acceleration
- Equation of Motion
- Potential and Kinetic energy
- Linear Momentum and Angular Momentum
- Conservation of Energy and Momentum
- Change of Potential and Kinetic Energy with each other
- Gravitational and Inertial Mass
- Newton’s Law of Motion
- Action and Reaction
- Rotational Motion
- Force Pair
- Pseudo Force
- Centrifugal Force and Centripetal Force
- Coriolis force
- Newton’s Gravitational Law
- Kepler’s Law
- Projectile Motion
- Motion of Satellites
- Geostationary satellite
- Escape velocity
- Gravitational Acceleration
- Change in Value of ‘g’ (w.r.t – Height, Depth, Surface motion)
- Simple Harmonic Motion and its Features
- Simple Pendulum
- Conservative and Non-conservative Force
- Restoring Force
- Factors affecting Time Period
- Inertial and Non-inertial frame of reference
- weightlessness in Lift
- Heat
- Concept of Heat and Temperature
- Measurement of Temperature Conversion from one scale to another
- Absolute temperature scale
- Thermal Equilibrium
- Diffusion in solids
- Linear expansion, Arial expansion, cuboidal expansion
- Oxidative solids
- Heat conduction
- Equilibrium of Temperature and Temperature gradient
- Good and bad conductors
- Convection of heat
- Convection current
- Real and imaginary diffusion of light
- Radiation of heat
- Emissivity and Absorbivity of blackbody
- Kirchhoff’s law
- Black body
- Wien’s displacement law
- Planck’s law of blackbody radiation
- Radiation from electromagnetic waves
- Pressure and energy density
- Newton’s law of cooling
- Radiation modification
- Stefan’s law
- Heat capacity
- Water equivalent of heat
- Specific heat of solid, liquid and gas
- Mayer’s relationship
- Ratio of specific heats of monoatomic, diatomic and triatomic gases
- Measurement of heat
- Calorimeter
- Change in state
- Mirror
- Hygrometer
- Mechanical equivalent of heat
- First law of thermodynamics
- Light
- Spherical mirrors and lenses
- Refraction
- Formation of image
- Human eye
- विपणन
- Acromaticity
- Myopia & Hypermetropia
- Minimum distance of clear visibility
- Basic concepts of interference, diffraction and polarization
- Electricity
- Cell – Primary and Secondary Cell
- Internal resistance of cell
- Electronic current & conduction current
- Drift velocity
- Mean free Path
- Relaxation time
- Ohm’s Law
- Resistance in series and parallel combination
- Measurement of Current and Potential Difference
- Conversion of galvanometer into ammeter and voltmeter
- Measurement of Resistance
- Wheatstone Bridge & Post office box bridge
- Difference between AC/DC Current
- Transformer, Choke, Meter and Generator
- Modern Physics
- Structure of Atom
- Vector Model of Atom
- Hydrogen Atom theory of Bohr
- Basic concept of Nuclear energy
- Fusion & Fission
- Formation of Rays
- Photo electric effect
- P-N Junction
- Basic concept of Amplifier
Chemistry Syllabus UP TGT 2024
- Matter
- Nature and Behaviour – Types of matter
- Elements and their classification(Metals & non metals)
- Compounds and their mixtures
- Laws of chemical combination
- law of constant composition
- Law of Refractive and inverse proportion
- Gay lussac’s law of gaseous volumes
- Mitscherlich law of isomorphism
- Composition of Matter
- Dalton’s Atomic Theory
- Atoms, Molecules and their characteristics
- Atomic Structure –
- Discovery of electron, proton and neutron
- Rutherford’s Alpha scattering experiment and discovery of nucleus
- Rutherford, Bohr, sommerfeld’s atomic model
- Quantum Numbers
- Modern Atomic Theory
- De broglie hypothesis, Heisenberg hypothesis –
- Heisenberg uncertainty principle
- Electronic configuration of elements based on s, p, and d orbitals
- Electronic configuration according to pauli exclusion principle and hund’s rule
- Radio Activity –
- Discovery of Radioactivity
- Radioactive rays and their properties
- Average life time and Half life time
- Laws of Radioactive decay
- Nuclear fusion and Fission
- Artificial Radioactivity
- Isotopes, Isobars, Isotones
- Chemical Bonding –
- Basic concept of connectivity
- Electronic principles
- Octet Rule
- Exceptions to the Octet rule
- Electrostatic
- Covalent and coordinate bond
- Characteristics of Ionic, covanlent and coordinate compounds
- Fajan’s rule of polarisation
- Inter pair effect
- Valence Bond theory of covalency (Hydrogen atoms )
- Hybridization
- Orbital shapes of Sp2, Sp3 hybridization
- Chemical Reactions –
- Symbol, ion and formulas
- Chemical Reactions and chemical equation
- Physical and chemical change and their difference
- Types of chemical reactions – Displacement, combination, decomposition, double , slow and fast chemical reactions, endothermic and exothermic reaction, and catalyzed reactions
- Electrochemical Cells –
- The working principle of voltaic cellÂ
- Dry Cell
- Lead storage battery
- Reversible cell
- Electrode potential
- Nernst equation and its application
- Periodic classification of elements –
- Mendeleev’s Periodic classification and its basis.
- Advantages and disadvantages of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table
- Variations and properties of periodic table
- Periodic properties of elements(atomic and ionic radius, ion potential, electron affinity, electronegativity)
- Variation of periodic properties in groups and periods
- Similarities between s and p block elements
- Electronic configuration of first-row transition elements(3 d block elements)
- Oxidation state
- color- magnetism properties
- Formation of complex compounds
- Organic Chemistry–
- Inductive effect, electrophoretic effect and mesomeric effects
- Hyperconjugation, resonance and their applications
- Electrophilic-and-nucleophilic-reagents
- free radical carbo-cation and carbo-anion
- hydrogen bonding and its effect
- Classification and nomenclature of organic compounds
- Isomerism –
- Structural and stereoisomerism
- Concept of Mechanism of Organic Reactions
- Mechanism of simple substitution addition and elimination reaction
- Process of formation of organic compounds and their properties (given below)
- Alkanes
- Alkenes
- Alkynes
- Alkyl halide
- Ketones
- Acids and derivative benzene its formulation, properties and composition
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