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HomeExamsSSC CHSL 2024 Exam Details- Notification Date, Application, Pattern,

SSC CHSL 2024 Exam Details- Notification Date, Application, Pattern,

About SSC CHSL Exam

SSC CHSL 2024 Exam details: is conducted to recruit eligible candidates for the post of lower division clerks, postal assistants, data entry operators, and sorting assistants, etc. The candidates should have passed their (10+2) or an equivalent examination from a Recognised University or board and they should apply through online mode at the official website. The age of the probable candidates should be between 18 to 27 years as of 01-08-2024. Relaxation in age limits shall be enforced as per the laws of the government of India. For brief details, SSC CHSL 2024-23 Application Form, Exam Dates, Exam Pattern, Eligibility & Admit Card, consider the following article.

SSC CHSL 2024 Basic Info

Here is a brief provided about the SSC CHSL 2024 Exam in the below table.

Name of ExamSSC CHSL
Conduct byStaff Selection Commission
Exam LevelNational Level Test
Eligibility10+12 Exam Clear Any recognized board
Date of ExamJuly 2022
Mode of ApplyOnline
Exam DurationTier 1: 60 minutes;
Tier 2: 60 minutes;
Tier 3: 15 minutes
Exam ModeTier 1- Online (CBT)
Tier 2- Offline (Descriptive paper)
Tier 3- Skill Based Test (Typing Test)

Tier I Paper replaced by NRA CET (from 2024)

  • The Union Minister of India, Jitendra Singh confirmed that NRA CET will replace the first stages of exams conducted by SSC, RRB and IBPS. 
  • It will be a common test for all the exams conducted by these three government bodies.
  • There will be three different tests for three different education qualifications: 10th Pass, 12th Pass and Graduates.
  • The dates for this test have not been yet disclosed so we have provided the expected dates for SSC CHSL Tier I Exam.

SSC CHSL 2024 Exam Important Dates

The table below lists all the important dates related to SSC CHSL 2024 Exam

EventsExam Dates
Submission of the Application Form Date1st week of March 2022
Application Form Submit Last DateApril 2022
Application Fee last dateApril 2022
Admit Card Issue DateJune 2022
Tier-I SSC CGHSL Exam Date (Computer Based Exam)July 2022
Tier-I Exam Result AnnouncementNotified Later
Date of Tier-II ExaminationSeptember 2022
Final Result AnnouncementMay 2022

SSC CHSL 2024 Eligibility Criteria


A candidate must be either of the following:

  • A citizen of India
  • A subject of Nepal
  • A subject of Bhutan
  • A Tibetan refugee who came to India before January 1, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India
  • A person of Indian origin migrated from either/or Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India

Note: All candidates (other than citizens of India) need to produce a certificate of eligibility issued by the Government of India when asked by the authorities. As per the official notification, the offer of appointment will be issued to such candidates only after they produce the certificate of eligibility.  

Age Limit

In order to fulfil SSC CHSL 2024 eligibility criteria, candidates must be aged between 18 and 27 years as on 1 August, 2024. This means that candidates should be born not before August 2, 1995 and not later than August 1, 2004.

The Staff Selection Commission provides relaxation in the upper age limit to candidates belonging to different reserved categories. The permissible limit in age criteria for reserved categories is as mentioned below:    

SSC CHSL CategoriesSSC CHSL Age Relaxation
Scheduled Caste (SC)/Scheduled Tribe (ST)5 years
Other Backward Class (OBC)3 years
Persons with Disabilities (PwD) (Unreserved)10 years
PwD (OBC)13 years
PwD (SC/ST)15 years
Ex-Servicemen (ESM)3 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on closing date of receipt of online application
Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in Jammu & Kashmir during the period from January 1, 1980 to December 31, 19895 years
Defence personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof3 years
Defence personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof (SC/ST)8 years
Central government civilian employees who have rendered not less than three years regular and continuous service as on closing date for receipt of online applicationsUpto 40 years
Central government civilian employees who have rendered not less than three years regular and continuous service as on closing date for receipt of online applications (SC/ST)Upto 45 years
Widows/divorced women/women judicially separated and not remarriedUpto 35 years
Widows/divorced women/women judicially separated and not remarried (SC/ ST)Upto 40 years


  • The date of birth entered by the candidate in SSC CHSL application form should be the same as mentioned in their Matriculation/Secondary Examination Certificate
  • Candidates seeking age relaxation must produce the required certificate issued from the competent authority, in the prescribed format at the time of document verification. The candidature of candidates who fail to produce the certificate will be considered under unreserved (UR) category
  • Ex-servicemen who have already obtained employment in civil side under the Central Government in Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts on regular basis after availing the reservation benefits given to ex-servicemen for their re-employment are not eligible to apply for the exam under ESM category
  • The period of ‘Call up Service’ of an ex-serviceman in the Armed Forces will also be considered as service rendered in the Armed Forces for the purpose of age relaxation
  • Candidates who are sons, daughters and dependents of ex-servicemen are not eligible to apply for SSC CHSL under ESM category

Educational Qualification

Post-wise educational qualification that candidates need to obtain fulfil SSC CHSL eligibility are:

  • For Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC)/Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), Postal Assistant (PA)/Sorting Assistant (SA), Data Entry Operator (DEO): Candidates should clear Class 12 or possess an equivalent qualification from a recognised board or university
  • For DEO (Grade A) in the Office of Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG): Candidates should pass Class 12 in Science stream 

with Mathematics as a subject from a recognised board or equivalent

Note: Candidates who are yet to appear for Class 12 exams are also eligible to apply. However, such candidates need to present the documentary evidence of clearing Class 12 latest by August 1, 2024, informs the official website. 

SSC CHSL 2024 Exam Pattern

The examination is held in three stages.

  1. Computer-based Test: The first stage of the examination is the computer-based objective type. The questions will be set in English as well as in Hindi comprising of English language basic knowledge (25 questions of total 50 marks), general knowledge (26 questions of 50 marks), Quantitative Aptitude of basic arithmetic skills (25 questions of 50 marks) and general awareness (25 questions of 50 marks).
  1. Descriptive Written Test: The second stage of examination is of the descriptive type comprising of letter writing/application writing (the single question of 50 marks) and essay writing (the single question of 50 marks). This stage of the test will be held in “pen and paper” mode. Letter/application should be written in 150 – 200 words and essay should be written in 200 – 250 words.
  1. Typing test: The third stage of the test shall be the “typing/skill test”. The skill test for Data Entry Operator a Data Entry Speed of 8,000 depression of keys per hour on the computer is the minimum requirement. For the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General, the minimum speed of Key depression should be 15,000 per hour for a Data Entry Operator. The typing test is conducted for the post of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant and the words per minute in Hindi.

The table below summarizes SSC CHSL 2024 Exam Pattern: 

TierTypes of ExamMode of Exam
Tier 1Objective Multiple ChoiceComputer-Based (online)
Tier 2Descriptive Paper in English/HindiPen and Paper mode
Tier 3Skill Test/ Typing TestWherever Applicable

SSC CHSL 2024 Syllabus

SSC CHSL Tier 1 syllabus has been divided into four parts: 

  • General Intelligence
  • General Awareness 
  • Quantitative Aptitude  
  • English Language

General Intelligence

This segment includes questions of verbal as well as non-verbal categories. The test shall include questions on symbolic operations, Semantic Analogy, Figural Analogy, trends, Symbolic/Number Analogy, Semantic Classification, space orientation, Symbolic/Number Classification, Figural Classification, Drawing Inference, Venn diagram, and Punched hole/pattern-folding & unfolding.

English Language

This segment is basically concerned with the grammatical part of the English language. The question paper would comprise of topics such as Spot the error, Synonyms/Homonyms, Fill in the blanks, Spelling/Detecting Mis-spelt words, Antonyms, Idioms & phrases, Improvement of Sentences, One-word Substitutions, Active/Passive Voice of verbs, Shuffling of Sentence parts, Conversion into Direct/Indirect narrations, Comprehension Passage, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, and Close Passage.

Quantitative Aptitude

 The quantitative aptitude test is a simple mathematical-based question paper. The topics to be included are Number System, Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry, Mensuration, and Statistical Charts.

General Awareness 

The general awareness question paper is based on current events. Here the questions have been designed to test the general awareness of the candidate about the environment around him, knowledge of current events, experience in scientific aspects, matters of everyday observation, about India and its neighbouring countries. The questions will also be specially designed on history, geography, scientific research, economic scene, and general policy.

SSC CHSL 2024 Exam Application Process

Step 1: SSC CHSL 2021 Registration

  • Go to the official website of SSC at
  • Click on the “Apply” tab and then on SSC CHSL.
  • The following window will open on the screen.
  • Enter your Aadhaar number or any other photo ID proof number, Name, Father’s name, Mother’s name, date of birth, Class 10 board name, roll number and year of passing, gender, level of education, permanent address, mobile number and email ID.
  • Enter the OTPs to confirm your mobile number and email ID.
  • Your Registration number and password will be sent to you on your contact details.

Step 2: Upload Photo and Signature

Candidates have to upload scanned images of their recent passport size photograph and signature in the application form according to SSC’s specifications for scanned documents.

ImagesSizeDimension (width X Height)
Photograph20 kb to 50 kb3.5 cm x 4.5 cm
Signature10 kb to 20 kb4 cm x 3 cm

Step 3: Fill SSC CHSL 2024 Application Form

The registration process completes after uploading images. Fill the application form by entering communication details, educational details, etc.

  • Enter your category, nationality and visible identification mark, if any.
  • Indicate your medium of typing test and 3 exam center city in order of preference.
  • Accept the declaration by clicking on “I Agree”.

Step 4: Pay SSC CHSL Application Fee

Online Mode: Use BHIM UPI, Net Banking or Visa/ Mastercard/ Maestro Credit/ Debit card

Offline Mode: Download SBI Challan from the web portal and submit the same with cash in any SBI Bank branch during working hours.

CategoriesApplication Fees
UR/ General CandidatesINR 100
SC/ ST/ PwD/ Ex-Servicemen/ Women CandidatesNil

Note: Take out the printed copy of the SSC CHSL Application Form 2024 after successful submission.

SSC CHSL Application 2024: Photo and Signature Specifications 

AS mentioned above, the documents- passport size photograph and signature, must be uploaded keeping in mind the specifications. More details about the said specifications are given below.

Photo Details: While uploading the photo for the application form, go through the specifications required. Here is the list of important pointers on this subject:

  • Photo size: 20 kb to 50 kb
  • Photo dimension: 3.5 cm (width) X 4.5 cm (Height)
  • Photo background: White
  • Photograph resolution: 100 X 120 pixels
  • Photograph Format: JPG only

Signature Details: Along with the photo, candidates are also required to attach scanned images of their signature. The specifications are listed below:

  • Signature image size: 10 kb to 20 kb
  • Signature dimension: 4 cm (width) X 3 cm (Height)
  • Signature resolution: 140 X 60 pixels
  • Image Format: JPG only
  • Signature Background: White
  • Signature Style:  Signature must be done by the candidate with a running hand

All the students are suggested to fill all the necessary details very carefully and follow the specifications laid by SSC for photos and signature.

SSC CHSL 2024 Admit Card

The admit card for all stages of CHSL 2024 shall be issued by SSC at least two weeks before the dates of the respective examinations. The SSC CHSL Admit card will be available region-wise on the website of the commission. The candidates who qualify in the first stage of the examination shall be issued a separate admit card for the stage 2 examination. They should take the printout and carry the examination hall ticket to the examination centre. Applicants have to download their admit card online as the commission does not send the hall ticket online or by post.

SSC CHSL 2024 Answer Key

The Answer Key for the SSC CHSL stage 1 examination shall be available online by the commission for all the subjects. The candidates are required to download the answer key for checking the correct answer to all the questions. The answer key is very helpful to the candidates for calculating their expected score and analysing their performance in the examination. Also, the candidates will have an opportunity to submit representation against the provisional answer key in case of any doubt of anomaly.

SSC CHSL 2024 Result

The result of the CHSL 2024 exams will be announced in online mode. Candidates can check the result by visiting the official website of SSC. Candidates who clear the Tier I exam will be eligible for tier II and clearing tier II will make them eligible for the skill test and candidates who clear the tier III (skill test) will be called for document verification.


SSC CHSL 2024 will see some changes in the form of NRA CET. However, candidates should not worry at all as the syllabus of this exam will revolve around the subject matter asked in SSC CHSL. It is suggested to all the aspirants to go through this article. It is hoped that the content of this article proves to be helpful to all the students.

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    Manish Aggarwal
    Manish Aggarwal
    Content Writer/Content Creator, Educator, BCA Graduate | Music | Reading


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