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HomeSyllabus and Exam PatternSSC JE 2022 Exam Pattern & Syllabus

SSC JE 2022 Exam Pattern & Syllabus

SSC JE 2022 Exam

SSC JE 2022 Exam: SSC will be conducting an open competitive exam to select the candidates as Junior Engineers in different departments. Shortlisted candidates will be eligible for appointment to different posts depending on their choice and the vacancy available. Candidates will have to face two papers to get through this exam. All the candidates must have a clear idea of the exam pattern and syllabus.

In this article, we have discussed SSC JE 2022 Exam Pattern and Syllabus. All the candidates are suggested to have a nice look at it.

SSC JE 2022

SSC JE 2022 Exam Pattern 

SSC JE 2022 will be conducted in two papers i.e. paper 1 and paper 2. Paper 1 is an objective paper while Paper 2 is a descriptive paper. Given below is the detailed exam pattern for paper 1 and paper 2:

SSC JE Paper 1 Exam Pattern

  • Paper 1 is a computer-based test having multiple-choice questions.
  • It consists of 3 sections namely General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness and General Engineering (Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical).
PapersSubjectsNumber of QuestionsMaximum marksExam duration
Paper 1 – Objective typeGeneral Intelligence & Reasoning50 MCQs50 marksCumulative duration of 2 hours(2 hours and 40 minutes for those aspirants, who need a scribe)
General Awareness50 MCQs50 marks
General Engineering –Part A – Civil & Structural)/Part B (Electrical)/Part C (Mechanical)100 MCQs100 marks
Total3 Subjects200 MCQs200 Marks120 minutes(160 minutes for those aspirants, who need a scribe)
  • Sections 1 and 2 are the same for each candidate. In section 3, candidates have to choose their respective subjects from Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering.
  • Section 1 and 2 consists of 50 questions each. These sections test the candidate’s ability and knowledge of general reasoning and awareness. Section 3 consists of 100 questions and examines the candidate’s knowledge for the subject chosen from Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical    Engineering.
  • In Paper-1 and Paper-2 for General Engineering, the candidate will be required to attempt only the part as per the option given in the application form filled by the candidate.
  • In other words, the candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil or Quantity Surveying & Contracts) are required to attempt Part-A (Civil & Structural Engineering)
  • Candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Electrical) are required to attempt Part-B (Electrical Engineering)
  • Candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Mechanical) are required to attempt Part-C (Mechanical Engineering)
  • There is a negative marking of 0.25 marks per wrong answer.

SSC JE Paper 2 Exam Pattern

  • Paper 2 is a descriptive paper conducted in pen and paper mode.
  • Candidates have to attempt a question paper of 300 marks in 2 hours.
  • Paper 2 is a conventional type exam, candidates have to choose the subject from Part A- Civil & Structural Engineering, Part B- Electrical Engineering or Part C- Mechanical Engineering.
  • Candidates are allowed to bring their own Slide–Rule, Calculator, Logarithm Table and Steam Table for Paper-2.
  • There is no negative marking applicable in Paper-2.
PaperSubjectsMaximum marksExam duration & time
Paper 2 – Descriptive TypePart A – General Engineering (Civil and Structural) OR
Part B – General Engineering (Electrical) OR
Part C – General Engineering (Mechanical)
300 marks2 hours

SSC JE 2022 Exam Syllabus

SSC JE Paper 1 Syllabus

The SSC JE Paper 1 includes three sections such as General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness and General Engineering. Here is the detailed syllabus of each section.

General Intelligence and Reasoning Syllabus

This section in Paper 1 of SSC JE comprises 50 questions. The major topics are:

Arithmetical computationsDecision making
DiscriminationRelationship concepts
Arithmetical reasoningVerbal and figure classification
Arithmetical number seriesVisual memory
Space visualizationAnalysis
ObservationAbstract ideas, symbols, and their relationships
Analytical functionsJudgment

General Awareness Syllabus

This section also includes 50 MCQs. The questions test candidate’s knowledge of current events relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity, and Scientific Research, etc.

General Engineering Syllabus

This section in Paper 1 consists of 100 objections based on the stream opted by the candidate amongst Civil/ Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

  • Part A – Civil Engineering Syllabus: Building Materials, Estimating, Costing and Valuation, Surveying, Soil Mechanics, Hydraulics, Irrigation Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering.
  • Structural Engineering: Theory of Structures, Concrete Technology, RCC Design, Steel Design.
  • Part B – Electrical Engineering Syllabus: Basic concepts, Circuit law, Magnetic Circuit, AC Fundamentals, Measurement and Measuring instruments, Electrical Machines, Fractional Kilowatt Motors, and single-phase induction Motors, Synchronous Machines, Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Estimation and Costing, Utilization and Electrical Energy, Basic Electronics.
  • Part C Mechanical Engineering Syllabus: Theory of Machines and Machine Design, Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials, Properties of Pure Substances, 1st Law of Thermodynamics, 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, Air standard Cycles for IC Engines, IC Engine Performance, IC Engines Combustion, IC Engine Cooling & Lubrication, Rankine cycle of System, Boilers, Classification, Specification, Fitting & Accessories, Air Compressors & their cycles, Refrigeration cycles, Principle of Refrigeration Plant, Nozzles & Steam Turbines. Properties & Classification of Fluids, Fluid Statics, Measurement of Fluid Pressure, Fluid kinematics, Dynamics of Ideal fluids, Measurement of Flow rate, basic principles, Hydraulic Turbines, Centrifugal Pumps, Classification of steel.

SSC JE Paper 2 Syllabus

There are three parts in Paper 2 – Part A (Civil Engineering), Part B (Electrical Engineering) and Part C (Mechanical Engineering). Candidates have to indicate their choice of specialization in the application form.

Mechanical Engineering Syllabus

Candidates can check all the topics of Mechanical Engineering in the table given below:

Theory of Machines and Machine DesignFitting & Accessories
Engineering Mechanics and Strength of MaterialsAir Compressors & their cycles
Properties of Pure SubstancesRefrigeration cycles
1st Law of ThermodynamicsThe principle of the Refrigeration Plant
2nd Law of ThermodynamicsNozzles & Steam Turbines
IC Engines CombustionProperties & Classification of Fluids
Air standard Cycles for IC EnginesFluid Statics, Measurement of Fluid Pressure
IC Engine PerformanceFluid kinematics
IC Engine Cooling & LubricationDynamics of Ideal fluids
Rankine cycle of SystemMeasurement of Flow Rate
BoilersBasic principles
ClassificationHydraulic Turbines
SpecificationCentrifugal Pumps
Classification of steels

Electrical Engineering Syllabus

These are the topics that must be prepared for Electrical Engineering Paper:

Basic conceptsSynchronous Machines
Circuit lawGeneration
Magnetic CircuitTransmission and Distribution
AC FundamentalsEstimation and Costing
Measurement and Measuring InstrumentsUtilization and Electrical Energy
Electrical MachinesBasic Electronics
Fractional Kilowatt MotorsSingle-phase Induction Motors

Civil Engineering Syllabus

All the questions of Civil and Structural Engineering will be asked from the topics mentioned in the table below:

Building MaterialsHydraulics
Estimating, Costing, and ValuationIrrigation Engineering
SurveyingTransportation Engineering
Soil MechanicsEnvironmental Engineering
Theory of StructuresConcrete Technology
RCC DesignSteel Des


In the above article, we have discussed the complete SSC JE 2022 Exam Pattern and Syllabus in detail. Every candidate is suggested to go through the syllabus before starting their preparation. It is hoped that the contents of the above article end up being helpful to all the aspirants eyeing this test. 

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    Manish Aggarwal
    Manish Aggarwal
    Content Writer/Content Creator, Educator, BCA Graduate | Music | Reading


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