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HomeSyllabus and Exam PatternRPF Constable Syllabus 2024, Exam Pattern, Topic Wise Syllabus PDF

RPF Constable Syllabus 2024, Exam Pattern, Topic Wise Syllabus PDF

RPF Constable syllabus 2024 is very important to be understood by candidates who are participating in RPF Constable Recruitment 2024. Check complete subject wise RPF Constable syllabus 2024 pdf, exam pattern and selection process.

RPF Constable syllabus

RPF Constable Syllabus 2024: The Railway Protection Force(RPF) is planning to schedule RPF Constable examination in september 2024. Candidates are advised to check complete RPF Constable syllabus 2024 to prepare well for the exam and perform well in RPF Constable exam 2024. The RPF Constable Syllabus 2024 is divided into three main subjects: General Awareness, Arithmetic, and General Intelligence and Reasoning.

To get positive results in the examination, candidates are advised to go through the RPF Constable syllabus 2024 and RPF Exam pattern 2024 thoroughly, to have a better understanding of all the topics that are supposed to be asked in the examination. You can find all the details regarding RPF constable syllabus and exam pattern 2024.

RPF Constable Syllabus 2024

The RPF constable syllabus 2024 comprises of 3 major subjects which are Arithmentic, General Awareness, and General Intelligence and Reasoning.

The candidates who are appearing for RPF Constable exam should thoroughly understand the RPF Constable Syllabus 2024 in order to excel in the examination. Understanding of syllabus plays a vital role in the exam preparation. Therefore, it is advised to all the aspiring candidates to go through the syllabus completely and prepare well for the exam as per the given syllabus.

RPF Constable syllabus 2024 is very important when you are preparing for this exam. A clear understanding of the syllabus wil give you clear direction to crack the exam and will keep you focused on the exam requriements.

RPF Syllabus 2024 Overview

Here is the complete overview of RPF Syllabus 2024 for Constable posts:

RPF Syllabus 2024 Overview
General AwarenessGeneral Awareness, which may include Science, Humanities, Sports, Polity, Innovations, Current Events, etc.
ArithmeticNumerical Ability skills.
General Intelligence & reasoningMental Ability and General Intelligence.

RPF Constable Arithmetic Syllabus 2024

One of the sections in RPF Constable exam in arithmetic section which carries a weightage of 35 marks in RPF Constable exam. This section is basically designed to test the candidates’ basic arithmetic and numberical ability.

Number SystemsIntegers, Fractions, Decimals, and Simplification
Data InterpretationTables, Bar Graphs, Line Graphs, Pie Charts
Ratio and ProportionSimple Ratios, Compound Ratios, and Proportions
MensurationArea and Perimeter of Plane Figures (Square, Rectangle, Circle, Triangle), Volume and Surface Area of 3D Figures (Cube, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere)
Speed, Time & DistanceRelative Speed, Average Speed, Problems on Trains and Boats
Time and WorkWork Efficiency, Work and Wages, Pipes and Cisterns
AlgebraBasic Algebraic Expressions, Simple Linear Equations
Simple Interest and Compound InterestBasic Formulas and Concepts, Time, Rate, and Principal related problems
AveragesCalculation of Simple and Weighted Averages, Problems based on Average
PercentagesCalculation of Percentage, Increase/Decrease in Percentage, Applications of Percentage in various contexts
Relationships between NumbersWhole Numbers, Decimal and Fractions
Profit and LossCost Price, Selling Price, Profit and Loss Calculations, Discount and Market Price

RPF Constable General Awareness Syllabus

Here is the detailed RPF Constable General Awareness Syllabus which covers all the important and official topics that are asked in the RPF Constable exam:

Here’s the information transformed into a two-column table:

Current AffairsNational and International Events, Sports News, Awards and Honors, Appointments, Obituaries, Important Dates and Days
General KnowledgeGeography, History, Indian Polity, Economics, Static GK (Important Places, Monuments, National Parks, etc.)
Indian RailwaysHistory of Indian Railways, Significant Achievements, Current Developments in Railways
Science & TechnologyPhysics, Chemistry, Biology, Inventions and Discoveries, Space and Astronomy, Environmental Science
Indian ConstitutionPreamble, Fundamental Rights and Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy, Amendments
Economic and Social DevelopmentPoverty and Unemployment, Economic Reforms, Social Issues
Books and AuthorsFamous Books and their Authors
Art and CultureIndian Art and Architecture, Dance Forms, Music Forms, Festivals
SportsNational and International Sports Events, Famous Personalities in Sports
MiscellaneousAbbreviations, Important Government and Public Sector Organizations, International Organizations and their Headquarters, Important Days and Themes.

RPF Constable General Intelligence and Reasoning Syllabus

Here is the detailed syllabus for RPF Constable General Intelligence and Reasoning which covers all the important topics asked:

AnalogiesWord Analogies, Number Analogies
Spatial VisualizationMental Imagery, Rotational Figures, Spatial Orientation, Direction Sense, Maps and Spatial Relationships
Problem-Solving AnalysisCritical Thinking, Logical Analysis, Decision Making, Rational Decision-Making, Ethical Decision-Making
Visual MemoryMemory Retention, Pattern Recognition
Similarities & DifferencesIdentifying Commonalities, Contrasting Characteristics, Discriminating Observation, Recognizing Patterns, Noting Variations
Relationship ConceptsIdentifying Logical Connections, Establishing Relationships
Arithmetical ReasoningNumber-based Reasoning, Mathematical Operations, Classification of Verbal & Figure, Categorizing Words and Objects, Grouping Figures and Patterns, Arithmetic Number Series, Number Sequences and Patterns, Finding the Missing Number
Syllogistic ReasoningSyllogism Evaluation, Logical Conclusions
Non-Verbal SeriesPattern Recognition (Non-Verbal), Completing Sequences
Coding & DecodingCoding and Decoding Patterns, Message Deciphering, Statement Conclusion, Drawing Inferences, Logical Deductions

RPF Constable Exam Pattern 2024

To begin with your preparation it is very important to know detailed RPF Constable Exam Pattern 2024 which will give you the idea about the exam. Given below is the detailed RPF constable exam pattern 2024:

SubjectsNo. of QuestionsMarks
Basic Arithmetic3535
General Intelligence and Reasoning Ability3535
General Awareness5050

The detailed RPF Constable CBT Exam Pattern 2024 is shared below.

  • Candidates can take this exam in English/Hindi or any regional language.
  • All the questions will be of objective types.
  • The level of difficulty set for this exam will be 10th Standard.
  • Each question in this CBT exam carries 1 mark for every right answer. However, there is a negative marking of one-third (1/3) for every wrong answer.
  • Candidates will have 90 minutes to attempt all the questions as all of them are compulsory

RPF Constable Physical Measurement Test Exam Pattern

The next stage after CBT-1 is physical test and the test pattern for the RPF constable physical test is goven below:

CategoryHeight (cm)Height (cm)Chest Measurement (cm)Chest Measurement (cm)
Garhwalis, Gorkhas, Marathas, Dogras, Kumaonese, and other categories specified by Govt.1631558085

RPF Constable Selection Process 2024

There are total four stages in RPF Constable selection process which are – computer based test, physical measurement test, physical efficiency test, document verification.

Stages Test Name Test Details
Stage 1Computer Based TestIt is an online test that has 120 questions, and the candidates need to answer the paper in 90 minutes. For every wrong answer, 1/3rd mark will be deducted.
Stage 2Physical Measurement TestCandidates who have qualified in the CBT will undergo height measurement (applicable to both males and females) and chest measurement (specific to males).
Stage 3Physical Efficiency TestCandidates’ physical efficiency will be assessed through activities such as running, long jump, and high jump.
Stage 4Document VerificationShortlisted candidates are required to submit their original documents to the officials as the final step.

RPF Constable Physical Efficiency Test

The third stage in the RPF constable recruitment is physical efficiency test(PET), the details for RPF Constable PET Test is given below:

PET StandardsMaleFemale
1600 metres runWithin 5 min 45 secs–
800 metres run–Within 3 min 40 secs
Long jump14 feet9 feet
High jump4 feet3 feet

FAQs on RPF Constable Syllabus 2024

What is the syllabus for RPF Constable?

The RPF Constable syllabus includes three main subjects which Arithmetic, General Awareness, Reasoning and General Intelligence.

What is the syllabus for RPF Constable General Awareness?

The General Awareness section covers various topics, including History, Geography, Polity, Current Affairs, Art and Culture, and other subjects. It is further detailed in subcategories, such as Current Affairs, Indian History, Art & Culture, Geography, Economics, General Polity, Indian Constitution, Sports, and General Science.

How many subjects are there in RPF Constable Syllabus 2024?

The RPF Constable Syllabus includes three main subjects like: General Awareness, Arithmetic, and General Intelligence & Reasoning

Manish Aggarwal
Manish Aggarwal
Content Writer/Content Creator, Educator, BCA Graduate | Music | Reading


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