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HomeSyllabus and Exam PatternAFCAT 2022 Exam Pattern and Syllabus

AFCAT 2022 Exam Pattern and Syllabus

About AFCAT 2022

AFCAT 2022 Exam: Through AFCAT, candidates are selected for all the three branches of the IAF which are Flying Branch, Technical Branch and Ground Duty Branches. The eligibility criteria for different branches vary. Both men and women can apply for all the three branches. All the candidates must have a very clear idea of the AFCAT 2022 Exam Pattern and Syllabus before sitting for this exam. 

In this article we have discussed AFCAT 2022 Exam Pattern and Syllabus in great detail. All the candidates are suggested to have a nice look at it. 

AFCAT 2022 Exam Pattern and Syllabus

AFCAT 2022 Selection Process

The online exam is conducted by the Indian Air Force. The selection process of AFCAT Exam comprises the following stages:

  1. AFCAT Written Exam is the only criteria for clearing first stage for the Non-Technical candidates; while AFCAT+ EKT (Engineering Knowledge Test) for the Technical candidates
  2. Air Force Selection Board (AFSB) Interview
  3. Medical Test

AFCAT 2022 Exam Pattern 

The AFCAT exam consists of General Aptitude, General Awareness (GK), Verbal Ability, Reasoning and Military Aptitude. Candidates can check the Exam Pattern of AFCAT in the table below.

ExamAFCATEKT (only for technical)
Mode of ExamOnlineOnline
No. of Questions10050
Maximum Marks300150
Duration of Exam2 hours (120 minutes)45 minutes
Sections in PaperGeneral Awareness, Verbal Ability in English, Numerical Ability and Reasoning and Military Aptitude TestMechanical, Computer Science and Electrical & Electronics
Negative Marking1 mark1 mark

For all the candidates of the AFCAT, it is mandatory to appear in the written test. Also, the candidates who have applied for the technical posts need to appear in the Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT).

Important Points:

Total Time Duration: 2 hours

Number of Questions: 100

Marking Criteria: +3 for each correct answer

Negative Marking: -1 for each incorrect answer

No marks for unattended questions.

AFCAT 2022 Syllabus

General Awareness

This section tests the general knowledge of the candidates. The questions are designed on the basis of ongoing, current events in various fields around the world. About 20 questions are asked in this section.

The major topics covered in this section are given below:

  1. History
  2. Sports
  3. Geography
  4. Art and Culture
  5. Current Affairs
  6. Politics
  7. Civics
  8. Environment
  9. Defense
  10. Basic Science


This section tests the proficiency of student in English. The knowledge of language through comprehension is also a part of this section. Total number of questions asked from this section will be about 30.

The important topics for this section are:

  1. Comprehension
  2. Basic Grammar
  3. Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word
  4. Tenses
  5. Error Detection
  6. Sentence Completion
  7. Synonyms and Antonyms
  8. Testing of Vocabulary

Numerical Ability

This section is to check the knowledge, speed and accuracy of the student in solving numerical problems.Basic Mathematical concepts are covered. The important topics of this section are as follows:

  1. Decimal and Fraction
  2. Simple Interest & Compound Interest
  3. Time & Distance (Trains/Boats & Streams)
  4. Percentage
  5. Ratio & Proportion
  6. Time and Work
  7. Average
  8. Profit & Loss

Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test

Practice with questions from the topics mentioned below to improve your Reasoning & Aptitude sections 

  1. Odd One Out
  2. Analogy
  3. Venn Diagram
  4. Pattern Completion
  5. Dot Situation Analysis
  6. Blood Relation
  7. Missing Figures
  8. Figure Classification
  9. Coding and Decoding
  10. Spotting the Embedded Figures
  11. Sequencing

EKT Syllabus

AFCAT EKT is a 45 minutes exam and is followed by AFCAT. Candidates are given half an hour window after which AFCAT EKT Exam takes place. The total duration for AFCAT exam is 2 hours and the mode of examination is online.

The AFCAT EKT Exam Syllabus has a General Engineering part which is based on the common topics of multiple branches of engineering. Also, based on the degree of the candidate, there are questions from the specialized part. These involve the following:

AFCAT EKT Fundamental Engineering SyllabusEngineering Physics, Engineering Mathematics, and Engineering Drawing
AFCAT EKT Allied Engineering Topics SyllabusControl Engineering, Telecommunication Systems, Electrical Engineering, Radar Theory, Instrumentation, Antenna, and Wave Propagation, and Microwave Engineering
AFCAT EKT Computer Science Engineering SyllabusInformation Technology, Network Theory Design, Analog, and Digital Electronics, Computer Networks, Switching Theory, and Electronic Devices
AFCAT EKT Mechanical Engineering SyllabusThermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics/Hydraulic Machines, Engineering Mechanics, Materials Science, Thermodynamics, Manufacturing Science, and Machine Drawing
AFCAT EKT Electrical & Electronics Engineering SyllabusMicrowave Engineering, Analog, and Digital Electronics, Electronic Devices, Telecommunication Systems, Microwave Engineering, Control Engineering, and Electrical Engineering

AFCAT Interview

Qualified candidates from the AFCAT Exam are called for AFSB Interview. The Interview comprises 3 stages:

Stage I: Officer Intelligence Rating Test along with Discussion Test and Picture Perception Test is conducted on the first day.

Stage II: Selected Candidates are then allowed to proceed with the Psychological Tests on Day 1 (Afternoon) and the Group Tests and Interview begins after the document verification for the next five days.

For Flying Branch: Aspirants applying for the flying branch must appear for the Computerised Pilot Selection System (CPSS).


In the above article we have discussed the complete AFCAT 2022 Exam Pattern and Syllabus in detail. Every candidate is suggested to go through the syllabus before starting their preparation. It is hoped that the contents of the above article end up being helpful to all the aspirants eyeing this test. 

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    Manish Aggarwal
    Manish Aggarwal
    Content Writer/Content Creator, Educator, BCA Graduate | Music | Reading


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