IBPS PO 2022 Exam: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is a government-owned bank personnel recruitment agency under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India that was started with an aim to encourage the recruitment and placement of young undergraduates, postgraduates, and doctorates in government-owned banks in India.
In this article, we have discussed all the aspects of the IBPS PO 2022 Exam Pattern & Syllabus in great detail. All the candidates are suggested to have a nice look at it.
IBPS PO2022 Exam Pattern
IBPS PO 2022 Exam Pattern for Prelims
Mode of Examination– Preliminary Exam of IBPS PO will be conducted in online mode.
Number of Sections- There are 3 sections in IBPS PO Prelims viz. English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Logical Reasoning.
Duration of Exam- The exam will be for 1 hour (60 minutes).
Nature of Questions- Questions in the exam will be objective type (MCQs). Each question will have 5 options wherein only 1 option will be correct.
Marking Scheme– Each question will carry 1 mark. Also, there is a provision of negative marking i.e. for every wrong answer, 0.25 marks would be deducted.
Language of Exam- For the English section, the questions will be set in English Language only, the rest of the sections will be offered in English and Hindi languages.
Key Points for IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2022
IBPS PO Prelims is a qualifying paper.
Candidates qualifying for this paper will be eligible to appear for IBPS PO Main Exam.
The marks secured in this exam will not be considered while compiling the final result.
There will be a sectional cut-off and overall cut-off to qualify for the IBPS PO Main exam.
Section-wise Weightage of Prelims Exam
Section Name
Total Questions
Total Marks
Medium of Exam
English Language
30 questions
30 marks
20 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude
35 questions
35 marks
20 minutes
English and Hindi
Reasoning Ability
35 questions
35 marks
20 minutes
English and Hindi
100 Questions
100 Marks
60 minutes
IBPS PO 2022 Exam Pattern for Mains
Mode of Examination– IBPS PO Main will be conducted in both online and offline mode.
Number of Sections– There are 4 sections in the IBPS PO Main exam viz. English, Data Analysis & Interpretation, Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, and General Awareness. IBPS PO Main Exam will have a Descriptive Paper having 2 questions- Letter Writing and Essay writing.
Duration of Exam: – The exam will be of 3 hours 30 minutes (3 hours for objective paper and 30 minutes for descriptive paper).
Nature of Questions– There will be 155 multiple choice questions and 2 written questions. Each question will have 5 options wherein only 1 option will be correct.
IBPS PO Main 2022 Exam Key Points
There will be sectional cut-off and overall cut-off.
A specified sectional time limit will be allocated to attempt each section in the Main exam.
An IBPS PO cut-off list will be prepared where candidates having higher scores/marks will have their names on top of the list.
Candidates with a higher score will be given priority for the interview.
Section-Wise Weightage of IBPS PO Mains Exam
IBPS PO Mains Pattern Paper
Section Name
Total Questions
Allotted Time
Total Marks
Medium of Exam
Objective Test
English Language
35 Questions
40 minutes
Data Interpretation and Analysis
35 Questions
45 minutes
English & Hindi
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude
45 Questions
60 minutes
English & Hindi
General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness
40 Questions
35 minutes
English & Hindi
Descriptive Test
English (Essay and Letter Writing)
2 Questions
30 minutes
25 Marks
157 Questions
3 hours 30 minutes
225 Marks
IBPS PO 2022 Exam Pattern 2022 for Interview
Candidates who qualify for the Main exam are eligible for the interview round.
The interview round will carry 100 marks.
This is the final stage in the selection process of IBPS PO Selection Process.
This round carries a 20% weightage in the final result.
Through this round, a candidate’s communication skills and personality are examined.
Highlights of IBPS PO Interview
The minimum mark to qualify for the Interview round is 40% for General Category candidates. Candidates belonging to the reserved category must score at least 35% marks.
The final Merit List is prepared based on the score in the Main exam and Interview performance.
IBPS PO combined score would be declared based on scores obtained by the candidates in the Main Examination and Interview in the ratio of 80:20
After the interview round concludes, provisional allotment will be done as per the vacancies in different banks.
IBPS PO 2022 Syllabus
The preliminary exam is a screening test while the main exam tests candidates’ suitability to be recruited as probationary officers in various banks. IBPS PO Syllabus for both prelims and main exam is given below.
IBPS PO Prelims Syllabus 2022
The syllabus for the preliminary exam includes three subjects- English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability.
English Language (30 marks)
Quantitative Aptitude (35 marks)
Reasoning (35 marks)
Reading Comprehension
Logical Reasoning
Cloze Test
Profit and Loss
Alphanumeric Series
Para Jumbles
Mixtures and Allegations
Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test
Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Indices
Data Sufficiency
Fill in the blanks
Work and Time
Coded Inequalities
Multiple Meaning/Error Spotting
Time and Distance
Seating Arrangement
Paragraph Completion
Mensuration- Cylinder, Cone, Sphere
Data Interpretation
Ratio & Proportion, Percentage
Number Systems
Blood Relations
Sequence and Series
Permutation, Combination, and Probability
Statement and Argument
Quadratic Equations
IBPS PO Main Exam Syllabus 2022
The syllabus for IBPS PO 2022 Main Exam includes 4 subjects- Reasoning and Computer Aptitude, English Language, Data Analysis and Interpretation, General Economy, and Banking Awareness. The table given below lists out the detailed IBPS PO syllabus for the Main examination.
Data Interpretation and Analysis (60 Marks)
Ratio and Percentage
Data Interpretation
Mensuration and Geometry
Quadratic Equation
Problems of Ages
Profit and Loss
Number Series
Speed, Distance and Time
Speed, Distance and Time
Time and Work
Number System
Data Sufficiency
Linear Equation
Permutation and Combination
Mixture and Allegations
General Awareness (40 Marks)
Financial Awareness
General Knowledge
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude (60 Marks)
Verbal Reasoning
Circular Seating Arrangement
Keyboard Shortcuts
Linear Seating Arrangement
Computer Abbreviation
Double Lineup
Microsoft Office
Computer Hardware
Computer Software
Blood Relations
Operating System
Directions and Distances
Ordering and Ranking
Computer Fundamentals /Terminologies
Data Sufficiency
Coding and Decoding
Code Inequalities
English Language (40 Marks)
Verbal Ability
Reading Comprehension
Fill in the Blanks
In the above article, we have discussed the complete IBPS PO 2022 Exam Pattern and Syllabus in detail. Every candidate is suggested to go through the syllabus before starting their preparation. It is hoped that the contents of the above article end up being helpful to all the aspirants eyeing this test.
UPSC IES Exam 2022: Indian Engineering Services remains the most sought-after career for engineering graduates in India. Engineering Services Examination commonly known as ESE is conducted annually by UPSC to recruit engineers in four domains namely Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics & Telecommunications for the techno-managerial posts. The examination constitutes a two-stage written examination followed by an interview.
ESE is considered one of the toughest examinations in India due to fewer posts. Owing to the highly competitive selection procedure, IES officers carry high respect and status and are mandated to manage and execute activities in diverse technical and managerial fields.
In this article, we have discussed UPSC IES 2022 Exam in great detail. Interested candidates are suggested to have a nice look at it.
UPSC IES 2022 Exam Basic Info
The table below lists the basic details of the UPSC IES 2022 Exam.
Conducting Body
Union Public Service Commission
Exam Level
Exam Frequency
Once a year
Exam Stages
Prelims, Mains, and Interview
Mode of Application
215 (approx.)
Application Fee
IES Official Website
Minimum Qualification to fill IES Application Form
Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering
UPSC IES 2022 Important Dates
Candidates who are willing to take part in UPSC IES 2022 can check the table below for all the important dates. Dates provided below are tentative and subject to change.
Tentative Exam Schedule
Release of Notification
September – October (Every year)
Last Date of Submission of Application
Last week of October
Prelims Examination Date
Main Examination Date
Personality Test
Final Result Declaration
UPSC IES 2022 Exam Eligibility Criteria
A candidate must be either:
A citizen of India or
A subject of Nepal or A subject of Bhutan or
A Tibetan refugee who came to India before the 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or
A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka or East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia or from Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
Provided that a candidate belongs to categories (b), (c) and (d) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
Age Limits
A candidate for this examination must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 30 years on the 1st January, 2022 i.e., he/she must have been born not earlier than 2nd January, 1992 and not later than 1st January, 2001.
The upper age-limit of 30 years will be relaxable upto 35 years in the case of Government servants of the following categories, if they are employed in a Department/ Office under the control of any of the authorities mentioned in column 1 below and apply for admission to the examination for all or any of the Service(s)/Post(s) mentioned in column 2, for which they are otherwise eligible.
A candidate who holds substantively a permanent post in the particular Department/Office concerned. This relaxation will not be admissible to a probationer appointed against a permanent post in the Department/Office during the period of his probation. However, this relaxation will be admissible to a probationer so appointed provided he/she already retains a lien on a permanent post in a Department/Office under the control of any of the authorities mentioned in column 1 below.
A candidate who has been continuously in a temporary service on a regular basis in the particular Department/Office for at least 3 years on the 1st January, 2022.
Column 1
Column 2
Central Public Works Department
C.E.S. Group ‘A’, CE&MES Gr ‘A’
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
Central Engineering Service (Roads) Gr. ‘A’
Ministry of Communication, Dept. of Telecommunication
Indian Radio Regulatory Service Group ‘A’ Indian Telecommunication Service Group ‘A’, J.T.O. (G.C.S. Gr. ‘B’)
Ministry of Defence, Dept. of Defence Production, Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance
Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service (DAQAS)Gr ‘A’
Ministry of Science and Technology, Dept. of Science and Technology
Survey of India Gr ‘A’ Service
Geological Survey of India
Assistant Executive Engineer Gr ‘A’
Border Roads Organisation
BRES Gr. ‘A’
Indian Navy
Indian Naval Armament Service, Asstt. Naval Store Officer Grade-I
Military Engineer Services
Indian Defence Service of Engineers (lDSE) Group ‘A’ AEE(QS&C) in Military Engineer Service (MES) Surveyor Cadre
Ministry of Jal Shakti, Dept. of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Central Water Commission
Central Water Engineering Group-A Service.
Central Electricity Authority
CPES Gr ‘A’ & CPES Gr ‘B’.
Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
Indian Skill Development Service
The upper age-limit prescribed above will be further relaxable:
Up to a maximum of five years if a candidate belongs to a scheduled caste or a scheduled tribe.
Up to a maximum of three years in case if candidate belongs to OBC category.
Upto a maximum of three years in case of defence service personnel disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area, and released as a consequence thereof.
Upto a maximum of five years in case of ex-servicemen including Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered at least five years Military Service as on 1st January 2022, and have been released
On completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due) to be completed within one year from 1st January 2022) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency, or
On account of physical disability attributable to Military Service or
On invalidment;
Upto a maximum of five years in the case of ECOs/SSCOs who have completed an initial period of assignment of five years of Military Services as on 1st January 2022, and whose assignment has been extended beyond five years and in whose case the Ministry of Defence issues a certificate that they can apply for civil employment and they will be released on three months notice on selection from the date of receipt of offer of appointment.
Up to a maximum of 10 years in the case of candidates of PwBD (Low vision Locomotor Disability including Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack victims & Muscular Dystrophy and Hard of Hearing).
A candidate of ESE 2022 will be eligible to get benefit of economically weaker Section reservation only in case the candidate meets the criteria issued by the Central Government and is in possession of requisite Income & Asset Certificate based on income of financial year 2021-2022.
Educational Qualifications
Obtained a degree in Engineering from a university incorporated by an act of the central or state legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as universities under section-3 of the University Grants Commission act, 1956 or
Passed Section A and B of the Institution Examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India) or
Obtained a degree/diploma in Engineering from foreign University/College/Institution and under such conditions as may be recognised by the Government for the purpose from time to time or
Passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India) or
Passed Associate Membership Examination Parts II and III/Sections A and B of the Aeronautical Society of India or
Passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Radio Engineers, London held after November 1959
Provided that a candidate for the post of Indian Naval Armament Service (Electronics Engineering Posts and Engineer Group ‘A’ in Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing/Monitoring Organization) may possess any of the above qualifications or the qualification mentioned below namely:
For Indian Naval Armament Service (Electronics Engg. Posts) – M.Sc. degree or its equivalent with Wireless Communication Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as a special subject.
For Indian Radio Regulatory Service – M.Sc. degree or its equivalent with Wireless Communication Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as a subject or Master’s Degree in Science with Physics and Radio Communication or Electronics or Telecommunication as a special subject.
Minimum Qualifying Marks for each Paper will be at the discretion of the commission.
Only those candidates qualifying at this Stage are permitted to appear for Stage – II examination.
Stage-II: Main Examination (Conventional Papers)
Only those candidates qualifying at this stage (i.e. Stage – I + Stage – II) are selected for Stage – III which is the Personality Test (Interview).
Stage-III: Personality Test
Personality Test
The Candidates who have qualified all stages (Stage I + Stage II + Stage III) will be included in the final list of ESE (Engineering Service Exam).
UPSC IES2022 Syllabus
Contents for syllabi of the Papers together for Stage-I objective type Paper-II and separately for Stage- II conventional type Paper – II and Paper- II
1. Flow of Fluids, Hydraulic Machines and Hydro Power
2. Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
3. Environmental Engineering
4. Geo-technical Engineering and Foundation Engineering:
5. Surveying and Geology
6. Transportation Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
1. Fluid Mechanics
2. Thermodynamics and Heat transfer
3. IC Engines, Refrigeration and Air conditioning
4. Turbo Machinery
5. Power Plant Engineering
6. Renewable Sources of Energy
7. Engineering Mechanics
8. Engineering Materials
9. Mechanisms and Machines
10. Design of Machine Elements
11. Manufacturing, Industrial and Maintenance Engineering
12. Mechatronics and Robotics
Electrical Engineering
1. Engineering Mathematics
2. Electrical Materials
3. Electric Circuits and Fields
4. Electrical and Electronic Measurements
5. Computer Fundamentals
6. Basic Electronics Engineering
1. Analog and Digital Electronics
2. Systems and Signal Processing
3. Control Systems
4. Electrical Machines
5. Power Systems
6. Power Electronics and Drives
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
1. Basic Electronics Engineering
2. Basic Electrical Engineering
3. Materials Science
4. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation
5. Network Theory
6. Analog and Digital Circuits
1. Analog and Digital Communication Systems
2. Control Systems
3. Computer Organization and Architecture
4. Electro Magnetics
5. Advanced Electronics Topics
6. Advanced Communication Topics
UPSC IES 2022 Application Process
Prerequisites for IES Application 2022
Before the candidates start applying for the IES exam, they must make sure that they have the following documents, and they must keep them handy while registering.
A valid mobile number
An active email address
Marksheets and degrees
Scanned copy of the passport-sized photograph
Scanned copy of candidate’s signature
Scanned copy of a photo-ID proof
Reservation Category (if any)
Banking Details
Specifications for Scanned Documents
The UPSC has specified certain criteria for each of the documents that need to be scanned and uploaded. Following are the specifications for all of them.
350*350 pixels-1000*1000 pixels
20- 300 KB
350*350 pixels-1000*1000 pixels
20- 300 KB
Photo ID Card
20- 300 KB
Points to Remember
The Photograph must be a recent one with a white background.
The signature must be done on white paper with black or blue ink.
The signature must match the one to be done by the candidate on the exam day.
The Signature and the Photograph must be in the JPG format.
They must have a bit depth of 24.
The Photo ID Card must be in the format of a PDF.
The Application Process of IES 2022 has three main stages- Registration, Payment of Application Fees, and Filling of Application form along with Uploading of Documents. The steps for each stage are given below.
Find the link, ‘Online Application for various examinations of UPSC’ on the homepage and click on it.
Select the ‘New Users’ button.
A new window asking for personal details will open.
Enter your name, Parents’ Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Nationality, Email Address, a chosen Password, Mobile Number, Academic Details.
Payment of Application Fees
The Application Fee of the UPSC IES Application Form is not the same for everyone. It varies with the categories of the students. The exact fee structure for all the categories is tabulated below.
The IES Application Fee can be paid both online and offline. Online payment is done through Net Banking/ Credit Card/ Debit Card. Offline payment is done through an SBI Bank Challan of INR 200.
Application Fee
General/ OBC/ EWS
INR 200
Filling the Application Form and Uploading Documents
Select your core branch of Engineering and your preferred exam centre.
Enter other details in the application form like category, work experience, communication details, etc.
Upload the scanned copies of your passport-sized photograph, signature, and photo-ID proof as per specifications.
Double-check all the details entered in the form.
Read the declaration given at the end carefully and click on ‘I agree’.
Click on the ‘Final Submit’ button to submit the application form.
Download the filled-in application form and take its printout.
After the successful submission of the IES Application Form, the candidates get a confirmation mail saying that their registration is completed and their application has been accepted. In case of any error during or after the submission of the Application Form, the candidates must contact the help desk and follow the instructions given by them.
This article discusses UPSC IES 2022 Exam in detail. Every candidate is suggested to go through the aforementioned information very carefully. It is hoped that the contents of this article result to be helpful to all the candidates.
UPSC IES 2022: is one of the most prestigious jobs for engineering candidates in the country. Engineering Services Examination commonly known as ESE is conducted annually by UPSC to recruit engineers in four domains namely Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics & Telecommunications for the techno-managerial posts. The Syllabus for UPSC IES 2022 Exam is quite vast, so all the candidates must have a very clear idea of the subject matter.
In this article, we have discussed all the aspects of the UPSC IES 2022 Exam Pattern & Syllabus in great detail. All the candidates are suggested to have a nice look at it.
Minimum Qualifying Marks for each Paper will be at the discretion of the commission.
Only those candidates qualifying at this Stage are permitted to appear for Stage – II examination.
Stage-II: Main Examination (Conventional Papers)
Only those candidates qualifying at this stage (i.e. Stage – I + Stage – II) are selected for Stage – III which is the Personality Test (Interview).
Stage-III: Personality Test
Personality Test
The Candidates who have qualified all stages (Stage I + Stage II + Stage III) will be included in the final list of ESE (Engineering Service Exam)
UPSC IES 2022 Syllabus
Contents for syllabi of both the Papers together for Stage-I objective type Paper-II and separately for Stage-II Conventional type Paper-I and Paper-II
Civil Engineering
1. Building Materials:
Stone, Lime, Glass, Plastics, Steel, FRP, Ceramics, Aluminium, Fly Ash, Basic Admixtures, Timber, Bricks, and Aggregates: Classification, properties, and selection criteria; Cement: Types, Composition, Properties, Uses, Specifications, and various Tests; Lime & Cement Mortars and Concrete: Properties and various Tests; Design of Concrete Mixes: Proportioning of aggregates and methods of mix design.
2. Solid Mechanics:
Elastic constants, Stress, plane stress, Strains, plane strain, Mohr’s circle of stress and strain, Elastic theories of failure, Principal Stresses, Bending, Shear and Torsion.
3. Structural Analysis:
Basics of the strength of materials, Types of stresses and strains, Bending moments and shear force, the concept of bending and shear stresses; Analysis of determinate and indeterminate structures; Trusses, beams, plane frames; Rolling loads, Influence Lines, Unit load method & other methods; Free and Forced vibrations of single degree and multi-degree freedom system; Suspended Cables; Concepts and use of Computer-Aided Design.
4. Design of Steel Structures:
Principles of Working Stress methods, Design of tension and compression members, Design of beams and beam-column connections, built-up sections, Girders, Industrial roofs, Principles of Ultimate load design.
5. Design of Concrete and Masonry structures:
Limit state design for bending, shear, axial compression, and combined forces; Design of beams, Slabs, Lintels, Foundations, Retaining walls, Tanks, Staircases; Principles of pre-stressed concrete design including materials and methods; Earthquake resistant design of structures; Design of Masonry Structure.
6. Construction Practice, Planning, and Management:
Construction – Planning, Equipment, Site investigation and Management including Estimation with latest project management tools and network analysis for different Types of works; Analysis of Rates of various types of works; Tendering Process and Contract Management, Quality Control, Productivity, Operation Cost; Land acquisition; Labour safety and welfare.
1. Flow of Fluids, Hydraulic Machines and Hydro Power:
(a) Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel Flow, Pipe Flow: Fluid properties; Dimensional Analysis and Modeling; Fluid dynamics including flow kinematics and measurements; Flow net; Viscosity, Boundary layer and control, Drag, Lift, Principles in open channel flow, Flow controls. Hydraulic jump; Surges; Pipe networks.
(b) Hydraulic Machines and Hydro power – Various pumps, Air vessels, Hydraulic turbines – types, classifications & performance parameters; Power house – classification and layout, storage, pondage, control of supply.
2. Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering:
Hydrological cycle, Ground water hydrology, Well hydrology and related data analysis; Streams and their gauging; River morphology; Flood, drought and their management; Capacity of Reservoirs. Water Resources Engineering: Multipurpose uses of Water, River basins and their potential; Irrigation systems, water demand assessment; Resources – storages and their yields; Waterlogging, canal and drainage design, Gravity dams, falls, weirs, Energy dissipaters, barrage Distribution works, Cross drainage works and head-works and their design; Concepts in canal design, construction & maintenance; River training, measurement and analysis of rainfall.
3. Environmental Engineering:
(a) Water Supply Engineering: Sources, Estimation, quality standards and testing of water and their treatment; Rural, Institutional and industrial water supply; Physical, chemical and biological characteristics and sources of water, Pollutants in water and its effects, Estimation of water demand; Drinking water Standards, Water Treatment Plants, Water distribution networks.
(b) Waste Water Engineering: Planning & design of domestic waste water, sewage collection and disposal; Plumbing Systems. Components and layout of sewerage system; Planning & design of Domestic Waste-water disposal system; Sludge management including treatment, disposal and re-use of treated effluents; Industrial waste waters and Effluent Treatment Plants including institutional and industrial sewage management.
(c) Solid Waste Management: Sources & classification of solid wastes along with planning & design of its management system; Disposal system, Beneficial aspects of wastes and Utilization by Civil Engineers.
(d) Air, Noise pollution and Ecology: Concepts & general methodology.
4. Geo-technical Engineering and Foundation Engineering:
(a) Geo-technical Engineering: Soil exploration – planning & methods, Properties of soil, classification, various tests and inter-relationships; Permeability & Seepage, Compressibility, consolidation and Shearing resistance, Earth pressure theories and stress distribution in soil; Properties and uses of geo-synthetics.
(b) Foundation Engineering: Types of foundations & selection criteria, bearing capacity, settlement analysis, design and testing of shallow & deep foundations; Slope stability analysis, Earthen embankments, Dams and Earth retaining structures: types, analysis and design, Principles of ground modifications.
5. Surveying and Geology:
(a) Surveying: Classification of surveys, various methodologies, instruments & analysis of measurement of distances, elevation and directions; Field astronomy, Global Positioning System; Map preparation; Photogrammetry; Remote sensing concepts; Survey Layout for culverts, canals, bridges, road/railway alignment and buildings, Setting out of Curves.
(b) Geology: Basic knowledge of Engineering geology & its application in projects.
6. Transportation Engineering:
Highways – Planning & construction methodology, Alignment and geometric design; Traffic Surveys and Controls; Principles of Flexible and Rigid pavements design. Tunneling – Alignment, methods of construction, disposal of muck, drainage, lighting and ventilation. Railways Systems – Terminology, Planning, designs and maintenance practices; track modernization. Harbours – Terminology, layouts and planning. Airports – Layout, planning & design.
Mechanical Engineering
1. Fluid Mechanics:
Basic Concepts and Properties of Fluids, Manometry, Fluid Statics, Buoyancy, Equations of Motion, Bernoulli’s equation and applications, Viscous flow of incompressible fluids, Laminar and Turbulent flows, Flow through pipes and head losses in pipes.
2. Thermodynamics and Heat transfer:
Thermodynamic systems and processes; properties of pure substance; Zeroth, First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics; Entropy, Irreversibility and availability; analysis of thermodynamic cycles related to energy conversion: Rankine, Otto, Diesel and Dual Cycles; ideal and real gases; compressibility factor; Gas mixtures. Modes of heat transfer, Steady and unsteady heat conduction, Thermal resistance, Fins, Free and forced convection, Correlations for convective heat transfer, Radiative heat transfer – Radiation heat transfer co-efficient; boiling and condensation, Heat exchanger performance analysis
3. IC Engines, Refrigeration and Air conditioning:
SI and CI Engines, Engine Systems and Components, Performance characteristics and testing of IC Engines; Fuels; Emissions and Emission Control. Vapour compression refrigeration, Refrigerants and Working cycles, Compressors, Condensers, Evaporators and Expansion devices, Other types of refrigeration systems like Vapour Absorption, Vapour jet, thermo electric and Vortex tube refrigeration. Psychometric properties and processes, Comfort chart, Comfort and industrial air conditioning, Load calculations and Heat pumps.
4. Turbo Machinery:
Reciprocating and Rotary pumps, Pelton wheel, Kaplan and Francis Turbines, velocity diagrams, Impulse and Reaction principles, Steam and Gas Turbines, Theory of Jet Propulsion – Pulse jet and Ram Jet Engines, Reciprocating and Rotary Compressors – Theory and Applications
5. Power Plant Engineering:
Rankine and Brayton cycles with regeneration and reheat, Fuels and their properties, Flue gas analysis, Boilers, steam turbines and other power plant components like condensers, air ejectors, electrostatic precipitators and cooling towers – their theory and design, types and applications;
6. Renewable Sources of Energy:
Solar Radiation, Solar Thermal Energy collection – Flat Plate and focusing collectors their materials and performance. Solar Thermal Energy Storage, Applications – heating, cooling and Power Generation; Solar Photovoltaic Conversion; Harnessing of Wind Energy, Bio-mass and Tidal Energy – Methods and Applications, Working principles of Fuel Cells.
7. Engineering Mechanics:
Analysis of System of Forces, Friction, Centroid and Centre of Gravity, Dynamics; Stresses and Strains-Compound Stresses and Strains, Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagrams, Theory of Bending Stresses- Slope and deflection-Torsion, Thin and thick Cylinders, Spheres.
8. Engineering Materials:
Basic Crystallography, Alloys and Phase diagrams, Heat Treatment, Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals, Non-metallic materials, Basics of Nano-materials, Mechanical Properties and Testing, Corrosion prevention and control
9. Mechanisms and Machines:
Types of Kinematics Pair, Mobility, Inversions, Kinematic Analysis, Velocity and Acceleration Analysis of Planar Mechanisms, CAMs with uniform acceleration and retardation, cycloidal motion, oscillating followers; Vibrations –Free and forced vibration of undamped and damped SDOF systems, Transmissibility Ratio, Vibration Isolation, Critical Speed of Shafts. Gears – Geometry of tooth profiles, Law of gearing, Involute profile, Interference, Helical, Spiral and Worm Gears, Gear Trains- Simple, compound and Epicyclic; Dynamic Analysis – Slider – crank mechanisms, turning moment computations, balancing of Revolving & Reciprocating masses, Gyroscopes –Effect of Gyroscopic couple on automobiles, ships and aircrafts, Governors.
10. Design of Machine Elements:
Design for static and dynamic loading; failure theories; fatigue strength and the S-N diagram; principles of the design of machine elements such as riveted, welded and bolted joints. Shafts, Spur gears, rolling and sliding contact bearings, Brakes and clutches, flywheels.
11. Manufacturing, Industrial and Maintenance Engineering:
Metal casting-Metal forming, Metal Joining, Machining and machine tool operations, Limits, fits and tolerances, Metrology and inspection, computer Integrated manufacturing, FMS, Production planning and Control, Inventory control and operations research – CPM-PERT. Failure concepts and characteristics-Reliability, Failure analysis, Machine Vibration, Data acquisition, Fault Detection, Vibration Monitoring, Field Balancing of Rotors, Noise Monitoring, Wear and Debris Analysis, Signature Analysis, NDT Techniques in Condition Monitoring.
12. Mechatronics and Robotics:
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: Architecture, programming, I/O, Computer interfacing, Programmable logic controller. Sensors and actuators, Piezoelectric accelerometer, Hall effect sensor, Optical Encoder, Resolver, Inductosyn, Pneumatic and Hydraulic actuators, stepper motor, Control Systems- Mathematical modelling of Physical systems, control signals, controllability and observability. Robotics, Robot Classification, Robot Specification, notation; Direct and Inverse Kinematics; Homogeneous Coordinates and Arm Equation of four Axis SCARA Robot
Electrical Engineering
1. Engineering Mathematics:
Matrix theory, Eigen values & Eigen vectors, system of linear equations, Numerical methods for solution of non-linear algebraic equations and differential equations, integral calculus, partial derivatives, maxima and minima, Line, Surface and Volume Integrals. Fourier series, linear, non-linear and partial differential equations, initial and boundary value problems, complex variables, Taylor’s and Laurent’s series, residue theorem, probability and statistics fundamentals, Sampling theorem, random variables, Normal and Poisson distributions, correlation and regression analysis.
2. Electrical Materials:
Electrical Engineering Materials, crystal structures and defects, ceramic materials, insulating materials, magnetic materials – basics, properties and applications; ferrities, ferro-magnetic materials and components; basics of solid state physics, conductors; Photo-conductivity; Basics of Nano materials and Superconductors.
3. Electric Circuits and Fields:
Circuit elements, network graph, KCL, KVL, Node and Mesh analysis, ideal current and voltage sources, Thevenin’s, Norton’s, Superposition and Maximum Power Transfer theorems, transient response of DC and AC networks, Sinusoidal steady state analysis, basic filter concepts, two-port networks, three phase circuits, Magnetically coupled circuits, Gauss Theorem, electric field and potential due to point, line, plane and spherical charge distributions, Ampere’s and Biot-Savart’s laws; inductance, dielectrics, capacitance; Maxwell’s equations.
4. Electrical and Electronic Measurements:
Principles of measurement, accuracy, precision and standards; Bridges and potentiometers; moving coil, moving iron, dynamometer and induction type instruments, measurement of voltage, current, power, energy and power factor, instrument transformers, digital voltmeters and multi-meters, phase, time and frequency measurement, Q-meters, oscilloscopes, potentiometric recorders, error analysis, Basics of sensors, Transducers, basics of data acquisition systems
5. Computer Fundamentals:
Number systems, Boolean algebra, arithmetic functions, Basic Architecture, Central Processing Unit, I/O and Memory Organisation; peripheral devices, data representation and programming, basics of Operating system and networking, virtual memory, file systems; Elements of programming languages, typical examples.
6. Basic Electronics Engineering:
Basics of Semiconductor diodes and transistors and characteristics, Junction and field effect transistors (BJT, FET and MOSFETS), different types of transistor amplifiers, equivalent circuits and frequency response; oscillators and other circuits, feedback amplifiers.
1. Analog and Digital Electronics:
Operational amplifiers – characteristics and applications, combinational and sequential logic circuits, multiplexers, multi-vibrators, sample and hold circuits, A/D and D/A converters, basics of filter circuits and applications, simple active filters; Microprocessor basics- interfaces and applications, basics of linear integrated circuits; Analog communication basics, Modulation and de-modulation, noise and bandwidth, transmitters and receivers, signal to noise ratio, digital communication basics, sampling, quantizing, coding, frequency and time domain multiplexing, power line carrier communication systems.
2. Systems and Signal Processing :
Representation of continuous and discrete-time signals, shifting and scaling operations, linear, time-invariant and causal systems, Fourier series representation of continuous periodic signals, sampling theorem, Fourier and Laplace transforms, Z transforms, Discrete Fourier transform, FFT, linear convolution, discrete cosine transform, FIR filter, IIR filter, bilinear transformation.
3. Control Systems:
Principles of feedback, transfer function, block diagrams and signal flow graphs, steady-state errors, transforms and their applications; Routh-hurwitz criterion, Nyquist techniques, Bode plots, root loci, lag, lead and lead-lag compensation, stability analysis, transient and frequency response analysis, state space model, state transition matrix, controllability and observability, linear state variable feedback, PID and industrial controllers.
4. Electrical Machines:
Single phase transformers, three phase transformers – connections, parallel operation, auto-transformer, energy conversion principles, DC machines – types, windings, generator characteristics, armature reaction and commutation, starting and speed control of motors, Induction motors – principles, types, performance characteristics, starting and speed control, Synchronous machines – performance, regulation, parallel operation of generators, motor starting, characteristics and applications, servo and stepper motors.
5. Power Systems:
Basic power generation concepts, steam, gas and water turbines, transmission line models and performance, cable performance, insulation, corona and radio interference, power factor correction, symmetrical components, fault analysis, principles of protection systems, basics of solid state relays and digital protection; Circuit breakers, Radial and ring-main distribution systems, Matrix representation of power systems, load flow analysis, voltage control and economic operation, System stability concepts, Swing curves and equal area criterion. HVDC transmission and FACTS concepts, Concepts of power system dynamics, distributed generation, solar and wind power, smart grid concepts, environmental implications, fundamentals of power economics.
6. Power Electronics and Drives:
Semiconductor power diodes, transistors, thyristors, triacs, GTOs, MOSFETs and IGBTs – static characteristics and principles of operation, triggering circuits, phase control rectifiers, bridge converters – fully controlled and half controlled, principles of choppers and inverters, basis concepts of adjustable speed dc and ac drives, DC-DC switched mode converters, DC-AC switched mode converters, resonant converters, high frequency inductors and transformers, power supplies.
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
1. Basic Electronics Engineering:
Basics of semiconductors; Diode/Transistor basics and characteristics; Diodes for different uses; Junction & Field Effect Transistors (BJTs, JFETs, MOSFETs); Transistor amplifiers of different types, oscillators and other circuits; Basics of Integrated Circuits (ICs); Bipolar, MOS and CMOS ICs; Basics of linear ICs, operational amplifiers and their applications-linear/non-linear; Optical sources/detectors; Basics of Opto electronics and its applications.
2. Basic Electrical Engineering:
DC circuits-Ohm’s & Kirchoff’s laws, mesh and nodal analysis, circuit theorems; Electro-magnetism, Faraday’s & Lenz’s laws, induced EMF and its uses; Single-phase AC circuits; Transformers, efficiency; Basics-DC machines, induction machines, and synchronous machines; Electrical power sources- basics: hydroelectric, thermal, nuclear, wind, solar; Basics of batteries and their uses.
3. Materials Science:
Electrical Engineering materials; Crystal structure & defects; Ceramic materials-structures, composites, processing and uses; Insulating laminates for electronics, structures, properties and uses; Magnetic materials, basics, classification, ferrites, ferro/para-magnetic materials and components; Nano materials-basics, preparation, purification, sintering, nano particles and uses; Nano-optical/magnetic/electronic materials and uses; Superconductivity, uses.
4. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation:
Principles of measurement, accuracy, precision and standards; Analog and Digital systems for measurement, measuring instruments for different applications; Static/dynamic characteristics of measurement systems, errors, statistical analysis and curve fitting; Measurement systems for non-electrical quantities; Basics of telemetry; Different types of transducers and displays; Data acquisition system basics.
5. Network Theory:
Network graphs & matrices; Wye-Delta transformation; Linear constant coefficient differential equations- time domain analysis of RLC circuits; Solution of network equations using Laplace transforms- frequency domain analysis of RLC circuits; 2-port network parameters-driving point & transfer functions; State equations for networks; Steady state sinusoidal analysis.
6. Analog and Digital Circuits:
Small signal equivalent circuits of diodes, BJTS and FETs; Diode circuits for different uses; Biasing & stability of BJT & JFET amplifier circuits; Analysis/design of amplifier- single/multi-stage; Feedback& uses; Active filters, timers, multipliers, wave shaping, A/D-D/A converters; Boolean Algebra& uses; Logic gates, Digital IC families, Combinatorial/sequential circuits; Basics of multiplexers, counters/registers/ memories /microprocessors, design& applications.
1. Analog and Digital Communication Systems:
Random signals, noise, probability theory, information theory; Analog versus digital communication & applications: Systems- AM, FM, transmitters/receivers, theory/practice/ standards, SNR comparison; Digital communication basics: Sampling, quantizing, coding, PCM, DPCM, multiplexing-audio/video; Digital modulation: ASK, FSK, PSK; Multiple access: TDMA, FDMA, CDMA; Optical communication: fibre optics, theory, practice/standards.
2. Control Systems:
Classification of signals and systems; Application of signal and system theory; System realization; Transforms& their applications; Signal flow graphs, Routh-Hurwitz criteria, root loci, Nyquist/Bode plots; Feedback systems-open &close loop types, stability analysis, steady state, transient and frequency response analysis; Design of control systems, compensators, elements of lead/lag compensation, PID and industrial controllers.
3. Computer Organization and Architecture:
Basic architecture, CPU, I/O organisation, memory organisation, peripheral devices, trends; Hardware /software issues; Data representation& Programming; Operating systems-basics, processes, characteristics, applications; Memory management, virtual memory, file systems, protection & security; Data bases, different types, characteristics and design; Transactions and concurrency control; Elements of programming languages, typical examples.
4. Electro Magnetics:
Elements of vector calculus, Maxwell’s equations-basic concepts; Gauss’, Stokes’ theorems; Wave propagation through different media; Transmission Lines-different types, basics, Smith’s chart, impedance matching/transformation, S-parameters, pulse excitation, uses; Waveguides-basics, rectangular types, modes, cut-off frequency, dispersion, dielectric types; Antennas-radiation pattern, monopoles/dipoles, gain, arrays-active/passive, theory, uses.
Communication networks: Principles /practices /technologies /uses /OSI model/security; Basic packet multiplexed streams/scheduling; Cellular networks, types, analysis, protocols (TCP/TCPIP); Microwave & satellite communication: Terrestrial/space type LOS systems, block schematics link calculations, system design; Communication satellites, orbits, characteristics, systems, uses; Fibre-optic communication systems, block schematics, link calculations, system design.
In the above article, we have discussed the complete UPSC IES 2022 Exam Pattern and Syllabus in detail. Every candidate is suggested to go through the syllabus before starting their preparation. It is hoped that the contents of the above article end up being helpful to all the aspirants eyeing this test.
Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission has released its new advertisement for the post of new Veterinary Assistant Surgeon. As per the official order, candidates are required to apply from 05 October 2021 to 04 November 2021.
Madhya Pradesh MPPSC Assistant Surgeon Veterinary: IMPORTANT DATES
Table of Contents
Candidates are to adhere to follow the official dates of Madhya Pradesh MPPSC Assistant Surgeon Veterinary Registration 2021
IOCL Recruitment 2021: Indian Oil Corporation Ltd has released its new non-executive post which is going to be held in Guwahati, Barauni, Gujarat, Mathura, Panipat, Digboi, Bongaigaon, Paradip Refinery. As per the official order, candidates are required to apply from 21 September 2021 to 12 October 2021.
Indian OIL IOCL Non-Executive Various Post-2021: IMPORTANT DATES
Table of Contents
Candidates are to adhere to follow the official dates of Indian OIL IOCL Non-Executive Various Post Registration 2021.
Registration starts on
21 September 2021
Last date to apply
12 October 2021
Last date to pay fees
12 October 2021
Receipt Hard Copy of Application Form Last Date
23 October 2021
24 October 2021
Indian OIL IOCL Non-Executive Various Post 2021: ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA
Minimum Age : 18 Years.
Maximum Age : 26 Years
General / OBC / EWS: 150/-
SC / ST / PH : 0/-
Indian OIL IOCL Non-Executive Various Post 2021: VACANCY DETAILS
Post Name
Refinery Name
Total Post
Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Production)
Engineering Diploma in Chemical / Refinery & Petrochemical Engg. OR B.Sc. (Maths, Physics, Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry. 1 Year Experience Required.
Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (P&U)
ITI Certificate in Fitter with Boiler Competency Certificate OR B.Sc Degree PCM with Boiler Trade Apprentice Training OR Engineering Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical Engg
Engineering Diploma in Instrumentation/ Instrumentation & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control Engineering. 1 Year Experience Required.
Junior Quality Control Analyst-IV
Bachelor Degree in Science B.SC with Physics, Chemistry/ Industrial Chemistry & Mathematics 50% Marks. 1 Year Experience Required.
Gujarat 4
Haldia 2
Panipat 5
Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Fire & Safety)
Class 10 with Sub-Officers’ Course from NFSC-Nagpur or Equivalent and Heavy Vehicle Driving License 1 Year Experience.
Junior Material Assistant – IV/ Junior Technical Assistant-IV
Engineering Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical/Instrumentation and 1 Year Experience Required.
Junior Nursing Assistant-IV
B.SC Nursing OR Diploma in Nursing & Midwifery or Gynaecology & Obstetrics and 1 Year Experience.
IOCL Non-Executive Post Send Application Form sending Form Instruction: While sending the printout of the online applications along with specified documents by Ordinary Post, candidates shall ensure that the same are sent to the concerned authority at the Refinery applied for. Postal addresses of the Units are furnished below
Refinery Name
Refinery Address
Mathura Refinery
The Advertiser – IOCL Mathura Refinery, Post Box No: 02, Mathura HPO, Mathura – 281001 (Uttar Pradesh)
Barauni Refinery
Dy. General Manager (HR), Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Barauni Refinery, P.O. Barauni Oil Refinery, Dist. Begusarai – 851114 (Bihar)
Gujarat Refinery
Dy. General Manager (HR), Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Gujarat Refinery, P.O. Jawahar Nagar, Dist. Vadodara – 391320 (Gujarat)
Guwahati Refinery
The Advertiser, Guwahati GPO, Post Box No -21, Meghdoot Bhawan, Panbazar, Guwahati – 781001 (Assam)
Haldia Refinery
Deputy General Manager(HR), Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Haldia Refinery, PO: Haldia Oil Refinery, Dist: Purba Medinipur- 721606 (West Bengal)
Panipat Refinery & Petrochemical Complex
Post Box No. 128, Panipat Head Post Office, Panipat – 132103 (Haryana)
UPSC NDA II Recruitment 2021: Union Public Service Commission UPSC has Invited Women Candidates for the Recruitment Post of National Defense Academy NDA II Recruitment 2021. As per the official notification, interested candidates can apply again from 24/09/2021 to 08/10/2021.
UPSC NDA II Recruitment 2021 Registration Form: IMPORTANT DATES
Table of Contents
Registration begins
9 June 2021
Last Date for Apply Online
29 June 2021
Fee Payment Last Date
29 June 2021
Re-Open Only For Women Candidates
24 September 2021 to 8 October 2021
14 November 2021
Admit Card releases on
UPSC NDA II Recruitment 2021 Registration Form: ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA
Women Candidates : Eligibile to Fill Online Form.
Army Wing : Passed /Appearing 10+2 Exam in Any Recognized Board in India.
For Airforce & Naval Wing : Passed /Appearing 10+2 Exam with Physics & Math Subjects
Candidate Not be Born Before : 02/01/2003
Candidates Not be Born After : 01/01/2006
General / OBC : 100/-
SC / ST : 0/-
All Category Female: 0/-
UPSC NDA II Recruitment 2021 Registration Form: VACANCY DETAILS
Total: 400 Post
Army : 208
Navy : 42
Airforce : 120
Naval Academy : 30
How to apply online for UPSC NDA II Recruitment 2021 Registration Form
Visit Official Website: https://upsc.gov.in/
Candidate Can Apply Between 22 September 2021 to 12 October 2021.
Kindly Collect All documents – Eligibility, ID Proof, Address Details, Basic Details.
Kindly Ready Scan Document Related to Recruitment Form – Photo, Sign, ID Proof, Etc.
Check Your full Details Preview Before Submit Application Form.
SSC Selection Post Phase 9: Staff Selection Commission SSC has released its new advertisement of Selection Post Phase 9 Recruitment. As per the official notification, candidates are required to apply online from 24 September 2021 to 25 October 2021. SSC Selection post exam is conducted every year to recruit candidates for different posts in different ministries.
SSC Selection Post IX ( Phase 9) Various Post-2021: IMPORTANT DATES
Table of Contents
Candidates are to adhere to follow the official dates of SSC Selection Post IX ( Phase 9) Various Post Registration 2021.
Registration starts on
24 September 2021
Last date to apply
25 October 2021
Last to pay fees
28 October 2021
Last date online payment
01 November 2021
CBT Exam Date
January/ February 2022
Admit Card releases on
SSC Selection Post IX ( Phase 9) Various Post-2021: ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA
18-30 Years Post Wise as on 01/01/2021
General / OBC : 100/-
SC / ST / PH / Women : 0/-
SSC Selection Post IX ( Phase 9) Various Post-2021: VACANCY DETAILS
Class 10 High School Exam in Any Recognized Board in India.
10+2 Intermediate Exam in Any Recognized Board in India.
Bachelor’s Degree in Any Stream in Any Recognized University in India.
How to apply online for SSC Selection Post IX ( Phase 9) Various Post Registration 2021
Visit Official Website: https://ssc.nic.in/
Candidate Can Apply Between 24 September 2021 to 25 October 2021.
Kindly Collect All documents – Eligibility, ID Proof, Address Details, Basic Details.
Kindly Ready Scan Document Related to Recruitment Form – Photo, Sign, ID Proof, Etc.
Check Your full Details Preview Before Submit Application Form.
Candidates are required to pay the fees if asked.
Take a Printout of the online application form.
SSC Region Name Who Conducted the Selection Post IX Recruitment 2021
MPSC 2022 Exam: The Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) is a body created by the Constitution of India under article 315 to select Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ civil servants for the Indian state of Maharashtra according to the merits of the applicants and the rules of reservation.
In this article, we have discussed the MPSC 2022 Exam in great detail. All the candidates are suggested to have a nice look at this.
MPSC 2022 Exam Basic Info
The table below lists the basic details of the MPSC 2022 Exam.
MPSC 2022
Full Form
Maharashtra Public Service Commission 2022
Conducting Body
Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC)
Various Post
State Concerned
Selection Procedure
i) Prelims Exam ii) Mains Exam iii) Personal Interview
Candidates who are willing to take part in MPSC 2022 can check the table below for all the important dates. The dates provided below are tentative and subject to change.
MPSC 2022 (State Services Exam) Date
Notification will be released on
December 2021
The application form will be started from
Updating Soon
Last date to fill the application form
Updating Soon
MPSC State Services Prelims Exam Date
1st week of April 2022
Prelims Result will be declared on
Updating Soon
Mains Admit Card will be released on
Updating Soon
MPSC State Services Mains Exam Date
1st week of August 2022
Mains Result will be declared on
Updating Soon
Personality test
Updating Soon
Final Result will be declared on
Updating Soon
MPSC 2022 (Forest Services Exam) Dates
Notification will be released on
March 2022
The application form will be started from
Updating Soon
Last date to fill the application form
Updating Soon
MPSC State Forest Services Prelims Exam Date
1st week of May 2022
Prelims Result will be declared on
Updating Soon
Mains Admit Card will be released on
Updating Soon
MPSC State Forest Services Mains Exam Date
1st week of October 2022
Mains Result will be declared on
Updating Soon
Personality test
Updating Soon
Final Result will be declared on
Updating Soon
MPSC 2022 Exam Eligibility Criteria
Based on the posts, the MPSC Eligibility criteria vary. In the following table, the basic eligibility criteria for appearing on the MPSC exam has been highlighted:
Age Limit
General: 19 to 38 yearsOBC: Upper limit – 41 yearsSC/ST: 45 years
Minimum Qualifications:
Candidates with a graduation degree from a recognised university in India are eligible.
Number of Attempts
No limit
MPSC Exams Selection Process
The selection process of the MPSC exam will be done through the following stages:
Prelims Exam
Mains Exam
Once the aspirants will clear the aforementioned stages, they will be called for the document verification round. After the document verification process, the shortlisted aspirants will get the posting to one of the branches/ offices of MPSC across Maharashtra.
MPSC 2022 Exam Pattern
The exam pattern and the syllabus of the MPSC exam are given in the sections below.
MPSC Preliminary Exam Pattern:
It consists of two papers i.e.
General Studies (GS).
Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT).
General Studies (GS)
2 hours
Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT)
2 hours
MPSC Mains Exam Pattern:
Paper Name
Maximum Marks
Time Allotted
Type of Test
Paper 1
3 Hours
Paper 2
1 Hours
Paper 3
GS Paper I – History, Geography, and Agriculture
2 Hours
Paper 4
GS Paper II – Indian Polity and laws
2 Hours
Paper 5
GS Paper III – Human Resource Development and Human Rights
2 Hours
Paper 6
GS Paper IV – Science and Technology, Economy
2 Hours
MPSC Exam Interview:
The aspirants, who will be shortlisted for the mains exam, will be called for the MPSC Exam interview process. The interview round will be commenced based on the knowledge, presence of mind, and in-depth knowledge of the candidates. The MPSC interview round will be a 100 marks exam. The final selection process will be conducted after the interview round.
MPSC 2022 Syllabus
MPSC 2022 Prelims Syllabus
Go through the detailed MPSC Syllabus for Prelims and Mains Exam in the below section. The candidate must begin with their preparation with a topic-wise syllabus provided here.
Candidates can check the MPSC Prelims Syllabus 2022 of both papers in the subsequent points. Like the UPSC, MPSC also provides just the topics names in the Syllabus. As it is a State Level Exam, most of the questions have a specific focus on the to the Maharashtra. With the right preparation strategy, it is possible for candidates to prepare for both exams simultaneously.
Paper I Syllabus
Current events of state, national and international importance.
History of India (with special reference to Maharashtra) and Indian National Movement.
Maharashtra, India and world geography – Physical, Social, Economic geography of Maharashtra, India and the World.
Maharashtra and India – Polity and Governance – Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Urban Governance, Public Policy, Rights Issue, etc.
Economic and Social Development – Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc.
General issues on Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity and Climate Change – that do not require subject specialization.
General Science
Paper II Syllabus
Interpersonal skills including communication skills
Logical reasoning and analytical ability
Decision-making and problem-solving
General mental ability
Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.) (Class X level), Data Interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency, etc. – Class X level)
Marathi and English language comprehension skills (Class X/XII level) Questions relating to this will be tested through passages from Marathi and English language without providing cross translation thereof in the question paper.
History of Modern India (1818-1857) particularly Maharashtra
Establishment of British Rule in India
Socio-Cultural Changes
Social and economic awakening
Emergence and growth of Indian nationalism
National movement in Gandhi Era
India after Independence
Selected Social Reformers of Maharashtra
Cultural Heritage of Maharashtra (Ancient to Modern)
Physical Geography
Economic Geography of Maharashtra
Human and Social Geography of Maharashtra
Environmental Geography
Population Geography (with reference to Maharashtra
Remote Sensing
Geography and Agriculture
Paper IV: General Studies II (Indian Constitution and Indian Politics and Law) (150 marks)
The Constitution of India
Amendment Procedure and Major Amendments to the Constitution
The Political System (Structure, Powers and Functions of Governments
State Government and Administration (With Special Reference to Maharashtra)
District Administration
Rural and Urban Local Government
Educational System
Parties and Pressure Groups
The Media
The Electoral Process
Administrative Law
Central and State Government Privileges
Some Pertinent Laws
Social Welfare and Social Legislation
Public Services
Control over Public Expenditure
Paper V: General Studies III (Human Resource Development & Human Rights) (150 marks)
Human Resource Development
Human Resource Development in India
Vocational Education
Rural Development
Human Rights
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR 1948)
Child Development
Women Development
Youth Development
Tribal Development
Development for Socially deprived classes (SC, ST, VJ/NT, OBC etc.)
Welfare for aged People- problems and issues
Labour Welfare
Welfare of disabled persons
People’s Rehabilitations
International and Regional Organisations
Consumer Protection
Values and Ethics
Paper VI: General Studies IV (Economy & Planning, Economics of Development and Agriculture, Science and Technology Development) (150 marks)
Economy and Planning
Indian Economy
Urban and Rural Infrastructure Development
Economic reforms
International Trade and International Capital Movements
Measurement and estimate of poverty
Factors determining employment
Economy of Maharashtra
Economics of Development and Agriculture
Macro Economics
Public Finance and Financial Institutions
Growth, Development and International Economics:
Indian Agriculture, Rural Development and Cooperation:
Food and Nutrition
Science and technology developments
Indian Industry, Infrastructure and Services Sector
Science and technology developments
Computer and Information Technology
Space Technology
Nuclear Policy of India
Disaster Management
MPSC 2022 Application Process
Steps to Apply for MPSC 2022
To apply for the Prelims of MPSC 2022, the students have to register using their Email ID and contact number on the official website https://mpsc.gov.in after the registration starts, and before the due date mentioned in the notification issued by MPSC.
The students must note down the username and password provided after the registration for the later proceedings.
After the registration, the students are eligible to fill in the online application form.
Then they have to fill in all the correct details and submit the application before the last date.
The aspirants also need to upload the scanned copies of the documents mentioned in the application form, such as the degrees and certificates.
In the case of students applying for reservation, they have to submit the adequate and corresponding certificates along with the rest of the documents.
Additionally, to all the documents, the students have to upload their scanned copies of a recent passport-size photograph and a signature.
The dimensions of both the photograph and the signature should not be more than 4.5 X 3.5 cms.
The size of both the photograph and the signature should not be more than 50KB.
Size (MAX)
4.5 x 3.5 cm
50 KB
4.5 x 3.5 cm
50 KB
After filling all the details, the students must ‘Save’ their application.
The students have to pay the application fees online through Netbanking/Credit Card/Debit Card.
The aspirants can pay the application fees through offline mode (e-Challan and Maha e-Seva Kendra)
SC/ST/OBC/PWD of Madhya Pradesh
Rs. 324
Rs. 524
After the students have submitted the application form, the students must download their filled application.
They must take out two printouts of the application and keep them safe if any issue arises in the future.
This article discusses MPSC 2022 Exam in detail. Every candidate is suggested to go through the aforementioned information very carefully. It is hoped that the contents of this article result to be helpful to all the candidates.
MPSC 2022 Syllabus and Exam Pattern: Like all the other State Public Service Commission and UPSC, the MPSC state services exam is also conducted in three stages namely:
I Prelims
II Mains
III Interview
Candidates have to clear each stage in order to be eligible for the next stage, if candidates clear the prelims, they can give the mains, clearing which they would be summoned for the final stage i.e., interview of the MPSC Exam.
MPSC Prelims Exam Pattern
Table of Contents
Before going to the syllabus directly candidates are advised to check the Exam Pattern of the MPSC Prelims Exam.
MPPSC Prelims Exam Pattern: This stage exam consists of two compulsory objective papers. Check the elaborated exam pattern and details of the MPSC prelims exam. Both papers are of 2 hours each.
Paper No.
No. of Questions
Total Marks
Nature of Paper
Paper I
English & Marathi
2 hours
Paper II
Mix of Degree and School (depends on topic – refer below)
English & Marathi
2 hours
Important Points:
Marks of both papers will be considered for qualifying candidates for the mains exam.
Both Paper I and Paper II have negative markings for all the incorrect answers.
There will be no negative marking for unattended questions.
There is a negative marking of 1/3 of the marks allocated to the question.
The questions on decision making in Paper-II do not attract negative marks if incorrectly answered.
MPSC Prelims is screening in nature.
Candidates need to score minimum marks as decided by the commission to qualify for the mains exam.
All the questions are set in English and Marathi except for those questions which are meant to test the candidate’s knowledge of English.
MPSC 2022 Prelims Syllabus
Go through the detailed MPSC Syllabus for Prelims and Mains Exam in the below section. The candidate must begin with their preparation with a topic-wise syllabus provided here.
Candidates can check the MPSC Prelims Syllabus 2022 of both papers in the subsequent points. Like the UPSC, MPSC also provides just the topics names in the Syllabus. As it is a State Level Exam, most of the questions have a specific focus on the to Maharashtra. With the right preparation strategy, it is possible for candidates to prepare for both exams simultaneously.
Paper I Syllabus
Current events of state, national and international importance.
History of India (with special reference to Maharashtra) and Indian National Movement.
Maharashtra, India and world geography – Physical, Social, Economic geography of Maharashtra, India and the World.
Maharashtra and India – Polity and Governance – Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Urban Governance, Public Policy, Rights Issue, etc.
Economic and Social Development – Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc.
General issues on Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity and Climate Change – that do not require subject specialization.
General Science
Paper II Syllabus
Interpersonal skills including communication skills
Logical reasoning and analytical ability
Decision-making and problem-solving
General mental ability
Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.) (Class X level), Data Interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency, etc. – Class X level)
Marathi and English language comprehension skills (Class X/XII level) Questions relating to this will be tested through passages from Marathi and English language without providing cross translation thereof in the question paper.
MPSC 2022 Mains Exam Pattern
After qualifying the MPSC Prelims candidates have to appear for the MPSC Mains exam, the exam pattern and syllabus of the exam is given in the subsequent paragraph.
MPSC Mains Exam Pattern: In MPSC Mains there are six compulsory papers. Paper I and Paper II are language papers while Papers III, IV, V and VI are general studies papers. There are no optional subjects in MPSC Mains, which was done away with in 2012. Candidates can check the MPSC Mains Exam Pattern in the table below.
Total Marks
Nature of Questions
Marathi & English (Essay/Translation/Precis)
XII Std.
Marathi & English
3 hours
Marathi & English (Grammar/Comprehension)
XII Std.
Marathi & English
1 hour
General Studies I
Marathi & English
2 hours
General Studies II
Marathi & English
2 hours
General Studies III
Marathi & English
2 hours
General Studies IV
Marathi & English
2 hours
Important Points:
There is negative marking in the objective question papers.
Candidates need to attempt all the papers to qualify for the Interview round.
This round is both scoring and qualifying in nature.
MPSC Syllabus: MPSC Mains Syllabus
Paper I: Marathi and English (Essay/Translation/Precis)
Section 1: Marathi (50 marks)
Essay writing – An essay on one out of the two given topics/subject (About 400 words)
Translation – English paragraph to be translated into Marathi, approximately 1/2 page/2 paragraphs
Precis writing
Section 2: English (50 marks)
Essay writing – An essay on one out of the two given topics/subject (About 400 words)
Translation – Marathi paragraph to be translated into English, approximately 1/2 page/2 paragraphs
Precis writing
Paper II: Marathi & English (Grammar and Comprehension)
Section 1: Marathi (50 marks)
Grammar – Idioms, Phrases, Synonyms/Antonyms, Correct formation of words and sentences, Punctuation, etc
Section 2: English (50 marks)
Grammar – Idioms, Phrases, Synonyms/Antonyms, Correct formation of words and sentences, Punctuation, etc
Paper III: General Studies I (History & Geography) (150 marks)
History of Modern India (1818-1857) particularly Maharashtra: Introduction of modern education – Press, Railway, Post and Telegraph, Industries, Land reforms and Socio-religious reforms – Its impact on society.
Establishment of British Rule in India: Wars against major Indian powers, Policy of subsidiary alliance, Doctrine of Lapse, Structure of British Raj upto 1857.
Socio-Cultural Changes: Contacts with Christian Missions, coming of English education and the Press, Official-social reform measures (1828 to 1857). Socio-religious reform movements: Brahmo Samaj, Prarthana Samaj, Satyashodhak Samaj, Arya Samaj. Reform movements among the Sikhs and the Muslims, Depressed Classes Mission, Non-Brahmin movement and Justice Party.
Social and economic awakening: Indian Nationalism – 1857 revolt and after, Indian National Congress (1885- 1947), Azad Hind Sena, Role of important personalities, Role of Press and Education in social awakening in pre- independent India.
Emergence and growth of Indian nationalism: Social background, formation of National Associations, Peasant uprisings, foundation of Indian National Congress, the moderate phase, growth of extremism, Morley-Minto reforms, Home Rule movement, Lucknow pact, Mont-Ford reforms.
National movement in Gandhi Era: Gandhiji’s leadership and ideology of resistance, Gandhian mass movements, Non-cooperation, Civil Disobedience, individual Satyagraha, Quit India movement. Satyashodhak Samaj, Gandhiji and removal of untouchability, Dr. B.R.Ambedakar’s approach to problem of untouchability, Muslim politics and Freedom movement (Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Aligarh movement, Muslim League and Ali Brothers, Iqbal, Jinnah), Unionist Party and Krishak Praja Party, Politics of Hindu Mahasabha, Communists and the Indian freedom struggle, Congress Socialist Party, Women in the National movement, States’ Peoples’ movements, Leftist Movement – Peseant Movement – Tribal uprising, Trade Union Movement and Adivasi Movement.
India after Independence: Consequences of Partition, Integration of Princely states, Linguistic reorganization of states, Nehru’s Policy of Non-alignment. Samyukta Maharashtra movement: major political parties and personalities involved therein, Relations with neighbouring countries, India’s role in International Politics. Progress in Agriculture, Industry, Education, Science and Technology. Emergence of Indira Gandhi’s Leadership, Liberation of Bangladesh, Non-Alignment under Indira Gandhi, Coalition Governments in States; Students’ unrest, Jayaprakash Narayan and Emergency. Terrorism in Panjab andAssam. Naxalism and Maosim, Environmental Movement, Women’s Movement and Ethnic Movement.
Selected Social Reformers of Maharashtra: their ideology and work: Gopal Ganesh Agarkar, Mahatma Phule, M.G. Ranade, Prabodhankar Thakare, Maharshi Karve, Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj, Maharshi Vitthal Shinde, Babasaheb Ambedkar, Lokmanya Tilak, Mahatma Gandhi, Vinoba Bhave, Vinayak D. Sawarkar,Annabhau Sathe, Krantiveer Nana Patil, Lahuji Salve, Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil.
Cultural Heritage of Maharashtra (Ancient to Modern): Performing Arts (Dance, Drama, Films, Music and Folk Arts, Lavani, Tamasha, Povada, Bharud, and other folk dances), Visual Arts (Architecture, Painting and Sculpture) and Festivals. Impact of Literature on socio – psychological development of Maharashtra: Bhakti, Dalit, Urban and Rural Literature.
Physical Geography: Interior of the earth- composition and physical conditions. Factors controlling and form development. Concept of geomorphic cycles- landforms associated with fluvial, arid, glacial, and coastal cycle. Evolution and Geomorphology of the Indian Subcontinent- Major physiographic regions – Problems of floods – Physiographic details of Maharashtra. Geomorphic features of Maharashtra. India’s strategic location with reference to her neighbours, Indian Ocean Rim, Asia and the World.
Economic Geography of Maharashtra: Minerals and Energy Resources: Their distribution, importance and development in Maharashtra. Tourism in Maharashtra – Religious Tourism, Medicinal Tourism, Eco Tourism and Cultural Heritage. Reserved forests, Animal sanctuaries, National Parks and Forts in Maharashtra, Tiger Project.
Human and Social Geography of Maharashtra: Migration of population, causes and effects, sugarcane cutting labourers – effects of migration on source and destination areas. Rural settlements in Maharashtra. Problems of Urban and Rural Settlements – Environmental, Housing, Slum, Water Supply and Sanitation, Urban Traffic and Pollution.
Environmental Geography: Ecology and Ecosystem- energy flow, material cycle, food chain and webs. Environmental degradation and conservation, global ecological imbalances- pollution and Greenhouse effect, role of CO2 and methane in greenhouse effect, global warming, reduction in bio-diversity and depletion of forests. Environmental laws and environmental impact assessment. Kyoto protocol and Carbon credits. Urban waste management. CRZ I and CRZ II.
Population Geography (with reference to Maharashtra): Causes and consequences of migration. Rural and Urban settlements- site, situation, types, size, spacing and morphology. Urbanisation- process and problems. Rural – Urban Fringe, and sphere of urban influence. Regional imbalances.
Remote Sensing: Concept of remote sensing. Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites. Imageries- IRS products, MSS bands- blue, green, red and near infra red, False Colour Composite (FCC). Application of remote sensing in natural resources. Introduction to Geographical Information System (GIS) and Global Positioning System (GPS).
Geography and Agriculture
Agroecology: Agroecology and its relevance to man, natural resources, their sustainable management and conservation. Physical and social environment as factors of crop distribution and production. Climatic elements as factors of crop growth. Environmental pollution and associated hazards to crops, animals and humans.
Climate: Atmosphere- composition and structure. Solar radiation and heat balance. Weather elements temperature, pressure, planetary and local winds, monsoon, air masses and fronts and cyclones. Mechanism of Indian monsoon, monsoon forecast, distribution of rainfall, cyclones, droughts and floods, and climatic regions. Distribution of Rainfall in Maharashtra – spatial and temporal variability – Agroclimatic zones of Maharashtra – Problem of Drought and scarcity, DPAP (Draught Prone Area Programme) –Water requirement in Agricultural, Industrial and Domestic Sectors. Problem of Drinking Water. Cropping pattern in different agro-climatic zones of Maharashtra. Impact of high-yielding and short-duration varieties on shifts in cropping pattern. Concepts of multiple cropping, and inter-cropping and their importance. Modern concepts of organic farming, sustainable agriculture.
Soils: Soil-physical, chemical and biological properties. Processes and factors of soil formation. Mineral and organic constituents of soil and their role in maintaining soil productivity. Essential plant nutrients and other beneficial elements in soils and plants Problem soils and their reclamation methods. Problems of soil erosion and degradation in Maharashtra. Soil conservation planning on watershed basis. Erosion and runoff management in hilly, foot hills and valley lands; processes and factors affecting them.
Water management: Present scenario, Methods and importance of water conservation. Water quality standards. Interlinking of rivers in India. Conventional and non-conventional methods of rainwater harvesting. Groundwater management- technical and social aspects, Methods of artificial groundwater recharge. Concept of watershed and watershed management. Dryland agriculture and its problems. Water use efficiency in relation to crop production, ways and means of reducing run-off losses of irrigation water. Drip and sprinkler irrigation. Drainage of water-logged soils, effect of industrial effluents on soil and water.
Paper IV: General Studies II (Indian Constitution and Indian Politics and Law) (150 marks)
The Constitution of India: Making of the Constitution, Salient Features of the Constitution. Philosophy of the Preamble – (Secular democratic and socialist), Fundamental Rights and Duties – Directive Principles of State Policy, Free and Compulsory primary education, Uniform Civil Code, and Fundamental Duties. Centre – State relations and Formation of New States. Independent Judiciary.
Amendment Procedure and Major Amendments to the Constitution: Landmark Judgments used for interpreting the Constitution. Structure and Functions of major Commissions and Boards: Election Commission, Union and State Public Service Commissions, National Women’s Commission, Human Rights Commission, National Minorities S.C./S.T. Commission – River Water Dispute Settlements Board etc.
The Political System (Structure, Powers and Functions of Governments): Nature of Indian Federation – Union & State- Legislatures, Executive & Judiciary. Union-State Relationship Administrative, Executive and Financial Relationships. Distribution of Legislative powers, Subjects.
(1) The Central Government – The Union Executive: President- Vice-President – Prime Minister and Council of Ministers – Attorney General of India – Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
(2) The Union Legislature – Parliament, Speaker and Dy. Speaker – Parliamentary Committees – Parliament’s Control over Executive.
(3) Judiciary: Organisation of Judiciary – Integrated Judiciary – Functions – Role and Power of the Supreme Court and High Court – Subordinate Courts – Lokpal, Lokayukt and Lok Nyayalaya – Judiciary as a watch-dog protecting the Constitutional Order- Judicial Activism, Public Interest Litigation.
State Government and Administration (With Special Reference to Maharashtra): Formation and Reorganisation of Maharashtra State, Governor, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers, Chief Secretary, State Secretariat, Directorates, Legislative Assembly, Legislative Council, – Powers, Functions and Role – Legislative Committees. Sheriff of Mumbai.
District Administration: Evolution of District Administration, Changing role of the District Collector: Law and Order, Relationship with functional Departments. District Administration and the Panchayati Raj Institutions. Role and Functions of the Sub-Divisional Officer.
Rural and Urban Local Government: Significance of 73rd and 74th Amendment to the Constitution. Empowerment of local government and their role in development.
(1) Rural Local Government, Composition, Powers and Functions of Zilla Parishad, Panchayat Samiti and Gram Panchayat. Peculiarities of Panchayat Raj Institutions of Maharashtra, Status Report of Panchayat Raj Institutions and its Performance Appraisal. Main features of 73rd Constitutional Amendments. Problems of implementation. Major rural development programmes and their management.
(2) Urban Local Government, Composition and Functions of Municipal Corporations, Municipal Councils and Cantonment Boards. Structure, Officials, Resources, Powers- Functions and Controls. Main features of 74th Constitutional Amendments: Problems of implementation. Major urban development programmes and their management.
Educational System: Directive Principles of State Policy and Education; Educational Problems of Disadvantaged Sections- Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Muslims and Women; Privatization of education – issues of access to education, merit, quality, and social justice; General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and emerging issues, Challenges in Higher Education today. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan.
Parties and Pressure Groups: Nature of Party system – Role of National Parties – Ideology, organisation and electoral performance – Political Parties and their Social Bases. Regionalism- Rise of Regional Parties; Ideology, Organisation and electoral performance – Major Pressure Groups and Interest Groups in Maharashtra – their Role and impact on Policy making. Programmes of Social Welfare in Maharashtra: Women and Children; Labour; and Youth. Non-Government Organizations and their Role in Social Welfare.
The Media: Print and Electronic Media – its impact on policy making, shaping of the public opinion and educating the people. Press Council of India. Code of conduct for Mass media in a secular democracy like India. The portrayal of women in the main stream mass media: Facts and Norms. Freedom of speech and expression, and limitation thereof.
The Electoral Process: Main features of Electoral process – single member territorial Constituencies. Reserved constituencies for weaker sections – Adult Franchise – Role of Election Commission – General Elections – Major trends – Patterns of Voting behaviour – and Factors influencing the voting behaviour – Problems and difficulties in conducting Free and Fair Elections – Electoral Reforms. EVMs.
Administrative Law: Rule of law. Administrative Discretion and its control and Judicial Review. Administrative Tribunals, their establishment and functioning. Principles of Natural Justice.
Central and State Government Privileges: Section 123 of the Indian Evidence Act, Official Secrets Act, RTI and its impact on Official Secrets Act.
(5) The Prevention of Corruption Act: Object, Machinery and Measures provided therein.
(6) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989: Object, Machinery and Measures provided therein.
(7) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Rules 1995: Object, Machinery and Measures provided therein.
(8) Protection of Civil Rights Act 1955: Object, Machinery and Measures provided therein.
Social Welfare and Social Legislation: Social Legislation as an instrument of Social Change; Human Rights. Protection to Women under: The Constitution of India and Criminal Law (CrPC), Domestic Violence (Prevention) Act, The Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955, The Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 and The Right of Information Act, 2005.
Public Services: All India Services, Constitutional position, role and functions. Central Services: nature and functions. Union Public Service Commission. State Services and the Maharashtra State Public Service Commission. Training in the changing context of governance- YASHDA, Lal Bahadur Shastri Academy of Administration, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy.
Control over Public Expenditure: Parliamentary Control, Estimates Committee, Public Accounts Committee, Committee on Public Undertakings, Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India, Role of the Finance Ministry in monetary and Fiscal policy, Composition and function of Accountant General, Maharashtra.
Paper V: General Studies III (Human Resource Development & Human Rights) (150 marks)
Human Resource Development
Human Resource Development in India: Present status of population in India – quantitative aspect (size and growth – Sex, Age, Urban and Rural) and qualitative aspects (Education and Healthcare). Population policy and projection upto 2050. Importance and need of Human Resource planning in modern society. Components and factors involved in planning of Human Resources. Nature, types and problems of unemployment in India, Trends of Employment in India, Demand estimate of skilled manpower in different Sectors and Areas. Governmental and Voluntary Institution engaged in development of manpower e.g. NCERT, NIEPA, UGC, Open Universities, AICTE, NCTE, ITIs, NCVT, IMC, etc. Problems and issues related to HRD. Govt. employment policy, various schemes to reduce unemployment and underemployment.
Education: Education as a tool of HR development and social change. Education (Pre-primary to Higher Education) system in India. Problems and issues (Universalisation of education, vocationalisation of education, Quality improvement, Dropout rate etc.) Education for Girls, Socially and Economically underprivileged classes, Handicapped, Minorities, Talent Search etc. Govt. policies, Schemes and programs for Education. Govt. and Voluntary Agencies involved in promoting, regulating and monitoring Formal, Non-formal and Adult Education. e-Learning. Impact of globalisation and privatisation on Indian education. National Knowledge Commission, National Commission for Higher Education and Research, IITs, IIMs, NITs.
Vocational Education: As a tool of HR development. Vocational/Technical Education- Present status, systems and training in India particularly in Maharashtra. Govt. policies, schemes and programs – Problems, issues and efforts to overcome them. Institutes involved in promoting, regulating, accrediting vocational and Technical Education.
Health: As an essential and major component of HRD, Vital Statistics, World Health Organisation (WHO) – objectives, structure, functions and its programmes. Govt. Health policies, schemes and programmes, Healthcare system in India. Problems and issues related to Healthcare and efforts to overcome them. Janani-Bal Suraksha Yojana. National Rural Health Mission.
Rural Development: Empowerment of panchayat Raj system. Village Panchayat and its role in Rural development, Land reforms and development, Role of cooperative institutes in Rural Development, Financial Institutes involved in Rural Development, Rural Employment Schemes, Rural Water Supply and Sanitation programs. Infrastructure development e.g. Energy, Transportation, Housing and communication in rural area. National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS).
Human Rights
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR 1948): International human rights standards, its reflections in Indian constitution, mechanism to enforce and protect Human Rights in India. Human Rights Movement in India. Problems related to human rights deprivations such as poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, social-cultural-religious practices, violence, corruption, terrorism, exploitation of labour, custodial crimes etc. Need, for training in and practicing of human rights and human dignity in a democratic set up. Globalisation and its impact on different sections of Indian Society. Human Development Index, Infant Mortality Ratio, Sex Ratio.
Child Development: problems and issues (Infant mortality, Malnutrition, Child labour, Children education etc.) – Government Policies, welfare schemes and programs – Role of international agencies, Voluntary Organisations Community resources. People participation in their Welfare.
Women Development: Problems and issues (Gender inequality, Violence against women, Girl child Infanticide/Foeticide, Empowerment of Women etc.)- Government Policy, schemes and programs for development / welfare and empowerment – Role of international agencies, Voluntary Organisations and Community resources. People’s participation in their development. AASHA.
Youth Development: problems and issues (Unemployment, unrest, drug addiction etc.) – Government Policy – development schemes and programs Role of international agencies, Voluntary Organisations and Community resources. People’s participation in their development.
Tribal Development: problems and issues (Malnutrition, isolation, integration and development etc.) Tribal movement – Government Policy, welfare schemes and programs- Role of international agencies, Voluntary Organisations and Community resources. People’s participation in their Welfare.
Development for Socially deprived classes (SC, ST, VJ/NT, OBC etc. ): problems and issues (inequality in opportunity etc.) – Government Policy, welfare schemes and development programs – Role of international agencies, Voluntary Organisations and Resource mobilisation and Community participation.
Welfare for aged People- problems and issues: Government Policy welfare schemes and programs. Role of international agencies, Voluntary Organisations and Community participation for their development. Utilisation of their services in developmental activities.
Labour Welfare: problems and issues (working conditions, wages, health and problems related to organised and unorganised sectors) – Government Policy, welfare schemes and programs – Role of international agencies, community and Voluntary Organisations.
Welfare of disabled persons: problems and issues (inequality in educational and employment opportunity etc.) – Government Policy, welfare schemes and programs – Role of international agencies, Voluntary Organisations in employment and rehabilitation.
People’s Rehabilitations: (People affected by Development projects and Natural Calamities.) Strategy and programs – Legal Provisions Consideration of different aspects like economic, cultural, social, psychological etc.
International and Regional Organisations: United Nations and its specialised agencies – UNCTAD, UNDP, ICJ, ILO, UNICEF, UNESCO, UNCHR, EU, APEC, ASEAN, OPEC, OAU, SAARC, NAM, Commonwealth of Nations and European Union.
Consumer Protection: Salient features of the existing act- Rights of consumers- Consumer disputes and redressal machinery, Different kinds of Forums- Objectives, Powers, functions, procedures, Consumer Welfare Fund.
Values and Ethics: Fostering of social norms, values, ethics through formal and informal agencies such as family, religion, education, media etc.
Paper VI: General Studies IV (Economy & Planning, Economics of Development and Agriculture, Science and Technology Development) (150 marks)
Economy and Planning
Indian Economy: Challenges in Indian Economy – Poverty, Unemployment and Regional Imbalances. Planning: Process – Types – Review of India’s First to Tenth Five Year Plans. Evaluation. Social and Economic Indicators of Development. State and Local Level Planning. Decentralisation -73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments.
Urban and Rural Infrastructure Development: Need and Significance. Growth and Development of Social and economic infrastructure such as Energy, Water supply and sanitation, Housing, Transport (Road, Ports etc.), Communications (Post and Telegraphs, Telecommunication), Network of Radio, TV, Internet. Crises, problems related to Infrastructure in India. Policy alternatives- Public-Private Sector Partnership (PPP). FDI and Infrastructure Development- Privatisation of infrastructure development. Centre and State Government Policies for Infrastructure Development. Transport and Housing (Urban and Rural). Problems – Centre and State Government initiatives and programmes. BOLT and BOT schemes.
Industry: Need – importance and role of industries in economic and social development, Growth Pattern, Structure of Large-scale Industries in India with special reference to Maharashtra. Small scale, Cottage and Village industries, their problems and prospects. Impact of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation on SSIs. Maharashtra’s Policy, measures and programmes for development, promotion and monitoring of SSIs. Export Potential of Small scale and cottage industries. SEZs, SPVs.
Co-operation: Concept, Meaning, Objectives, Old and new principles of cooperation. Growth and diversification of co-operative movement in India. Co-operative institution in Maharashtra – types, role, importance and diversification. State policy and Co-operative sector – Legislation, Supervision, Audit and Aid. Problems of Co-operatives in Maharashtra. Prospects of Cooperatives in the era of global competition. Review, reforms and prospects of cooperative movement in Maharashtra – Alternative policy initiatives in agricultural marketing- Employment Guarantee Scheme.
Economic reforms: Background, Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation – (concept, meaning, scope and limitations). Economic Reforms at Centre and State Level. WTO Regime – Provisions and its implications and impact on Indian Economy, issues and problems.
International Trade and International Capital Movements: Emerging Trends in era of globalisation. Growth, Composition and Direction of India’s Foreign Trade. Foreign trade policy of India – Export Promotion. WTO and International Trade. Foreign Capital Inflows – Composition and Growth – FDI. eCommerce. Role of Multinationals – International Financing Agencies – (IMF, World Bank and IDA). International Credit Ratings.
Measurement and estimate of poverty: Poverty line: concept and facts, BPL, poverty eradication measures – fertility, nuptiality, mortality and morbidity in India – gender empowerment policies.
Factors determining employment: measures of unemployment – relation between income, poverty and employment – issues of distributional and social justice.
Economy of Maharashtra: salient features of agriculture, industry and service sectors – drought management in Maharashtra – FDI in Maharashtra
Economics of Development and Agriculture
Macro Economics: Methods of national income accounting. Functions of money – base money -high power money – quantity theory of money – money multiplier. Monetary and non-monetary theories of inflation – control of inflation: monetary, fiscal and direct measures.
Public Finance and Financial Institutions: Role of public finance in market economy – Criteria for public investment. Merit goods and public goods- sources of revenue and expenditure (Centre and State) -forms of taxes and subsidies and their incidence and effects- tax, non-tax and public debt of Centre and States in India. Public Expenditure (Centre and States) – Growth and causes. Public Expenditure Reform – Performance Based Budgeting and Zero Based Budgeting. Zero-base budgeting – types of budget deficits – internal and external borrowings. Review of Tax Reforms at national and State level. VAT. Public debt – Growth, Composition and Burden. Problem of States’ Indebtedness to Centre. Fiscal Deficits – Concepts, Control of Deficits – Centre, State and RBI Initiatives. Fiscal Reforms in India – Review at Centre and State Level. Financial sector reforms – new trends in banking – real and nominal interest rates – repo and reverse repo transactions.
Growth, Development and International Economics:
(1) Indicators of development- sustainable development- development and environment – Green GDP.
(2) Factors of economic development: natural resource, population, human capital, infrastructure – theory of demographic transition- Human development index – human poverty index – gender empowerment measure
(3) Role of foreign capital and technology in growth – multi-national corporations.
(4) International trade as an engine of growth – theories of international trade.
Indian Agriculture, Rural Development and Cooperation:
(1) Role of agriculture in economic development – interrelationship between agriculture, industry and services sectors – contract farming – precision farming – corporate farming – organic farming.
(2) Size of land holding and productivity – Green Revolution and technological change – agricultural prices and terms of trade – farm subsidies–Public Distribution System – food security.
(3) Regional disparities in agricultural growth in India–agri-business and global marketing – agricultural credit in India.
(4) Sources of irrigation and water management – live-stock resource and their productivity – White Revolution, fisheries, poultry, forestry, horticulture and floriculture development in India and Maharashtra.
(5) Strategies of rural development during the plan period-rural infrastructure (social and economic) (6) W.T.O. and agriculture – Farmer’s and Breeder’s Rights – biodiversity – GM technology. Implications of GATT (WTO) agreement in agricultural marketing.
(7) Marketing and pricing of agricultural inputs and outputs, price fluctuations and their cost, role of co-operatives in agricultural economy.
(1) Importance of Agriculture in National Economy – Causes of low productivity – Government policies, schemes and programmes for agriculture production and developments such as land reforms and land utilisation, soil and water conservation, rainfed farming, Irrigation and its methods, Mechanization of Agriculture. Role of ICAR, MCAER.
(2) Problem of rural indebtedness, Agriculture credit- need, importance and Financial Institutions involved therein. NABARD and Bhu-Vikas Bank. Agriculture pricing- components, factors affecting prices of various Agriculture produces – Govt. support prices of various agriculture produces, Subsidies. Agriculture Marketing – present status, Value added products. Role of Govt and its institutes in agriculture marketing. (APC, APMC, etc.)
Food and Nutrition:
Trends in Food production and consumption in India, First and ensuing second Green Revolutions, Self-sufficiency in food, Problem of food security, Problems and issues of storage, procurement, distribution, import and export of food. Calorific value of foods and its measurement, Energy and nutrient needs of human body for better health and balanced diet – common nutritional problems in India and its causes and effects, Govt. Policies, schemes, programs such as PDS, Food for work, Midday Meal Scheme and other nutritional programs. Proposed Food Security Act.
Indian Industry, Infrastructure and Services Sector:
(1) Trends, composition and growth of industries, infrastructure and services sector in India – role of public, private and cooperative sectors in India – small and cottage industries. BPO.
(2) Liberalisation and its effects on Indian industries – industrial sickness.
Science and technology developments
Energy: Conventional and non-conventional energy sources – Potential of Solar, Wind, Biogas, Biomass, Geothermal and other renewable energy sources. Introduction to solar gadgets viz solar cooker, water heater etc. Biogas- principle, and process. Problems of Energy Crises, Govt. Policies and programs for power generation. Nuclear Power Program, Thermal Power Program, Hydroelectric Power program, Power distribution and National Grid. Agencies and Institutions engaged in Energy security, Research and development.
Computer and Information Technology: Role of computer in modern society, its applications in various spheres of life such as data communication, networking and web technologies, Cybercrime and its prevention. Use of I.T. in various services, Govt. programs such as Media Lab Asia, Vidya Vahini, Gyan Vahini, Community Information Centre etc. Major issues in IT industry – its prospects.
Space Technology: Indian space programmes, Indian Artificial satellites for telecommunication, television, education, broadcasting, weather forecasting, GPS, disaster warning. Indian missile program etc., Remote sensing, GIS and its application in weather forecasting, Disaster warning, water, soil, mineral resources development, agriculture and fisheries development, urban planning, ecological studies, GS and GIS.
Biotechnology: Its potential to improve human life and national economy through agricultural, industrial development and employment generation. Biotechnology as an essential and important tool of natural resource development. Areas of application – Agriculture, Animal breeding and Veterinary health-care, Pharmaceutics, Human healthcare, Food technology, energy generation, environment protection etc. Role and efforts of government in promoting, regulating and developing biotechnology in country. Ethical, Social, Legal issues related to biotechnological development, possible adverse effects of biotechnological development. Seed technology, its importance. Quality of seed. Different kinds of seeds and their seed production and processing techniques. BT cotton, BT brinjal, etc.
Nuclear Policy of India: Salient features. Nuclear Power as source of energy and its significance as clean energy. Problems of nuclear waste. Nuclear thermal power generation in India, its contribution to total power generation. Determinants of Nuclear Tests: Pokhran I (1974) and Pokhran II (1998). Recent Trends in Nuclear Policy such as NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) and CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty). INDO-US Nuclear Treaty of 2009.
Disaster Management: Definition, nature, types and classification of disasters, Natural Hazards: Causative factors and mitigation measures. Floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, etc., Factors affecting mitigation measures- Case studies of major earthquakes and tsunamis such as Killari (1993), Bhuj (2001), Sikkim-Nepal (2011) earthquakes, Banda Ache (2004) (Sumatra), Fukushima (2011) (Japan) earthquakes and Tsunami. Maharashtra: Mumbai floods of 2005. December 1993, June 2006, November 2009, July 2011 bomb blasts and terrorist attacks, their impact.
MPSC Interview Test
Candidates who qualify the MPSC Mains Exam are called for the ‘Interview’ Round. Candidates are interviewed by a Board appointed by the MPSC. The mains fields checked by the interviewer given below.
The candidate will be interviewed by a board who will have before them a record of the candidate career and interests filled by the candidate in the Application Form.
The objective of the interview is to check the personal suitability of the candidate for the career in the state services by a board of competent and unbiased observers.
In the personality test, apart from their academic study, candidates must be aware of the affairs happening both within and outside their state.
The interview is more of purpose conversation intended to explore the mental qualities and analytical ability of the candidate.
In the above article we have discussed the complete MPSC 2022 Exam Pattern and Syllabus in detail. Every candidate is suggested to go through the syllabus before starting their preparation. It is hoped that the contents of the above article end up being helpful to all the aspirants eyeing this test.
UPSC Geo-Scientist2021: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released its new advertisement for the post of Combined Geo-Scientist Pre 2022 Examination. As per the official notification, candidates are required to apply from 22 September 2021 to 12 October 2021.
UPSC Geo-Scientist Pre Exam Online Registration Form 2021: IMPORTANT DATES
Table of Contents
Candidates are to adhere to follow the official dates of UPSC Geo-Scientist Pre Exam Online Registration Form 2021
Registration starts on
22 September 2021
Last day to apply
12 October 2021
Last date to pay fees
12 October 2021
Pre Exam Date
20 February 2022
Admit Card releases on
Mains Exam
25-26 June 2022
UPSC Geo-Scientist Pre Exam Online Registration Form 2021: ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA
General / OBC : 200/-
SC / ST / PH : 0/- (Nil)
All Category Female : 0/- (Exempted)
Post Name
Total Post
Age Limit
Geologist Group A
Passed / Appearing Master Degree Geological Science or Geology or Applied Geology or Geo-Exploration or Mineral Exploration or Engineering Geology or Marine Geology or Earth Science or Any Other Equivalent Degree
Geophysicist Group A
Passed / Appearing Master Degree in Science in Following Stream Physics / Applied Physics / Geophysics / Marine Geophysics or Any Other Equivalent Degree
Chemist Group A
Master Degree in Science M.Sc Chemistry / Applied Chemistry / Analytical Chemistry Passed / Appearing in Any Recognized University in India.
Scientist B (Hydrogeology, Chemical, Geophysics)
Passed / Appearing (Final Year) Master degree in Geology or Applied Geology or Marine Geology or Any Equivalent Degree in Any Recognized University in India.
How to apply online for UPSC Geo-Scientist Pre Exam Online Registration Form 2021
Visit Official Website: https://upsc.gov.in/
Candidate Can Apply Between 22 September 2021 to 12 October 2021.
Kindly Collect All documents – Eligibility, ID Proof, Address Details, Basic Details.
Kindly Ready Scan Document Related to Recruitment Form – Photo, Sign, ID Proof, Etc.
Check Your full Details Preview Before Submit Application Form.