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About PM-KUSUM Yojna: It is aimed at ensuring energy security for farmers in India and honoring India’s commitment to increase the share of installed capacity of electric power from non-fossil-fuel sources to 40% by 2030 as part of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs). The KUSUM scheme would provide additional income to farmers, by giving them the option to sell additional power to the grid, through solar power projects set up on their barren lands.

The PM-KUSUM Scheme was launched in 2019 with 3 components:

Component-A: For Setting up of 10,000 MW of Decentralized Grid-Connected Renewable Energy Power Plants on barren land

Under this component, renewable energy-based power plants (REPP) of capacity 500 kW to 2 MW will be set up by individual farmers/ group of farmers/ cooperatives/ panchayats/ Farmer Producer Organisations (FPO)/Water User associations (WUA) on barren/fallow land. These power plants can also be installed on cultivable land on stilts where crops can also be grown below the solar panels. The renewable energy power project will be installed within a five km radius of the sub-stations in order to avoid the high cost of sub-transmission lines and to reduce transmission losses. The power generated will be purchased by local DISCOM at a pre-fixed tariff

  • Component-B: For Installation of 17.50 Lakh stand-alone solar agriculture pumps. 

Under this Component, individual farmers will be supported to install standalone solar Agriculture pumps of capacity up to 7.5 HP for replacement of existing diesel Agriculture pumps/irrigation systems in off-grid areas, where grid supply is not available. Pumps of capacity higher than 7.5 HP can also be installed, however, the financial support will be limited to 7.5 HP capacity

  • Component-C: For Solarisation of 10 Lakh Grid Connected Agriculture Pumps

Under this Component, individual farmers having grid-connected agriculture pumps will be supported to solarise pumps. The farmer will be able to use the generated solar power to meet the irrigation needs and the excess solar power will be sold to DISCOMs at a pre-fixed tariff.


  1. Electricity for agriculture is highly subsidised and is often termed as the main cause for rapid groundwater depletion and poor financial position of Discoms.
  2. This scheme will support the financial health of Discoms by reducing the burden of subsidy to the agriculture sector.
  3. The scheme will promote decentralised solar power production, and reduce transmission losses.
  4. For state governments, this is a potential way to reduce their subsidy outlay towards irrigation.
  5. Apart from it, the scheme will help States meet the RPOs (renewable purchase obligation) targets.
  6.  If farmers are able to sell surplus powers, they will be incentivised to save power and, in turn, it will mean the reasonable and efficient use of groundwater.
  7. This may also provide water security to farmers through the provision of assured water sources through solar water pumps — both off-grid and grid-connected.
  8.  Another intended benefit of this scheme will result in the expansion of the irrigation cover by providing decentralized solar-based irrigation and moving away from polluting diesel.
  9. This should also fill the void in solar power production in the intermediate range between rooftops and large parks.


  • Component-A: Procurement Based Incentive (PBI) @ 40 paise/kWh or Rs. 6.60 lakhs/MW/year, whichever is less, will be provided for the first five years by MNRE to DISCOMs, for buying the power from farmers/developers
  • Component-B & C:
  • CFA of 30% of the benchmark cost or the tender cost, whichever is lower. State Government subsidy 30%; Remaining 40% by the farmer
  • In North Eastern States, Sikkim, J&K, Himachal, Uttarakhand, Lakshadweep and A&N Islands, CFA of 50%, State Government subsidy 30%, Remaining 20% by the farmer

RELATED LINKS of Govt Documents

Other Articles:

    FAME INDIA SCHEME Phase II- Details

    Fame India scheme phase II


    FAME India Scheme Phase II: Under this scheme 670 electric buses in the state of Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat, and Chandigarh and 241 charging stations in Madhya Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Gujarat, and Port Blair under phase 2 of fame India scheme.  

    FAME India Scheme Full Form: Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Strong) Hybrid and Electric Vehicles in India

    Fame India is a part of the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan. the main thrust of fame is to encourage electric vehicles by providing subsidies. 

    The Department of Heavy Industries under the Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises is administering the faster adoption and manufacturing of electric vehicles in India scheme since 2015 to promote the adoption of electric and hybrid vehicles in India. 

    The Fame India scheme has two phases

    Phase 1: started in 2015 and was completed on 31 St March 2019.

    Phase 2: start from April 2019 will be completed by 31st March 2022.

    At present, phase II of fame India scheme is being implemented for 2 years with effect from April 1, 2019, with total budgetary support of Rs 10,000 Crore  

    Focus areas of fame India scheme 

    • Stablising charging infrastructure 
    • Faster adoption and manufacturing of Hybrid and electric vehicles in india 
    • Adressing environment pollution 
    • Technological development
    • Pilot projects 
    • Demand creation 

    Features of phase 2 of fame India scheme 

    The FAME II scheme, introduced to drive greater adoption of EVs in India 

    • T phase aims to support through subsidies, approximately 7000 e-buses 5lakh 3-wheelers , 55000 4-wheeler passenger cars and 10 lakh e2-  wheelers.
    • In 3- wheel (S) and 4- wheel (S) segment incentives will be applicable mainly to vehicles used for public transport or registered for commercial purposes. 
    • In 2 wheel segment the focus will be on the private vehicles. OLA Launches its e-scooters on 15 August 2021 in its first two variants – OLA S1 and OLA S1 Pro. After applying the relevant subsidies on both the variants customers can get OLA S1 below 1 lakh and OLA S2 above 1 Lakh. 
    • Establishment of charging stations will be est. On both sides of the road at an interval of about 25km each.
    • To encourage advanced technology, the benefits of incentives will be extended to only those vehicles which are fitted with advanced battries like lithium ion bettery and other new technology batter.
    • Under this phase, whereby about 2700 charging stations will be est. In metros, other million plus cities, smart cities and cities of hilly states across the country so that there will be availability of at least one charging station in grid of 3km ×3km.


    Javadekar said the setting up of charging stations is a key infrastructure necessary to promote electric vehicles “already 450 buses are playing in various cities now 670 e-buses are sanctioned. Maharashtra has got 240, Gujarat has got 250, goa has got 100 and Chandigarh has got 80. Kerala and other states have also got e-charging station because all those corporations who are completing the formalities, we are sanctioned e-buses for them.” Said the minister. 

    “This is a good start these e-buses, e-rikshaws, and e-scooters, as well as e-cars for city use, are the best way forward for environment-friendly transport,” Javdekar said.

    He also informed that 25 charging stations have been sanctioned in Kollam, 27 in Thiruvananthapuram, and 28 in Malappuram besides, 10 charging stations have been sanctioned in port Blair and 25 in Tiruchirapalli in Tamil Nadu.

    SSC CGL 2022 Notification, Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Date Details

    About SSC CGL 2022 Notification

    SSC CGL 2022 Notification

    SSC CGL 2022 Notification Details: The Staff Selection Commission of India conducts the Combined Graduation Level exams, which is a nationwide Computer Based Test to select candidates for many non-gazetted posts in several ministries and departments in the country. Thousands of candidates apply for this exam every year, but only a handful get through.

    SSC CGL 2022 Basic Info

    The table below provides the basic information about SSC CGL 2022:

    Name of ExamSSC CGL 2022 Details
    Exam Conducted byStaff Selection Commission (SSC)
    Exam ModeTier-I and Tier-II: Computer-Based Test, Tier -III: Pen paper mode  Tier IV: Skill Test/Computer Ability Test
    Type of ExamCentral Level Recruitment Exam
    Total Questions100 (in Tier 1 and Mathematics Tier-2), 200 (English Tier 2)
    Section4 (In Tier 1) & 2 in Tier 2
    Marks100 (Tier-1), 400 (Tier-2), 100 (Tier-3)
    Question TypesMCQ (Multiple Choice Question)
    Exam Duration1 Hour (for tier-1), 2 Hours for tier-2 for each paper, Tier 3 – 60 Minutes, Tier 4 – 45 Minutes
    EligibilityBachelor’s degree in any discipline

    SSC CGL 2022 Important Dates (Tentative)

    The table below lists all the important dates against events regarding SSC CGL 2022 exam date:

    Notification ReleasedOctober
    The online registration process commences from –November 2021
    Tier-1 Examination –May, June 2022
    Tier-1 Admit Card Downloading –May 2022
    Result Announcement –August 2022
    Tier-2 Examination –September 2022
    Tier-2 Admit Card Download –August 2022
    Result Announcement –October 2022
    Tier-3 Examination Date –November 2022
    Tier-4 DEST/ Computer Skill Test –December 2022

    Eligibility Criteria

    Before applying for SSC CGL 2022, aspirants must satisfy the eligibility conditions prescribed by the SSC. Candidates are advised to read all the conditions mentioned in SSC CGL Notification 2022 carefully. The focus points are:

    • Nationality: Candidate must be an Indian citizen/a subject of Bhutan or Nepal. A Tibetan refugee who came here before 1st January 1962 with the intention to settle here permanently.
    • Age Limit: The age limit will be counted as of the 1st of August 2022. Age criteria may vary post to post. The minimum age is 18 years and the maximum age is 32 years.
    • The date of birth mentioned in the Matriculation (10th) certificate or equivalent exam will be taken into consideration.
    • Educational qualification: Candidate must possess a Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized University. In some posts like Statistical Investigator Grade-II, the candidates should have the concerned subject at degree level.

    Age Relaxation

    Candidate’s CategoryAge Relaxation
    SC/ST5 years
    OBC3 years
    PH (OBC)13 years
    PH (General)10 years
    PH (SC/ST)15 years
    Ex-Servicemen (General)3 years
    Ex-Servicemen (OBC)6 years
    Ex-servicemen (SC/ST)8 years

    SSC CGL 2022 Exam Pattern:

    The selection process involves the following 4 stages or tiers

    • Tier I: Computer Based Exam – Written Examination
    • Tier II: Computer Based Exam – Written Examination
    • Tier III: Descriptive Test (Pen and Paper Mode)
    • Tier IV: Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) (wherever applicable) / Data Entry Skill Test (DEST)/ Document Verification


    Tier-I of SSC CGL 2022 will be consisting of four sections 

    • General intelligence & Reasoning
    • General Awareness
    • Quantitative aptitude 
    • English Language

    Sectional distribution of no. of questions and marks:

    SubjectQuestionsTotal Marks
    General Intelligence & Reasoning2550
    General Awareness2550
    Quantitative Aptitude2550
    English Language2550
    Total Marks100200


    • Paper-I and Paper-II will be compulsory for all the posts.
    • Candidates have to appear in Paper-III also for Statistical Investigation.
    • Paper-IV is meant for the candidates opting for Assistant Audit Officer.
    • The language of the paper will be both English and Hindi.
    • Negative marking is also applicable in this test. There is a deduction of 0.50 marks for the wrong attempt in Paper-I(Maths) and 0.25 marks in Paper-II(English).
    • Candidates can check details of the subject with the number of questions and marks in the table below:
    PaperSubjectQuestionsMarksTime Duration 
    IQuantitative Abilities1002002 Hrs (for each Paper)For VH/ OH: 160 Minutes
    IIEnglish Language & Comprehension200q1q2200
    IVGeneral Studies
    (Finance and Economics)


    The paper will be in English/Hindi and will constitute a descriptive type   

    Descriptive Paper in English/Hindi (Writing of Essay, Precis, Letter, Application etc.)100 marks1 hour or 60 minutes


    It is a Computer Skill Test. It will be conducted in two steps: DEST Test & CPT Test.

    DEST: Candidates are required to type 2000 words in 15 minutes on a computer in English. This test is conducted to check a candidate’s typing skills.

    CPT: This test is conducted to check a candidate’s proficiency in Word Processing, Spreadsheets and Generation of Slides.

    SSC CGL 2022 Syllabus


    Quantitative Aptitude

    Quantitative Aptitude questions will be designed to test the ability of appropriate use of numbers and number sense of the candidate. The scope of the test will be computation of whole numbers, decimals, fractions and relationships between numbers, Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Alligation, Time and distance, Time & Work, Percentage. Ratio & Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest, Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds, Graphs of Linear Equations, Triangle and its various kinds of centers, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles, Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons, Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Heights and Distances, Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar diagram & Pie chart, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base, Trigonometric ratio, Degree and Radian Measures, Standard Identities, Complementary angles.

    General Intelligence and Reasoning Syllabus

    General Intelligence and Reasoning include questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. This component may include questions on analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, spatial orientation, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning and figural classification, arithmetic number series, non-verbal series, coding and decoding, statement conclusion, syllogistic reasoning, etc.

    The topics are, Semantic Analogy, Symbolic/ Number Analogy, Figural Analogy, Semantic Classification, Symbolic/ Number Classification, Figural Classification, Semantic Series, Number Series, Figural Series, Problem Solving, Word Building, Coding & de-coding, Numerical Operations, symbolic Operations, Trends, Space Orientation, Space Visualization, Venn Diagrams, Drawing inferences, Punched hole/ pattern- folding & un-folding, Figural Pattern- folding and completion, Indexing, Address matching, Date & city matching, Classification of center codes/roll numbers, Small & Capital letters/ numbers coding, decoding and classification, Embedded Figures, Critical thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, Other sub-topics, if any.

    English Language & Comprehension

    This section measures Candidates’ ability to understand correct English, his/their basic comprehension and writing ability, etc. would be tested. This section may include questions on Phrases and Idioms, One-word Substitution, Sentence Correction, Error Spotting, Fill in the Blanks, Spellings Correction, Reading Comprehension, Synonyms-Antonyms, Active Passive, Sentence Rearrangement, Sentence Improvement, Cloze test, etc.

    General Awareness 

    Questions in this section will be aimed at testing the candidates’ general awareness (GK+GS) of the environment around them and its application to society. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Policy & Scientific Research. The questions will also be asked from Science, Sports, Important Schemes, Current Affairs, Portfolios, People in News, etc.

    After the preliminary exam has been conducted, it will be necessary to gear up for the Mains Exam of the SSC CGL 2021 Exam.


    Paper-I (Quantitative Abilities):

    Number System: Whole Numbers, NU, Fractions, and Relationships Between Numbers

    Fundamental arithmetic operations:

     Percentage, Ratio & Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Alligation, Time and distance, Time & Work.


     Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds, Graphs of Linear Equations.


    Triangle and its various kinds of centers, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles.


    Areas and volumes of Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons, Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base


    Trigonometric ratio, Degree and Radian Measures, Standard Identities, Complementary angles, Heights and Distances, Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar diagram & Pie chart.

    Paper-II (English Language and Comprehension):

    Spot the error, fill in the blanks, synonyms, antonyms, spelling/ detecting misspelled words, idioms & phrases, one-word substitution, improvement of sentences, active/ passive voice of verbs, conversion into direct/ indirect narration, shuffling of sentence parts, shuffling of sentences in a passage, cloze passage & comprehension passage.

    Paper-III (Statistics):

    1. Collection, Classification, and Presentation of Statistical Data – Primary and Secondary data, Methods of data collection; Tabulation of data; Graphs and charts; Frequency distributions; Diagrammatic presentation of frequency distributions.

    2. Measures of Central Tendency – Common measures of central tendency – mean median and mode; Partition values- quartiles, deciles, percentiles.

    3. Measures of Dispersion- Common measures dispersion – range, quartile deviations, mean deviation, and standard deviation; Measures of relative dispersion.

    4. Moments, Skewness, and Kurtosis – Different types of moments and their relationship; the meaning of skewness and kurtosis; different measures of skewness and kurtosis.

    5. Correlation and Regression – Scatter diagram; simple correlation coefficient; simple regression lines; Spearman‟s rank correlation; Measures of association of attributes; Multiple regression; Multiple and partial correlations (For three variables only).

    6. Probability Theory – Meaning of probability; Different definitions of probability; Conditional probability; Compound probability; Independent events; Bayes‟ theorem.

    7. Random Variable and Probability Distributions – Random variable; Probability functions; Expectation and Variance of a random variable; Higher moments of a random variable; Binomial, Poisson, Normal and Exponential distributions; Joint distribution of two random variables (discrete).

    8. Sampling Theory – Concept of population and sample; Parameter and statistic, Sampling and non-sampling errors; Probability and nonprobability sampling techniques (simple random sampling, stratified sampling, multistage sampling, multiphase sampling, cluster sampling, systematic sampling, purposive sampling, convenience sampling, and quota sampling); Sampling distribution (statement only); Sample size decisions.

    9. Statistical Inference – Point estimation and interval estimation, properties of a good estimator, Methods of estimation (Moments method, Maximum likelihood method, Least squares method), Testing of hypothesis, Basic concept of testing, Small sample and large sample tests, Tests based on Z, t, Chi-square and F statistic, Confidence intervals.

    10. Analysis of Variance – Analysis of one-way classified data and two-way classified data.

    11. Time Series Analysis – Components of time series, Determinations of trend component by different methods, Measurement of seasonal variation by different methods.

    12. Index Numbers – Meaning of Index Numbers, Problems in the construction of index numbers, Types of index number, Different formulae, Base shifting and splicing of index numbers, Cost of living Index Numbers, Uses of Index Numbers.

    Paper-IV (General Studies-Finance and Economics):

    Part A: Finance and Accounts-(80 marks):

    Fundamental principles and basic concept of Accounting:

    1.1 Financial Accounting: Nature and scope, Limitations of Financial Accounting, Basic concepts and Conventions, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

    1.2 Basic concepts of accounting: Single and double entry, Books of original Entry, Bank Reconciliation, Journal, ledgers, Trial Balance, Rectification of Errors, Manufacturing, Trading, Profit & loss Appropriation Accounts, Balance Sheet Distinction between Capital and Revenue Expenditure, Depreciation Accounting, Valuation of Inventories, Non-profit organisations Accounts, Receipts and Payments and Income & Expenditure Accounts, Bills of Exchange, Self Balancing Ledgers.

    Part B: Economics and Governance-(120 marks):

    2.1 Comptroller & Auditor General of India- Constitutional provisions, Role, and responsibility.

    2.2 Finance Commission-Role and functions.

    2.3 Basic Concept of Economics and introduction to Micro Economics: Definition, scope and nature of Economics, Methods of economic study and Central problems of an economy and Production possibilities curve.

    2.4 Theory of Demand and Supply: Meaning and determinants of demand, Law of demand and Elasticity of demand, Price, income and cross elasticity; Theory of consumer’s behaviour Marshallian approach and Indifference curve approach, Meaning and determinants of supply, Law of supply and Elasticity of Supply.

    2.5 Theory of Production and cost: Meaning and Factors of production, Laws of production- Law of variable proportions and Laws of returns to scale.

    2.6 Forms of Market and price determination in different markets: Various forms of markets-Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly ad Price determination in these markets.

    2.7 Indian Economy:

    2.7.1 Nature of the Indian Economy Role of different sectors Role of Agriculture, Industry and Services-their problems and growth.

    2.7.2 National Income of India-Concepts of national income, Different methods of measuring national income.

    2.7.3 Population-Its size, rate of growth, and its implication on economic growth.

    2.7.4 Poverty and unemployment- Absolute and relative poverty, types, causes, and incidence of unemployment.

    2.7.5 Infrastructure-Energy, Transportation, Communication.

    2.8 Economic Reforms in India: Economic reforms since 1991; Liberalisation, Privatisation, Globalisation, and Disinvestment.

    2.9 Money and Banking:

    2.9.1 Monetary/ Fiscal policy- Role and functions of Reserve Bank of India; functions of commercial Banks/RRB/Payment Banks.

    2.9.2 Budget and Fiscal deficits and Balance of payments.

    2.9.3 Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003.

    2.10 Role of Information Technology in Governance.

    Note: Questions in Paper-I will be of Matriculation Level, Paper-II of 10+2 Level and in Paper-III and Paper-IV of Graduation Level.


    The candidates who will qualify the SSC CGL 2022 Tier-I and Tier-II exams will get an opportunity to appear in the Tier-III exam. The CGL Tier-III test is a descriptive type test. The duration of this test will be 1 hour. The candidate’s ability to write an Essay and Precis will be examined in this section.

    Total marks 100
    Language Hindi/English 
    Question type Descriptive 
    Mode Pen and paper mode (offline)
    Duration1 hour 
    Sections Essays, Précis, Application, Letter Etc.


    Tier-IV examination comprises of a couple of skill sets required for certain Government Posts all over the country.

    DEST (Data Entry Speed Test): For the post of Tax Assistant (Central Excise and Income Tax), DEST Exam through SSC CGL 2021 exam is conducted to check the typing speed of the candidate. The candidates are given an article in English which they have to type on Computer. A candidate is required to type 2000 words in 15 minutes.

    CPT (Computer Proficiency Test): Word Processing, Spread Sheets and Generation of slides are the three modules that are important for this exam and the commission demands a candidate to be proficient in it for the post of CSS, MEA, Inspector (Central Excise), Inspector (Preventive Officer), Inspector (Examiner)

    SSC CGL 2022 Online Application form

    Steps to Apply Online for SSC CGL 2022 Exam:

    Step 1: Click on the official link for SSC CGL which is provided above on this page or Go to the official website of SSC (

    Step 2: The registration link for SSC CGL 2022 will open up in the new window.

    Step 3: Click on New User / Register Now link.

    Step 4: To begin with the online registration for SSC CGL 2021, a candidate needs to provide basic details of themselves like name, parents name, date of birth, email id, mobile number etc.

    Step 5: Click on submit button to submit your online registration form of SSC CGL 2021. It is advised that candidates verify their details before submitting the form. All the candidates will be issued Registration ID for SSC CGL 2021 exam.

    Candidates are required to login with the provided Registration ID, date of birth and password to complete registration for SSC CGL 2021.

    Step 6: In the next step, candidates are required to upload photograph and signature by following the requisites mentioned by Staff Selection Commission of India.

    Photograph – The photograph of a candidate must be clicked in front of white colour or light coloured background. The size of photograph must be more than 4 kb and less than 12 kb in size. The resolution of the photograph must be 100*120 pixels in width and height.

    Signature – The signature provided by the candidate must be in black or blue ink on white sheet. The scanned copy of signature that needs to be submitted must be in jpg format and it should be more than 1 kb and less than 12 kb in size. The resolution of the image should be 40*60 pixels in width and height.

    Step 7: Login with registered ID and password to complete the Part-II of the application form of SSC CGL 2022.

    Step 8: After filling out the application form, candidates must preview the entire application of SSC CGL 2022 once to look for any glitches in the form, if any as the application form once submitted cannot be edited again.

    Step 9: Click on Final Submit button after previewing the complete online SSC CGL 2022 application form.

    It is advised that Candidates download and get print copies of submitted application form of SSC CGL 2022.

    Lastly, candidates can proceed to submit the application fee for SSC CGL 2022 either via online mode (through BHIM UPI, Net Banking, by using Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, RuPay Credit or Debit cards) or offline mode (through cash in SBI Branches by generating SBI Challan). A candidate must pay Rs. 100/- as SSC CGL 2022 Online Application Fee. The category wise examination form fee details are given below:

    SSC CGL 2022 Application Fee

    CategoryApplication Fee
    General/ OBCRs. 100
    Female, SC, ST, PwD, & Ex-ServicemenNil


    In this article, we have discussed SSC CGL 2022 Exam in detail. We have tried to touch every aspect of the same right from basic information to the step-by-step application procedure. It is hoped that the information contained in this article helps candidates opting for this test.

    SSC CGL 2022 Recommended Books




    General Awareness

    Other Artlicles:

    SSC CHSL Descriptive Paper (tier 2) Topics Practice


    The Staff Selection Commission conducted CHSL Combined Higher Secondary Examination every
    year. In which there are three levels of the exam i.e. Tier1 Of MCQs, Tier2 Descriptive and Tier3 is CPT.

    Tier2, In which they ask you to write an essay and letter on any topic. For getting a good score in the descriptive examination you have to score well in essay and letter and for that keep some points in mind so that you can write a better essay/letter in a short time. In tier2 you have to write a letter/application and a letter in 60 minutes.
    For each section, the mark distribution is 50+50. For that, It is important to know the format of the descriptive examination, so here are some important points with a sample of application and letter.

    ESSAY WRITING: For ESSAY writing you have to be precise and to the point. As you can write
    between 250 to 275 words as per the direction of the commission. so the following points are
    helpful and make your essay effective :
     Simple language
     Presentation
     Connectivity and relevancy
     Quotes, examples, and references
     Use absolute data
     Keep optimism
     Word limit (between 250+-10%)


    “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the word” – Nelson Mandela
    The right to education is the fundamental right under Article 21-A of the Indian constitution and ever since
    its introduction education in India has expanded its footprints by lips and bounds. From Macaulay’s
    minute to Wood’s dispatch Indian education has come a long way.
    It is rightly said “educated society is an asset to Nation’s development” Educating an individual helps
    to enfeeble social evils like Unemployment, Poverty, Child marriage, and child labor.
    Studies show that an educated woman is less prone to infant mortality further an educated
    person can discern between fake and authentic news and can help in educating menace like
    mob lynching and communal violence. It also adds to improvement in Human Development Index.
    However there are some challenges like lower gross enrolment rate at 26.3% according to all India
    surveys on higher education, higher literacy rate of women at 36% as compared to 18% of men, low
    spending on education sector (only 3% of GDP) and insanitary conditions prevailing in schools.
    The government has taken several steps under the guiding principle of Shiksha saying yojana, right to
    education act (2009), midday meal, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Beti Bachao Beti Pdhaoo.
    NGOs must reach out to poor people and make them understand the importance of
    education. The government is making every effort to achieve the goal of good and quality education for
    all thereby sustainable development goal of the united nation but our contribution is needed to fulfill
    our fundamental duty under Article 51A(k) and make this nation a prosperous one.

    Question – You are Rekha, resident of Gandhi Nagar Gujrat- 511108. Write a letter to the manager, GD
    restaurant, Gandhi Nagar, Gujrat about the poor service and food quality.

    Gandhi Nagar,

    Gujrat -511108

    31 August 31, 2021

    The manager
    GD restaurant
    Gandhi Nagar

    Gujarat 511108

    Subject: complaint about poor service and quality of food.

    I am sorry to bring to your kind attention on the poor service and bad quality of food at your restaurant. I
    am a regular customer of your restaurant but last week I ordered chikan biryani, a dead lizard
    was found in it. Further, the ABC authority conducted food quality tests in various restaurants, and your
    restaurant was at a nadir in that ranking. The staff members and waiters lack etiquette especially
    waiters who speak to customers in a goonish language. It seems they lack proper training in this
    I am your well-wisher that’s why I am writing this letter. I hope that you will take some
    concrete action in this regard.
    Thanking you
    Yours faithfully

    Marks distribution and further details regarding essay and letter writing


    • Clarity of expression (5mark)
    • Command over language (5marks)
    • Continuity context and understanding (5marks)
    • Content (5marks)
    • Mission Objrctive (5marks)
    • Components (5marks)
    • Strength and weakness (5marks)
    • Suggestions (5marks)


    • Format (4marks)
    • Clarity of expression (8marks)
    • Command over language (8marks)
    • Content : strength and weaknesses (10 marks)
    • Comparison with past performance (10marks)

    UPSSSC Preliminary Examination Test PET Online Form 2021

    UPSSSC PET 2021- Application Process

    UPSSSC PET 2021: The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UPSSSC) has started the online registration process for the Preliminary Eligibility Test (PET) 2021 on its official website. Read this Complete Article to know about UPSSSC Preliminary Examination Test PET – application dates, exam dates, application fee, syllabus, selection process.

    The UPSSSC PET 2021 will be conducted to fill all the Group ‘c’ vacancies that arise in Uttar Pradesh in all the departments of the state Govt of UP. Now aspirants will not have fill separate forms for each and every vacancy and exam in Uttar Pradesh. This is a good initiative by UP Govt, this will save time and money of the applicants.

    UPSSSC PET 2021- Overview

    OrganizationUttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UPSSSC)
    Exam NameUPSSSC Preliminary Examination Test (PET) 2021
    Starting Date25th May 2021
    Closing Date21st June 2021
    Application ModeOnline
    Selection ProcessWritten Test- PET & Mains
    Job LocationUttar Pradesh

    UPSSSC PET 2021: Important Dates

    The important dates for UPSSSC PET 2021 Online form have been released by the UPSSSC along with its official notification on May 25, 2021. The exam date will be released later.

    UPSSSC Notification25 May 2021
    Online Application starts25 May 2021
    Last Date to Apply Online21 June 2021
    Last date for Correction 28 June 2021
    UPSSSC PET Exam Date 2021Notified Soon
    UPSSSC Answer Key—-
    UPSSSC Result 2021—-

    UPSSSC PET 2021 Exam – Age Limit

    The age limit prescribed for UPSSSC PET Exam 2021 as per official notification is 18 Years – 40 years. for age relaxation check official notification given below.

    UPSSSC PET Exam 2021 – Application Fees

    The prescribed fees for UPSSSC PET Exam 2021 as per official notification is :

    • General / OBC : 185/-
    • SC / ST : 95/-
    • PH (Physically Handicapped) : 25/-
    • Last date of fee payment id 21 June 2021.

    UPSSSC PET Exam 2021 – Eligibility Details

    The eligibility for UPSSSC PET Exam 2021 is Minimum Class 10 (High School) from Any Recognized Board OR Any Higher Qualification in Any Recognized University in India.

    UPSSSC PET 2021 – Selection Process

    • The selection process includes different stages :
    • First Stage is Preliminary Examination or Preliminary Examination Test 2021 (PET), after this stage candidates who qualify stage-1 have to appear for stage-2.
    • Second stage in this recruitment is Mains Examination, which also an important stage to become eligible for recruitment to various Govt Departments in Uttar Pradesh.
    • This Exam is conducted for to fulfill various vacancies of Group ‘c in different Ministries of Govt of Uttar Pradesh. So this is single exam by which many different posts will be filled in the future. So no need to give many exams.
    • The scorecard of UPSSSC PET 2021 will be valid for 1 Year

    UPSSSC PET 2021 – Syllabus

    Check below a list of Syllabus for UPSSSC PET Exam 2021. For Detailed Syllabus click on the below button

    Subject NameTotal Marks
    Indian History05
    Indian National Movement05
    Indian Economy05
    Indian Constitution & Public Administration05
    General Science05
    Elementary Arithmetic05
    General Hindi05
    General English05
    Logic & Reasoning05
    Current Affairs10
    General Awareness10
    Hindi Gandhans / Vyakran10

    How to apply for UPSSSC 2021 Exam

    Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission has released the syllabus for the upcoming preliminary qualifying examination PET 2021.

    • Step-1 : Online Candidate Registration on the official website –
      • Read the Instructions carefully before filling in details
      • Enter these details in the registration form – Name, Fathers Name, Domicile, Category, Date of Birth, Gender, Marital status, mobile number, email address, educational qualification etc.
      • After filling in details ” Enter Verification Code” and click on ” Submit Button”
    • Step-2: Photo/ Signature Upload
      • Upload your valid photograph with both ears visible, without spectacles(preferred).
      • Photograph must be taken within 6 Months.
      • Photograph size must be 3.5 x 4.5 cm, file size must be 5kb-30kb, and file formats must be in- .jpe, .jpg, .jpeg .
      • Signature size must be 1.5 x 3.5 cm.
      • Press ” Continue” & Fill remaining part of the form and accept the Declaration.
    • Step-3: Fee Payment & Submit Application Form
    • Step-4: Print Application Form.

    If you have any doubt or query related to How to Fill UPSSSC PET Online Exam Form 2021 just join our online community of aspirants like you who are preparing for different competitive exams- Join our Telegram Channel & Facebook to solve all your doubts. Links given above.

    UPSSSC PET 2021 – Important Links

    Apply OnlineClick Here
    Pay Examination FeeClick Here
    Download NotificationClick Here
    Download SyllabusClick Here
    Join Our Telegram PageClick Here
    Official WebsiteClick Here

    FAQ’s for UPSSSC PET 2021

    Q1. What is UPSSSC PET Exam 2021?

    Ans. UPSSSC PET Exam is conducted UPSSSC to fill Group ‘c’ Vacancies in Uttar Pradesh for under different ministries and departments. Single exam for all Group ‘c’ vacancies in the state.

    Q2. What is the Full form of UPSSSC PET 2021 ?

    Ans. Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission Preliminary Examination Test 2021.

    Q3. What is the Qualification required for UPSSSC PET 2021 ?

    Ans. The Candidate applying for UPSSSC PET Exam must have passed High School(10th Class) from any recognized board in India.

    Q4. What is the Syllabus for UPSSSC PET Exam 2021 ?

    Ans. For Complete detailed you can check button in this article. The official syllabus is very detailed so you must check it to prepare for this exam.

    YUVA Scheme for Young Authors/Writers- Stipend Rs 50,000

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    Want to be A Writer/ Author – Here is the Opportunity

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the ‘Young, Upcoming and Versatile Authors’ (YUVA) scheme, a mentorship programme to train young authors/writers below the age of 30 years.

    The scheme aimed at training 75 young writers below the age of 30 years, who are ready to express themselves and project India and its culture and literature globally. A total of 75 authors will be selected through an All India Contest at MyGov. A consolidated scholarship of Rs. 50,000 per month for a period of six months per author will be paid under the mentorship scheme.

    The young authors so mentored shall become proficient in writing in various genres like fiction, non-fiction, travelogues, memoirs, drama, poetry and so on.

    It will make sure to bring reading and authorship as a preferred profession at par with other job options, making the children of India take reading and knowledge as an integral part of their grooming up years. In addition, it will bring a positive psychological push to the young minds given the impact and effect of the recent pandemic on the mental health of children.

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    The National Book Trust will ensure phase wise execution of the mentorship program. It will organize a three months training and mentorship program for the selected candidates. During their mentorship program the candidates will get an exposure to learn new ideas, through interaction at various National and International Events, cultural and literary Festivals.

    book or a series of books written by these young authors will be published by NBT and a royalty of 10% will be paid to the authors.

    Their published books will also be translated into other Indian languages to ensure the exchange of culture and literature between different states, thereby promoting Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat.

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    • A total of 75 authors will be selected through an All India Contest at MyGov.
    • The selection will be made by a Committee to be constituted by NBT.
    • The contest will run from 4th June to 31st July 2021.
    • The contestants will be asked to submit a manuscript of 5,000 words to judge its suitability to develop as a proper book under the Mentorship Scheme.
    • The names of selected authors will be announced on the occasion of Independence Day on 15th August 2021.
    • Based on mentorship, the selected authors will prepare manuscripts for final selection under the guidance of the nominated mentors.
    • The entries of the winners will be readied for publication by 15th December 2021.
    • The published books may be launched on 12th January 2022 on YUVA DIVAS or the National Youth Day.

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    Other Articles:

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    1. How many candidates will be selected for this mentorship programme ?

    Ans. A total of 75 candidates will be selected for this programme.

    2. What is the date of the contest ?

    Ans. The contest will run from 4th June to 31st July 2021.

    3. When will the result be announced for YUVA Scheme ?

    Ans. The result of the selected candidates will be announced on 15 August 2021.

    4. What is the Full Form of YUVA Scheme ?

    Ans. The Young, Upcoming and Versatile Authors’ (YUVA) scheme.

    National monetization pipeline Scheme

    National Monetization Pipeline (NMP) 

    Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman launches the National Monetization Pipeline scheme. Through the Govt. aims to raise $81 billion by leasing out state-owned infrastructure assets over the next 5years. 

    national monetization pipeline scheme

    Keypoints of NMP

    • MNP in detail 
    • Objectives
    • Sectoral breakup  
    • Monetization through MNP 
    • Benefits of MNP 
    • Conclusion 

    National Monetization Pipeline scheme In Details

     The creation of the National Monetization Pipeline (NMP) is the Government of India’s pioneering initiative to establish a medium-term pipeline along with a roadmap for “monetization ready” assets. The Centre aims to hand gas pipelines, roads, and telecom towers among other assets to private firms on a long-term lease. A look at the sector-wise monetization pipeline.

    Objectives of National Monetization Pipeline

    • Serve as a medium-term roadmap for the line ministries and agencies
    •  Provide medium-term visibility to investors on infrastructure assets pipeline.
    •  Provide a platform for ministries to track asset performance.
    • Bring in greater efficiency and transparency in public assets management.

     Monetization through disinvestment and monetization of non-core assets (such as land, building, and pure-play real estate assets) have not been included in the NMP.

    Assets that are central to the business objectives of a public entity/ statutory body/Government body and/or are being utilized for delivering infrastructure services to the public/ users have been categorized as Core Assets for the purposes of monetization. For each sector, the NMP has been drawn up for the statutory bodies, public sector enterprises, and other such undertakings within the purview of ministries/ departments.


    Source PIB- National Monetization Policy
    • The aggregate asset pipeline over FY22-25 under NMP is indicatively valued at Rs 6.0 lakh crore. The top 5 sectors (by estimated value) capture 83% of the aggregate pipeline value. 
    • These top 5 sectors include: Roads (27%) followed by Railways (25%), Power (15%), oil & gas pipelines (8%) and Telecom (6%).
    •  Roads and Railways together contribute 52% of the total NMP value. 
    • 20+ asset classes
    • 12+ line ministries / departments
    • Top 3 sectors: Roads (27%) Railways (26%) and Power (15%) by value
    • Pipeline Phasing: 15% of assets
    •  value of Rs 0.88 lakh to be rolled out in FY 21-22

    Top 3 Asset classes: 

    • Toll, Roads, Railway Stations & Transmission towers 

    MONETIZATION IN National Monetization Pipeline scheme

    In a monetization transaction, the government is basically transferring revenue rights to private parties for a specified transaction period in return for upfront money, a revenue share, and commitment of investments in the assets.

    Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and Infrastructure Investment Trusts, for instance, are the key structures used to monetize assets in the roads and power sectors.

    These are also listed on stock exchanges, providing investors liquidity through secondary markets as well.

    While these are structured financing vehicles, other monetization models on PPP (Public Private Partnership) basis include:

    Operate Maintain Transfer (OMT),

    Toll Operate Transfer (TOT), and

    Operations, Maintenance & Development (OMD).


    • Lack of identifiable revenue streams in various assets.
    • The slow pace of privatization in government companies including Air India and BPCL.
    • Further, less-than-encouraging bids in the recently launched PPP initiative in trains indicate that attracting private investors’ interest is not that easy.

    Asset-specific Challenges:

    • Low Level of capacity utilization in gas and petroleum pipeline networks.
    • Regulated tariffs in power sector assets.Low interest among investors in national highways below four lanes.

    BENEFITS OF National Monetization Pipeline scheme 

    • NMP will help in evolving a common framework for the monetisation of core assets.
    • It will critically clarify its distinction from privatization, eventually helping to create a virtuous cycle of ‘develop, commission, monetise and invest’. 
    • It will also help in identifying potential “Monetisation-ready” projects, across various infrastructure sectors/ ministries and simultaneously provide visibility to investors.
    • Helps new asset creation without increasing debt levels or taxes or through reallocation of resources from other public services/ welfare activities.
    • Targets efficiency gains, competition and improved performance monitoring
    • Enhances investment opportunities, depth and liquidity in infrastructure

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      CAT Syllabus 2021- CAT Exam Detailed Syllabus(VARC, DILR, QA)

      CAT Syllabus 2021

      CAT Syllabus 2021:Common Admission Test (CAT) is one of the most popular and desirable entrance tests in the country. The syllabus for CAT is virtually very fundamental and broad, which is done to make sure every candidate has an equal opportunity, irrespective of the field in which they have completed their studies. A large part of the CAT syllabus is thus based on middle school (classes 8 & 9) mathematics and English.

      All the candidates willing to sit for CAT 2021, must have a thorough knowledge of the syllabus in order to excel in this test. Hence, in this article, we have done a breakdown of every aspect of the CAT Syllabus 2021, which will surely help candidates kickstart their Let’s take a detailed look at the CAT Exam syllabus 2021.

      CAT exam Syllabus 2021

      CAT Syllabus 2021 – Overview

      Before delving deep down into the analysis, it’s better to have a rough idea of the structure of the CAT exam 2021 syllabus. The table below lists all the sections and important topics with duration, number of questions, and marks as per CAT (2020).

      SectionsMajor TopicsSectional DurationNo. of questionsMarks
      Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC)      Para-jumbles,    Sentence completionInterferenceQuestions based on reading comprehension and etcFor General: 40 minutesFor PwD: 53 Minutes 20 Seconds 2678
      Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)GraphsTablesSeating ArrangementSyllogismBlood RelationData Caselets and etcFor General: 40 minutesFor PwD: 53 Minutes 20 Seconds24

      Quantitative Aptitude (QA)Time and WorkGeometryAlgebraMensurationNumber SystemFor General: 40 minutesFor PwD: 53 Minutes 20 Seconds2678

      NOTE: Only a few main topics from each section have been listed in the table, we have penned down all the topics section wise below. 

      CAT Syllabus 2021 – Section Wise Analysis 

      Here we have discussed, all the topics of the CAT Exam Syllabus under each section. It will help candidates to plan their preparations well. They can get an idea of the topics that will consume more time compared to others, and accordingly allot time during preparation. In addition, they can also idea of the topics that they might fall short in and need to focus more on.  

      1. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)

      The VARC section is the first section of the CAT question paper and is to be solved first. Vocabulary has been an integral part of VARC however there have been timely changes in the way it is asked in the question paper. They are now asked through comprehension passages. 

      Apart from this, one-word substitutions, fill-ups, synonyms-antonyms, jumbled sentences etc. possess a major chunk of marks in this section, so they are to be prepared really well.   

      Grammar or English UsageSynonyms Antonyms (Vocabulary Based)Fill in the blanksMeaning/Usage MatchJumbled Paragraph and Close PassageVerbal Logic
      Verbal ReasoningReading ComprehensionAnalogies and Reverse AnalogiesSummary QuestionsFacts Inferences JudgmentsOne-word substitution

      a) Verbal Ability

      • Jumbled Sentences 
      • Summary Questions
      • Odd sentences in Paragraph Jumbles.

      The jumbled paragraph questions are from TITA, which means there is no margin for error.

      • Together they form a paragraph and the candidates must find the most appropriate order for the sentence group. In order to solve these types of questions.
      • In these types of questions, 4 to 5 sentences are out of order.
      • The first thing every candidate should do is identify the first and last sentence of the paragraph.
      • This is usually much easier because the first sentence introduces a topic, while the last sentence makes some sort of judgment or decision.
      • Following this, the second sentence should lead to the first one.

      Summary questions are usually as follows:

      • Small passages with 4 options (around 80-100 words).
      • The goal is to find the best summary of the paragraph.
      • Usually, in these types of questions, it is important to find options that do not conflict with the passage in any way.
      • Once you have eliminated the other options, the correct answer will appear.

      An odd sentence in paragraph jumps TITA questions for the last 3 to 4 years:

      • The purpose of this type of question is to identify the sentence that does not match the theme established in the remaining paragraph.
      • These questions can be easy or difficult depending on how they are presented.
      • For easy questions, the sentence will talk about something completely different from the theme of the rest of the paragraph.
      • On difficult questions, on the other hand, the sentence will be on the same topic as the rest of the paragraph but will differ slightly depending on the concept or theme presented.
      • It is also possible for a sentence to introduce a topic within an unrelated theme.

      Key points related to Verbal Ability for CAT 2021

      • The total number of questions asked is usually 8 to 10, and a similar weightage is given for this section.
      • As part of the syllabus of CAT 2021, in the Verbal Ability section, Non-MCQ questions will be asked.
      • Negative marking to any question was not answered incorrectly as most of the questions asked were of the non-MCQ type.
      • Going by past year trends and as per CAT exam syllabus in VA section usually, questions are asked from para-jumbles, error correction in a para, out of context sentence in para, and vocabulary.

      The number of topics and expected questions in CAT Verbal Ability.

      TopicsNumber of questions expected
      Sentence Completion & Correction2-3
      Odd Sentences1-2
      Others (Fill in the blanks, Vocabulary Based, etc.)1-2

      b) Reading Comprehension 

      As per the CAT 2021 syllabus, Reading Comprehension (RC) consists of questions based on the passages in the CAT exam. Questions are generally of three types: Inference-based, Fact-based, and Vocabulary-based. Vocabulary-based questions have already been discussed above.

      Fact-based questions, as the name implies, demand answers based on the facts mentioned in the paragraph. They are usually the easiest questions in the section.

      Assumption-based questions are a bit tricky because the candidates must reduce the tone and theme of the writer before answering these questions. In CAT 2019 and CAT 2020, these types of questions were very rare.

      Key points related to Reading Comprehension for CAT 2021

      • The total number of questions asked can do anything between 24-28.
      • Since the questions asked in this are multiple choices (MCQs), it will indicate negative marking.
      • In the Reading Comprehension section, there will be at least four long paragraphs and one short paragraph.
      • According to the course of the past years, the long comprehension passage will have at least 900 words and the short passage will have about 500-600 words.
      • Comprehension passages mainly revolve around topics such as politics, environment, literature, and society.
      • As per the CAT exam pattern, a negative marking of -1 mark is applicable for every incorrect answer.

      The number of topics and expected questions in CAT Reading Comprehension

      Total Number of PassagesTotal Number of Questions
      4 to 5 PassagesAt least 24 questions

      2. Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)

      According to the detailed CAT exam syllabus 2021, there are two subdivisions which are (i) Data Interpretation (ii) Logical Rational. Candidates must complete this section within 40 minutes (53.20 minutes for PwD), without which they will not be allowed to proceed further.

      DILR was a tricky section for candidates in CAT 2017 and CAT 2018, but the difficulty level was reduced in CAT 2019 and CAT 2020. One reason for this difficulty is the unpredictability of sections based on where the set can be taken. 

      Bar Graphs and Column GraphsCaselets and TablesVenn Diagrams
      Combination of two or more types linked to each otherLine Charts & Pie ChartNumber and Letter Series
      Seating ArrangementLogical SequenceCoding-Decoding
      ConnectivesBlood RelationsMatching/ Puzzles
      Calendars, Cubes and ClocksBinary LogicBinary Logic

      Topics covered under DI & LR

      a) Data Interpretation

      From the CAT exam syllabus 2021 above, the Data Interpretation (DI) IIM CAT syllabus 2021 contains cassettes and tables. These cassettes contain data in the form of column charts, bar charts, Venn diagrams, lines, and pie charts. We need to understand this data to solve the questions in CAT Exam 2021.

      To solve these questions, the data must be structured very intuitively so that the questions are solved. In some questions, there will be variables that should not be touched on as they may be presented in the questions. The only possible way to prepare for this DI section of the CAT exam 2021 is to solve as many problems as possible.

      Key points related to Data Interpretation for CAT 2021

      • In the Data Interpretation, there are both multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and non-multiple-choice questions (MCQs).
      • MCQ and Non-MCQ are no standard numbers.
      • If the MCQ is answered incorrectly, there is a negative marking.
      • If the non-MCQ responds incorrectly, there is no negative mark.

      b) Logical Reasoning

      Over the years the IIM CAT syllabus has included topics for logical reasoning such as arrangements, numbers and sequences, logical sequences, syllogisms, calendars, clocks and cubes, and blood relations.

      Over the years the IIM CAT syllabus has included topics for logical reasoning such as arrangements, numbers and sequences, logical sequences, syllogisms, calendars, clocks and cubes, and blood relations. Questions are usually a combination of other topics. As can be seen, the number of topics for rationality is numerous and the combination can lead to very tricky compilations.

      Key points related to Logical Reasoning 

      • The total number of questions asked may be between 15 to 20.
      • For each incorrect answer, the negative will provide.
      • There are both MCQ and Non-MCQs questions for logical reasoning.
      • If the candidates answer wrongly for MCQs, then there is a negative marking.
      • No negative mark for Non-MCQs.

      The number of topics and expected questions in the CAT DILR Section

      TopicsTotal Number of Questions
      Graph, Bar diagram6-8
      Tables & Charts5-8
      Graphs, Charts7-10
      Tables, Pie chart4-5

       3) Quantitative Aptitude (QA)

      As part of the (QA), questions will be asked from arithmetic, mathematics, trigonometry, and algebra. Check out some topics from the syllabus of CAT 2021 for Quantitative Aptitude that will be asked questions.

      LCM & HCFNumber SystemsSpeed, Time & Distance
      PercentagesProfit, Loss & DiscountTime & Work
      AveragesSimple & Compound InterestQuadratic & Linear Equations
      Complex NumbersRatio & ProportionLogarithm
      Sequences & SeriesProbability, Permutation and CombinationSet Theory
      Binomial TheoremSurds & IndicesInequalities
      Functions & GeometryMixtures & AllegationsTrigonometry
      Coordinate Geometry & MensurationPartnership (Accounts)Algebra

      Key points related to Quantitative Aptitude for CAT 2021

      • A total of 26 questions will be asked in the Quantitative Aptitude section.
      • There are both MCQ and Non-MCQs questions in this section. 18 MCQs asked and 8 non-MCQs.
      • Candidates will lose marks if they respond incorrectly to MCQ. For Non-MCQ, there are no negative marks.

      The wide number of topics in the CAT syllabus 2021 means that it should be further broken down into manageable areas. Subdivisions in the QA syllabus of CAT 2021 include:

      ArithmeticCommercial MathsAlligations and Mixtures
      TrigonometrySequences and SeriesGeometry

      The questions in QA are usually distributed in the following manner

      TopicsTotal Number of Questions
      Arithmetic Questions10-12
      Geometry & Mensuration7-8
      Number System4-5


      Above, we have discussed all the aspects of the CAT Syllabus 2021 with utmost detail. It is hoped that it helps the candidates eyeing this test. Analyzing marks and the question distribution can really become cumbersome, thus this may come in handy to all the aspirants. In addition, we have also included “key points” to help them grab a large chunk of marks by focusing on some specific topics. All in all, we have provided a well-organized guide that can help students to use their time more productively to get through this test with flying colors. we hope this article helped you understand the complete syllabus of CAT 2021.

      Also, Check other Articles:

      FAQ’s for CAT Exam Syllabus 2021

      What is the syllabus for the CAT entrance exam?

      The CAT Exam is comprised of 3 sections:

      Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) Quantitative Aptitude (QA)

      Is CAT exam only for MBA?

      CAT 2021 is the mandatory entrance exam for admission to MBA 2022 in 20 IIMs and other top MBA colleges in India.

      Is CAT score valid for 2 years?

      The CAT score card is valid for a period of ONE YEAR only.

      Can a 3rd year student give CAT?

      The eligibility criterion for CAT is graduation, though final year students of various bachelor’s degree courses can also take the test.

      How many attempts for CAT are allowed?

      There is no limit for
       the CAT exam candidates to the number of attempts of giving the exam. 

      CAT Exam 2021 details- Info, Exam pattern, Syllabus, Imp dates, Fees, Selection process

      CAT exam 2021 details

      CAT Exam 2021 Details

      CAT Exam 2021 Details- about CAT exam, basic information, important dates, eligibility, exam pattern, syllabus, exam pattern Selection process


      Common Admission Test, or more commonly known as CAT is a nationwide entrance exam to get into the MBA courses offered by the IIMs (Indian Institute of Management) and several other esteemed B-Schools in the country. This is one of the most awaited entrance tests in the country, hence one of the most competitive as well. Consequently, only a few out of the total candidates sitting in the exam get through. So, make sure you read every detail carefully.

      CAT Exam Basic Info

      CAT Exam Conducting BodyIIMs (on a rotational basis)
      CAT Exam ModeComputer Based Test (Online)
      CAT Exam Question TypeMCQs and TITA (Type In The Answer)
      CAT Exam Stages1
      CAT Exam Sections Of Question Paper3(VARC;DILR;QA)
      CAT Exam Total Questions76
      CAT Exam Total Marks228 (3 each)
      Negative Marking-1 for MCQ, No Negative Marking for TITA
      CAT Exam Duration120 minutes (40 min each section)
      No. Of Attempts Unlimited

      CAT Exam 2021  

      IIM Ahmedabad will be conducting CAT Exam 2021. Considering the current pandemic situation it has lifted the minimum marks required in graduation (only for candidates who graduated in 2021 or are in their final years). Also, the CAT registration fee has increased to Rs 2200 for UR/General category and Rs 1100 for SC/ST/OBC and other reserved categories. For CAT 2021, 10% of the total seats have been reserved for the Economically Weaker Sections (EWS).

      Important Dates and Events

      CAT 2021 Application Start DateAug 4, 2021
      CAT Application Last DateSept 15, 2021(until 5:00 PM)
      CAT 2021 Admit Card release dateOct 27, 2021
      CAT 2021 Exam DateNov 28, 2021
      CAT 2021 Results Jan 5, 2022 (Expected)

      CAT 2021 Eligibility

      Education Qualification 

      • Candidates graduated in 2019 and before

      As per CAT eligibility criteria, anyone with a Bachelors’s Degree from a Government recognized University, with at least 50% (general category) or 45% (reserved categories) can apply for the exam.

      • For candidates who are completing their graduation in 2021 or are in their final year of bachelors program (graduation years- 2021, 2022) –

       Candidates with a “promotion or pass” instead of an “award of marks” certificate in any of the last two years of the graduate program can enter the “promotion or pass” option in the CAT 2021 Application form. This will allow the candidate to complete and submit the CAT 2021 registration form despite the requirements of minimum eligibility criteria (45% for Reserved Category and 50% for Unreserved category, or equal CGPAs respectively). This CAT eligibility relaxation is also applicable to the final year students with “award of marks”.

      • Candidates graduated in 2020 and 2021 – 

      Considering that amidst the pandemic, different universities had their own unique patterns for the evaluation of final year marks, the CAT committee has decided to remove the minimum percentage requirement for those candidates who graduated in the years 2020 or 2021. 

      Note: These changes have been implemented so as to ensure a level playing field for candidates who graduated or are to graduate during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

      Age Limit

      There is no age limit for taking the CAT Exam. Anyone fulfilling the above educational criteria is eligible. A candidate can make unlimited attempts, according to current rules.

      CAT 2021 Exam Pattern

      Considering the Covid situation, the exam pattern has been slightly changed. 

      The question paper consists of three sections- 

      • Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) 
      • Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) 
      • Quantitative Aptitude (QA) 

      CAT Exam Old pattern

      Total No. Of ques100 
      Total marks300
      Total duration3hrs (180 min)

      CAT Exam New pattern

      Total questions76
      Total marks228 
      Total duration2hrs (120 min)

      There will be sectional time divisions, and the candidate is required to finish each section in a given period of time.

      CAT Registration Procedure

      Interested candidates can apply for the Common Admission Test 2021 online mode. The following are the steps in which you can fill the application form online: 

      Step 1: First, Go to the official CAT 2021 website i.e.

       Step 2: Next, click “New Candidate Registration” on the right side of the webpage. 

      Step 3: The CAT registration page will open. From there, aspirants have to enter the essential details such as, 

      • Name of the Candidate 
      • Date of Birth 
      • Email Address 
      • Country
      • Mobile Number

      Step 4: After entering all the required details, click on “Generate OTP”. An OTP will be sent to your registered mail id. Enter the OTP in the required place to finalize your registration.

      Step 5: Then log in to the candidate’s dashboard and fill the CAT Exam Application Form 2021 with required details like, 

      • Personal Details 
      • Other Personal Details 
      • Communication Address 
      • Emergency Contact Details 
      • Upload Documents (in a prescribed format and size) 

      Step 6: Fill in the academic qualification, work experience details (if any). Enter other personal details, communication details, emergency contact details and upload all the required documents in a prescribed format.

      Step 7: Then you will be asked to select the cities you prefer to be the exam centres. You will be required to choose six such cities. 

      Step 8: Lastly, check all the details that you entered and , after making the payment of the requisite fee, your application process for CAT 2021 Exam will be completed.

      Application fee Registration:

      • For General Category Candidates: Rs 2200/- 
      • For SC/ ST/ PwD: Rs 1100/- 
      Mode of paymentTransaction Charges for CAT 2021 registration
      Credit Card (Master/ Visa) 20% of the transaction amount and subject to a minimum of Rs 5. 
      Credit Card (American Express)85% of the transaction amount and subject to a minimum of Rs 5. 
      Debit Card (Master/ Visa)0.75% of the transaction amount for value up to Rs 2000 and subject to a minimum of Rs 5. 
      0.90% of the transaction amount for value above Rs 2000
      Net BankingRs 20 per transaction 
      Other payment methodsPayU, BillDesk, and Paytm Selection process 

      The Selection Procedure for CAT 2021                                               

      The selection procedure for IIMs for CAT 2021 consists of three rounds:

      • Round 1: CAT 2021 Result and IIM Shortlist 
      • Round 2: WAT and GD-PI rounds 
      • Round 3: Final Selection and Eligibility Verification 

      Round 1: CAT 2021 Result and IIM Shortlist 

      Once the CAT 2021 results are announced, IIMs shortlist dates are released and all IIMs begin their shortlisting process. Individual IIMs will release cutoff 2021 based on the CAT score. The list of new IIM shortlisted candidates for the next CAT Counseling will be available on the respective IIMs’ website. 

      Each IIM will then send interview letters directly to the shortlisted candidates. The CAT IIM selection criteria for shortlisting is varying across IIMs. 

      Round 2: WAT, PI, and GD Rounds 

      All candidates who meet the CAT 2021 cutoff can move on to the next stage of the IIM selection process for MBA i.e. Written Ability Tests (WAT), Personal Interviews (PI), and Group discussions (GD). Candidates are evaluated on the basis of general knowledge, communication ability, performance in previous rounds, and presence of mind. 

      Round 3: Final Selection and Eligibility Verification 

      Any candidate listed for a personal interview at IIMs must

      comply with the eligibility and verification for the CAT final selection process. 

      At this point, candidates get marks based on their academic performance. Here is a breakdown of the parameters selected by the candidates: 

      CAT ParametersWeightage
      CAT 202125
      Class 1010
      Class 125
      Weighted Work Experience10

      NOTE: The table above contains the parameters and weightage of IIM Bangalore for the CAT exam. The

      weightage of each parameter will vary from year to year for each IIM. 


      The detailed information of the CAT 2021 Examination has been outlined above. It is hoped that it will prove to be helpful for candidates who are aspiring to sit in this exam. It is suggested to all the candidates to read the details carefully, before starting the preparation for this exam. 

      CAT 2021 Application Details” – Check here

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      Mission Covid Suraksha: The Indian covid19 vaccine development mission

      The Government of India launches Mission Covid Suraksha on 29th November 2020, to accelerate
      Indian Covid19 Vaccine Development and has Announced the third stimulus package of Rs. 900
      Crore for the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) for research and development of Indian Covid19
      ✓ About Mission
      ✓ Objectives and Funding
      ✓ Corona virus testing

      Mission covid suraksha


      The COVID-19 Vaccine development Mission with end-to-end focus from preclinical development through clinical development and manufacturing and regulatory facilitation for deployment, would consolidate all available and funded resources towards an accelerated product development. This will help accelerate development of approx. 5-6 vaccine candidates and ensure that these are brought closer to licensure and introduction in market for consideration of regulatory authorities for introduction in public health systems, to combat further spread of COVID infection.

      Dr Renu Swarup, Secretary Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology and Chairperson BIRAC said, “Mission COVID Suraksha is our targeted effort to enable development of indigenous, affordable and accessible vaccines for our country and will complement the National Mission of AtmanirbharBharat”.“India has exhibited enormous strength in vaccine manufacturing and through this National COVID Vaccine Mission, we are confident that our vaccine manufacturers will develop affordable and accessible vaccine not only for India but the world”, she added.

      Objectives and Funding

      • Phase-I of the COVID Suraksha Mission has been allotted Rs.900 Crore for a period of 12 months.
      • The important objectives of the fund will be accelerating pre-clinical& clinical development.
      • licensure of COVID-19 vaccine candidates that are currently in clinical stages or ready to enter clinical stage of development.
      • Establishing clinical trial sites, and strengthening the existing immunoassay laboratories, central laboratories.
      • Suitable facilities for animal studies, production facilities and other testing facilities to support COVID-19 vaccine development.
      • The other important objective will be supporting development of common harmonized protocols, trainings, data management systems, regulatory submissions, internal and external quality management systems and accreditations.
      • Capabilities for process development, cell line development and manufacturing of GMP batches for animal toxicology studies and clinical trials will also be supported under the Mission.
      • A total of 10 vaccine candidates have been supported by Department of Biotechnology so far at both academia and industry and as on date, 5 vaccine candidates are in human trials including the Russian Vaccine Sputnik-V with at least 3 more in advanced stages of preclinical to enter human trials shortly.

      A total of 10 vaccines were being administered under the covid suraksha mission but a few of them
      have managed to reach the human trials stage:

      Sputnik V :
      Named after the first artificial earth satellite, Sputnik I, It is the first vaccine to have been approved
      and ready to use and vaccine was registered by Russia.

      Covaxin :
      It is an Indian vaccine and has been developed by Bharat Biotech in collebration with the Indian
      Council of Medical Research (ICMR)

      This vaccine has been developed in association with the national biopharma mission of department
      of biotechnology (DBT) It is a Indian vaccine has been developed by a pharmaceutical company
      named Zydus.

      It is developed by Pfizer which is an American pharmaceutical company. It has been able to conduct
      all the trials effectively and start its market distribution within a months from the time of its

      Corona Virus Testing

      Total cases in India – 3.26 Cr

      Doses given – 61.6 Cr

      Fully vaccinated – 13.9 Cr

      % of population fully vaccinated – 10.2%

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