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SSC CGL 2024 Tier 2 Answer Key Script/Code to check Marks directly

SSC CGL Answer Key Script/code

SSC CGL ASSC CGL 2024 Tier 2 Answer Key Script/Code : Staff Selection Commission conducts SSC CGL Exam every year. This Year SSC CGL 2024 Exam was conducted on 28-29 January and 3rd February 2022(for Meerut centre only) . After the completion of SSC CGL 2024 Tier 1 Exam Students are now waiting for the SSC CGL Answer key 2024.

In this article, we have shared with you a script or code by which you can easily check your marks subject-wise and total marks directly by applying the script step by step as shown below.

SSC CGL Answer KEy 2021

It is expected that SSC may release the Official Answer Key of the SSC CGL 2024-2024 Tier 2 Exam very soon. The Answer key of the SSC CHSL 2024 Exam was released after around 10 days of completion of the exam. So we can expect that the answer key for SSC CGL 2024 may also be released in the 1st Week of August.

SSC CGL Answer Key 2024

Organization nameStaff Selection Commission [SSC]
Post nameCombined Graduate Level [CGL] Tier-2 Answer Key
Job locationAll over India
Exam date24 Aug 2024
Answer key modeOnline
Answer key dateReleased soon

SSC CGL Answer Key 2024 Expected Date

In the previous years also SSC has released the Answer key of SSC CGL, SSC CHSL and other exams after 15 days of completion of exam. This year also we can expect the SSC CGL 2024 Answer key before 10th September 2024. Once the answer key is released by SSC, candidates can challenge questions if there seem to be any wrong question in the paper. After that SSC will release a final Answer key. You can download your answer for SSC CGL 2024 exam once it is uploaded by SSC. Finally SSC released the Answer key on 03 september 2024

How to Download SSC CGL Answer Key 2024 Online ?

To download the answer key you need to follow the following steps:

  • Go to the official website of SSC i.e.
  • Click on the Answer Key Tab given in the Header section.
  • After that you can find all the answer keys released by SSC for different.
  • Click on the link where you find SSC CGL Answer Key 2024.
  • then you can Login with your details and can download your answer key successfully.
Download Answer KeyClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here

SSC Answer Key Script to check Marks Subject-wise

To check the SSC CGL 2024 Answer Key Subject-wise score to just need to add a code into the console page of your answer key, here is the code to check subject-wise marks and total marks in the SSC CGL 2024 Answer Key.

Steps to Check Subject wise and Total Score in Answer Key SSC CGL 2024 are:

1.Open the link in your Browser –

2. Enter your Username and Password as mentioned on your SSC CGL 2024 Admit Card.

3. After login Go to the Answer Key Tab and Click on Click here Link as shown in the image below:

4. After that Your Answer Key will be Opened, Then Right Click anywhere on the screen and Click on Inspect as shown in the image below.

5. After this some functions will appear on the right side of screen, Click on Console, as shown in the image below:

6. Now Copy Paste the given code in the space given below the console tab and press Enter

7. Code for Answer Key for SSC CGL Tier 2 Maths Paper

var positive_mark_per_question = 2;
var negative_mark_per_question = -0.50;

var number_of_questions = document.getElementsByClassName("question-pnl").length;
var not_answered = 0;
var correct =0;
var incorrect = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < number_of_questions; i++) {

    if (" -- " == document.getElementsByClassName("question-pnl")[i].getElementsByClassName("bold")[5].textContent){
        not_answered ++;
    else if (document.getElementsByClassName("question-pnl")[i].getElementsByClassName("bold")[5].textContent == document.getElementsByClassName("question-pnl")[i].getElementsByClassName("rightAns")[0].textContent[0] ){
        correct ++;
        incorrect ++;
var total_marks = (correct * positive_mark_per_question) + (incorrect * negative_mark_per_question);

console.log("Not Answered: " + not_answered);
console.log("Correct: " + correct);
console.log("Incorrect: " + incorrect);
console.log("Total questions: ",  parseInt(not_answered) + parseInt(correct) + parseInt(incorrect) );
console.log("Total Marks: " + total_marks);

Code for Answer Key of SSC CGL Tier 2 English paper

var positive_mark_per_question = 1;
var negative_mark_per_question = -0.25;

var number_of_questions = document.getElementsByClassName("question-pnl").length;
var not_answered = 0;
var correct =0;
var incorrect = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < number_of_questions; i++) {

    if (" -- " == document.getElementsByClassName("question-pnl")[i].getElementsByClassName("bold")[5].textContent){
        not_answered ++;
    else if (document.getElementsByClassName("question-pnl")[i].getElementsByClassName("bold")[5].textContent == document.getElementsByClassName("question-pnl")[i].getElementsByClassName("rightAns")[0].textContent[0] ){
        correct ++;
        incorrect ++;
var total_marks = (correct * positive_mark_per_question) + (incorrect * negative_mark_per_question);

console.log("Not Answered: " + not_answered);
console.log("Correct: " + correct);
console.log("Incorrect: " + incorrect);
console.log("Total questions: ",  parseInt(not_answered) + parseInt(correct) + parseInt(incorrect) );
console.log("Total Marks: " + total_marks);

7. Now you can see your subject-wise Marks, Correct Attempt, wrong Attempt, Total score on the screen where you have copy-pasted the code.

All the Best for SSC CGL Mains 2024!!

Other Articles:

SSC Previous Year Vocabulary PDF(2018-2023) |SSC TCS 4200+ Vocabulary Book


SSC Previous Year Vocabulary PDF(2018-2023): SSC Vocabulary is a very important aspect when it comes to preparing for the english section in Staff Selection Commission(SSC) Exams. To score exceptional marks in all the exams conducted by SSC, it is very important to cover all the previous year vocabulary multiple times. It has been observed that most of the vocabulary questions are asked repeatedly in all the SSC Exams, therefore it is advised by the Toppers and teachers to cover all the previous year vocabulary of SSC multiple times. Download this Book for SSC CGL previous year vocabulary pdf, SSC CHSL previous year vocabulary pdf, ssc all previous year vocabulary pdf.

To cover the Previous year vocabulary of SSC, there is one such book which covers all the SSC previous year english vocabulary pdf in English and Hindi meaning of the words. students can also download SSC previous year vocabulary pdf in Hindi and english meaning. SSC TCS 4200+ Vocabulary Book is a book which comes in both PDF and Paperback format. this book covers all the SSC previous year vocabulary asked from 2018-2023 in various exams conducted by SSC such as SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, SSC Stenographer, SSC Selection Post, SSC MTS etc.

To Order a Paperback Book, contact us on WhatsApp.

Contents of 4200+ SSC Previous Year Vocabulary PDF

  • Synonyms, One Word Substitution, Idioms and Phrases asked in SSC CGL Exam both Tier-1 and Tier-2 (2018-2023)
  • Synonyms, One Word Substitution, Idioms and Phrases asked in SSC CHSL Exam (2018-2023)
  • Synonyms, One Word Substitution, Idioms and Phrases asked in SSC Stenographer Exam (2018-2023)
  • Synonyms, One Word Substitution, Idioms and Phrases asked in SSC MTS Exam (2018-2023)
  • Synonyms, One Word Substitution, Idioms and Phrases asked in SSC Selection Post Exam phases(6-10) (2018-2023)
  • Synonyms, One Word Substitution, Idioms and Phrases asked in SSC CPO Exam (2018-2023)
  • Most Common and repeatedly asked phrasal verbs

About 4200+ SSC TCS Vocabulary Book PDF by edumo

Book Name4200+ SSC TCS Vocabulary Book PDF(2018-2023)
Publisher NameedumoBooks
ChaptersAll Previous Year SSC Vocabulary PDF Compilation with English & Hindi Meaning
No. of Questions4200+
No. of Pages200
Size10 MB
AuthorManish Aggarwal
SSC Previous Year Vocabulary PDF2018-2023

How to Download SSC 4200+ TCS Vocabulary Previous Year PDF Till 2023

To download SSC TCS Vocabulary Book PDF till 2023, which contains all the previous year vocabulary asked by TCS from 2018-2023 in various SSC Exams. Follow the Following Steps:

  • Go to Our Books Official Website – or Click on the Download Buttons given Below
  • After looking at the cover of the Book you can click on it to know more about the edumo Synonyms Ebook- contents, index, etc.
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  • For Demo PDF of Synonyms ebook, Check out our Facebook PageClick here

If you have any problem in Downloading ssc previous year vocabulary pdf, just drop us a message on whatsapp. we will get back to you.

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1300+ SSC Synonyms PDF Till 2023(2018-2023)- Bilingual

ssc synonyms till 2023 pdf

Synonyms for SCC CGL Till 2023 with Hindi Meaning PDF

1300+ Synonyms with Hindi Meaning for SSC Exams asked by TCS from 2018-2023 Ebook by edumo in Various SSC Exams like SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO, Stenographer, Selection Post, MTS etc. This Ebook is highly useful for students who are preparing for SSC CGL 2023, SSC CHSL 2023, SSC MTS 2023, SSC Selection Post 2023, SSC CPO 2023 etc, also helpful for UPSC CSAT, CDS, etc. Download SSC Synonyms pdf till 2023.

1300+ Synonyms for SSC Exams by TCS(2018-2023) Ebook is launched by edumo. Hello aspirants, we feel very great to announce that we have compiled Our New Ebook which contains all the previous year’s 1300+ Synonyms asked by TCS in various SSC Exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, SSC Stenographer, SSC Selection Post, etc. 1300+ Synonyms for SSC Exams by TCS(2018-2023). In this post you will get to know about the Best Vocab Book for SSC CGL, CHSL , MTS, SSC GD Constable, SSC Selection POst, SSC Stenographer etc.

Download button for SSC CGL Synonyms PDF is given below

It has been observed that SSC frequently repeats Vocabulary words from the previously asked in other exams, so it is very important for candidates to learn and memorize each and every work that had been asked earlier in any exam conducted by SSC and TCS vendor.

In this post, you will get know how you can download 1300+ SSC previous year Synonyms asked by TCS from 2018-2023 PDF, which covers all the previous year’s Synonyms asked by SSC in various exams from 2018-2023. To crack any exam it is very important to deeply understand its syllabus and then follow the previous year’s papers and questions to more about the pattern of a particular competitive exam.

Therefore Toppers always recommend using Previous year papers and questions to build a level that is required to crack any Govt competitive exam.

SSC CGL 2021 and CHSL 2021 Synonyms

SSC CGL 2021 

  1. OSTENTATIOUS –  characterized by pretentious or showy display; designed to impress. /  showy, pretentious, conspicuous, obtrusive, flamboyant, gaudy ( तड़क-भड़क वाला, आडंबरपूर्ण )
  2. RETALIATE –  make an attack in return for a similar attack. /  fight back, hit back, respond, react, reply, reciprocate,   ( किसी के दुर्व्यवहार का जवाब कटु व्‍यवहार से देना, बदले की कार्रवाई करना )
  3. AVERT –  prevent or ward off /  prevent, stop, avoid, nip in the bud, stave off ( अप्रिय घटना को घटने से रोक लेना; )
  4. VERTICAL –  at right angles to a horizontal plane; in a direction, or having an alignment /  upright, erect, perpendicular,   ( खड़ा, सीधा, लंबवत, अनुलंब )
  5.  TACTITURN –  reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little. /  untalkative, uncommunicative, reticent, unforthcoming, quiet, ( अल्पभाषी (अमित्रवत ढंग से); कम बोलनेवाला, चुप्पा ) 
  6. IMMINENT –  about to happen. / impending, at hand, close, near, approaching, ( बहुत शीघ्र लगभग निश्‍चित रूप से घटित होने वाली; )
  7. SMOOTH –  having an even and regular surface; free from perceptible projections, lumps, or indentations. /  even, level, flat   ( चिकना )
  8. DUO –  a pair of people or things, especially in music or entertainment. /  Pair, duet ( एक साथ प्रदर्शन करने वाले गायकों या वादकों की जोड़ी ) 
  9. PARANOID –  characterized by or suffering from the mental condition of paranoia /  suspicious, mistrustful, distrustful, fearful, insecure,  ( इस मिथ्‍या संदेह से ग्रस्‍त कि अन्‍य लोग हानि पहुँचाना चाहते हैं या दुर्व्यवहार कर रहे हैं )
  10. INSCRUCTABLE –  impossible to understand or interpret. /  enigmatic, unreadable, impenetrable, mysterious, inexplicable ( समझ में न आने योग्य; रहस्यमय )
  11. FLUKE –  an unlikely chance occurrence, especially a surprising piece of luck. /  chance, coincidence, accident   ( आश्‍चर्यजनक और सुखद संयोग से प्राप्‍त परिणाम )
  12. URGE –  try earnestly or persistently to persuade (someone) to do something. /  impel, force, drive, coerce, appeal ( किसी व्‍यक्ति को कुछ करने के लिए समझाना या प्रबल रूप से प्रेरित करना ) 
  13. REDUNDANT –  not or no longer needed or useful; superfluous. /  unnecessary, not required, unessential, needless ( फ़ालतू, अतिरिक्त )
  14. LACUNA –  an unfilled space; a gap /  hiatus, blank, gap, pause, break  ( पुस्तक या किसी लेख में शून्यता या रिक्ति; कमी ) 
  15. SOLEMN –  formal and dignified. /  dignified, ceremonious, ceremonial, stately, courtly, majestic ( (व्‍यक्ति) अति गंभीर; )
  16. SUCCULENT –  (of food) tender, juicy, and tasty. /  juicy, moist, luscious, lush, fleshy, pulpy ( रस से भरपूर और बहुत स्‍वादिष्‍ट; रसीला ) 
  17. DISRUPT –  interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem. /  breach, break, interrupt, suspend, discontinue, obstruct, impede, hamper, ( विघ्‍न पैदा करना,  )
  18. EVENTUALLY –  in the end, especially after a long delay, dispute, or series of problems. / ultimately,  in the end, in due course, by and by, in time ( अंत में; अंततोगत्‍वा )
  19. TRENDY –  very fashionable or up to date. / Popular, fashionable, in vogue, stylish, modish,      ( फै़शनेबल )
  20. FINAL –  coming at the end of a series. /  last, closing, concluding, finishing, end, terminating     ( अंतिम (क्रम की दृष्टि से) )
  21. SQUAWK –  make a loud, harsh noise. /  screech, squeal, shriek, scream, croak,   ( चींख़, चिल्‍लाहट )
  22. PERJURY –  the offence of wilfully telling an untruth or making a misrepresentation under oath. /  lying, mendacity, falsehood ( न्‍यायालय में असत्‍य कथन, झूठी गवाही, शपथ-भंग )
  23. THRESHOLD –  a strip of wood or stone forming the bottom of a doorway and crossed in entering a house or room, the magnitude or intensity that must be exceeded for a certain reaction /  doorstep, doorway, entrance, minimum ( दहलीज़, )
  24. AMASS –  gather together or accumulate (a large amount or number of material or things) over a period of time. /  gather, collect, assemble, accumulate, stockpile,   ( किसी वस्‍तु को बड़ी मात्रा में एकत्रित या संचित कर देना )
  25. OBSTRUCT –  block (an opening, path, road, etc.); be or get in the way of, prevent or hinder  /  block, clog, impede, hinder, hamper ( किसी के काम में अड़चन डालना या रुकावट पैदा करना )
  26. COMMUTE –  travel some distance between one’s home and place of work on a regular basis, or change one kind of payment /  shuttle, exchange, convert ( प्रतिदिन निवास स्‍थान से कार्य-स्‍थान तक यात्रा करना )
  27. MONOTONOUS –  dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in variety and interest. /  tedious, boring, dull, uninteresting, unexciting, ( परिवर्तन-रहित और अतएव उबाऊ, अरोचक, नीरस )
  28. ABANDON –  cease to support or look after (someone); desert, give up completely / vacate, leave, quit, desert, renounce  ( किसी काम को अधूरा या उद्देश्‍य प्राप्‍त किए बिना बीच में ही रोक देना )
  29. ARID –  (of land or a climate) having little or no rain; too dry or barren to support vegetation. /  dry, dull, sterile, banal  ( सूखा; निर्जल वर्षाहीन )
  30. TRANQUIL –  free from disturbance; calm. /  peaceful, restful, reposeful, calm, quiet, still, serene, placid ( शांत, प्रशांत ) 
  31. ROBUST –  strong and healthy; vigorous. /  strong, vigorous, sturdy, tough, powerful,   ( तगड़ा और स्‍वस्‍थ )
  32. SAUCY –  having or expressing a bold, lively, or spirited manner. /  cheeky, jaunty, rakish, sporty
  33. BARE –  basic and simple. /  straightforward, plain, simple, basic, pure,   ( केवल, मात्र, निरा, सादा )
  34. TRIUMPHANT –  having won a battle or contest; victorious. / victorious, successful, winning      ( विजय या सफलता की प्राप्ति पर अत्‍यंत प्रसन्‍न; )
  35. LULL –  Calm or send to sleep, typically with soothing sounds or movements. /  calm, soothe, quiet, hush, lullaby ( किसी को शांत करना )
  36. RAVENOUS –  extremely hungry. /  starving, famished, voracious   ( बहुत भूखा; )
  37. AMUSEMENT –  the state or experience of finding something funny. /  mirth, merriment, entertainment, pleasure, leisure, ( मनोरंजन का साधन )
  38. LIVID –  furiously angry. /  furious, angry, infuriated, irate, fuming, raging,   ( क्रोधित ) 
  39. RETALIATE –  make an attack in return for a similar attack. /  fight back, hit back, respond, react, reply, reciprocate,   ( किसी के दुर्व्यवहार का जवाब कटु व्‍यवहार से देना, बदले की कार्रवाई करना )
  40. SAGACIOUS –  having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgement; wise or shrewd. /  wise, clever, intelligent, judicious, ( सही निर्णय क्षमता या समझ वाला; बुद्धिमान )
  41. AUDACITY –  a willingness to take bold risks. /  boldness, daring, fearlessness, intrepidity, bravery, courage, ( स्‍तब्‍ध कर देने वाला आचरण या व्‍यवहार ) 
  42. INCUMBENT –  necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility; the holder of an office or post. /  occupant, binding, obligatory, mandatory, necessary ( पदधारी )
  43. FICTITIOUS –  not real or true; imaginary or fabricated. /  false, fake, counterfeit, fabricated, imaginary ( मनगढ़ंत; बनावटी ) 
  44. ABANDON –  cease to support or look after (someone); desert, give up completely / vacate, leave, quit, desert, renounce  ( किसी काम को अधूरा या उद्देश्‍य प्राप्‍त किए बिना बीच में ही रोक देना )

                                SSC CHSL 2021

  1. GUILE –  sly or cunning intelligence. /  cunning, craftiness, deviousness, shrewdness, canniness, ingenuity  ( छल-कपट, फ़रेब )
  2. PERTUBED –  feeling anxiety or concern; unsettled. /  worry, upset, unsettle, disturb, concern, trouble  ( चिंतित या परेशान )
  3. FINICKY –  (of a person) fussy about their needs or requirements. /  fussy, fastidious, punctilious, (  मुश्किल से संतुष्ट होनेवाला )
  4. COMPLEMENTS –  a thing that contributes extra features to something else in such a way as to improve or emphasize its quality. /  match, accompaniment, companion, addition, supplement, accessory, (  पूरक या अनुकूल वस्‍तु )
  5. DIVISIVE –  tending to cause disagreement or hostility between people. /  alienating, estranging, isolating, schismatic, discordant, ( मतभेदकारी, लोगों को विभाजित करने वाला )
  6. HOARDING –  accumulate (money or valued objects) and hide or store away. /  pile up, store, stock up on, stockpile, put aside,    ( किसी वस्‍तु को बड़ी मात्रा में (प्रायः गुप्‍त रीति से) संचित कर जमा करना )
  7. BEREFT –  deprived of or lacking (something). /  devoid, without, in need of, short of ( पूर्णतया रहित; से हीन या वंचित )
  8. ASSASSINATE –  murder (an important person) for political or religious reasons. /  murder, kill, execute, slaughter, butcher, ( धन के लालच या किन्‍हीं राजनैतिक कारणों से किसी लोकप्रिय या महत्वपूर्ण व्‍यक्ति की हत्‍या करना )
  9. PERTAINING –  be appropriate, related, or applicable to. /  concern, reference to , regard (  संबंधित होना )
  10. PROTRACTED –  lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual. /  prolonged, extended, interminable ( लंबी अवधि तक रहने वाला )
  11. PERVERSE –  showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable. /  awkward, contrary, difficult, unreasonable, uncooperative, deviant, ( तर्कविरूद्ध या अमान्‍य व्‍यवहार करने वाला व्‍यक्ति )
  12. RENOUNCE –  formally declare one’s abandonment of (a claim, right, or possession). /   reject, repudiate, abandon, give up, abdicate, forsake  ( किसी पर दावा या स्‍वामित्‍व बाक़ायदा छोड़ देना; त्‍याग देना )
  13. BENEVOLENCE –  the quality of being well meaning; kindness. /  kindness, goodness, benignity, compassion  ( परोपकरी, हितकामना )
  14. AMBLE –  walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace. /  stroll, saunter, wander, meander, ramble, dawdle,  ( मंथर गति से चलना, टहलना, रहवाल चलना )
  15. EQUIVOCAL –  open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous. /  indefinite, non-committal, vague, indeterminate, imprecise, inexact, indistinct, inexplicit, blurry, ( अस्पष्ट तथा ठीक अर्थ या भावना के बिना )
  16. ABUNDANT –  existing or available in large quantities; plentiful. /  copious, ample, profuse, rich, lavish, liberal, generous,   ( बहुत बड़ी मात्रा में विद्यमान )
  17. CUNNING –  having or showing skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit or evasion. /  crafty, wily, artful, guileful, devious, sly, knowing, scheming, ( चालाक, धूर्त )
  18. BAFFLEMENT –  totally bewilder or perplex. /  puzzle, bewilder, mystify, bemuse, confuse,   ( चकरा देना; उलझन में डाल देना )
  19. CONFRONT –  come face to face with (someone) with hostile or argumentative intent. /  challenge, square up to, oppose, resist, defy, beard, tackle, ( किसी मुसीबत का या अप्रिय स्थिति का सामना करना या सामना करवाना )
  20. LOATHE –  feel intense dislike or disgust for. /  hate, detest, abhor, despise, abominate, execrate,         ( किसी व्‍यक्ति या वस्‍तु से नफ़रत करना )
  21. PERILOUS –  full of danger or risk. /  dangerous, hazardous, risky, unsafe, treacherous, precarious, vulnerable, ( ख़तरनाक, जोखिम-भरा )
  22. HATE –  feel intense dislike for. / hate, detest, abhor, despise, abominate,  ( व्‍यक्ति या वस्‍तु के प्रति अत्‍यधिक अरुचि होना; घृणा करना )
  23. INCLINED –  be favourably disposed towards or willing to do something. /  disposed, minded, willing, ready, prepared, motivated  ( प्रवृत्त, इच्‍छुक )
  24. SANGUINITY –  optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation. /  optimistic, bullish, hopeful, positive, confident, cheerful,   ( भविष्य के प्रति आशावान तथा विश्‍वासपूर्ण; आशावादी )
  25. EXPENDED –  spend or use up (a resource such as money or energy). /  spend, pay out, lay out, disburse, exhausted ( किसी कार्य में धन, समय, ध्यान आदि लगाना )
  26. DISSEMINATE –   spread (something, especially information) widely. /  spread, circulate, distribute, disperse, diffuse, proclaim, promulgate,  ( व्यापक प्रसार करना, वितरण करना, फैलाना, प्रचार करना )
  27. ECSTASY –  an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement. /  rapture, bliss, elation, euphoria, cloud nine, seventh heaven ( आह्लाद और आनंद की भावना; हर्षोन्माद )
  28. VACANT –  not occupied; empty. /  bare, empty, unoccupied, unfilled, free, available, not in use, unused  ( जो इस्‍तेमाल में नहीं आ रहा; ख़ाली )
  29. SCARED –  fearful; frightened. /  frightened, afraid, fearful, nervous, panicky,  ( भयभीत )
  30. PACE –  speed in walking, running, or moving. /  speed, rate, swiftness, quickness, rapidity, velocity, tempo, ( चलने, दौड़ने आदि या कुछ घटित होने की गति; चाल )
  31. DECIPHER –  convert (a text written in code, or a coded signal) into normal language; succeed in understanding, interpreting /  decode, decrypt, solve, interpret, translate,   ( कूट (गूढ़) लेखन को पढ़ लेना या समझ लेना; कूटवाचन करना )
  32. STARTLE –  cause to feel sudden shock or alarm. /  surprise, frighten, scare, alarm ( चौंका देना )
  33. OVERTURE –  an introduction to something more substantial. /  preamble, preliminary, prelude, introduction ( पहल या संकेत कदम )
  34. CREDIBLE –  able to be believed; convincing. /  acceptable, trustworthy, reliable, dependable, sure, valid,  ( विश्‍वसनीय; विश्‍वास करने योग्‍य )
  35. RESCIND –  revoke, cancel, or repeal  / reverse, abrogate, overturn, ( किसी क़ानून, अनुबंध, निर्णय आदि को अधिकृत रूप से निरस्‍त )
  36. RECONNOITRE –  make a military observation of (a region). /  survey, inspect, investigate, explore ( जाँच पड़ताल करना )
  37. OPULENCE –  great wealth or luxuriousness. /  prosperity, splendour, magnificence, grandeur,   ( समृद्धि )
  38. INCITE –  encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful behaviour). /  ignite, inflame, encourage, fuel, ( भड़काना, उकसाना )
  39. FLECK –  a very small patch of colour or light. /  spot, mark, patch, pop, dot, ( बहुत छोटा निशान )
  40.  TRANQUIL –  free from disturbance; calm. /  peaceful, restful, reposeful, calm, quiet, still, serene, placid ( शांत, प्रशांत )
  41. ARRAIGN –  call or bring (someone) before a court to answer a criminal charge. /  indict, prosecute, put on trial, denounce  ( औपचारिक रूप से अभियोग लगाने के लिए दोषी को कचहरी में लाना )
  42. ADMIRE –  regard with respect or warm approval. /  applaud, praise, commend, appreciate ( किसी के प्रति आदर व प्रशंसा का भाव रखना )
  43. RAMPART –  a defensive wall of a castle or walled city, having a broad top with a walkway and typically a stone parapet. /  bulwark, embankment, battlement, fortification ( पत्थर या मिट्टी की बनी दिवार )
  44. PROFESS –  claim that one has (a quality or feeling), especially when this is not the case. /  declare, announce, proclaim, assert, state, affirm,   ( किसी बात के सच या सही होने का दावा करना )
  45. VANITY –  excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own appearance or achievements. /  conceit, narcissism, egotism, haughty ( घमंड, दंभ )
  46. DEVASTATE –  destroy or ruin. /  wreck, ransack, demolish  ( सर्वनाश करना, तबाह करना )
  47. PUDGY –  (of a person or part of their body) rather fat. /  thick-bodied, fatty ( बहुत भारी; मोटा, )
  48. ALLAY –   diminish or put at rest /  reduce, diminish, decrease, lessen, assuage, alleviate,  ( (पीड़ा, कष्‍ट, भय आदि की) तीव्रता या प्रबलता कम करना )
  49. QUAINT –  attractively unusual or old-fashioned. /  picturesque, charming, sweet, attractive, relieve ( आकर्षक या अनूठा )
  50. BANTER –  the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks. /  repartee, raillery, swordplay                 ( हँसी-दिल्‍लगी, )
  51. AUSTERE –  severe or strict in manner or attitude. /  severe, stern, strict, harsh, unfeeling, stony ( कठोर, सुख-सुविधा-रहित )
  52. SALUBRIOUS –  resulting in good; favourable or advantageous. /   healthy, pleasant, beneficial (  स्वस्थ तथा रहने के लिए सुहावना; स्वास्थ्यकर )
  53. BOLDNESS –  willingness to take risks and act innovatively; confidence or courage. /  bravery, courage, audacious ( साहस, निडरता और आत्‍मविश्‍वास )
  54. LITIGANT –  a person involved in a lawsuit. /  petitioner, opponent, contestant, contender, disputant, plaintiff ( न्‍यायालय में मुक़दमा लड़ने वाला व्‍यक्ति )
  55. ILLOGICAL –  lacking sense or clear, sound reasoning. /  irrational, unreasonable, unsound, unreasoned, unfounded, groundless ( समझदारी या तर्कसंगति से रहित )
  56. STARTLE –  cause to feel sudden shock or alarm. /  surprise, frighten, scare, alarm ( चौंका देना )
  57. NADIR –  the lowest or most unsuccessful point in a situation. /  base, zero ( स्थिति विशेष का सबसे बुरा समय )
  58. PLEASING –  giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment. /  gratifying, refreshing, enjoyable, pleasurable, nice, agreeable, satisfying ( सुहाना, आनंददायक या अनुकूल )
  59. STYMIE –  prevent or hinder the progress of. /  impede, hamper, hinder, obstruct, inhibit,   ( रोड़ा अटकाना; किसी बात को होने न देना )
  60. GREED –  intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food. /  cupidity, avarice, acquisitiveness ( आवश्‍यकता से अधिक पाने की इच्‍छा; लोभ, लालच )
  61. LACONIC –  (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words. /  brief, concise, terse, succinct, short, economical, elliptical,   ( अतिसंक्षिप्‍त, नपा-तुला, सूचनात्‍मक ) 
  62. RESPLENDENT –  splendid, magnificent, brilliant, dazzling, glittering, glowing,   ( आकर्षक ढंग से चमकीला;  )
  63. EXCRUCIATING –  intensely painful. /  piercing, agonizing, extremely painful, severe, acute, intense, extreme ( बहुत अधिक दर्द करने वाला )
  64. INEVITABLE –  certain to happen; unavoidable. /  Inescapable, inexorable, unpreventable, assured, certain,   ( जिसे घटित होने से रोका न जा सके, अवश्‍य होने वाला; अवश्‍यंभावी )
  65. UTILITARIAN –  designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive. /  practical, functional, serviceable, useful, sensible, effective, ( व्यावहारिक एवं उपयोगी न कि आकर्षक; उपयोगी )
  66. ABROGATE –  repeal or do away with (a law, right, or formal agreement). /  repudiate, revoke, repeal, rescind, overturn, overrule, override, ( खंडन करना, किसी बात को स्‍वीकार करने या मानने से इनकार करना )
  67. STARTLINGLY –  in a very surprising, astonishing, or remarkable way. / amazingly, astonishingly   ( आश्‍चर्यजनक, विस्‍मयकारी )
  68. BESTIAL –  savagely cruel and depraved. /  savage, brutish, brutal, barbarous, barbaric ( क्रूरतापूर्ण और अप्रियकर; नृशंसतापूर्ण )
  69. CHASTISE –  rebuke or reprimand severely. /  scold, upbraid, berate, reprimand, reprove, rebuke, admonish,  ( ग़लती के लिए आलोचना या निंदा करना; डाँटना ) 
  70. SLENDER – (of a person or part of the body) gracefully thin. / frail, slim, lean, willowy,     (पतला; इकहरा )
  71. ROBBED –  take property unlawfully from (a person or place) by force or threat of force. /  cheat, swindle, defraud, plundered ( लूटना )
  72. RESOLUTE –  admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering. /  determined, purposeful, purposive, resolved, decided, adamant,  ( दृढ़निश्‍चयी, कृतसंकल्‍प )
  73. GIDDINESS –  a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall or stagger; dizziness. /  unsteadiness     ( चक्‍कर )
  74. QUINTESSENTIAL –  representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class. /  typical, prototypical, model   ( सर्वोत्कृष्ट )
  75. DECEPTION –  the action of deceiving someone. / deceit, duplicity, fraud, cunning ( धोखा देने की क्रिया )
  76. BENIGN –  gentle and kindly. /  benevolent, kind, warm-hearted, friendly,   (  उदार या सौम्‍य )
  77. MODEST –  unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities or achievements. /  shy, self-effacing, self-deprecating, humble, unpretentious, bashful ( विनम्र, विनीत  )
  78. SATIATE –  satisfied to the full; sated. /  satisfy, slake, quench, stuff, overfill,   ( पूर्णतया संतुष्ट करना, तृप्त करना )
  79. SAVOURY –  belonging to the category that is salty or spicy rather than sweet. /  salty, spicy, piquant, tangy ( मीठे से भिन्‍न स्‍वाद का; नमकीन आदि )
  80. STUPENDOUS –  extremely impressive. /  amazing, astounding, astonishing, extraordinary, remarkable,   ( अति विशाल या प्रभावशाली )
  81. RENOUNCE –  formally declare one’s abandonment of (a claim, right, or possession). /  reject, repudiate, abjure, ( किसी पर दावा या स्‍वामित्‍व बाक़ायदा छोड़ देना; त्‍याग देना )
  82. EXORCISE –  drive out or attempt to drive out (a supposed evil spirit) from a person or place. /  cast out, expel, rid, purify, cleanse (प्रार्थना या झाड़-फूँक द्वारा भूत उतारना या भगाना )
  83. IMPRISONMENT –  the state of being imprisoned; captivity. /  incarceration, internment, confinement, detention, custody ( क़ैद, कारावास )
  84. HAPLESS –  (especially of a person) unfortunate. /  unlucky, ill-starred, ill-fated ( अभागा; भाग्यहीन; दयनीय, )
  85. AFFLICT –  (of a problem or illness) cause pain or trouble to; affect adversely. /  trouble, , bother, burden, distress ( दुख देना, सताना, पीड़ित करना )
  86. RAVENOUS –  extremely hungry. /  starving, famished, sharp-set, esurient,   ( बहुत भूखा; मरभुक्‍खा )
  87. AFFRONT –  an action or remark that causes outrage or offence. /  insult, offence, indignity, slight, snub, aspersion ( ऐसा कथन या व्‍यवहार जो दूसरे को अपमानजनक लगे; निरादर )
  88. DESTITUTE –  extremely poor and lacking the means to provide for oneself. /  penniless, impoverished, poverty-stricken, impecunious, indigent ( धन, भोजन या घर की सुविधा से वंचित ).
  89. PUGNACIOUS – eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight. /  combative, aggressive, antagonistic, belligerent, bellicose,  ( लड़ाकू; झगड़ालू )
  90. LUDICROUS –  so foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing. /  crazy, absurd, ridiculous, farcical, laughable, risible, preposterous, ( बहुत बेतुका; हास्‍यास्‍पद )

ECCENTRIC –  (of a person or their behaviour) unconventional and slightly strange. /  Queer, unconventional, uncommon, abnormal, irregular, aberrant, ( सनकी, ख़ब्‍ती, झक्‍की )

The best part of our Ebooks of Vocabulary is that we have compiled 1300+SSC Synonyms in English with Hindi meanings so that every student can understand, and tackle the vocabulary section very easily. you can see above that Every word has its meaning in English and Hindi both, which makes it a very useful book for each and every aspirant.

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Contents of 1300+ SSC Synonyms Ebook by edumo PDF

  • Synonyms asked in SSC CGL Exam both Tier-1 and Tier-2 (2018-2023)
  • Synonyms asked in SSC CHSL Exam (2018-2023)
  • Synonyms asked in SSC Stenographer Exam (2018-2023)
  • Synonyms asked in SSC MTS Exam (2018-2023)
  • Synonyms asked in SSC Selection Post Exam phases(6-10) (2018-2023)
  • Synonyms asked in SSC CPO Exam (2018-2023)

About 1300+ SSC Synonyms Ebook by edumo

Book Name1300+ SSC Synonyms Ebook aksed by TCS (2018-2023)
Publisher NameedumoBooks
ChaptersAll Previous Year Synonyms PDF Compilation with Hindi Meaning
AuthorManish Aggarwal
No. of Questions1300+
No. of Pages70+
Size10 MB

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How to Prepare Synonyms and Antonyms For SSC Exams?

you can download the 1300+ SSC Synonyms Ebook till 2023 by edumo which contains all the Synonyms from 2018-2023 with Hindi meaning, which is easy to read and learn.

How to Download SSC Previous Year Synonyms Ebook PDF?

Go to the official website of edumo and in the Ebooks sections you will find 1300+ Synonyms Ebook by edumo, just download the pdf from there.

What is the weightage of Synonyms in SSC CGL and other SSC Exams?

In the English section of any competitive exam Synonyms covers a very important part, in SSC CGL 2023 exam there must be around 3-4 Synonyms most probably from previous years.

1300+ Idioms and Phrases for SSC Exams by TCS(2018-2023) (Bilingual)

Idioms and Phrases for SCC CGL(2018-2023) with Hindi Meaning PDF

SSC CGL 1100+ Idioms and Phrases for SSC Exams asked by TCS from 2018-2023 Ebook by edumo in Various SSC Exams like SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO, Stenographer, Selection Post, MTS etc. Download ssc idioms and phrases till 2022 pdf, This Ebook is highly useful for students who are preparing for SSC CGL 2022, SSC CHSL 2022, SSC MTS 2022, SSC Selection Post 2022, SSC CPO 2022 etc, also helpful for UPSC CSAT, CDS etc. This book contains TCS Idioms and Phrases asked in various SSC Exam from 2018-2022.

1100+ Idioms and Phrases for SSC Exams by TCS(2018-2023) Ebook is launched by edumo. Hello aspirants, we feel very great to announce that we have compiled Our New Ebook which contains all the previous year’s 1100+ Idioms and phrases asked by TCS in various SSC Exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, SSC Stenographer, SSC Selection Post, etc. 1100+ Idioms and Phrases for SSC Exams by TCS(2018-2023). Get SSC CGL Idioms and Phrases with Hindi Meanings.

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It has been observed that SSC frequently repeats Vocabulary words from the previously asked in other exams, so it is very important for candidates to learn and memorize each and every work that had been asked earlier in any exam conducted by SSC and TCS vendor.

In this post, you will get know how you can download 1100+ SSC Idioms and phrases asked by TCS from 2018-2022 PDF, which covers all the previous year’s Idioms and Phrases asked by SSC in various exams from 2018-2022( til September 2022). To crack any exam it is very important to deeply understand its syllabus and then follow the previous year’s papers and questions to more about the pattern of a particular competitive exam.

Therefore Toppers always recommend using Previous year papers and questions to build a level that is required to crack any Govt competitive exam.

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SSC CGL 2021 and CHSL 2021 Idioms and Phrases PDF

1Be hard upHave very little moneyबहुत कम पैसा है
2In the same breathSay two contradictory things at the same timeएक ही समय में दो विरोधाभासी बातें कहें
3Cake walkSomething easyकुछ आसान
4rank and fileOrdinary peopleआम लोग
5Bite off more than one can chewTo take on more than one can handleएक से अधिक लेने के लिए संभाल सकते हैं
6take into accounttake into considerationध्यान में रखिए
7To take afterTo be similar in appearanceदिखने में समान होना
8Foul playUnfair or dishonest behaviourअनुचित या बेईमान व्यवहार
9On the waneOn the declineगिरावट पर
10A long shotLittle chance of successसफलता की थोड़ी संभावना
11money does not grow on treesMoney is hard earned and limitedपैसा मेहनत की कमाई और सीमित है
12Lie lowTry not to be noticedध्यान न दें
13Dark horseAn unexpected winnerएक अप्रत्याशित विजेता
14Stone’s throwShort distanceकम दूरी
15Hold the keyTo have control of somethingकिसी चीज़ पर नियंत्रण रखना
16Leave no stone unturnedmake every possible effortहर संभव प्रयास करें
17a tight cornerA difficult situationएक मुश्किल स्थिति
18Nip in the budTo destroy earlyजल्दी नष्ट करने के लिए
19Cool as a cucumberCalm and composedशांत और रचना
20A hair in the butterA challenging situationएक चुनौतीपूर्ण स्थिति
21Easy moneyMake money without much effort, maybe illegallyबहुत अधिक प्रयास के बिना पैसा कमाएं, शायद अवैध रूप से
22To bury the hatchetTo end a quarrelएक झगड़ा समाप्त करने के लिए
23To fight shy ofTo try to avoid somethingकिसी चीज से बचने की कोशिश करने के लिए
24Keep someone at arm’s lengthAvoid being friendly with someoneकिसी के साथ दोस्ताना होने से बचें
25a green hornInexperiencedअनुभवहीन
26Sticky fingersAn inclination to stealचोरी करने के लिए एक झुकाव
27To hold waterTo be valid and reasonableमान्य और उचित होना
28Play with fireTo do something dangerousकुछ खतरनाक करने के लिए
29Blow your own trumpetBoast about one’s own qualitiesअपने गुणों के बारे में दावा करें
30A snake in the grassA hidden enemyएक छिपा हुआ दुश्मन
31Smooth sailingEasy progressआसान प्रगति
32On purposeIntentionallyजानबूझ कर
33eat like a horseeating excessivelyअत्यधिक भोजन करना
34Pay heed toListen carefully with attentionध्यान से ध्यान से सुनें
35Back outTo withdrawवापस लेना
36Have a change of heartChange one’s opinionकिसी की राय बदलें
37Hit a brick wallNot able to make any progressकोई प्रगति करने में सक्षम नहीं है
38To sit on the fenceAvoid taking sidesपक्ष लेने से बचें
39Feast one’s eyes onGaze at something with pleasureखुशी के साथ कुछ पर टकटकी
40Cold comfortVery little satisfactionबहुत कम संतुष्टि
41Cat’s pawA person used as a tool by anotherएक व्यक्ति दूसरे द्वारा एक उपकरण के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता है
42In the limelightThe centre of attractionआकर्षण का केंद्र
43fight shy ofto avoidबचने के लिए
44bad bloodill feelingअस्वस्थता
45bury the hatchetforget past quarrelsपिछले झगड़े को भूल जाओ
46clam upto become silentचुप रहना
47forty winksa short napएक छोटी झपकी
48hold your horsesslow downगति कम करो
49all in allhaving all authorityसभी अधिकार होना
50lend an earpay attention toपर ध्यान दें
51cut a sorry figurecreate a poor impressionएक खराब छाप बनाएं
52Lose your touchNot being as successful as previouslyपहले की तरह सफल नहीं हो रहा है
53At one’s elbowNext to someoneकिसी के बगल में
54Blow upTo destroy by an explosionएक विस्फोट से नष्ट करने के लिए
55A fly on the wallAn unperceived observerएक अप्रकाशित पर्यवेक्षक
56In the same boatTo be in the same difficult situation as someone elseकिसी और के रूप में एक ही मुश्किल स्थिति में होना
57in high spiritscheerfulहंसमुख
58Gear up forGet ready forके लिए तैयार हो जाओ
59Call uponTo orderऑर्डर करने के लिए
60A storm in a tea cupA lot of anger and worry about trivial thingsबहुत क्रोध और तुच्छ चीजों के बारे में चिंता
61Tell uponTo affect adverselyप्रतिकूल रूप से प्रभावित करने के लिए
62A piece of cakesomething easily doneआसानी से कुछ किया
63A snake in the grassA deceitful personएक धोखेबाज व्यक्ति
64Tit for tatCounter attackजवाबी हमला
65within a hair’s breadthnarrow marginपतला हाशिया
66Grease someone’s palmBribe someoneकिसी को रिश्वत देना
67Safe pair of handsA person who can be trusted to do something efficientlyएक व्यक्ति जिसे कुशलता से कुछ करने के लिए भरोसा किया जा सकता है
68Let downTo failअसफल होना
69Hard and fastStrictकठोर
70Catch 22A difficult situation in which the solution to a problem is impossibleएक मुश्किल स्थिति जिसमें किसी समस्या का समाधान असंभव है
71Win laurelsTo gain honourसम्मान प्राप्त करने के लिए
72by the skin of one’s teethBarely managed to escapeमुश्किल से भागने में कामयाब रहे
73Red letter dayMemorable dayयादगार दिन
74Read between the linesUnderstand something that is not said outrightकुछ ऐसा समझें जो एकमुश्त नहीं कही गई है
75A kick in the teethGreat disappointmentबहुत निराशा
76Donkey’s yearsLong timeलंबे समय तक
77Go to the wallTo failअसफल होना
78Knock downTo demolishध्वस्त करना
79Eat like a horseEat a lot of foodबहुत सारा खाना खाओ
80Beat around the bushTo avoid talking about what is importantक्या महत्वपूर्ण है के बारे में बात करने से बचने के लिए
81devil’s advocateOne who argues against something just for the sake of arguingएक जो बहस करने के लिए सिर्फ कुछ के खिलाफ बहस करता है
82Back outTo withdraw fromसे हटने के लिए
83Comparing apples with orangesUnequal comparisonsअसमान तुलना
84Lion’s shareLargest shareसबसे बड़ा शेयर
85Get the axeLose the jobकाम खोना
86Wipe the floor with someoneTo defeat someoneकिसी को हराने के लिए
87Have a soft spot for someoneTo like someone a lotकिसी को बहुत पसंद करना
88Pull the plugEnd somethingकिसी चीज को समाप्त करना
89At loggerheadsDisagreeing withअसहमत होना
90Break a legWish someone good luckकिसी को शुभकामनाएं
91Miss the boatMiss an opportunityएक अवसर याद आती है
92On cloud nineExtremely happyबेहद ख़ुशी
93Sum and substanceEssenceसार
94Under duressUnder pressureदबाव में
95Apple of one’s eyeVery dearअति प्रिय
96To pay lip serviceTo express loyalty, respect, or support for something insincerelyकिसी चीज के लिए निष्ठा, सम्मान या समर्थन व्यक्त करने के लिए
97Every dog has his dayEveryone has good luck or success at a point of timeसभी को एक समय में शुभकामनाएँ या सफलता मिलती है
98Come aboutTo happenघटित होना
99Crocodile tearsPretended show of sorrowदुःख का दिखावा शो
100To hold goodTo remain validमान्य रहना
101It’s all Greek to meI cannot understand anythingमैं कुछ समझ नहीं सकता हूँ
102Pull a long faceTo look sadदुखी दिखना
103Bed of rosesPleasant condition of lifeजीवन की सुखद स्थिति
104Hit the booksTo study very hardबहुत कठिन अध्ययन करने के लिए
105A piece of cakeAn easy taskएक आसान काम
106Heart skipped a beatvery surprised or excitedबहुत हैरान या उत्साहित
108Charley horseCrampऐंठन
109carry the dayto winबाजी मारना
110White elephantCostly but useless possessionमहंगा लेकिन बेकार कब्जे
111To put someone’s back upTo irritate someoneकिसी को परेशान करने के लिए
112chip off the old blockSimilar to one’s parents in behaviourव्यवहार में किसी के माता -पिता के समान
113Dark horseAn unexpected winnerएक अप्रत्याशित विजेता
114Be like chalk and cheeseBe absolutely differentबिल्कुल अलग रहें
115Have a long faceLook unhappy or disappointedदुखी या निराश दिखें
116The best of both worldsAn advantageous situation from two different things at a timeएक समय में दो अलग -अलग चीजों से एक लाभप्रद स्थिति
117Get awayTo leaveचले जाना
118Between Scylla and CharybdisBetween two dangersदो खतरों के बीच
119Be at a loose endTo have nothing to doकुछ नहीं करना है
120Under the weatherFeeling illबीमार होना
121By leaps and boundsVery quicklyबहुत जल्दी
122hard of hearingpartially deafआंशिक रूप से बधिर
123Elbow greaseHard physical effortsकठिन शारीरिक प्रयास
124Donkey’s yearsA very long timeबहुत ज्यादा समय
125make someone’s flesh crawl/creepto frighten someoneकिसी को डराने के लिए
126Start from scratchStart entirely from the beginningशुरुआत से पूरी तरह से शुरू करें
127Up in armsIn rebellionविद्रोह में
128Cut straight to the chaseAvoid unnecessary introduction and go to the more important partअनावश्यक परिचय से बचें और अधिक महत्वपूर्ण भाग में जाएं
129Make one’s blood boilmake someone very angryकिसी को बहुत गुस्सा करो
130To bite the bulletTo be brave in a difficult situationएक कठिन स्थिति में बहादुर होना
131Call a spade a spadespeak plainly without avoiding unpleasant or embarrassing issues.अप्रिय या शर्मनाक मुद्दों से बचने के बिना स्पष्ट रूप से बोलें।
132To draw a blankTo be unsuccessful at eliciting a responseप्रतिक्रिया प्राप्त करने में असफल होना
133Man of lettersScholarपंडित
134Jump the gunStart something too soon or act hastilyजल्द ही कुछ शुरू करें या जल्दबाजी में कार्य करें
135Chip off the old blockSomeone who resembles their parentकोई है जो अपने माता -पिता से मिलता जुलता है
136bite the bulletForce oneself to do something unpleasantअपने आप को कुछ अप्रिय करने के लिए मजबूर करें
137Costs an arm and a legvery expensiveबहुत महँगा
138Tick all the boxesTo fulfill the required normsआवश्यक मानदंडों को पूरा करने के लिए
139Once in a blue moonVery rarelyबहुत मुश्किल से
140Child’s playAn easy taskएक आसान काम
141Upset the apple-cartSpoil careful plansसावधान योजनाओं को बिगाड़ दिया
142Pocket an insultTolerate insult without protestविरोध के बिना अपमान को सहन करें
143Stab someone in the backto be unfaithful or disloyal to someoneकिसी के लिए बेवफा या अव्यवस्थित होना
144In your birthday suitNot wearing any clothesकोई कपड़े नहीं पहने
145Twist someone’s ArmTo try to force someone to do somethingकिसी को कुछ करने के लिए मजबूर करने की कोशिश करना
146Cast asideTo rejectअस्वीकार करना
147Snail’s paceVery slowबहुत धीमी गति से
148Take with a pinch of saltDoubt the truth or value of somethingकिसी चीज़ की सच्चाई या मूल्य पर संदेह करें
149The movers and shakersPeople who have a lot of power and influenceजिन लोगों के पास बहुत शक्ति और प्रभाव है
150Snake in the grassTreacherous personविश्वासघाती व्यक्ति
151Get one’s dander upLose one’s temperआग बबूला होना
152Be under a cloudTo be untrustworthyअविश्वसनीय होना
153Hit the sackGo to sleepसो जाओ
154In queer streetIn debtकर्ज में
155Face up toTo accept a difficult situationएक कठिन स्थिति को स्वीकार करने के लिए
156running around in circlesTo be very active but with few resultsबहुत सक्रिय होने के लिए लेकिन कुछ परिणामों के साथ
157Hale and heartyStrong and healthyमजबूत और स्वस्थ
158Strain every nerveTo try extremely hard to do somethingकुछ करने के लिए बेहद कोशिश करने के लिए
159Read between the linesto understand the implied meaningनिहित अर्थ को समझने के लिए
160Jump the gunTo do something too soonजल्द ही कुछ करने के लिए
161fish out of waterBeing uncomfortable and restlessअसहज और बेचैन होना
162Hobson’s choiceA choice forced upon someone / No choice at allकिसी पर मजबूर एक विकल्प / कोई विकल्प नहीं
SSC Idioms and Phrases SSC CGL CHSL 2021

The best part of our Ebooks of Vocabulary is that we have compiled 1100+SSC Idioms and Phrases in English with Hindi meanings so that every student can understand, and tackle the vocabulary section very easily. you can see above that Every word has its meaning in English and Hindi, which makes it a very useful book for each and every aspirant.

Contents of 1100+ SSC Idioms and Phrases Ebook by edumo PDF

  • Idioms and Phrases asked in SSC CGL Exam both Tier-1 and Tier-2 (2018-2022)
  • Idioms and Phrases asked in SSC CHSL Exam (2018-2022)
  • Idioms and Phrases asked in SSC Stenographer Exam (2018-2022)
  • Idioms and Phrases asked in SSC MTS Exam (2018-2022)
  • Idioms and Phrases asked in SSC Selection Post Exam phases(6-10) (2018-2022)
  • Idioms and Phrases asked in SSC CPO Exam (2018-2022)

About 1100+ SSC Idioms and Phrases Ebook by edumo

Book Name1100+ SSC Idioms and Phrases Ebook asked by TCS (2018-2022)
Publisher NameedumoBooks
ChaptersAll Previous Year Idioms and Phrases PDF Compilation with Hindi Meaning
No. of Questions1100+
No. of Pages50+
Size10 MB

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Screenshots of Our Ebook of SSC Idioms and Phrases PDF

Given below are the Screenshots of our Ebook of SSC 1100+ Idioms and Phrases Ebook by edumo(2018-2022)

Idioms and phrases ebook by edumo, Idioms and phrases pdf by edumo, SSC idioms and phrases ebook pdf by edumo

How to Prepare Idioms & Phrases For SSC Exams?

you can download the 1100+ SSC Idioms and Phrases Ebook by edumo which contains all the Idioms and Phrases from 2018-2022 with Hindi meaning, which is easy to read and learn.

How to Download SSC Previous Year Idioms and Phrases Ebook PDF?

Go to the official website of edumo and in the Ebooks sections you will find 1100+ Idioms and Phrases Ebook by edumo, just download the pdf from there.

What is the weightage of Idioms and Phrases in SSC CGL and other SSC Exams?

In the English section of any competitive exam Idioms and Phrases covers a very important part, in SSC CGL 2022 exam there must be around 3-4 Idioms and Phrases most probably from previous years.

Thought Of The Day in English for school assembly[2024]

Thought of the day in english for school assembly with meaning, motivational thought of the day in english with meaning, thought of the day in english with meaning, thought of the day for students with meaning, thought of the day in english for kids, thought of the day in english motivational, thought of the day in english by APJ Abdul Kalam.

Get Thought of The Day in English for School Assembly daily from this article, we update this article on a daily basis. Reading or listening to Thought of the day is an excellent way to start you day and feed your mindwith good thoughts and motivational lines in the morning. Many of us have grown listening to Thought of the day in english in our school Assembly.

A thought of the day can be motivational, goal oriented, a moral lesson, a philosopher’s thought, which excites you to work for your goal and achieve it soon.

In this Article you will find Thought of the day in English for school assembly, for kids, adults that will make feel inspired and motivated to something great in your life. this article on Thoought of the Day in English for school assembly will be updated on a daily basis on this page. you can also bookmark this page to access it anytime.

Thought of the Day in English for School Assembly – February 2022

School life and morning assembly are important for children as they set the day’s tone. This is where students learn discipline, morals, and the importance of community spirit. By participating in assemblies, students are able to get to know one another on a more personal level and discuss Thoughts of the day in English for a school assembly to help their speaking sense and knowledge. Assembly also allows teachers to address any issues that have arisen during the previous day’s lessons.

Thought Of The Day In English For School Assembly

1 Not happiness makes us appreciative, appreciation makes us happy.

2 You are fit for astonishing things in Life.

3 Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a present. That’s why we call it ‘The Present.

4 winners never give up and those who give up never win. – Vince Lombardi.

5 Each day is another potential chance to do things you missed yesterday.

6 There isn’t anything that comes for nothing in this world. Everything requires hard work.

7 If you have any desire to be all the more impressive throughout everyday life, teach yourself. It’s just basic.

8 We either make ourselves hopeless or we make major areas of strength for ourselves. The amount of work is the same.

Thought Of The Day In English

1 A champ is a visionary who never gives up.

2 Practice like you always lost, perform like you won’t ever lose.

3 The main genuine jewel is time, it doesn’t return.

4 Achievement is the amount of a few little efforts repeated frequently every day of the week.

5 When you talk, you are only repeating something you know. But if you listen, you may learn something new. Dalai Lama

6 It is hard for students to pick a decent teacher, but it is more challenging for a teacher to pick a decent Student.

7 You can transform your character into a human magnet simply through steady gratefulness.

8 Life gives us new examples every day not really for advancing but rather to work on our comprehension.

Simple Thought Of The Day For School Assembly

1 Talent without working hard is nothing. – Cristiano Ronaldo

2 Remember achievement is a journey, not an objective, have confidence in your capacity you will truly do fine and dandy.

3 The main thing more awful than being visually impaired is having sight however no vision.

4 Your life gets worse by chance, it gets better by change.

5 The enemy of yourself will be yourself. You are the one in particular that can prevent yourself from arriving at your objectives or making progress.

6 The seed of significance is in you. Spread your wings and take off like a hawk.

7 Be expansive in your assumptions, yet be determined to chase after your fantasies. Think ambitiously, yet be engaged and persevering.

8 Hard work is man’s closest companion. It’s a surprisingly good turn of events whenever joined with focus and right heading. Speed isn’t a proportion of progress. Get things done as needed and well.

Inspiring Thought Of The Day For School Assembly

1 Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. -Albert Einstein

2 Education is a powerful weapon to conquer the world with your knowledge.

3 Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. – Henry Ford

4 Respect your parents. They passed school without Google.

5 The highest result of education is tolerance. — Hellen Keller

6 Self Confidence is the most lovely thing you can have.

7 A teacher takes a hand, opens a brain, and contacts a heart.

8 All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. —Walt Disney

Motivational Thought Of The Day For School Assembly

1 To accomplish significance, quit requesting consent.

2 To carry on with an inventive life, we should lose our apprehension about being incorrect.

3 Assuming you do what you generally did, you will get what you generally got.

4 Effective business people are providers and not takers of positive energy.

5 Why bother with being alive on the off chance that you don’t essentially attempt to accomplish something noteworthy?

6 Your problem isn’t the problem. Your reaction is the problem. -Anonymous.

7 You are more confident than you accept, more grounded than you appear, and more intelligent than you naturally think.

8 At the point when you have a Million Dollar visions, don’t encircle yourself with 1 penny minds.

9) “It is possible that I Might Fail But It is Impossible that I cannot Succeed”. – Manish Aggarwal

10) “A smile can Embellish the world with Positivity and Goodness”.

11) “The Less you react to negative Thoughts, the more peaceful your life becomes”.

12) “Success and Failure are Friuts of your Hardwork”.

13) “Your Life is nothing but the replica of your thoughts”.

Short Thought Of The Day

1 Always accept that something superb is going to occur.

2 Don’t tell people your plans. Show them your results.

3 When you move out of your comfort zone, both familiar and unfamiliar turn into your new typical.

4 Forget the failures. Keep the lessons. – Dalai Lama.

5 The harder you work for something, the greater you will feel when you accomplish it.

6 Each achievement begins with the choice to attempt.

7 It’s OK to now be aware, yet it is not approved to not attempt.

8 All that you do is for your future, contemplate that.

Thought Of The Day For Morning Prayers

1 Simply think today is one more day to pursue accomplishing your objectives in general.

2 The day is looking for you with rich and wonderful favors. Acknowledge and appreciate them!

3 Every day is a new beginning, leave the previous one and push forward throughout life.

4 A Bad Attitude resembles a punctured tire. You can’t reach any place until you transform it.

5 Allow consistently the opportunity to turn into the most gorgeous day of your life.

6 Each successful people has a difficult story; each story has a fruitful closure; so acknowledge the pain and prepare for progress.

7 Opportunities open doors every morning. In any case, if you keep sleeping they will just cruise you by.

8 No poison can kill a positive thinker, and no medicine can save a negative thinker.


Morning assemblies are significant for various reasons. As well as giving a chance to staff to share thoughts and helpful, supportive tips, morning assemblies likewise assist with making a joyful and propelling beginning to the day. As we start every day with some positive energy, it’s simpler to handle the difficulties that lie ahead. With motivational and inspirational thoughts, morning assemblies are a fundamental piece of a blissful and useful workplace. I hope you like this article about Thoughts of the day in English for school assembly. If you want to read some more inspiring quotes, then you can read at Republic Quote.  

Motivational Stories and Quotes

SSC CHSL Admit Card 2022, Tier 1 SR Application Status Out


SSC CHSL Admit Card 2022: The Staff Selection Commission has started releasing SSC CHSL Tier 1 Application Status to the candidates who have applied for SSC CHSL 2022 ExamThe application status for Southern Region has been released on 19th April 2022 and we have provided the region-wise links in the article below. All those candidates who are going to appear in SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam can check their application status and hall ticket from the below links provided opposite to their respective regions as mentioned below, which will be activated shortly.

ssc chsl admit card 2022

SSC CHSL Tier 1 Admit Card 2022

SSC has announced the exam date for SSC CHSL Tier 1 2022 to be held from 24th May to 10th June 2022 as per the revised SSC calendar 2022. The SSC CHSL admit card 2022 for the Tier 1 exam will be released for all SSC regions separately and we will be updating the direct link for each region in the table below once it is officially released on all regional websites.

SSC CHSL Admit Card 2022

SSC CHSL (Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination) Application Status for SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam has begun to be released from 19th April 2022 onwards. The Admit card links for SSC CHSL 2022 Tier-I (10+2) Exam is to be activated region-wise by the Staff Selection Commission of India on their respective SSC regional websites. Enter your login credentials and download your SSC CHSL Tier 1 Hall Ticket for the region you have applied for. Let’s have a look at the important dates for SSC CHSL 2022 Tier 1 Exam:

SSC CHSL Tier 1 Admit Card 2022

SSC CHSL Tier 1 Admit Card 2022: Overview
Organising AuthorityStaff Selection Commission (SSC)
Post NameLDC, PA, SA, DEO
Exam NameCHSL (10+2)
CategoryAdmit Card
SSC CHSL Application Status19th April 2022
SSC CHSL Tier-I Admit CardMay 2022 
SSC CHSL Tier-I Exam Dates24th May to 10th June 2022

SSC CHSL Application Status 2022

The SSC CHSL Tier 1 application status has been released for Southern Region regions on their official regional websites on 19th April 2022. All candidates can check the application status, roll number, venue, examination date, and time by clicking on the link opposite to their region and the links have been provided here. Candidates need to enter their Registration Number and Date of Birth to check their application status.

Name of the RegionApplication Status Regional websites 
SSC Southern RegionClick to Check
SSC Central Region
SSC Western Region
SSC North Region
SSC Eastern Region
SSC North Eastern Region
SSC Kerala Karnataka Region
SSC Madhya Pradesh Region
SSC North Western Region

SSC CHSL Tier 1 Admit Card Link

SSC CHSL Admit Card / Hall Ticket links for SSC CHSL 2022 Tier I Exam will be mentioned below once released officially. SSC releases its admit card region-wise for all exams. All candidates can download their admit card by clicking on the region-wise links mentioned below once active officially. Bookmark this page to get notified when SSC start releasing admit cards for the Tier-1 Exam on their regional websites.

Download SSC CHSL Admit Card 2022 for Tier 1 Exam: Region Wise

The region-wise Admit Card Links for SSC CHSL 2022 Tier I Exam for all candidates is going to be updated below as soon the link is made active on the official website of the particular region:

SSC CHSL Tier-2 Admit Card links
Region NamesState NamesAdmit Card Link
Central RegionUttar Pradesh (UP) and Bihar
North Eastern RegionAssam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, and Nagaland
Western RegionMaharashtra, Gujarat, and Goa
MP Sub-RegionMadhya Pradesh (MP), and Chhattisgarh
North Western RegionJ&K, Haryana, Punjab, and Himachal Pradesh (HP)
North RegionDelhi, Rajasthan, and Uttarakhand
Southern RegionAndhra Pradesh (AP), Puducherry, and Tamilnadu
Eastern RegionWest Bengal (WB), Orrisa, Sikkim, and A&N Island
KKR RegionKarnatka Kerala Region

SSC CHSL Previous Year Question Paper PDFs

Steps to Download SSC CHSL Admit Card 2022

To download the SSC CHSL Admit Card, candidates are required to log in to the official website of SSC through the link provided on this page. The candidate will require a Registration Number/Roll Number and the Password/D.O.B while logging in.

How to Download SSC CHSL Tier 1 Admit Card?

Meanwhile, here are the steps that you’ll have to follow to download the SSC CHSL Admit Card 2022.

Step 1. Visit the official website of SSC or Click on the links mentioned above.

Step 2. On the homepage, click on the link reading “ADMIT CARDS”.

Step 3. A new page will open with links that will be redirected to the regional official websites. Click on the link for your region.

Step 4. Click on the notification reading, Status/Download Admit Card FOR COMBINED HIGHER SECONDARY (10+2) LEVEL EXAMINATION – 2021 (TIER-I)

Step 5. Enter your Registration Number/Roll Number followed by your D.O.B to procure the admit card.

Step 6. Select the area which you preferred while applying for the exam.

Step 7. Take a print of the downloaded SSC CHSL Admit Card and keep a hard copy of the hall ticket.

What is ONOS (One Nation one Subscription) Scheme?

One Nation One Subscription (ONOS) Scheme is an initiative proposed by the Government of India (GoI), aims to provide countrywide access to national and international scientific and academic content.

ONOS is expected to sign national licenses with most of the prominent STEM publishers and database producers across the world in order to encourage easy access to highquality academic information, thus stimulating scientific research and innovation in the country. This initiative is expected to benefit research and educational institutions including universities, colleges, research organisations, as well as every citizen of the country through public libraries.

What is ONOS Scheme?

The One Nation, One Subscription (ONOS) scheme is a government initiative aimed at providing equal access to international research journals for all higher education institutions in India.

ONOS scheme is a central government scheme to enhance access to worldwide research material and study documents for India students and researchers. ONOS scheme is desiged to make availability of research documents, articles and journals from different places and universities across the world accessible to students, laboratories, R&D departments in the country.

What are the Key Benefits of ONOS?

The key benefits of ONOS scheme are:

  • Equitable Access: The scheme ensures that students and researchers from even the most remote corners of the country can access the same high-quality research as their counterparts in metropolitan areas.
  • Enhanced Research: By providing access to cutting-edge research, ONOS empowers researchers to conduct groundbreaking studies and contribute to global knowledge.
  • Improved Learning Outcomes: Students benefit from exposure to the latest research findings, leading to a deeper understanding of their subjects and improved academic performance.
  • Cost-Effective: The centralized subscription model reduces costs for institutions, enabling them to allocate resources more effectively.

How Does ONOS Work?

The One Nation, One Subscription (ONOS) scheme operates through a multi-faceted approach, ensuring equitable access to international research journals for all higher education institutions in India. Let’s break down the key steps involved:

  1. Centralized Negotiation:
    • The government, acting as a single negotiating entity, engages with major international publishers.
    • This centralized approach leverages collective bargaining power to secure favorable subscription deals.
  2. Consortium Formation:
    • A consortium of higher education institutions is established, bringing together a diverse range of academic institutions.
    • This consortium provides a unified platform for negotiating terms and conditions with publishers.
  3. Fund Allocation:
    • The government allocates funds to the consortium to cover the cost of subscriptions.
    • This ensures that all participating institutions, regardless of their size or location, have access to the same resources.
  4. Digital Platform:
    • A dedicated digital platform is created to provide seamless access to the subscribed journals.
    • This platform offers features like advanced search capabilities, personalized recommendations, and mobile accessibility.
  5. Access and Utilization:
    • Students, researchers, and faculty members can access the platform using their institutional credentials.
    • They can download articles, read online, or even print copies for offline reference.

By streamlining the subscription process and leveraging the power of collective bargaining, ONOS empowers Indian academia to stay at the forefront of global research.

Key Points about ONOS Scheme

Key PointDetails
Scheme NameOne Nation One Subscription (ONOS) Scheme
Approval Year2024
Implementation Period2025-2027
Budget Allocation₹6,000 crore
BeneficiariesApproximately 1.8 crore students, faculty, and researchers across 6,300+ institutions
Number of E-JournalsNearly 13,000 from 30 major international publishers
Coordinating AgencyInformation and Library Network (INFLIBNET) under UGC
Access ModeOnline through a unified digital portal
Eligibility CriteriaPermanent residents of India affiliated with government-managed higher education institutions or R&D laboratories

What is ONOS scheme?

ONOS scheme is aimed at providing rich published academic materials from different disciplines such as management, medical, humanities etc from high rated educational institutions to all the people in the country.

What is the main provision of ONOS scheme?

ONOS scheme is aimed at providing access to more than 13000 high quality research journals from 30+ leading educational institutions across the globe.

What are the beneficiaries for ONOS scheme?

ONOS is projected to benefit more than 2 crore students in the country by providing easy access to the research materials which are published across the globe for more advancement in the research adn development.

A Mirror of Common Errors Book PDF Download [2025]


A Mirror of Common Errors pdf download by Dr. Ashok Singh for SSC 2025 Exams

A Mirror of common errors book pdf: Hello Aspirants, In this Post, you can find the A Mirror of Common Errors by Dr. Ashok Singh pdf. This book is very useful to cover general English topics and Toppers also recommends a mirror of common errors Book for SSC, Bank, PO, CDS, NDA, UPSC, CAT, MAT, FCI, Delhi Police, and other competitive exams. In A Mirror of Common Errors book, you will find detailed explanations of each and every topic concerning the syllabus of different competitive exams such as SSC, UPSC, Bank, Railway, CAT, etc. This book is prepared under the guidance of Dr. Ashok Singh and also confirmed by many toppers that this book actually helped them in their exam preparation. This book is read by aspirants hailing from different backgrounds and preparing for different competitive exams.

This book is Best to Practise Spotting errors/ Common errors Questions that carry a very good weightage in SSC and other one day competitive exams. This book can help students to prepare for the Grammer section of English subject by practicing questions based on Grammer rules. Each question has a detailed explanation of the grammar rule that is used in it.

A very good level of English is asked in the SSC and other competitive exams. So a candidate must prepare English very well and this book is the best to prepare yourself for one of the toughest exams in India. we also recommend you to buy a hard copy of this book this will help the publisher of this book ” A Mirror of Common Errors by Dr. Ashok Singh “.

You can Also join our Telegram Channel to get the pdf of all the Important books for SSC CGL, CHSL,Railway,Banking and other State Examinations .

Contents of A Mirror of Common Errors Book for SSC English

UNITS – Chapters (Topics) –


UNIT 2Nouns & Cases
UNIT 3Nouns & Numbers
UNIT 4Subject-Verb Agreement
UNIT 5Time & Tenses
UNIT 6Pronouns
UNIT 7Adjectives
UNIT 8Verbs
UNIT 9Adverbs
UNIT 10Conjunctions
UNIT 11Voices
UNIT 12Narrations
UNIT 13Prepositions
UNIT 14Superfluous Expressions & Slang

Table of Content

About A Mirror Of Common Errors

NameA Mirror of Common Errors English Book
PDF Size15 MB
PDF QuailtyExcellent Quality
AuthorDr. Ashok Singh
Buy at Amazon :Buy Now

Note: It would be better to buy a hard copy of A Mirror of Common Errors English Book from the link below. we recommend using pdf only for research and analysis purposes only. Due to Copyrighted Material, sometimes we cannot provide a direct download link for the Objective General English SP Bakshi book pdf, but you can get this book from our Telegram Channel or you can get it by email do comment on it below.

Disclaimer – Hello, is designed for education. We only provide Link and Materials already available on the Internet. we did not modify any pages or any content of this document, also we neither created nor scanned this book. SSC Kiran English language book pdf is the copyright protected property of “Author of A Mirror of Common errors Book, Dr. Ashok Singh”.

If you think we are violating the copyrights, feel free to contact us at [email protected] and our team will remove the download links as soon as possible. Thank you !

You can also check Previous year papers tab to get previous Year Question Papers of SSC CGL, CHSL, RRB NTPC, Railway Exams, Selection post Exams papers with detailed soluions.

Screenshots of Mirror of Common Errors

UP PGT Chemistry Syllabus in English PDF 2025 – Detailed Syllabus

UP PGT chemistry Syllabus in English PDF 2025

UP PGT Chemistry Syllabus in English PDF 2025: In this Article aspirants can find the detailed UP PGT Chemistry syllabus in English as the official syllabus released by the commission is only in the Hindi language. There are many candidates who will take the exam in English medium, so for the ease of those candidates UP PGT Chemistry syllabus is also provided in English.

We believe Syllabus is the first step in understanding the requirement of any exam and then preparing for it. So, it is very important that the student must be thorough with the official syllabus of any exam before going ahead in the journey. !! we wish you All the very best for your exam !! At last, you can also download the PDF of UP PGT Chemistry Syllabus in English and Hindi 2024.

UP PGT Chemistry Syllabus in English

Given below is the detailed UP PGT Chemistry Syllabus in English, explore all the important topics of UP PGT Chemistry exam as per the official syllabus:

A) Physical chemistry    

Gaseous State                   

  • Molecular kinetic theory of gases 
  • Derivation of kinetic equations and verification of gas laws
  • Details of molecular velocity
  •  heat absorption of gases
  •  energy Distribution rules
  •  molecular collision and Transport phenomena
  •  mean free path
  •  collision diameter
  •  non-ideal gases van der Waals equation and other state equations
  •  the corresponding State Law of  liquefaction of gases 

Liquid state

  • Molecular force in liquids
  •  vapour pressure of liquids and effect of temperature on vapour pressure
  •  the surface tension and viscosity of liquids and effect of temperature on them

 solid state

  • crystal shape and symmetry space conductor and unit cell
  •  Miller Indices
  •  different crystal system
  •  bragg equation
  • NaCl  – structure,  bonding of atoms in cubic bodies,  arrangement of atom in cubic crystal system and crystal defects.

colloidal state

  • hydrophilic and hydrophobic colloids
  • formation and properties of colloids
  • charge on colloidal particles
  • emulsions 
  • Preservation and use of colloids  aerosols
  • forms and  emulsions 

molecular structure and spectroscopy

  •  dipole moment and its application in molecular structure representation
  •  infrared and Raman spectroscopy and its application in structure presentation of molecules
  • nuclear Magnetic resonance and electron spin resonance Spectroscopy and its application in structure representation of molecules

Thermodynamics and thermochemistry

  •  the zero and first laws of Thermodynamics  enthalpy 
  • Internal energy
  •  first law of Thermodynamics and its application
  •  the work done by an ideal gas in isothermal reversible expansion
  •  Joule Thomson coefficient
  • reaction enthalpy( heat of combustion,  heat of transmission,  enthalpy of neutralization,  enthalpy of atomisation  and heat exchange etc.) 
  • Hess’s Law of constant heat addition and its applications
  •  bond energy
  •  second law of thermodynamics –  carrot cycle,  entropy change, Physical interpretation of Entropy,  entropy change in isothermal reversible expansion of ideal gas,  entropy change in Irreversible processes
  •  free energy( Gibbs and Helmholtz) Maxwell relationship
  •  partial molar quantities( chemical potentials) Gibbs Duhen relation
  • Clausius- Clapeyron Equation and Gibbs- Helmholtz equation.

Molecular/ statistical thermodynamics

  •  partition functions and their significance
  •  relation between partition function and thermodynamic function:  translational,  rotational,  vibrational and electronic partition functions, 
  • derivation of thermodynamic properties translational, rotational, vibrational and electronic for ideal gases 

Surface chemistry adsorption – 

  • Physical and chemical adsorption,
  • langmuir adsorption isotherm
  • isotherm curves
  • BET  equation and its uses

 physical photochemistry –

  •  primary and secondary processes
  •  Einstein’s law of photochemical equivalence
  •  phosphorescence and fluorescence
  •  photochemical decomposition of hydrogen iodide
  •  principles of chemical laser
  •  catalytic  homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis
  • Enzyme catalysis


  •  ideal and non ideal solution
  •  molecular properties of Roult’s-Law 
  • qualitative properties of solutions( osmotic pressure, relative lowering in vapour pressure,  elevation in boiling point and depression in freezing point).
  •  determination of molecular weight of insoluble solute in a solution
  •  abnormal colligative properties

 Nuclear chemistry 

  • Basic particles and their classification
  •  nuclear force
  •  fluid of atomic nuclei
  •  droplet and base  model
  •  nuclear stability
  •  energy transformation in nuclear reactions
  •  concept of nuclear fragmentation
  •  Nuclear Fission and fusion reactions

 chemical kinetics-

  •  order and molecularity of chemical reactions and derivation of rate constants for first and second order reaction and its unit
  •  effect of temperature on rate constants( Arrhenius  equation)
  •  methods of determining the order of reaction
  •  factors affecting rate of chemical reactions and active-hybrid theory

 chemical equilibrium-

  •  relationship between Kp and K
  • Law of mass action and its application for dissociation of PC15
  •  formation of HI and HN3 , and dissociation of CaCO3, NH4HS.
  • Le Chatelier’s Principle- Its application in chemical and physical equilibrium
  • Vant’s  hoff equation

 phase equilibrium

  •  Phase rule
  •  phase diagram for one component system and its applications


  •  electrolytic conductance
  • Arrhenius  theory of electrolysis
  •  Ostwald  dilution law
  •  the theory of strong  electrolytes
  • Debye-Falkenhage n and Wien effects.
  • Accessibility and its determination
  • Kohlrausch  law of independent Migration of ions
  •  applicability of conductivity measurement
  •  mobility and ionic strength
  •  mean ionic activity coefficient
  • Debye-Huckle limiting  law
  • electrochemical cell
  •  electromotive force of reversible and Irreversible electrode in a single compartment
  • Nernst  equation
  • Standard electrode potential
  •  applications of electromotive force
  •  oxygen hydrogen fuel cell

 Ionic Equilibrium

  •  solubility product
  •  water dissociation of salts
  •  pH, pOH and pK (pKa and pKb ) of Buffer solutions
  •  theory of indicators

B) Inorganic chemistry

  Atomic structure-

  •  wave particle dualism
  • Heisenberg’s  uncertainty principle
  • Schrodinger  wave equation
  •  atomic orbitals
  •  Quantum numbers
  •  linear and angular potential distribution curves
  •  s, p  and the shape of D orbitals
  • Aufbau’s  rule and the exclusion principle of Pauli
  •  the electronic configuration of the Hund’s law  elements
  •  the study of the long form of the periodic table-   characteristic features,  
  • periodic properties-  atomic and ionic radii,  ionization energies,  electron affinity and electronegativity and their tendency in the periodic table 
  • Chemical bonding-  ionic bonding- lattice energy, Born-Haber cycle, solvation energy, Solubility of ionic solids,  covalent nature of ionic bonding(Fajans’ Rule) covalent bonding-  valence bonding and molecular orbital theory of covalency
  •  molecular orbital analysis
  •  hybridization and morphology of simple inorganic molecules and ions of homogeneous nuclear and heterogeneous nuclear molecules (CO, HFNO only).
  • Valence shell electron pair repulsion theory(VSEPR)  and its application in NH3, H3O+, SF6 and IF7 

Elements of S- block – 

  •  general characteristics
  •  chemistry of Lithium and beryllium
  •  exceptional behaviour and diagonal relationships

 Elements of P-block-

  • electronic configuration and general trend of periodic properties
  •  composition and structure of Nitrogen Phosphorus and sulphur oxides and their oxy  acids
  •  chemistry of phosphagens silicates, silicones, diboranes, inter halogens, and poly halides
  • Formation,  properties and uses of the following compounds-  heavy water, microcosmic salts, plaster of Paris, potassium dichromate, potassium permanganate, sodium thiosulphate, hydrogen,  hydroxyl amine, albumen and bleaching powder 

 Elements of D-block –

  • Characteristic properties of elements of 3D block
  •  comparison of elements of 4D and 5D Block with elements of 3D block

chemistry of coordination compounds

  • Werner theory
  • IUPAC naming
  •  coordination isomerism
  •  principles of metal ligand bonding in transition metal complexes
  •  effective atomic number(EAN) rules and valence bond theory
  • crystal field theory
  •  crystal field splitting in tetrahedral and octahedral complexes
  •  crystal field stabilization energy(CFSE) only  for d1 – d9 Configuration(  magnetic behaviour of transition metal complexes), L-coupling and orbital contribution of magnetic moment
  •  a brief thermodynamic profile of the stability of metal complexes
  •  substitution reactions in square planar complexes
  •  electronic spectrum
  •  types of electronic transition
  •  selection rules for d-d transition
  •  spectroscopic ground state and spectrochemical range
  •  Orgel energy level diagram for d1 – d9 states.

F block elements

  •  lanthanides electronic configuration
  •  oxidation States comparative study in terms of atomic and ionic radii and complex formation
  •  the principle of separation of lanthanides
  •  magnetic and spectroscopic properties of Lanthanide compounds
  •  antinides general characteristics  and Chemistry of antinides
  •  chemistry of separation of Np, Pu, Am, F m, and U

Organometallic chemistry

  •  definition, nomenclature and classification

 Bio inorganic chemistry

  •  biological role of alkali and alkaline earth metal ions( Ca2 + with special reference)
  •  metal porphyrin complex- hemoglobin and myoglobin

C) Organic chemistry

 General organic chemistry

  •  orbital diagram of general organic molecules- methane, ethane, ethene ethyne and Benzene
  •  inductive effect, hyperconjugation effect, mesomeric effect, resonance and their effect on the acidity and basicity of organic compounds 
  • Classification and nomenclature of organic compounds( both aliphatic and aromatic)

 Reaction mechanism-

  •  methods of organic reactions homogeneous and heterogeneous cleavages, Electrophile, nucleophile and free radical.
  • Mechanism of aliphatic substitution, addition and elimination reactions


  •  structural isomers and stereoisomers
  •  conformational analysis of isomerism( Ethane and n-butane only)

organic synthesis-

  •  properties of synthesis of  alkyl, alkene, alkyne, alkyl  halide, Alcohols, aldehydes, Ketone and carboxylic acids and their derivatives (methodology should  also be given at the appropriate place )
  • Method of preparation of Grignard reagent and its application
  •  active methylene compounds-  aceto acetic Ester  and malonic Ester and keto-enol taut omerism.


  •  classification of ring structure and configuration of glucose and fructose
  •  mutarotation carbohydrate, interconversion of functional groups

 aromatic compounds-

  •  common methods of synthesis of aromatic compounds-  aromatic Hydrocarbons, electrophilic aromatic substitution-Nitration, halogenation, sulfonation, Friedel-Crafts reactions( alkylation and acylation reactions).
  • Formation and properties of chlorobenzene, nitrobenzene, aniline, phenol  benzaldehyde, benzoic acid, benzene sulphonic acid, thallic acid, salicylic acid and cinnamic acid organic compounds.


  •  asymmetric cyclic compounds-  synthesis, furan,  pyrole, thiophene, pyridine, quinoline and Aromatic characteristics of Isoquinoline, Poly-nuclear Aromatic Compounds- Naphthalene, Anthracene and Phenanthracene

Alicyclic Compounds– Cycloalkanes- Normal Synthesis Bayer’s Deformation.

Cyclohexane : Boat and chair form

Reactive intermediate-  preparation, structure and reaction of carbocation, carbanion, free radical, carbene nitrene and benzynes. 


  •  Basicity of general Organic compounds, Hoffman  methylation, structure and synthesis of nicotine And Piperine,  amino acids, peptides, and protein formation and its properties


  •  type of Polymers and polymerization process
  •  manufacture and use of following polymers-  natural and synthetic rubber, Teflon, fricyan and polystyrene,  palamidrush Synthesized  fibre polyesters, polyacylates and rayon , dyes-color, modern ideas malachite green, synthesis of chlorencin and methylarenchose, composition and synthesis of indigo and structure and synthesis of alizarin.

Drugs, Medicines, Antibiotics & Agro-chemicals- 

  • Classification of drugs, antibiotics and agrochemicals, aspirin, Paracetamol, phenylbutazone, sulphanilamide, sulphagunidine, sulphapyridine, sulphathiazole, chloroquine, primaquine P.A.S., chlorapamycin and streptomycin, patathion, malathion, gamazine, DDT synthesis and its use.

Vitamins and hormone-

  •  chemical composition and animal Botanical work of Vitamin A, B and C and thyroxine and estrone and their biological importance.

Hope this article really help you all aspirants in exploring all the important topics as per the official syllabus for UP PGT Chemistry Syllabus in English 2024.

Objective General English SP Bakshi English Book pdf Download [2025]


Objective General English Sp Bakshi book Pdf download for competitive exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, CPO, CDS, NDA, UPSC, Stenographer, banking exams etc. Download direct pdf of SP Bakshi General english book.

SP Bakshi Objective General English Book PDF for SSC CGL, CHSL Exams PDF

Hello Aspirants, In this Post, you can find the Objective General English Book SP Bakshi book pdf. This book is very useful to cover general English topics and Toppers also recommend SB Bakshi English Book for SSC, Bank, PO, CDS, NDA, UPSC, CAT, MAT, and other competitive exams. In SP Bakshi English book, you will find detailed explanations of each and every topic concerning the syllabus of different competitive exams such as SSC, UPSC, Bank, Railway, CAT, etc. This book is prepared under the guidance of SP Bakshi. General english carries good weightage in any competitive one day examination in India, therefore it is good to read this amazing book for improving general english.

English is a very important subject if we talk about SSC Examinations, in CGL exam, English covers a good weightage of overall exam. A very good level of English is asked in the SSC and other competitive exams. So a candidate must prepare English very well and this book is the best to prepare yourself for one of the toughest exams in India. we also recommend you to buy a hard copy of this book this will help the publisher of this book ” Objective general English SP Bakshi Arihant Publication “.

You can Also join our Telegram Channel to get the pdf of all the Important books for SSC CGL, CHSL,Railway,Banking and other State Examinations .

Contents of Objective General English SP Bakshi Book PDF 2025

UNITS – Chapters (Topics) –

Part – A (Foundation Module)

The Function of Tenses
UNIT 2Kinds of Sentences & Clauses
Clause Analysis
Question tags
Non-Finite Verbs
UNIT 3Articles
UNIT 4Adjective
UNIT 5 Phrasal Verbs
Idioms and Phrases
UNIT 6Spotting Errors
Sentence Improvement
Selecting the correct Sentence
Part B – Verbal Ability
UNIT 7Paronyms and Homonyms
One Word Substitution
Words with Meanings
Synonymous and Antonyms
Foreign Words and Expressions
The Sentence Completion
Cloze Test
Part C
UNIT 8 Sequence of Sentences
 Objective Comprehension
Part D – Practical Grammar
UNIT 9Narration
Spelling Rules

Table of Content

About SP Bakshi English Book PDF

NameObjective General English SP Bakshi book
PDF Size70 MB
PDF QuailtyExcellent Quality
AuthorSP Bakshi
Publication credit :Arihant publication

Note: It would be better to buy a hard copy of Arihant’s Objective General English SP Bakshi book from the link below. we recommend using pdf only for research and analysis purposes only. Due to Copyrighted Material, sometimes we cannot provide a direct download link for the Objective General English SP Bakshi book pdf, but you can get this book from our Telegram Channel.

Disclaimer – Hello, is designed for education. We only provide Link and Materials already available on the Internet. we did not modify any pages or any content of this document, also we neither created nor scanned this book. SSC Kiran English language book pdf is the copyright protected property of Arihant Publication

If you think we are violating the copyrights, feel free to contact us at [email protected] and our team will remove the download links as soon as possible. Thank you !

You can also check Previous year papers tab to get previous Year Question Papers of SSC CGL, CHSL, RRB NTPC, Railway Exams, Selection post Exams papers with detailed soluions.

Screenshots of SP Bakshi English Book PDF

SSC CGL Answer Key 2024 Script/code – Check Subject wise Marks Directly

SSC CGL Answer Key Script/code for Subject wise Marks

SSC CGL Answer Key 2024 Tier 1 Script/code: Staff Selection Commission conducts SSC CGL Exam every year. This Year SSC CGL 2024 Exam was conducted in a total of multiple shifts from 09th september 2024 to 26th september 2024. After the completion of SSC CGL 2024 Tier 1 Exam Students are now waiting for the SSC CGL Answer key 2024 which is to be declared soon in the first week of december.

In this article, we have shared with you a script or code by which you can easily check your marks subject-wise and total marks directly by applying the script step by step as shown below.

It is expected that SSC may release the Official Answer Key of the SSC CGL 2024-2024 Tier 1 Exam very soon. As the Answer key of the SSC CHSL 2024 Exam was released after around 10 days of completion of the exam. So we can expect that the answer key for SSC CGL 2024 may also be released in the 1st Week of October 2024.

SSC CGL Answer Key 2024

Organization nameStaff Selection Commission [SSC]
Post nameCombined Graduate Level [CGL] 2024 Tier-1
Job locationAll over India
Exam date9 – 26 September 2024
Answer key modeOnline
Answer key date3rd October 2024

SSC CGL Tier 1 Answer Key 2024 Release Expected Date

In the previous years also SSC has released the Answer key of SSC CGL, SSC CHSL and other exams after 15 days of completion of exam. This year also we can expect the SSC CGL 2024 Answer key on 3rd October 2024. Once the answer key is released by SSC, candidates can challenge questions if there seem to be any wrong question in the paper. After that SSC will release a final Answer key. You can download your answer for SSC CGL 2024 exam once it is uploaded by SSC. Finally SSC released the Answer key on 08 October 2024

How to Download SSC CGL Answer Key 2024 Online ?

To download the answer key you need to follow the following steps:

  • Go to the official website of SSC i.e.
  • Click on the Answer Key Tab given in the Header section.
  • After that you can find all the answer keys released by SSC for different.
  • Click on the link where you find SSC CGL Answer Key 2024.
  • then you can Login with your details and can download your answer key successfully.

SSC CGL Answer Key 2024: Important Links

Download Answer KeyClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here

SSC Answer Key Script to check Marks Subject-wise

To check the SSC CGL 2024 Answer Key Subject-wise score to just need to add a code into the console page of your answer key, here is the code to check subject-wise marks and total marks in the SSC CGL 2024 Answer Key.

Steps to Check Subject wise and Total Score in Answer Key SSC CGL 2024 are:

1.Open the link in your Browser –

2. Enter your Username and Password as mentioned on your SSC CGL 2024 Admit Card.

3. After login Go to the Answer Key Tab and Click on Click here Link as shown in the image below:

4. After that Your Answer Key will be Opened, Then Right Click anywhere on the screen and Click on Inspect as shown in the image below.

5. After this some functions will appear on the right side of screen, Click on Console, as shown in the image below:

6. Now Copy Paste the given code in the space given below the console tab and press Enter

var positive_mark_per_question = 2;
var negative_mark_per_question = -0.50;

var number_of_questions = document.getElementsByClassName("question-pnl").length;
var not_answered = 0;
var correct =0;
var incorrect = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < number_of_questions; i++) {

    if (" -- " == document.getElementsByClassName("question-pnl")[i].getElementsByClassName("bold")[5].textContent){
        not_answered ++;
    else if (document.getElementsByClassName("question-pnl")[i].getElementsByClassName("bold")[5].textContent == document.getElementsByClassName("question-pnl")[i].getElementsByClassName("rightAns")[0].textContent[0] ){
        correct ++;
        incorrect ++;
var total_marks = (correct * positive_mark_per_question) + (incorrect * negative_mark_per_question);

console.log("Not Answered: " + not_answered);
console.log("Correct: " + correct);
console.log("Incorrect: " + incorrect);
console.log("Total questions: ",  parseInt(not_answered) + parseInt(correct) + parseInt(incorrect) );
console.log("Total Marks: " + total_marks);

7. Now you can see your subject-wise Marks, Correct Attempt, wrong Attempt, Total score on the screen where you have copy-pasted the code.

All the Best for SSC CGL Mains 2025!!

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Folk Dance of India 2024 [Statewise] PDF

Folk Dance of India Statewise: India is an epitome of unity in diversity due to the amalgamation of various cultures and traditions practiced by the people of India from different states. There are a variety of dance forms that people can find in India, especially if we talk about the statewise list of Folk Dance of India.

folk dance of india statewise

Folk Dance of India Statewise List

Folk Dance of India Statewise List

Given below is the table which has a complete list of Folk Dances of India statewise:

StateFolk Dances
Andhra PradeshKuchipudi, Vilasini Natyam, Andhra Natyam, Bhamakalpam, Veeranatyam, Dappu, Tappeta Gullu, Lambadi, Dhimsa, Kolattam, Butta Bommalu
AssamBihu, Bichhua, Natpuja, Maharas, Kaligopal, Bagurumba, Naga dance, Khel Gopal, Tabal Chongli, Canoe, Jhumura Hobjanai
BiharJata-Jatin, Bakho-Bakhain, Panwariya, Sama Chakwa, Bidesia
GujaratGarba, Dandiya Ras, Tippani Juriun, Bhavai
HaryanaJhumar, Phag, Daph, Dhamal, Loor, Gugga, Khor, Gagor
Himachal PradeshJhora, Jhali, Chharhi, Dhaman, Chhapeli, Mahasu, Nati, Dangi
Jammu and KashmirRauf, Hikat, Mandjas, Kud Dandi Nach, Damali
KarnatakaYakshagan, Huttari, Suggi, Kunitha, Karga, Lambi
KeralaKathakali (Classical), Ottam Thulal, Mohiniattam, Kaikottikali
MaharashtraLavani, Nakata, Koli, Lezim, Gafa, Dahikala Dasavtar or Bohada
OdishaOdissi (Classical), Savari, Ghumara, Painka, Munari, Chhau
West BengalKathi, Gambhira, Dhali, Jatra, Baul, Marasia, Mahal, Keertan
PunjabBhangra, Giddha, Daff, Dhaman, Bhand, Naqual
RajasthanGhumar, Chakri, Ganagor, Jhulan Leela, Jhuma, Suisini, Ghapal, Kalbeliya
Tamil NaduBharatanatyam, Kumi, Kolattam, Kavadi
Uttar PradeshNautanki, Raslila, Kajri, Jhora, Chappeli, Jaita
UttarakhandGarhwali, Kumayuni, Kajari, Jhora, Raslila, Chappeli
GoaTarangamel, Koli, Dekhni, Fugdi, Shigmo, Ghode, Modni, Samayi nrutya, Jagar, Ranmale, Gonph, Tonnya mell
Madhya PradeshJawara, Matki, Aada, Khada Nach, Phulpati, Grida Dance, Selalarki, Selabhadoni, Maanch
ChhattisgarhGaur Maria, Panthi, Raut Nacha, Pandwani, Vedamati, Kapalik, Bharthari Charit, Chandaini
JharkhandAlkap, Karma Munda, Agni, Jhumar, Janani Jhumar, Mardana Jhumar, Paika, Phagua, Hunta Dance, Mundari Dance, Sarhul, Barao, Jhitka, Danga, Domkach, Ghora Naach
Arunachal PradeshBuiya, Chalo, Wancho, Pasi Kongki, Ponung, Popir, Bardo Chham
ManipurDol Cholam, Thang Ta, Lai Haraoba, Pung Cholom, Khamba Thaibi, Nupa Dance, Raslila, Khubak Ishei, Lhou Sha
MeghalayaKa Shad Suk Mynsiem, Nongkrem, Laho
MizoramCheraw Dance, Khuallam, Chailam, Sawlakin, Chawnglaizawn, Zangtalam, Par Lam, Sarlamkai/Solakia, Tlanglam
NagalandRangma, Bamboo Dance, Zeliang, Nsuirolians, Gethinglim, Temangnetin, Hetaleulee
SikkimChu Faat Dance, Sikmari, Singhi Chaam or the Snow Lion Dance, Yak Chaam, Denzong Gnenha, Tashi Yangku Dance, Khukuri Naach, Chutkey Naach, Maruni Dance
LakshadweepLava, Kolkali, Parichakali

Different forms of dances originated in different parts of India, developed according to the local traditions, and also imbibed elements from other parts of the country.

These Folk Dances belong to a particular region that are performed by the people of that area, generally, these dance forms are performed on different occasions like birthday, wedding, death, parties, in different moods and customs. Folk dance of India statewise list for SSC.

Folk Dances of India are asked in the SSC exams and other competitive exams as well.

Here is the list of Folk dances of India statewise for different competitive examinations like SSC, UPSC, Railway, Banking, Admission tests etc. This is an important topic of static GK for all these exams

Important Classical Dances of India

India Classical dances hold a very significant space in Indian culture, these classical dances require a lot of practice to perform somewhere. therefore these dances are only performed by skilled and talented dancers only, whereas folk dances can be performed by any person who is conversant with that particular Folk dance form.

here is the List of Classical dances in India statewise for various competitive exams and general knowledge:

State Classical Dance
Tamil NaduBharatnatyam
Uttar PradeshKathak
Andhra PradeshKuchipudi

Related Study Material

SSC CGL 2024 Syllabus Detailed download


SSC CGL Syllabus 2020-21 : Staff Selection Commission has released the official Notification of SSC CGL 2020-21 on 29 December 2020. SSC CGL Exam 2020 Tier-1 is scheduled from 29 May 2021 to 7 June 2021. Candidates are advised to adhere to the Syllabus prescribed by SSC, in order to score good marks in SSC CGL Exam. In this Article you can Check Detailed Syllabus given in Official Notification of SSC for Tier – I, II, III, and IV, and detailed of SSC CGL document verification.

In Tier-I Exam of SSC CGL 2021 there are Four subjects such as English Comprehension, General Awareness, Reasoning , Quantitative Aptitude. Let’s Discuss the syllabus of each subject in detail.

Sections Subjects Total No. of Ques.Max. Marks
1English Language
(Basic Knowledge)
2General Intelligence2550
3Quantitative Aptitude
(Basic Arithmetic Skill)
4General Awareness2550
Total 100200

SSC CGL 2020-21 Tier – I Syllabus

  1. General Intelligence & Reasoning: It would include questions of
    both verbal and non-verbal type. This component may include questions
    on analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, spatial
    orientation, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual
    memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical
    reasoning and figural classification, arithmetic number series, non-verbal series, coding and decoding, statement conclusion, syllogistic reasoning etc. The topics are, Semantic Analogy, Symbolic/ Number Analogy, Figural Analogy, Semantic Classification, Symbolic/ Number
    Classification, Figural Classification, Semantic Series, Number Series,
    Figural Series, Problem Solving, Word Building, Coding & de-coding,
    Numerical Operations, symbolic Operations, Trends, Space Orientation,
    Space Visualization, Venn Diagrams, Drawing inferences, Punched hole/
    pattern- folding & un-folding, Figural Pattern-folding, and completion,
    Indexing, Address matching, Date & city matching, Classification of
    centre codes/ roll numbers, Small & Capital letters/ numbers coding,
    decoding and classification, Embedded Figures, Critical thinking,
    Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence.
  2. General Awareness: Questions in this component will be aimed at testing the candidates’ general awareness of the environment around them and its application to society. Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of any educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Policy & Scientific research.
  3. Quantitative Aptitude: The questions will be designed to test the ability of appropriate use of numbers and number sense of the candidate. The scope of the test will be computation of whole numbers, decimals, fractions and relationships between numbers, Percentage. Ratio & Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Alligation, Time and distance, Time & Work, Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds, Graphs of Linear Equations, Triangle and its various kinds of centres, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles, Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons, Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base, Trigonometric ratio, Degree and Radian Measures, Standard Identities, Complementary angles, Heights and Distances, Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar diagram & Pie chart
  4. English Comprehension: Candidates’ ability to understand correct English, his/ her basic comprehension and writing ability, etc. would be tested.This section may include questions on Phrases and Idioms, One word Substitution, Sentence Correction, Error Spotting, Fill in the Blanks, Spellings Correction, Reading Comprehension, Synonyms-Antonyms, Active Passive, Sentence Rearrangement, Sentence Improvement, Cloze test etc.

The questions in Parts 1, 2, & 4 will be of a level commensurate with the
essential qualification viz. Graduation and questions in Part-3(Maths) will be of 10th standard level.

SSC CGL 2020-21 Tier-II : Syllabus

S No.SectionsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksTime Allotted
1Quantitative Ability1002002 hours
2English Language and Comprehension2002002 hours
3Statistics1002002 hours
4General Studies (Finance and Economics)1002002 hours

SSC CGL 2021 Tier 2 Syllabus

Paper-I (Quantitative Abilities) Syllabus: (for all Posts)

The questions will be designed to test the ability of appropriate use of numbers and number sense of the candidate. The scope of the test will be the computation of whole numbers, decimals, fractions and relationships between numbers, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Alligation, Time and distance, Time & Work, Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds, Graphs of Linear Equations, Triangle and its various kinds of centres, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles, Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons, Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base, Trigonometric ratio, Degree and Radian Measures, Standard Identities, Complementary angles, Heights and Distances, Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar diagram & Pie chart.

Paper-II (English Language and Comprehension) Syllabus: (for all Posts)

Questions in this section will be designed to test the candidate’s understanding and knowledge of the English Language and will be based on spot the error, fill in the blanks, synonyms, antonyms, spelling/ detecting misspelled words, idioms & phrases, one-word substitution, improvement of sentences, active/ passive voice of verbs, conversion into direct/ indirect narration, shuffling of sentence parts, shuffling of sentences in a passage, cloze passage & comprehension passage.

Paper-III (Statistics) Syllabus: (only for Candidates applying for JSO Post)

1. Collection, Classification and Presentation of Statistical Data – Primary and Secondary data, Methods of data collection; Tabulation of data; Graphs and charts; Frequency distributions; Diagrammatic presentation of frequency distributions.

2. Measures of Central Tendency – Common measures of central tendency – mean median and mode; Partition values- quartiles, deciles, percentiles.

3. Measures of Dispersion- Common measures dispersion – range, quartile deviations, mean deviation and standard deviation; Measures of relative dispersion.

4. Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis – Different types of moments and their relationship; meaning of skewness and kurtosis; different measures of skewness and kurtosis.

5. Correlation and Regression – Scatter diagram; simple correlation coefficient; simple regression lines; Spearman‟s rank correlation; Measures of association of attributes; Multiple regression; Multiple and partial correlation (For three variables only).

6. Probability Theory – Meaning of probability; Different definitions of probability; Conditional probability; Compound probability; Independent events; Bayes‟ theorem.

7. Random Variable and Probability Distributions – Random variable; Probability functions; Expectation and Variance of a random variable; Higher moments of a random variable; Binomial, Poisson, Normal and Exponential distributions; Joint distribution of two random variable (discrete).

8. Sampling Theory – Concept of population and sample; Parameter and statistic, Sampling and non-sampling errors; Probability and nonprobability sampling techniques(simple random sampling, stratified sampling, multistage sampling, multiphase sampling, cluster sampling, systematic sampling, purposive sampling, convenience sampling and quota sampling); Sampling distribution(statement only); Sample size decisions.

9. Statistical Inference – Point estimation and interval estimation, Properties of a good estimator, Methods of estimation (Moments method, Maximum likelihood method, Least squares method), Testing of hypothesis, Basic concept of testing, Small sample and large sample tests, Tests based on Z, t, Chi-square and F statistic, Confidence intervals.

10. Analysis of Variance – Analysis of one-way classified data and twoway classified data.

11. Time Series Analysis – Components of time series, Determinations of trend component by different methods, Measurement of seasonal variation by different methods.

12. Index Numbers – Meaning of Index Numbers, Problems in the construction of index numbers, Types of index number, Different formulae, Base shifting and splicing of index numbers, Cost of living Index Numbers, Uses of Index Numbers.

Paper-IV (General Studies-Finance and Economics): (Only for Candidates Applying for AAO Posts)

Part A: Finance and Accounts-(80 marks):

Fundamental principles and basic concept of Accounting:

1.1 Financial Accounting: Nature and scope, Limitations of Financial Accounting, Basic concepts and Conventions, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

1.2 Basic concepts of accounting: Single and double entry, Books of original Entry, Bank Reconciliation, Journal, ledgers, Trial Balance, Rectification of Errors, Manufacturing, Trading, Profit & loss Appropriation Accounts, Balance Sheet Distinction between Capital and Revenue Expenditure, Depreciation Accounting, Valuation of Inventories, Non-profit organisations Accounts, Receipts and Payments and Income & Expenditure Accounts, Bills of Exchange, Self Balancing Ledgers.

Part B: Economics and Governance-(120 marks):

2.1 Comptroller & Auditor General of India- Constitutional provisions, Role and responsibility.

2.2 Finance Commission-Role and functions.

2.3 Basic Concept of Economics and introduction to Micro Economics: Definition, scope and nature of Economics, Methods of economic study and Central problems of an economy and Production possibilities curve.

2.4 Theory of Demand and Supply: Meaning and determinants of demand, Law of demand and Elasticity of demand, Price, income and cross elasticity; Theory of consumer‟s behaviourMarshallian approach and Indifference curve approach, Meaning and determinants of supply, Law of supply and Elasticity of Supply.

2.5 Theory of Production and cost: Meaning and Factors of production, Laws of production- Law of variable proportions and Laws of returns to scale.

2.6 Forms of Market and price determination in different markets: Various forms of markets-Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly ad Price determination in these markets.

2.7 Indian Economy:

2.7.1 Nature of the Indian Economy Role of different sectorsRole of Agriculture, Industry and Services-their problems and growth.

2.7.2 National Income of India-Concepts of national income, Different methods of measuring national income.

2.7.3 Population-Its size, rate of growth and its implication on economic growth.

2.7.4 Poverty and unemployment- Absolute and relative poverty, types, causes and incidence of unemployment.

2.7.5 Infrastructure-Energy, Transportation, Communication.

2.8 Economic Reforms in India: Economic reforms since 1991; Liberalisation, Privatisation, Globalisation and Disinvestment.

2.9 Money and Banking:

2.9.1 Monetary/ Fiscal policy- Role and functions of Reserve Bank of India; functions of commercial Banks/RRB/Payment Banks.

2.9.2 Budget and Fiscal deficits and Balance of payments.

2.9.3 Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003.

2.10 Role of Information Technology in Governance.

NOTE : Questions in Paper-I will be of Matriculation Level, Paper-II of 10+2
Level and in Paper-III and Paper-IV of Graduation Level.

In order to score good rank in SSC CGL make sure you adhere to the prescribed SSC CGL 2021 syllabus 2020-21

Some Useful Links

Apply Online SSC CGL 2021Click here
Login to Complete FormClick here
Download NotificationClick here
Official WebsiteClick here

SSC CGL Answer Key 2024 Tier 1, Check Marks Directly using Code

SSC CGL Answer Key 2024 Tier 1: The official SSC CGL Answer Key 2024 for SSC CGL Tier 1 2024 Exam is expected to be released by the Commission by 30th April 2024. Lakhs of candidates who have appeared in the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam or planning for upcoming SSC CGL Exams can download and check the SSC CGL Tier 1 Answer Key from the direct link that is provided in the article below.

SSC will release the provisional SSC CGL Tier 1 Answer Key and the candidates can raise objections to the tentative answer key by paying the required fee. Stay tuned with us to get notified when SSC CGL Tier 1 Answer Key 2024 is uploaded on the official website. The Code / Script to check Subjectwise Marks directly in 2-3 clicks in SSC CGL 2024 Tier 1 Exam Check the Link given Below.

The same code can be used to check SSC CHSL 2024 Tier 1 Answer key subjectwise marks using code or script by edumo. Canidates can check their subject-wise marks of SSC CHSL 2024 Tier 1 Exam Answer Key directly by using this script code and following the steps given below.

SSC CGL Answer Key 2024 Tier 1

SSC CGL 2024 Tier 1 Exam for Combined Graduate Level was conducted at different centres across the country from 11th April 2024 to 21st April 2024. Every year SSC CGL Exam is conducted for lakhs of candidates providing them opportunities in various Government Ministries, Departments and Offices for Grade “B” and “C” categories posts. In this article, you can get every detail about SSC CGL Answer Key, steps to download, how to raise objections, the marking scheme and more. 

SSC CGL Tier 1 Answer Key 2024 

SSC releases SSC CGL provisional answer key first followed by the result and final answer key for each stage of the SSC CGL Exam. The provisional SSC CGL Answer Key 2024 is helpful to give a rough idea to the candidates of how many marks they score in the exam. The candidates can raise objections to any question/answer in the provisional SSC CGL Answer Key 2024 and after analysing the challenges, SSC will release the SSC CGL Final Answer Key for Tier 1 Answer Key along with marks & scorecard. 

SSC CGL Answer Key 2024 for Tier 1 Exam

SSC CGL Answer Key 2022: Important Dates
SSC CGL Tier I Exam11th April 2022 to 21st April 2022
SSC CGL Tier I Answer Key2nd May 2022
Dates to Raise Objection5th May 2022
SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam DateAugust/September 2022 [Expected]

SSC CGL Tier 1 Answer Key Link

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the SSC CGL Provisional Answer Key for Tier-1 Exam by 28th April 2024 [tentatively]. The Tier 1 exam of the SSC CGL 2024 was held from 11th to 21st April 2024. All the candidates who appeared in the exam can now check their SSC CGL Answer Key from the link below when released officially on

SSC CGL Tier 1 Answer Key 2024 Download Link [Inactive]

How to Check SSC CGL Tier-1 Answer Key 2024?

The applicants can check their SSC CGL Answer Key from the above link or from the official website by following the below steps.

Step I: Open the official website of SSC on your internet browser.

Step II: On the SSC homepage, search for the “Answer Key” option.

Step III: Click on the notification reading- “Uploading of tentative answer key along with candidate’s response sheet- Combined Graduate Level Examination 2024”.

Step IV: Fill in your User ID & Password in the login credentials. 

Step VI: The final SSC CGL Answer Key for Tier 1 appears on the screen. 

Step VII: Download the SSC CGL Tier 1 answer key and match your answers. 

SSC CGL Answer Key 2024- Raise Objection 

The candidates have been provided with the facility to raise objections to the provisional SSC Tier 1 Answer Key for discrepancies or mistakes in the answers. The last date to raise an objection to SSC CGL Answer key 2024 will be notified with the release of the answer key. For every objection, the candidate had to pay a fee of Rs. 100/- per question/answer challenged along with a proper justification to their objection. 

Raise Objection Link for SSC CGL Answer Key [Inactive]

Steps to Raise Objection for SSC CGL Tier 1 Answer 2024

  1. Visit the official website of SSC
  2. Open notice of SSC CGL Tier 1 Answer Key 2024.
  3. Click on the link reading “Click to Raise Objections to Tentative SSC CGL Answer key”.
  4. Log in using your SSC User ID and Password
  5. Choose the question number and the correct option according to you.
  6. Pay the applicable fee and submit the objection.
  7. Attach proof for the objection raised.
SSC CGL Detailed Exam Pattern 2022SSC CGL Previous Year Question Paper
SSC CGL Detailed Syllabus 2022SSC CGL Answer Key 2022 Script / Code

SSC CGL Answer Key 2024- Marking Scheme

The marking in the SSC CGL exam has been done by using the following marking scheme- 

Marking SchemeMarks per question
Correct answer+2
Incorrect answer-0.50 mark per question
Unattempted question0

SSC CGL Cut Off 2024

SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut Marks will be released along with the result on the official website The candidates have to score more than the cut-off marks to get shortlisted for the next stage of selection. Click on the below link to check the previous year cut-off marks for SSC CGL Exam announced by Staff Selection Commission.  

SSC CGL Answer Key 2024 Script / Code 

we have given a detailed step-by-step process to check and calculate marks in the SSC CGL Answer key 2024 Tier 1 Exam directly by copying and pasting the given code into the browser by following the step-by-step method. Candidates who are willing to calculate marks directly, without manual calculation, can click on the link given below to Copy the Code and follow the given guidelines. This code will tell you your Subject wise Marks, Attempts and Total Raw Score in h SSC CGL 2024 Tier 1 Exam.

SSC CGL Mains 2024 Answer Key Script Code to check Marks Directly

SSC CGL Answer Key Script/code

SSC CGL Mains 2024 Answer Key Script/Code: The Staff Selection Commission conducts SSC CGL Exam every year. This Year SSC CGL Mains 2024 Exam was conducted from 1st March 2023 to 7 March 2023. After the completion of the SSC CGL 2024 Tier 2 Exam Students now waiting for the SSC CGL Mains Answer key 2024.

SSC CGL Mains 2022 Answer Key Script Code

In this article, we have shared with you a script or code by which you can easily check your marks subject-wise and total marks directly by applying the script step by step as shown below.

The Staff Selection commission released the answer key of SSC CGL Mains 2024 on 14th March 2023. As it becomes very difficult for the students to check their marks by calculating it manually we are providing answer key sccript/code to check marks directly. So candidates who wish to check their total marks directly with a few clicks can go to the steps given below to check their marks directly for SSC CGL Mains 2024.

SSC CGL Answer Key 2024

Organization nameStaff Selection Commission [SSC]
Post nameCombined Graduate Level [CGL] Tier-2 Answer Key 2022
Job locationAll over India
Exam date2nd March -7th March 2023
Answer key modeOnline
Answer key date14th March 2023

SSC CGL Mains 2024 Answer Key Released

It has been a trend that SSC releases answer keys for various exams just a few days after the exam is conducted successfully. The answer key is always released on the official website of SSC, so students can go to the Official website of SSC to find the link from where they can download the answer key for various exams and in this article we are talking about the releases of SSC CGL Mains 2024 Answer Key Script/code to check marks directly.

How to Download SSC CGL Mains Answer Key 2024 Online?

To download the answer key you need to follow the following steps:

  • Go to the official website of SSC i.e.
  • Click on the Answer Key Tab given in the Header section.
  • After that you can find all the answer keys released by SSC for different.
  • Click on the link where you find SSC CGL Answer Key 2024.
  • then you can Login with your details and can download your answer key successfully.
Download Answer Key LinkClick Here
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SSC TCS Previous Year Vocabulary Book( 2018-2023) PDF DownloadDownload Book PDF

SSC CGL Mains 2024 Answer Key Script/Code to check Marks Directly

To check the SSC CGL Mains 2024 Answer Key Total Marks to just need to add a code to the console page of your answer key, here is the code to check subject-wise marks and total marks in the SSC CGL 2024 Answer Key.

Steps to Check Subject wise and Total Score in Answer Key SSC CGL 2024 are:

1.Open the link in your Browser

SSC CGL Mains  Answer Key script code

2. Enter your Username and Password as mentioned on your SSC CGL 2024 Admit Card.

3. After login Go to the Answer Key Tab and Click on Click here Link as shown in the image below:

SSC CGL Mains Answer Key Script Code

4. After that Your Answer Key will be Opened, Then Right Click anywhere on the screen and Click on Inspect as shown in the image below.

SSC CGL Mains Answer Key Script code

5. After this some functions will appear on the right side of screen, Click on Console, as shown in the image below:

SSC CGL Mains Answer Key Script code

6. Now Copy and Paste the given code in the space given below the console tab and press Enter

7. Code for Answer Key for SSC CGL Tier 2 Maths Paper

var positive_mark_per_question = 3;
var negative_mark_per_question = -1;

var number_of_questions = document.getElementsByClassName("question-pnl").length;
var not_answered = 0;
var correct =0;
var incorrect = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < 130; i++) {

    if (" -- " == document.getElementsByClassName("question-pnl")[i].getElementsByClassName("bold")[5].textContent){
        not_answered ++;
    else if (document.getElementsByClassName("question-pnl")[i].getElementsByClassName("bold")[5].textContent == document.getElementsByClassName("question-pnl")[i].getElementsByClassName("rightAns")[0].textContent[0] ){
        correct ++;
        incorrect ++;
var total_marks = (correct * positive_mark_per_question) + (incorrect * negative_mark_per_question);

console.log("Total questions: ",  parseInt(not_answered) + parseInt(correct) + parseInt(incorrect) );
console.log("Not Answered: " + not_answered);
console.log("Correct: " + correct);
console.log("Incorrect: " + incorrect);
console.log("Total Marks: " + total_marks);
console.log("Code generated by");

7. Now you can see your Total Questions, Not answered questions, correct questions, Incorrect questions, Total marks for Section-I and Section-II of SSC CGL Mains 2024 on the screen where you have copy-pasted the code.

SSC CGL Mains Answer Key Script code

SSC TCS Vocabulary Book PDF (2018-2024)

Some Important Links

Download Answer Key LinkClick Here
SSC Official WebsiteSSC
Join Telegram for more UpdatesTelegram
Whatsapp Group(edumo_official) – Or 9599065168Join Now
SSC TCS Previous Year Vocabulary Book( 2018-2023) PDF DownloadDownload Book PDF

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