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HomeSyllabus and Exam PatternRBI Grade B Syllabus & Exam Pattern

RBI Grade B Syllabus & Exam Pattern[Updated 2021]

RBI Grade B Exam Syllabus in detail

RBI Grade B Syllabus: RBI Grade B Exam is one of the most prestigious exams in the banking sector. There are four major sections that a candidate needs to prepare to ace the preliminary exam. These are Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language and General Awareness. The sections have a wide range of topics on which questions are based. In this article, we have discussed Exam patterns as well as the syllabus for RBI Grade B Examination. Students are recommended to go through this article carefully so they leave no stone unturned.

There will be 3 rounds thorough which candidates will be selected for the position of Grade B Officer in RBI, namely:

  1. Preliminary Exam 
  2. Mains Exam 
  3. Interview 
RBI Grade B Syllabus

RBI Grade B Prelims Exam Pattern

Prelims exam of RBI Grade B Officer 2021 is an online mode of examination having 4 sections in total. The total marks allotted for all the sections is 200 and the total time allotted for the completion of all the sections of the Preliminary exam is 120 minutes. 0.25 marks will be deducted from every question that is attempted wrong by a candidate in RBI Grade B Prelims 2021 exam.

Serial NumberSection AskedNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
.1General Awareness200200Composite time of 2 hours
2.Quantitative Aptitude
3.English Language

RBI Grade B Preliminary Exam syllabus

4 Sections in RBI Grade B Prelims Exam:

  1. Reasoning
  2. Quantitative Ability
  3. English Language
  4. General Awareness

  1. Reasoning

Topics in the Reasoning Section are given below:

Coding-DecodingSeating Arrangement
Logical ReasoningPuzzle
Alphanumeric SeriesTabulation
Ranking/Direction/Alphabet TestSyllogism
Data SufficiencyBlood Relations
Coded InequalitiesInput Output
  1. Quantitative Ability

Topics in Quantitative Ability are given below:

Number SystemsMensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere
SimplificationData Interpretation
Profit & LossRatio & Proportion, Percentage
Mixtures & AlligationsNumber Systems
Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & IndicesSequence & Series
Work & TimePermutation, Combination &Probability
  1. English Language

Topics in the English Language are given below:

Reading Comprehension  Paragraph Completion
Cloze Test  Multiple Meaning /Error Spotting 
Para jumblesMiscellaneous
Fill in the blanks      ——–
  1. General Awareness

Topics in General Awareness are given below:

Current AffairsMonetary Plans
Indian Financial SystemsNational Institutions
Indian Banking SystemsBanking Terms

RBI Grade B Mains Exam Pattern

The mains exam has a Total Mark of 300. The mains (Phase-II) examination consists of 2 papers (Paper-I +Paper-II +Paper-III). Candidates are required to appear for all shifts. Separate Admission Letters will be issued for each shift. The Phase-II online Examination will be conducted on April 1, 2021, only for the candidates who are shortlisted on the basis of results of Phase-I and based on the cut-off decided by the Board. The Phase-II examination will be in shifts. Candidates are required to appear for all shifts.

S SoSections / SubjectsPaper TypeMaximum MarksDuration (minutes)
1.Paper I: Economics and Social Issues50% Objective Type, 50% Descriptive (to be typed with the help of the keyboard)50
2.Paper-II: English (Writing Skills)Descriptive (3 questions)10090 minutes
3.Paper III: Finance and Management50% Objective Type and 50% Descriptive50

For both Paper I and III, there will be 30 questions and 50 marks for Objective questions (some questions carrying 2 marks each and some carrying 1 mark each). In the case of Descriptive questions, 6 questions will be asked, of which candidates will be required to attempt 4 questions (2 of 15 marks each (with difficulty level) and 2 of 10 marks each). In case, candidate answers more than 4 questions in descriptive, the first 4 shall be evaluated.

RBI Grade B Mains syllabus

The Mains Examination of RBI Grade B exam 2021 will constitute 3 sections: Economic & Social Issues, Finance, and Management. The complete syllabus is discussed below:

Economic & Social IssuesGrowth and Development
Economic Reforms in India
Social Structure in India
FinanceFinancial System
Financial Markets
Risk Management
Basics of Derivatives
Development in Financial Sector
Union Budget
ManagementRole of Manager
Human Resource Development
Motivation, Morale and Incentives
Corporate Governance

RBI Grade B Interview

The Interview will be of 50 marks. Candidates will be shortlisted for the interview, based on an aggregate of marks obtained in Phase-II (Paper-I +Paper-II +Paper-III). The minimum aggregate cut-off marks for being shortlisted for an interview will be decided by the Board in relation to the number of vacancies. Roll No. of the candidates shortlisted for interview will be published on the RBI website at the appropriate time and interview call letters will be sent on registered email ID. Candidates may opt for an interview either in Hindi or English. Final Selection will be through merit list which will be prepared by adding marks secured by candidates in Phase-II examination and interview.

Besides the preliminary exam and the mains exam, an interview process is also conducted for candidates who qualify for the first two phases of the RBI Grade B Officer Exam.

The final merit list is made on the basis of marks obtained by a candidate in his/ her mains exam and interview process.


In this article, we have highlighted the syllabus for RBI Grade B Exam, along with the exam pattern. All the candidates must have a thorough look at this before starting their preparation so that they have a clear idea of the subject matter that they’ll have to read before taking this test. 

Other Useful Articles:

    FAQ’s for RBI Grade B Exam

    What is RBI Grade B exam eligibility?

    minimum of 60% marks (55% for SC/ST/PWD) or equivalent grade in Bachelor’s degree and in 12th (or Diploma or equivalent) and 10th standard examination.

    Is Master degree compulsory for RBI Grade B?

    Candidates must have a valid Master’s Degree in any one of the following: Econometrics, Economics, Quantitative Economics, Integrated Economics Course, Mathematical Economics, Finance, or equivalent from a recognized Indian/Foreign University or Institute.

    What is the highest salary in RBI?

    The highest-paying job at the Reserve Bank of India is a Manager with a salary of ₹ 26,47,645 per year.

    Manish Aggarwal
    Manish Aggarwal
    Content Writer/Content Creator, Educator, BCA Graduate | Music | Reading


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